Kingdoms of Life: Chapter 1 Study Guide

Chapter 1 – Study Guide
Kingdom is the largest group into which an organism can be classified.
All members of the plant kingdom have many cells, make their own food, and cannot move.
A part of the air that most plants and animals need in order to live is known as oxygen.
Red blood cells carry oxygen through the body.
The cell is the smallest unit of living matter. A cell is the basic building block of all living things.
The process by which organisms make offspring is known as reproduction.
The epidermis is the protective layer of a leaf that helps keep water in.
Plants that do not have seeds reproduce with spores. Ferns and mosses reproduce by making
When a seed sprouts into a new plant, germination is taking place.
Cells use sugars to make energy in a process called respiration. In the process of respiration
organisms use stored food to make energy.
Organisms are living things that carry out the five basic life functions. Some organisms are
single celled, while others are organized into tissues, organs, and organ systems.
A seed is an underdeveloped plant that carries food in a protective covering. Seeds need
water, warm temperatures, and stored food to begin to grow.
An example of living things are: plants, animals, and cells. Viruses are not considered livings
Water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide are all needed for the photosynthesis process.
A wolf and a dog belong to the same genus, but to a different species.
All organisms experience different stages of growth and change during their life cycles.
Fungus is an example of a living thing.
Fertilization is when the female and male sex cells join together to form a seed.
Plants use water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide to make food in the process of photosynthesis.
Phylum is the broadest classification into which scientists place organisms from the same
An organism’s life cycle can best be described as the stages of growth and change in its life.
Scientists once thought fungi were a kind of plant. Then they discovered that fungi do not
make their own food. That means that fungi are classified into a separate kingdom from
The five basic jobs all living things carry out are: eat food, grow, reproduce, get rid of wastes,
and respond to their environment.
The traits of the organisms found in the animal kingdom are: moving, do not make their own
food, and have many cells.