Chinese Curriculum Framework and Textbook Layout for Annual Instruction Second Grade (2008–2009) Month September/ October November/ December January/ February March / April May/ June Theme Self/Family/ Friendship/ Cooperation / School Environment/ Countries Related Textbook Unit Textbook 1B Unit 7 (My Country) (Personal Hygiene) Unit 9 Natural Environment/ Cultural Appreciation (Chinese New Year) (Nature) Unit 10 Culture/Tradition/ Natural Environment Community/ Neighborhood/ Morals Language Forms 1. 你有什么…? 1.Asking and 你喜欢…? answering questions 这是谁的? (who, when, what…) 你什么时候…? to find out and give a 你是哪国人? person’s information 你是那儿来的? Unit 8 Body Parts/ Personal Hygiene/ Holidays/Family Language Functions (Chinese Myths and Legends) Textbook 2A Unit 1 (Good Manners and Morals) 2. Describing 3. Asking for help 4. Asking for permission 2. 我有…没有…; 我自己… …很(太)… 3. 我要帮一帮 4. 我可以…吗? 我可不可以…? 5. Prohibition 6. Invitation 7. Ability 5. 不可以…; 不要…;不能 … 6. 我们一起…好吗? 你可不可以…? 7. 我能…;…有什么用? 我可以… 8. Courtesy/greeting 9. Quantity 10. Location 11. Calendar 8. 请…;对不起;请让一让 祝你…快乐!恭喜发财! 9. 几个? 多少…?数数看 一共有多少?还有多少? 10. …在…;这儿…,那儿.. 11. …月…日是…节; …月…日是星期几? 12. A 和 B 一样;A 比 B…;越来越… 13. 我懂了,我不懂 14. 几点钟?十二点半;十 二点三十分 12. Comparison 13. Understanding 14. Clock Suggested Activities 1. Play greeting and courtesy games; 2. Share summer experiences; 3. Class discussion to make a community agreement (What we can do and what we cannot do); 4. Introduce a few countries that students are familiar with; 5. Name each table group after a country; 6. Listen to one or two national anthems; 7. Art project (Draw something that features a country); 8. Dialogue: Which country are you from? 9. Writing activities; 10. Read stories related to the themes 1. Play games or listen to songs that are related to body parts; 2. Brainstorm: Tools and items that are used for everyday personal hygiene; 3. Name each student after a tool name; 4. Integrate hygiene tools into math: Calendar, money, problem solving, and computations; 5. Play skits; 6. Writing activities; 6. Read stories related to the themes 1. Brainstorm: Natural phenomena and things that students are familiar with (thunder and lightening, flood, forest, ocean…; 2. Do art projects with natural themes; 3. Play skits; 4. Learn some songs related to the nature; 5. Writing activities; 6. Incorporate with science theme (Weather and water cycle) 7. Read stories related to the themes; 8. Chinese New Year celebration 1. Watch Chinese movies; 2. Play skits based on some lessons; 3. Writing activities: 1) Write about your favorite characters from Chinese legendary stories and describe why they are favorites. 2) Create your own imaginary character; 4. Appropriate supplemental reading materials for students; 5. Read stories related to the themes 1. Brainstorm different businesses that serve a community; 2. Field trip to neighborhood; 3. Draw a simple map of Woodstock community; 4. Group discussions about morals of hardworking, sharing, and not wasting time…; 5. Play skits; 6. Write rhymes and poems; 7. Read stories related to the themes