quiz I. In the following questions, selecting the best response. ( 1 point for each) 1. Which direction will the eyeball turn to injuring the abducent nerve? A. supramedially B. inframedially. C. laterally D. supralaterally E. infralaterally 2. Which of the following is not a branch of the cervical plexus? A.lesser occipital nerve B.greater occipital nerve C.greater auricular nerve D.tansverse cervical nerve E.supraclavicular nerve 3. Which of the following intrinsic laryngeal muscles is NOT innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve? A. transverse arytenoids B. oblique arytenoids C. cricothyroid D. posterior cricoarytenoid E. lateral cricoarytenoid 4. Parasympathetic fibers from CN IX travel to the parotid gland via which of the following nerve? A. auriculotemporal nerve B. great auricular nerve C. directly from the glossopharyngeal nerve D. external carotid nerve plexus E. lingual nerve 5. Scala vestibule and scala tympani communicates with each other through: A. epitympanic recess B. cochear duct C. cochlear window D. vestibular window E. helicotrema 6. Which one is correct according to the spinal cord? A. Marks of spinal segments are ventral and dorsal roots of spinal nerves. B. There are 30 spinal segments. C. The length of spinal cord is equal to that of vertebral collumn in adult. D. spinal ganglia are located on the anterior roots. E. None of above statements is correct. 7.Cranial cavity communicates with nasal cavity through: A. foramen magnum D. foramen rotundum B. sphenopalatine foramen E. pterygoid canal C. cribriform foramina 8.Sympathetic fibers reach the tongue by way of the A. lingual nerve D. lingual artery B. facial artery E. glossopharyngeal nerve C. hypoglossal nerve 9. A tumor located in optic canal would most likely damage which of the following structure? A. abducent nerve B. ophthalmic nerve C. ophthalmic artery D. ophthalmic vein E. trochlear nerve 10. Which of the following is not true as to internal jugular vein A. it directly continued with sigmoid sinus at the jugular foramen;. B. the internal jugular drains to the SVC C.in the carotid sheath. D.Behind the sternoclavicular joint, unites with the subclavian v. to form the brachiocephalic v.. E. the internal jugular v. descends posterior to common carotid a. 11. A muscle that opens the jaw is: A. buccinator B. masseter C. medial pterygoid D. temporalis E. lateral pterygoid 12. The facial veins make clinically important connections with the cavernous sinus through which veins? A. lingual veins B. trigeminal veins C. deep facial veins D. great cerebral vein E. meningeal veins 13. Which of the following is NOT a communication of the pterygopalatine fossa? A. pterygomaxillary fissure B. sphenopalatine foramen C. inferior orbital fissure D. foramen rotundum E. foramen ovale 14.The primary fissure of the cerebellum marks the division between: A. the anterior and posterior lobes B. the anterior and flocculonondular lobes C. the posterior and flocculonondular lobes D. the flocculonondular lobes and the intermediate zone E. the intermediated zone and the hemisphere 15. The following statements concerning the uterus are correct except A. The fundus is part of the uterus above the openings of the uterine tubes. B. The long axis of the uterus is usually bent anteriorly on the long axis of the vagina. C. The nerve supply of the uterus is from the inferior hypogastric plexuses. D. The anterior surface of the cervix is completely covered with peritoneum. E. The uterine veins drain into the internal iliac veins. 16. The urogenital diaphragm is formed by the following structures except A. Deep transverse perineal muscle B. Perineal membrane C. Sphincter urethrae D. Colles' fascia (membranous layer of superficial fascia) E. Parietal pelvic fascia covering the upper surface of the sphincter urethrae muscle 17. The foramen magnum transmits all of the following EXCEPT A. medulla and meninges B. vertebral arteries D. dural veins C. spinal roots of the accessory nerve E. vagus nerve 18. Which bonny mark can be used to locate the position of lumbar puncture? A. highest points of iliac crest B. anterior superior iliac spine C. iliac tubercle D. promontory of sacrum E. ischial tuberosity 19. The narrowest part of the uterus is A. the fundus D. the Ampulla B. the infundibulum E. the cervix C. the body 20. Which of the following is true in respect to external jugular vein? A. is deep to investing fascia. B. runs superficially to SCM. C. is accompanied with external carotid a. D. drains venous blood of the face mainly. E. drains back to brachiocephalic vein. 21. The following statements concerning structures that leave the pelvis are correct except A. The sciatic nerve leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen. B. The piriformis muscle leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen. C. The external iliac artery passes beneath the inguinal ligament to become the femoral artery. D. The obturator nerve leaves the pelvis through the lesser sciatic foramen. E. The inferior gluteal artery leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen. 22. Which of the following does NOT give rise to arteries supplying the spinal cord? A. ascending cervical artery B. deep cervical artery C. intercostals arteries D. lumbar arteries E. sacral arteries 23. Which of the following is NOT contained in the infratemporal fossa? A. parts of temporal, lateral pterygoid, and medial pterygoid muscles B. semilunar ganglion C. maxillary artery D. pterygoid venous plexus E. mandibular, inferior alveolar, buccal, and lingual nerves 24. Which of the following nerve is derived from the dorsal rami of spinal nerves? A. great auricular N. B. lesser occipital N. C. phrenic N. D. greater occipital N. E. supraclavicular N. 25. Which of the following nerves arises by two roots that surround the middle meningeal artery? A. auriculotemporal nerve B. buccal nerve C. mandibular nerve D. zygomaticotemporal nerve E. zygomaticofacial nerve II. True or false. ( 1 point for each ) 1. The ophthalmic vein drains the cavernous sinus. ( ) 2. During operations on the thyroid gland, the external laryngeal nerve may be injured when tying the superior thyroid artery( ) 3. All corticospinal axons cross at the level of pyramidal decussation. ( 4. Axons never contain synaptic vesicles. ( ) ) 5. Cutting the phrenic nerves would paralyze the prime mover of respiration. ( ) 6. The platysma is a broad flat sheet of muscle that lies deep to the investing fascia. ( ) 7. The transverse cervical artery is a branch of the external carotid artery. ( 8. The muscle used to stick out your tongue is the genioglossus. ( 9. Omohyoid is innervated by a branch of the ansa cervicalis. ( ) ) ) 10. The greater palatine nerve passes down through the greater palatine canal. ( ) 11. The oculomotor nerve, abducent nerve, and the ophthahmic and maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerve pass through the inferior orbital fissure. ( ) 12. The fascial sheath of the eye is attached to the sclera behind the corneoscleral junction.. ( 13. The orbicularis oris depresses and protrudes the lower lip. ( ) ) 14. The internal laryngeal nerve passes through the gap between the superior and middle constrictors. ( 15.The pretracheal layer of deep cervical fascia fuses with the fibrous layer of percardium ( III. ) ) Fill in the following blanks. ( 1 point for each ) 1. The transmit olfactory nerves, the internal acoustic opening transmit jugular foramen transmits , and and , the . 2. From anterior to the posterior the muscles of the floor of posterior cervical triangle are , , , and . 3. The deep cervical fascia can be divided into 3 layers, they are , 4. The ovary is supported by medial laterally and mesovarium anteriorly. medially, It receives blood from a branch of the uterine artery medially and from the and . laterally.. 5. The neurovascular structures can be found within the parotid gland are And . IV. Definitions. (3 points for each) 1. ethmoidal sinus 2. ansa cervicalis 3. pterygoid plexus V. Please answer following questions : 1. Summarize the structures supporting the position of uterus. (6 marks) 2. Describe the carotid sheath. (8 marks) ,