Year 10 Biological Science Program Semester 1 2015

Year 10 Level Description
The Science Inquiry Skills and Science as a Human Endeavour strands are described across a two-year band. In their planning, schools and teachers refer to the expectations
outlined in the Achievement Standard and also to the content of the Science Understanding strand for the relevant year level to ensure that these two strands are addressed
over the two-year period. The three strands of the curriculum are interrelated and their content should be taught in an integrated way.
The order and detail in which the content descriptions are organised into teaching/learning programs are decisions to be made by the teacher.
In the Year 10 curriculum students explore systems at different scales and connect microscopic and macroscopic properties to explain phenomena. Students explore the
biological, chemical, geological and physical evidence for different theories, such as the theories of natural selection and the Big Bang. Atomic theory is developed to
understand relationships within the periodic table. Understanding motion and forces are related by applying physical laws. Relationships between aspects of the living,
physical and chemical world are applied to systems on a local and global scale and this enables students to predict how changes will affect equilibrium within these systems.
Year 10 Content Description
Science Understanding
Biological sciences
Science as a Human Endeavour
Nature and development of science
The transmission of heritable characteristics from
one generation to the next involves DNA and genes
Scientific understanding, including models and
theories, are contestable and are refined over time
through a process of review by the scientific
community (ACSHE191)
The theory of evolution by natural selection
explains the diversity of living things and is
supported by a range of scientific evidence
Advances in scientific understanding often rely on
developments in technology and technological
advances are often linked to scientific discoveries
Use and influence of science
People can use scientific knowledge to evaluate
whether they should accept claims, explanations or
predictions (ACSHE194)
Advances in science and emerging sciences and
technologies can significantly affect people’s lives,
including generating new career opportunities
The values and needs of contemporary society can
influence the focus of scientific research
Science Inquiry Skills
Questioning and predicting
Formulate questions or hypotheses that can be
investigated scientifically (ACSIS198)
Processing and analysing data and
Analyse patterns and trends in data, including
describing relationships between variables and
identifying inconsistencies (ACSIS203)
and describe specific ways to improve the quality
of the data (ACSIS205)
Critically analyse the validity of information in
secondary sources and evaluate the approaches
used to solve problems (ACSIS206)
Planning and conducting
Plan, select and use appropriate investigation
methods, including field work and laboratory
experimentation, to collect reliable data; assess risk
and address ethical issues associated with these
methods (ACSIS199)
Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw
conclusions that are consistent with evidence
Select and use appropriate equipment, including
digital technologies, to systematically and
accurately collect and record data (ACSIS200)
Evaluate conclusions, including identifying sources
of uncertainty and possible alternative explanations,
Communicate scientific ideas and information for a
particular purpose, including constructing evidencebased arguments and using appropriate scientific
language, conventions and representations
1. Describe the role of DNA in controlling the characteristics of organisms.
2. Use models/diagrams to represent relationships between DNA, genes and chromosomes
3. Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis and explain the function of each process.
4. Describe patterns of inheritance of recessive/dominant characteristics in a family
5. Predict ratios of offspring genotypes and phenotypes and crosses involving dominant/recessive and sex-linked inheritance.
6. Describe mutations as changes in DNA or chromosome numbers and outline factors that may contribute to these mutations.
7. Model the DNA structure by creating a double helix.
8. Understand, explain and describe the role of gene technology and genetic engineering.
What is DNA?
Brainstorm student idea of DNA.
PowerPoint that outlines the structure of
Function of DNA: DNA is the blueprint
for controlling the characteristics of
Structure of the DNA molecule – students
constructs a model.
Resources and Experiments
 Pearson Science 10 pg. 2-7
 CSIRO Build DNA Model
 Pearson Activity book 1.1 Structure of
DNA pg. 1
 PowerPoint
Assessment and Homework
 Unit Review Q pg. 7
Q1-13. Extension Q 1317.
Chromosomes and genes
 DNA, genes and chromosomes
(similarities and differences).
 Students differentiate between
chromosomes and genes by drawing and
labelling a DNA strand that is made up of
chromosomes and genes.
 Structure of a chromosome. 2x chromatid
connected by s centromere. Students
DNA replication
Students define replication and outline in
a flow chart (as well as using labelled
diagrams) the steps of replication using p.
11 of the Pearson text.
Cell division
2 types. Mitosis and meiosis.
Pearson Science 10 pg. 10-15
Mitosis/Meiosis cut and paste worksheets.
Venn diagram
Mitosis and meiosis PowerPoint
Pearson Activity book 1.3
Mitosis pg. 3
1.4 Meiosis pg. 4
Students define mitosis.
Students watch
zkp3bLI and take some personal notes of
some of the stages of mitosis
PowerPoint about Mitosis. Students
draw/create a flow chart that depicts each
4IgE [real life mitosis]
Unit Review Q pg. 15
Q1-14. Extension Q1520.
stage of this type of cell division.
