Breeding a Better Guide Dog Geneticists, breeders and trainers seek the ultimate guidedog traits. By Matthew Schenker Have you ever watched a guide dog lead its blind handler through a busy crowd or across an intersection? Perhaps you’ve marveled at how the dog remains focused, unperturbed by people reaching out to pet it, children running by or other dogs trying to play. The German Shepherd Dogs or Labrador Retrievers you see in guide harnesses are the products of intense selective breeding, followed by a constant focus on their most minute characteristics and behavioral tendencies. About half of all puppies bred to be guide dogs do not make it beyond the first few weeks of training, and are redirected to another “career.” Behind the scenes, guide schools employ geneticists who look for sources of health and temperament traits. Statisticians analyze data to determine trends in guide-dog populations. Inspired by a belief in guide work, thousands of volunteers invite guide-dog puppies into their lives, immersing the pups in all kinds of situations: sitting in quiet offices, maneuvering through bustling city centers, navigating stairs and escalators, and even flying in airplanes. Even more important, guide dogs are carefully chosen as a perfect match for the individual holding the leash. Guide-school breeding programs To succeed, guide schools need control over what happens with their dogs from one generation to the next. They accomplish this by maintaining breeding colonies. Dolores Holle, VMD, has been the attending veterinarian and director of canine-health management at The Seeing Eye in Morristown, N.J., for 17 years. “We select dogs for breeding,” Holle says. “There’s socialization, where they earn Canine Good Citizen certifications. They do agility and clicker tricks. At 4 weeks of age, they go into a room where we simulate real-world sensations, such as riding in a car or running up stairs. Like children, the puppies have play sets.” It sounds like fun, but serious work takes place to assess which dogs are the most fit for guide work, physically and temperamentally. Starting when the puppies are young, experts test their elbows and hips, and track which parents produce the healthiest offspring. Marina Hall directs the breeding program and labor-anddelivery kennel at Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael, Calif. “We’re always doing colony reviews to see which females should breed next season and which ones we’ll no longer breed.” Guide schools often breed hundreds of puppies each year. Even after the puppies leave the breeding program and head out into the homes of trainers, socializers and eventually clients, guide schools continue to track them. “We see what kind of temperament and behavior they have throughout their lives,” Hall says. “That way, we constantly determine which mothers and studs produce the traits we want, and whether to continue giving them a role in our program.” Improvements through selective breeding Cathy Chenoweth of Los Angeles has been raising puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind for 30 years, since she was 11 years old. She receives the puppies after they leave the breeding colony and prepares them for the real world. Chenoweth has seen many improvements since she began doing this work. “These dogs have become healthier. A larger percentage of the dogs have just what we’re looking for in guides.” Gwen Gillispie is the breeding manager at Southeastern Guide Dogs in Palmetto, Fla., where she has worked for 20 years. “Sometimes, we want to change a particular quality,” Gillispie says. “A lot of guide dogs are what some call ‘soft’ – they’re not bullheaded – so if we want a stronger personality, we can breed that up. It might take a couple of years, but we can do it.” Gillispie says that with careful monitoring, generation after generation, guide schools know how to mix and match parents to get the traits they need. Breeding up particular personalities takes place slowly over time. The changes are more dramatic in the incidence of health issues. Eldin Leighton, Ph.D., of Arlington, Va., has been a geneticist at The Seeing Eye since 1977. “Genetically, we have focused our attention on two major traits,” Leighton says. “One is behavior, or what we call trainability. The second is hip quality. Dogs with bad hips will not be good guide dogs. In 1980, about 30 percent of the German Shepherds failed out because of hip dysplasia. That has now dropped to about 3 percent.” Jane Russenberger, senior director of breeding at Guiding Eyes for the Blind in Patterson, N.Y., has seen similar success in the Labrador Retrievers her agency breeds. “In the general Lab population, incidence of hip dysplasia is about 20 percent,” Russenberger says. “In our population, it’s down to about 2 percent.” Other guide schools report similar successes reducing the incidence of eye and ear diseases, as well as skin problems. Success comes in part from sheer numbers. As Russenberger explains, working with so many dogs allows guide schools to take an already successful idea to higher levels. “If you think about most breeders, they spend a lifetime practicing their art, whether they’re breeding herding dogs or show dogs,” Russenberger says. “But they just don’t have the opportunity to keep the best dogs out of a very large number of great dogs. We can watch all our dogs and just choose the best two or three for breeding.” Guide dogs are healthier than they used to be, and they’re starting to look different, too. The guide schools that breed German Shepherd Dogs describe a different body type that emerged from the specialized breeding, one more suited to the demands of guide work. “When you see one of these dogs, right away you can see a very straight topline, which has been bred away for the show dogs,” Holle explains. “To a certain degree, we’re creating a subset of a breed.” Link between genetics and environment Guide schools also rely on the art of interpreting the hazy mix of genetics and environment. “We’re always trying to sort out what’s genetic and what’s training,” Holle says. “At any time, we have 800 volunteers out there training dogs in all kinds of environments. Puppy raising still makes or breaks a guide dog.” Russenberger says, “Hip dysplasia is black or white. Does the dog have it or not? But when we