FACIAL Beauty Roller

The Facial Wand is the easiest way to get facial salon quality results at home.
Perfect for delicate facial areas. Gently glides across the contours of the face.
It regenerates youthfulness and longevity because of the negative ions generated
from the semi-conducting properties of the germanium pellets incorporated within,
which are composed of 99.99% germanium.
Younger looking skin, smaller pores and the elimination of wrinkles and dark spots
are the result of absorbing more oxygen into the body through the skin.
One roll is equivalent to 1000 taps during a massage.
Using this Anti-Aging Facial Roller allows the body to detoxify, oxygenate and
rejuvenate. Rolling affects muscles, blood and organs close to the skin, releasing
tension and increasing metabolism, thus slowing the aging process. You can use
it head to toe.
As a semiconductor, germanium frees electrons which allows the unhealthy freeradical positive-ions (A), to be attracted and transformed into the healthy negativeions (B).
Positive ions are extremely “unhealthy” for your skin
Positive ions trigger us all to age faster and get wrinkles and dark spots. These are
the result of the usage of electronics like cell telephones, TVs, radios, transmitters,
radar systems, computers, discharges from high voltage lines, heating and cooling
systems, automobile exhausts and cigarette fumes, smog, radiation and UV rays
from the sun, harmful chemicals and toxins. Static electricity is positive ions.
Almost all synthetics, building materials, clothing, rugs and furniture coverings,
attract positive ions and deplete negative ones. Plastics are positively charged
and consume large amounts of negative ions.
Positive ions are connected with allergies, headaches, tiredness, stress, insomnia,
loss of memory, accelerated aging, slow metabolism, lack of concentration,
respiratory problems, rheumatism and lowered immune responses.
Negative ions are beneficial to body and our skin.
Waterfalls, turbulent streams and water in general, create negative ions.
Saltwater, the ocean and salt mines all emit negative ions. Trees and forests are
all high in negative ions. Negative ions strengthen the functions of autonomic
nerves, reinforces collagen, improves the permeability of the cell's membranes
(improves metabolism) and strengthens the body's immune system and reduces
Negative ions in the bloodstream accelerate the delivery of oxygen to our cells and
tissues, speeds up oxidation of seratonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) in the blood. This
is well known to have far reaching effects on mood, pain relief and sexual drive.
Negative ions promote alpha brain waves and increase brain wave amplitude,
better sleep, improvements regarding “Seasonal Affective Depression,” general
mental performance and concentration and a calming effect.
The Facial Beauty Wand glides across the surface of your skin and helps in the
proper balance of positive and negative ions. This revitalizes the skin and
circulates increased oxygen levels and nutrients in the blood for rejuvenation. As
your skin temperature goes up, cell metabolism increases, fat and cellulite starts to
melt and burn and a visual slimming occurs. The results are an increase in
circulation, elimination of waste water within the face, tighter skin, smaller pores,
the elimination of wrinkles, dark spots, and a more youthful appearance.
This rolling action also benefits the muscles and organs just under the skin,
stimulating, detoxifying and reducing fatigue and tiredness, all of which improves
the body's immunity.
"I want to share something that happened over Thanksgiving holiday while visiting
my folks (in Ohio). Of course I took my "beauty roller" with me as I feel energized
after using it. I use it on my neck specifically due to some tension/stiffness there. In
any case, my mother asked me what it was and I sort of explained it in the most
scientific way (anything other than that would not do for them) that I could. My
mother is asthmatic and has her own nebulizer that she uses when the rescue
inhaler isn't helping. The cold weather is a trigger for her asthma so while I was
there she was using the nebulizer 2x a day. The nebulizer is a noisy little machine
and it so happened that my father was asleep in the den (where she keeps the
nebulizer) and she didn't want to disturb him. I asked her if I could try something
with my roller and she said that I could so I rolled up her shirt and proceeded to roll
that thing over her lung area. I'm not sure who was more surprised, her or I, when
3 or 4 minutes later we realized she wasn't wheezing so I kept going for another 5
- 7 minutes. We were amazed at what had happened. This is nothing short of a
miracle if you ask me. So, during my stay, I "rolled" her lungs 2 or 3 times a day
and she did not need her nebulizer once! Thank you for letting me share this
information. I think it could be beneficial for people to know that this little roller
packs a punch! Blessings!" D. G., PA
"I awoke this morning with a stiff neck. My left side was tight. I felt it throughout
the day. About 2 hours before the Energy Tools teleconference call electrical
shocks began to shoot from the left side of my neck into my left shoulder whenever
I turned my head to the left. When the electrical shocks began we were away from
home and we didn't have the tools with us. We returned home just in time for the
call so the first time we had a chance to work with the tools was while we were
sitting with you on the call. The shocks were so painful when the call began that I
was on the verge of tears. The pain was bringing up painful emotions and I was
uncomfortable. Throughout the call Roger rolled the Nano Facial Beauty Roller on
my neck and he massaged my neck with the Scalar butterfly. Then Elise you
asked if their were any more experiences anyone wanted to share which is why I
unmuted. At that particular moment Elise you shared a beautiful testimonial
regarding the Nano Facial Beauty Roller with a mother and daughter. I was
waiting for an opportunity to talk when I began to talk to Roger forgetting that I was
unmuted. That was when you, Elise asked if I was unmuted and I muted. I was
excited because without realizing it I was turning my head in every direction
without pain and I wanted to share this with you. I am not feeling any pain right
now. During the time I was in pain I was creating a story on how I would drive two
hours round trip tomorrow to see our chiropractor tomorrow and. . . . well I will not
be traveling now. I am going to continue to use our tools because they assisted
me to heal myself. S.W.T MN
"Wow. I used the Nano Facial Beauty Roller on my back and it fixed an 8-year
chronic back pain overnight!!!! I would not have thought of using that on my back,
but you live and learn!!!" B.W., CA
"I'm excited to report that using the nano roller anyplace on my body produces a
noticeable lift in my mood after a few minutes of rolling and my body starts tingling
all over. It's the change to feeling happy that is so quick and remarkable,
especially right after getting up in the morning. It sets my mood for the day (along
with a few uplifting affirmations)." F.P., HI
You only need to use it 3 times a day for 3 minutes, or 10 minutes a day, or test to
see what is best for yourself.
