PEOPLES COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC 905 FRANKLIN STREET WATERLOO, IA 50703 MANUAL: CLINICAL SUBJECT: CODE ADULT NURSE Page 1 of 3 Code C PURPOSE: To provide guidance for non-clinical staff when faced with an adult patient needing immediate medical triage/intervention. POLICY: Code Adult Nurse is a system by which the medical support staff, lab staff and pharmacy staff can access immediate medical assistance for adult patients in the non-clinical areas of the clinic. CRITERIA FOR CODE ADULT NURSE: 1. 2. 3. Patient is an adult Patient is in the lobby, pharmacy, lab or waiting room Patient is exhibiting the following symptoms or behaviors a) chest pain – see specific addendum concerning chest pain b) trauma with bleeding c) nosebleed d) paralysis e) fainting f) difficulty talking due to shortness of breath g) doubling over abdominal pain h) inability to speak i) inability to swallow j) suicidal intentions k) large burns l) seizure m) severe emotional upset n) compound fracture PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 4. Staff member noticing patient in distress will glove, if blood or body fluids are visible. Staff member will assist patient to chair or lower patient to the floor. All patients fainting or having a seizure need to be lowered to the floor. If patient has fainted, the feet and legs should be elevated. Staff member will page throughout the entire building via PA system (##1) “Code Adult Nurse in “. Staff member will stay with the patient for emotional support until RN arrives. Policies/Clinical – Code Adult Nurse/wc Revised 9/24/04 5. Staff member will stay in attendance with the RN until dismissed by the RN. The adult nurse assigned to respond to Code Adult Nurse will immediately take the Code Adult Nurse basket and proceed to the designated area. The Code basket will contain: a) stethoscope b) BP cuff c) Flashlight d) Adult airway e) Tongue blade f) Gloves g) Pressure bandages h) Ice pack i) Sterile drape/towel j) Scissors k) Pen l) Notepad m) Pocket mask n) Kleenex o) Aspirin The RN responding to the Code Adult Nurse will assume responsibility for the patient. She may ask a support staff member, under her direction, to assist in caring for the patient. She may direct a support staff member to assist by making a 911 phone call or in paging for further medical assistance. CHEST PAIN PROCEDURE: When the RN responds to the Code Adult Nurse and finds the patient is having chest pain, the RN will page “Adult Triage Provider to “. If the Adult Triage Provider is not available, the most available will respond to the call for assistance. At the time the provider arrives at the code, they will assume responsibility for the patient. The provider will assess the patient and make a decision to call EMS to be dispatched or see the patient in the clinic. The RN responding to the code will document appropriately in the patient chart and write an incident report for QA purposes (report to be given to Adult Patient Care Manager). Policies/Clinical – Code Adult Nurse/wc Revised 9/24/04 Adult Provider Triage Schedule as of September 24, 2004 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM Nachnani Duclos Johnson Pathan Bhattacharya PM Kathresal Pathan Nachnani Kathresal Johnson EVENING Duclos Johnson Nurses are assigned to respond to the code according to a weekly schedule. The nurses are assigned by pod. The most available nurse in the assigned pod will respond. Monthly calendars will be provided to the nurses by the adult patient care manager. Approval (Clinical Director) Original Date 9/01/99 Revised Date 7/16/03, 9/24/04 Review Dates Policies/Clinical – Code Adult Nurse/wc Revised 9/24/04