talk about temperament, we’re looking at a whole set of traits coming together.” Personality diversity Guide dogs have also started to show a wider variety of personalities. “In the past, the dogs were in three categories: shy, middle-of-the-road or hyper-crazy,” Chenoweth explains. “We still have those types, but there’s more variation within them.” This variety means guide schools can better match guide dogs with specific people, based on personality and lifestyle. For instance, a high-energy sales rep would need a dog that can be constantly on the move. Someone who works in an office needs a guide that can be sedentary for long periods. Matching the dog to the person can get even more precise. In fact, many trainers are adept at reading subtle cues in people’s personalities. “Some people need a softer dog that obeys commands easily,” Gillispie says. “Others need a more stubborn dog.” Who would want a stubborn dog? By nature, some people can get themselves into trouble. Perhaps they’re accident prone, or live in a confusing environment. “They need the dog to decipher the situation, determine independently if a command is going to get them into trouble, and decide whether or not to disobey,” Gillispie explains. To make these matches, trainers are mindful of traits on the human and dog sides. That might be why Hall earned a degree in animal science, with a minor in psychology. “We look at which dogs and which people have higher stress thresholds, energy levels, attention-seeking levels and problem-solving skills.” This kind of super-specialization intensifies as guide schools learn more about physical and temperamental traits, and how to control them in breeding and training. This puts increased pressure on the dogs. “We have an internal competition,” Hall says. “Only the top dogs in the class, with the best aptitude, are selected to produce the next generation. Winners produce winners. We try not to tell the dogs about it, but they are always weighed against each other.” Increasing the knowledge base Adding even more to the power of their high breeding numbers, guide schools have begun sharing their knowledge with each other. In the 1990s, many guide schools began realizing that although their dogs were succeeding, they were beginning to experience a statistical problem. It stems from the way guide schools measure each generation’s suitability for guide work. “We use a ‘trainability score,’” Leighton says. “It’s a nine-point scale, kind of like grading kids in a classroom. For each generation, we compare the dogs to previous dogs that came through the system. The best dogs are in the 90th percentile, the next best in the 80th, and so on. We know that dogs that score below six have almost no chance of making it as guides.” This system is effective. However, as the number of tested traits grew, it became difficult to compare across generations of dogs. Guide schools realized they were doing long-term tracking with a moving target. “That’s where better statistics can help,” Leighton says. To provide those statistics, in 1993 The Seeing Eye turned to James Serpell, Ph.D., of Philadelphia, who manages the Center for the Interaction of Animals and Society at the University of Pennsylvania, and has more than 20 years experience researching canine behavior. One of the problems, Serpell says, was each school had a different kind of assessment. “There was no consistency, and because the schools generally stop breeding half the dogs in their breeding program, they were constantly shifting what they were looking for and could not determine if they were moving in the right direction,” he says. “We came up with standardized measures that schools can use to compare each generation during training.” After working with The Seeing Eye for a short time, Serpell’s program attracted the attention of four other guide schools: Canine Companions for Independence, Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Guiding Eyes for the Blind and Leader Dogs for the Blind. The five schools now have a consortium. Each school uses the standard assessments, and shares their breeding and training information with each other. The schools are able to use the findings to go even further toward creating dogs with honed, specialized temperaments. Guide dogs and society, changing together As the abilities of the dogs improve, and the schools develop better assessments of canine traits, the future holds interesting possibilities. Guide schools use forecasting, which involves collecting detailed information from their trainers, breeders and clients to figure out how many more people will one day need their services. Forecasting also helps determine what new requirements future clients will have, where future clients will live, and so on. “More guide dogs will have to be good at dealing with busy city atmospheres with lots of activity and stress,” Chenoweth says. “The dogs will need better stamina. They will need to be more flexible and alert, even more so than what we normally look for.” Moving beyond the traditional guide-school clients, Hall says, “We’re seeing more people with multiple disabilities besides visual impairments. We’re also seeing older clients now. That’s changing the demands, so we have to keep changing the kinds of dogs we breed.” Gillispie, who works mainly with clients in Florida, has seen a turnaround in the age of her clients, from a senior to a younger demographic. “The older clients needed slower dogs that didn’t pull much,” she explains. “With younger clients, we need faster-moving dogs.” As guide-dog trainers work to keep up with a changing society, Serpell says the five-school cooperation will be more essential. “The end point is not static,” he says. “Things are shifting all the time. The guide schools need to be able to look back and assess how they have done over time, so they can be sure they’re getting better. Without the data, it’s just guesswork.” No matter where guide work goes in the future, and no matter how much science becomes part of it, there will always be mysteries of behavior and temperament. And the dogs will always be dogs. As Holle says, “What makes these dogs really special is their ability to bond so well with humans.” Award-winning freelance writer Matthew Schenker lives in Northampton, Mass., with his wife and their Standard Poodle.