Year 9 Art Program

Year 9
Teaching Program
‘Food Pop Painting’
Year 9 General Art - Painting
Semester Program
Learning Program
Unit Theme: ‘Food Pop Painting’
Weeks Unit Focus:
Students will be working on a project in which they will be
creating a Pop Art inspired painting of junk food. They will
complete drawings, research, photography and finally work
on completing a design for their painting on canvas.
 Overview of Program: Hand out student brief. Describe
project and discuss process of Semester.
 Responsibilities, goal setting and independent work:
Discuss expectations and goals for the Semester.
 Materials and Equipment: Discuss use of materials and OHS
in the classroom. All students are expected to supply their own
apron, lead pencil and brushes.
Task 1: Junk food studies
Using the images supplied by your teacher, create a
series of studies using pencil, watercolour and acrylic
paint of junk food items. Focus on shape and colour.
Hand out image sheet, cartridge paper and pencils.
Teacher is to walk students through drawing process step by
step. May be helpful to get students to draw boxes to work
After sketching each junk food item, teacher is to demonstrate
correct use and application of the three types of media.
Students are to apply what they learn through the
demonstration to their work.
Task 2: Food wrapper drawing
Bring in an empty junk food wrapper from home. Sketch
the wrapper focusing on your use of line and tone.
Students are to place their wrapper they have brought from
home on the desk in front of them.
Using observational drawing skills, students are to sketch a
rough outline, marking in any creases/folds in the wrapper and
key design features.
Students are to complete their drawing by adding tone –
students are to use 2B-6B pencils to finish drawing.
Task 1
Task 2
Visual inquiry
Teacher Checkpoints
 Materials and equipment list:
(due week 2)
- Apron
- Brushes
- Lead Pencils
- Device
 Discuss classroom
expectation: Contribute in a
positive manner to all
aspects of your work –
including the care and cleanup of work and materials, the
completion of all nominated
tasks and your interaction
with your Teacher and your
 Ask students to write in their
planners ‘bring in used junk
food wrapper’. Due Week
Learning Programme
Task 3: Artist influence & Analysis
Participate in a class discussion about
Pop Art. Analyse a Pop Art work as a
class. Collect Pop Art images and glue in
folio, annotate with comments about
colour, line, shape and design.
Distribute Pop Art handout to students.
Discuss background and purpose of art
movement and artist names.
Focus on Andy Warhol and Green Bottles
Discuss artwork together then students are
to answer questions on their handout.
Handout in given to teacher to be assessed.
Teacher Checkpoints
Task 3
Collect and assess Task 3.
Task 4
Research and
Task 4: Photos
Use the camera on your device to take a
series of photos of your junk food
wrapper. Try taking photos from various
perspectives – eg. Scrunch your wrapper
up, look at it from the back or even a
birds eye view. Print these photos and
assemble into your folio.
Students are to use their device to take
photos of their wrapper.
Teacher is to encourage students to use
multiple points of view.
Photos are to be printed, assembled in folio
and labelled.
Task 5 : Design development
Use photos and previous drawings to
create 2 possible designs for your final
painting. Your canvas will be divided into
4, so the junk food object will be repeated
4 times. The actual colours of the food
items should feature in at least one of the
Teacher demonstrates correct page layout
for design development. (2 square grids).
Students are to use previous
drawings/photos as inspiration for their grid.
Task 5
Task 6
Check canvas stock – require square
Task 6 : Colour development
Create a sample page in your folio of the
paint colour scheme that you wish to use.
You will have to develop 4, one for each
section of the canvas. Trial your
application of acrylic paint on this page.
Students may photocopy their grid from task
5 and use this to place their colours in.
Remind students of colour wheel
relationships, complementary colours and
look at examples of pop art works.
Students are to use colour wheel
relationships to select their colour schemes
for each component of the grid.
Task 7 : Final painting
Your teacher will give you a canvas that
you will need to divide into 4 even
segments. Place your design on the
canvas using transfer paper, and then
begin your painting with reference to
your colour scheme page.
Distribute canvas and get students to write
name and care group on the back.
Using a ruler, students are to accurately
divide the grid into 4 equal boxes.
Either using transfer paper or freehand
drawing, students are to copy their junk food
item into the grid.
Once layout is complete, students may begin
painting as per their design page.
Final product –
pop art painting.
Task 7
Studio work
Assess final painting.