~ FACE AND NECK: Roll all over the face and neck in an upwards and
downwards motion.
~ EYES: Start from under the eye and follow the bone structure. Beside the eye,
focus on crow's feet moving in an up and down motion.
~ FOREHEAD: Roll in an upwards and downwards motion. Move across the
forehead using the same movements.
~ SMILE LINE: Roll in an upwards motion. Start from the bottom and roll up
towards the temple and under the eye.
~ NECK: Start from the base of the neck and move upwards towards the jaw line.
Repeat the same motion all over the neck.
~ ELIMINATE PUFFINESS: Roll upwards and downwards all over the face.
~ HEALTH: Use for a recommended three times a day for three minutes to see not
only anti-aging benefits but also health benefits.
~ CHEST to help with congestion during cold and flu season.
~ LYMPH GLANDS to stimulate immune support.
~ FEET-on the bottom to massage the acupressure points for organ stimulation.
~ HAIR to encourage new growth
~ ARMS and LEGS after exercising
~ SCAR TISSUE for rejuvenation.
~ SHOULDERS for tension relief
(1) THE FACE AND NECK: Roll all over the face and neck in an upwards and
downwards motion.
(2) EYES: Start from under the eye and follow the bone structure. Beside the eye,
focus on crows feet moving in an up and down motion.
(3) FOREHEAD: Roll in an upwards and downwards motion. Move across the
forehead using the same movements.
(4) SMILE LINE: Roll in an upwards motion. Start from the bottom and roll up
towards the temple and under the eye.
(5) NECK: Start from the base of the neck and move upwards towards the jaw line.
Repeat the same motion all over the neck.
(6) ELIMINATE PUFFINESS: Roll in an upwards and downwards motion all over
the face.
(7) HEALTH: Use for a recommended three times a day for three minutes to see
not only anti-aging benefits but also health benefits.
Our current urban lifestyle exposes the human body and human skin to harmful
positive ions generated from mobile phones, computers, electronic and electrical
equipment, chemicals, acid rain and ultraviolet rays.
This cause three main problems:
-First, this slows down the immune system and makes us increasing vulnerable to
-Secondly, it slows down the body's metabolism which causes waste to build up in
the body and makes our body highly inefficient causing weight gain, disease, and
-Thirdly, positive ions cause pre-mature aging.
-Finally, due to these positive ions in the world and what we eat today, 70% of the
water in our body is waste water which means our bodies are highly polluted and
To combat these problems, the Beauty Roller rebalances the positive and negative
ions on the skin and in the body. Essentially, it ensures that the negative ions are
on the skin and in the veins.
Benefits and Advantages of the Beauty Roller:
-Balances negative and positive ions allowing you to have healthy skin helps
remove the puffiness in the face.
-The presence of semi-conductor technology which emits negative ions and the
presence of organic germanium results in removing wrinkles and dark spots.
-Tightens and maintains the skin.
-Facial slimming
-The negative-charge ion from Germanium will help in blood purification and
balancing the positive and negative ions within the body. This also achieves
muscle relieving effects as well as reducing fatigue and tiredness.
-Over 200 mv of negative ion energy
-Chips composed of 99.99% germanium
-The metabolism of the human cell is an extremely important process as it purges
waste out of the body while acquiring nutrients from the blood. With more negative
ions in the body, the body's metabolism process also increases in its efficiency.
Conversely, with more positive ions in the blood, the body's metabolism becomes
less efficient and slower. Thus the human cells become weak and the body is
more susceptible to sickness and the aging process becomes accelerated.
-The acidification of the blood which is caused by the loss of electrons can be
prevented by negative ions, which contains an abundant amount of electrons. This
improves the body's immunity and resistance to sickness.
-One roll is equivalent to 1000 taps during a massage
-Made up of oxidized titanium which acts as a good anti oxidant and organic
germanium which acts to improve your circulation.
-Germanium helps get oxygen into the body and increases metabolism.
Other uses: On the feet to ignite meridians, varicose and spider veins, balding
areas of scalp.