1. No yelling, running, or boisterous “horse play” around the barn. 2. Please hold small children and never leave them unattended. 3. All riders, students, clients, and other associates of ATOME must have a signed waiver on file each year. 4. Do not walk behind our horses. Practice common sense and safety at all times and respect our animals in their own environments. 5. Riders are to be dressed properly at all times while in the stables. This includes a boot with a heel. No opened toed shoes are allowed. 6. Please do not feed the horses without obtaining permission. Some of our horses may have allergies. 7. Helmets must be worn at ALL times while mounted, regardless of ability or age. 8. Halters and blankets are to be put back where they were before riding. This means you must re-blanket your horse as he was or turn your horse back out into the same paddock you got him from, unless instructed otherwise by Meg or a working student. 9. All equipment, supplies, and grooming tools are to be returned to their proper places after a ride. Brushes are now color coated for each horse. Please be sure you are returning them to their proper location. 10. Bridles and bits are to be wiped down after each ride and returned to their proper rack. 11. Changing of tack or bits without permission from instructor is not allowed at ATOME. Our horses’ tack has been fitted accordingly and their bits are adjusted on an as needed basis by Meg. 12. Horses are to be led with lead ropes at ALL times. 13. Each student’s ability level and progression will be determined by head trainer and will be determined by the guidelines set in the A Touch of Majic Division curriculum standards. 14. Lessons are taught on a lesson package program. All lessons must be paid for prior to the lesson date. Accounts must be current before any lesson may be given. 15. Our program is a complete, well rounded horsemanship AND riding program. Un-mounted lessons may include general horsemanship, horse care and safety, and general horse management topics. 16. Students must make up a missed lesson within the same month it was scheduled, unless alternate arrangements are made. 17. Lessons are typically 50 minutes long and consist of a warm up and cool down period as needed. Students who are unable to tack horses by themselves will be given instruction on how to do so within their lesson. 18. Students may arrive early to tack their horses independently once Meghan has approved them to do so. 19. Riders shall have a neat and tidy appearance during lessons and while conducting themselves as an ATOME student. Hair should be up for lessons. 20. Jumping will occur in lessons only until Meghan approves riders to be safe/ knowledgeable enough to jump on their own, in the open terrain. Riders of this level will be put on a list kept in the office for the stable management to have and are limited to 18” only. This is done for the horses’ safety as well as the riders. 21. Excessive unruly behavior, animal cruelty, punishment to or abuse of any ATOME affiliated horse (either owned by Meg or owned privately) will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to: pushing a tired horse, over jumping, over schooling, excessive use of whip or spur, excessive shanking, excessive physical punishment, typing of head sets, excessive backing of or spinning of horse, or any other means in which excessive means may produce injury to horse or rider. Riders found responsible for this type of behavior will be expelled from program immediately. 22. A Touch of Majic Equestrian Center is not a babysitting service. Children left unattended may not be fully supervised and are not the responsibility of ATOME and its affiliates. ATOME and Meghan Bourque are not responsible for children/students left unattended. 23. Students should be in the arena AT their set lesson time. 24. You are using the property, stable area, horses, and lesson program at your own risk. 25. Parents/guardians/ friends of students are to stay out of the arena unless permission to enter is given by instructor. This is an insurance policy. 26. In cases of incidents where a horse spooks, bolts, shies, or rider falls please remain calm. Your instructor and working students have been given extensive equine crisis training and will ensure the best course of action for your child. Instructors will teach children how to navigate this type of incident and how to ride through it safely and effectively. Please refrain from yelling or conducting yourself in a manner that may scare the animal more in this type of event. Rest assured, your child is in good and safe hands with a knowledgeable, MA certified, instructor. 27. You must clean up after your horse! Pick up all manure and sweep up after your horse before you leave. 28. Your instructor has control of the arena during your lesson. Unsportsmanlike behavior, back-talking, and gossiping will NOT be tolerated at A Touch of Majic. Our program aims to be a safe place for everyone, physically and emotionally. Riders guilty of this type of behavior will be given one warning. Any infraction after this may result in suspension or expulsion from the program and forfeiture of program fees. 29. Your lesson spot will remain your spot unless a 30-day notice is given to the instructor. Changes in schedules will be allowed when possible. Lessons are only taught on specific days to allow our boarders, leasers, and horses to all have a chance to enjoy the stable. Cancellation of lesson packages will require a 30-day notice. Inside of 30 days, students are responsible for the upcoming package month. 30. Students riding on our IEA team must be enrolled in current weekly lessons in addition to riding in our weekly team practices. 31. Boarders, students, and leasers must adhere to our stable hours. 32. Instances of theft, property destruction, use of illicit substances, or alcohol on the property are strictly prohibited and are cause for expulsion from the stables immediately. 33. We are a “go-green” facility. Please keep lights off during daylight hours, this was part of our agreement with our facility’s lease. Indoor arena lights are to be turned on only after 3 pm or in cases of inclement weather where the skylights are not enough. 34. Outside instructors are prohibited unless arrangements are made with Meghan. Outside instructors must provide a copy of their MA license and it must be current. Instructors are required to carry their own insurance policy and must posses a minimum of $1,000,000.00 of liability comprehensive insurance enrolled into their policy. A copy of this must be presented to the office. 35. We are a drama-free facility! Please understand that A Touch of Majic Equestrian is a safe place for ALL riders. We pride ourselves on a safe and friendly environment. Please bring all issues or concerns to management’s attention. Excessive “cattiness”, un-sportsmanship-like behavior, and bullying will not be tolerated here. Anyone found in violation of this will be asked to leave. 36. Please do not alter the outside of your stalls in any manner, speak to management if you wish to change something. 37. Trunks are to be kept upstairs in the storage area, please limit these to one per horse. 38. Saddles, tack, and bridles must be kept clean and put away neatly after each ride. 39. Lost and Found - we have a lost and found- any items left out after barn hours will be placed in the lost and found. There is a $1.00 fee per item to retrieve them! The money is then donated to an equine rescue charity. 40. Please ASK! While I know this list seems tedious please understand it is a formality in keeping the program safe and fun for everyone. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email, text, or phone during normal business hours or around the barn. As always, my goal here is to help you improve and achieve your own set goals safely and professionally. * These rules may be amended at any time, proper notice will be given. I have read and understand the rules set forth by A Touch of Majic Equestrian and Trainer Meghan Bourque. I hereby adhere to these rules and accept the responsibilities presented in this document. I herby release in its entirety and hereby agree to adhere to the rules set forth by A Touch of Majic Equestrian and Meghan Bourque. _____________________________________ Student/ Client Signature (or legal guardian if under 18 years of age) ______________________ Date MA State Law Regarding Equine Participants: Under Massachusetts law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to, or the death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to section 2D of chapter 128 of the General Laws.