Name: Date: Period:_____ Final Review: Study Guide # 2 TOPICS


Name:_______________________________ Date:__________________ Period:_____

Final Review: Study Guide # 2

TOPICS: Protist Kingom, Fungi Kingdom, Plant Kingdom,

Please read before studying:

1. Locate your guided notes and any other associated sheets for ALL the topics listed above. This

should be easy to locate in your notebook!

2. Next, scan the objectives for the topic you are about to study in order to get a sense of what

you should be focusing your time and energy on.

3. Start mastering each objective by answering the associated review questions right on this sheet.

4. After you have finished, use this sheet as a study tool to quiz yourself. Quiz yourself by trying to

answer all the questions aloud. This will probably take you a few times to feel comfortable. You are

finished studying when and only when you can answer 100% of the objectives correctly without

having to look back at your notes for help.

Topic # 5 – KINGDOM Protists

 I am able to describe the main characteristics of the kingdom

Obtaining Food Cell Structure

Are these organisms

Uni- or Multicellular?



What cell structure helps it move?



What is the process by which they reproduce?





Are these organisms

Uni- or Multicellular?


Are these organisms

Uni- or Multicellular?


What cell structure helps it move?


What cell structure helps it move?


What is the process by which they reproduce?


What is the process by which they reproduce?


 I am able to define key terms

 autotrophic– able to make their own food using sun or chemicals

Are these organisms autotrophic, heterotrophic, or both?


Are these organisms autotrophic, heterotrophic, or both?


Are these organisms autotrophic, heterotrophic, or both?

BOTH; Hetero when no light

 heterotrophicmust HUNT for there food and feed off something else


Name:_______________________________ Date:__________________ Period:_____

 I am able to identify the structure of the organisms in this kingdom from a microscope.

 Draw, label, and color each protist under high power (400x)

Amoeba Paramecium Euglena

400 x 400x 400x

 I am able to explain how organisms in this kingdom are helpful and harmful to the living world.

 Describe 2 ways that protists are HELPFUL

 1. Algae produce most of the world’s oxygen

 2. Some fungus-like molds can act as decomposers

Topic # 6 – KINGDOM Fungi

 I am able to describe the main characteristics of the kingdom

Cell Structure Movement Reproduction Obtaining Food

Is the organism autotrophic, heterotrophic, or both? HETERO


Bread Mold

Are these organisms Uni- or Multicellular?


Are these organisms Uni- or Multicellular?


Does this organism move: yes or no?


Does this organism move: yes or no?


What is the reproductive cell it uses to reproduce?


What is the reproductive cell it uses to reproduce?


 I am able to define key terms:

 Hyphae– threadlike fungal cells that have a nucleus

Is the organism autotrophic, heterotrophic, or both? HETERO

 Mycelium- tangled web of hyphae used to absorb nutrients

 Spores – a cell that is able to grow into a new organism if the conditions are right

 Lichen – fungus and algae working together in symbiosis


Name:_______________________________ Date:__________________ Period:_____

 I am able to identify the structure and life cycle of the mushroom.

In the space below, describe the life cycle of the mushroom.

 Fungi release spores from the gills in the cap.

 Spores fall in a location suitable for growth (moist, food available, etc.)

 Spores begin to grow into a new organism with the mycelium growing first.

 Mycelium gives rise to the adult mushroom.

 I am able to explain how organisms in this kingdom are helpful and harmful to the living world.

 Describe 2 ways that fungi are HELPFUL

 1. Fungi can act as decomposers breaking down dead material

 2. Yeast is used in baking and brewing alcohol

 Describe 2 ways that fungi are Harmful

 1. Fungi can cause Athlete’s Foot or Ringworm

 2. Fungi such as molds can cause bread and/or fruit to spoil

Topic # 7 – KINGDOM Plants

 I am able to describe the main characteristics of the kingdom

Movement Reproduction Cell Structure



Does this plant have vascular tissue?


Does this plant have vascular tissue?


Plants are anchored in the ground by what plant part?


Does this plant use spores or seeds to reproduce?


Does this plant use spores or seeds to reproduce?



Food s

What process is used to make food? photosynthesi



Does this plant have vascular tissue?


Does this plant use spores or seeds to reproduce?




Does this plant have vascular tissue?


Does this plant use spores or seeds to reproduce?



Name:_______________________________ Date:__________________ Period:_____

 Xylem – conducts water up

 Phloem – conducts food down

 Chloroplast – organelle where photosynthesis occurs

 Cell wall – out covering of plant cell

Photosynthesis – water + sun + carbon dioxide - sugar (glucose) + oxygen

Cellular Respiration – oxygen + glucose  ATP + H20 + CO2

CRITICALLY THINK! – Try making connections between the topics you have learned about so far. A good student doesn’t just learn the facts and memorize, but can APPLY their knowledge and make connections between topics. Try some of these questions to jump start your critical thinking abilities. Be on the lookout because many questions on the exam will test how your critical thinking is progressing, especially the essays!

 Explain the advancement of organisms from bacteria to protist, to fungi in terms of cell structure and reproduction.

o Bacteria are single celled organisms which lack a nucleus and reproduce by binary fission.

o Protists evolved from bacteria as they are mostly single celled and reproduce by fission. However, this kingdom saw an advancement in cell structure as organisms in this kingdom have a nucleus.

o Finally came the evolution of fungi. These organisms are the most complex of the three kingdoms discussed as they have a nucleus and most are multicellular. In addition, most can reproduce either asexually or sexually.

 Plants are organisms that are able to live on land. Discuss at least 3 adaptations that allow these organisms to survive in a terrestrial (land) environment.

o Roots - keep plant anchored in soil and allow absorption of water for photosynthesis o Vascular Tissue

 Xylem and Phloem allow plants to grow tall since there is a mechanism for transportation of water and food o Stems – Allow for upright o Waxy Covering over leaves – prevent extreme water loss on land o Spores and Seeds - allow for reproduction on land

