Chapter 4 Outline

Chapter 4: A Train Tour of the Northeast
What are different parts of the Northeast like?
4.1 Introduction
A. Make a prediction of the answer to the questions posed in the introduction.
1. Why do we call the Northeast the “birthplace of our nation”?
2. Why did our nation’s first factories start here?
3. What large cities are found in the Northeast?
4.2 The Northeast Coast
A. The most eastern point of land in the United States is _______________________________________________.
1. What makes this site special? ________________________________________________________________
B. The Northeast has many harbors along the coastline. What is a harbor and what can you infer about jobs for the
people who live in this region? _____________________________________________________________________
C. How has the coastline changed over time? How did the change(s) occur? _______________________________
4.3 The Mountains of the Northeast
A. Name and give the elevation of the highest peak in the Northeast: _____________________________________
B. Describe the conditions on the highest peak: ______________________________________________________
C. Where is the highest peak located? What connection does this have to the Southeast? ____________________
4.4 Democracy Takes Root at Plymouth
A. Describe the Pilgrims’ voyage. Include the name of the ship, how long ago they landed, where they were
heading and how they got to Plymouth. ______________________________________________________________
B. What document did the Pilgrims write? Why did they feel they needed to write it? What did it say?
4.5 Boston Leads the Fight for Freedom
A. The _________________________________ is America’s first public park and the place where the
__________________ for American ___________________ began. The war that began was the
B. There are two trails in Boston. Describe each trail. Include at least one site you might see on the trails:
1. Freedom Trail: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Black Heritage Trail: ________________________________________________________________________
4.6 The Erie Canal Links the Northeast and the Midwest
A. Define canal: _________________________________________________________________________________
B. The Erie Canal is _______ miles long and connects the ___________________________ to the
__________________________________________. Work began on the canal in ______________.
C. Why was the Erie Canal built? How does it work? ____________________________________________________
4.7 New York City: Where Buildings Touch the Sky
A. New York City is home to more than _________________________ people and is the _____________ city in
B. People from all over live in New York City. The ___________________ were the first to settle, but today you
might hear people speaking languages like ____________________, ____________________,
____________________, or ____________________.
C. Where do all of these people live? _______________________________________________________________
D. What is the most famous skyscraper? ____________________________________________________________
4.8 Hershey, Pennsylvania: A Town Built on Chocolate
A. List and describe two possible reasons for why the Northeast is a good place for factories.
B. Define mass production: _______________________________________________________________________
4.9 Independence Hall: The Birthplace of the United States
A. What major event occurred in Independence Hall on July 4, 1776?
B. What important document was created and signed in this location during 1787?
4.10 Washington, D.C: Our Nation’s Capital
A. What are some of our basic rights? ______________________________________________________________
B. Our government is based on the idea of ___________________________, which means
4.11 Our Government Buildings
A. There are __________ branches of the government. Describe each branch’s role in the government:
1. Legislative Branch: _________________________________________________________________________
2. Executive Branch: __________________________________________________________________________
3. Judicial Branch: ____________________________________________________________________________
The highest court in the land is the _______________________________________.
The job of this court is to _______________________________________________
4.12 Our National Monuments
A. Pick one other monument or site to visit in Washington, D.C. to describe.
1. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Answer the questions from the beginning of the chapter:
1. Why do we call the Northeast the “birthplace of our nation”?
2. Why did our nation’s first factories start here?
3. What large cities are found in the Northeast?
Reading Further 4: Lowell, Massachusetts: Factory Life
Summarize this section in the space below.