Step 1: chromosomes replicate from 46
(to 92)
Step 2: the chromosome becomes visible
(X shape)
Step 3: Chromosomes line up at the
centre of the cell (equator)
Step 4: centromeres split, so 46
chromatids (individual chromosomes)
move to either end of the cell.
Step 5: Two new nuclei form, making 2
new cells (cytokinesis) both with 46
chromosomes in them. Are identical to
the first cell.
Students must note and explain why 46
chromosomes in 2 identical daughter cells
are created. Students should be aware the
46 chromosomes duplicate to become 92,
before they split [not in textbook].
Produces 2 daughter cells with 46
chromosomes (2n)
One nuclear division
One DNA duplication.
Complete cut and paste sheet.
Students define meiosis
Students watch
p0U0HOA [make simple observations)
PowerPoint about Meiosis. Students
draw/create a flow chart that depicts each
stage of this type of cell division.
Step 1: Chromosomes find the
homologous (matching) pair and line up
together. Result in different genetic
combinations (Crossing over). Starts with
res/mitosis.htm [additional information]
Step 2: Chromosomes pairs are separated,
pulling 23 chromosomes to each side of
the cell.
Step 3: First division – 23 chromosomes
in 2 cells.
Step 4: 23 chromosomes line up in the
middle, pull to each side and split again.
Step 5: therefore 23 chromatids in 4
daughter cells. Haploid = half of the
original chromosomes.
Students must note and explain why 23
chromosomes in 4 daughter cells are
created. Students should be able to
explain that this haploid number is
because this division occurs in the gamate
cells so that ½ info comes from both
parent to the offspring. Not identical
daughter cells.
Two nuclear divisions (2 phases)
One DNA duplication
Gamate cells have ½ info from your mum
and dad. So when you reproduce there are
different genetic combinations in each
daughter cell.
Complete cut and paste sheet.
Students use a venn diagram to compare
and contrast mitosis and meiosis. Student
should also try to write this in an
extended answer format to practice
writing extended answers.
Patterns of inheritance
Dominant and recessive
Students differentiate between dominant and
recessive traits. Students define the following
words; pure-breeding, dominant, recessive,
Pearson Science 10 pg. 18-23
Year 10 Genetics problems practice
PowerPoint – Patterns of inheritance.
Unit Review Questions
pg. 23 Q1-12. Extension
alleles, homozygous, heterozygous
Model recessive and dominant characteristics
with red and white flowers. Students copy
Students predicting simple ratios of offspring
genotypes and phenotypes in crosses
involving dominant/recessive gene pairs.
Refer back to meiosis and the crossing over of
genes to explain that some chromosomes have
recessive/dominant genes attached to them.
This genetic diversity leads to various
characteristics in the family.
Students practice predicting ratios of
characteristics using punnet squares. Model
examples of punnet squares.
Students then write the following information
for each punnet square; genotype (Tt),
phenotype (how many will have what trait). P.
21 of Pearson text.
Pearson Activity book 1.5 Punnett
squares pg. 5
1.6 Pedigree analysis pg. 6-7
Practice this further with additional
pedigree sheets.
1.7 Sex-linked genes pg. 8
Students must be able to represent the
inheritance on a pedigree and
determine the genotype and
phenotype of people in a family.
Sex determination & sex-linked traits
Explain how sex is determined. Model this to
students. Copy down pedigree. XX – female.
XY – male.
Sex-linked inheritance – some traits are
passed via the sex. Examine colour blindness,
haemophilia and Duchenne’s muscular
dystrophy. There are no characteristics carried
on the Y gene.
Gene technology
Genetic modification.
Students watch clickview video as an
introduction to gene technology and the
effects of such technology.
Students define genetic modification as
changing by inserting new genes into an
existing organism. Students should also be
able to explain that these new cells are then
copied to the daughter cells so new strains can
be created.
Students research 2 examples of GMF; such
as; tomatoes, corn, rice and cotton. Students
search up how the modification occurred, why
it was needed, and issues surrounding it &
how the item is better now than before, if it is.
Pros and cons of GM foods.
Gene splicing & recombinant DNA
Students define gene splicing and draw figure
1.4.3 on pg 27 that illustrates DNA recombining. Students must be able to recall the
steps in the process and explain that new
copies of the gene are reproduced once it has
been re-introduced into the bacterium. Flow
Stem cells (Embryonic stem cells & adult stem
Students define stem cells as a cell that is
capable of becoming any different type of
cell found in the human body.
They are undifferentiated cells that divide
Clickview – gene technology in
agriculture 31 mins.
PowerPoint gene modification–
Pearson Science 9 pg. 29-32.
Pearson Activity book 1.8 Genetically
modified food pg. 9
1.10 Literacy review pg. 13
Practical DNA Task (8%)
Unit Review Questions
pg. 32 Q1-10. Extension
Embryonic stem cells
Cells differentiate to become specific cell
types (p.30 Fig 1.4.10)
Students need to explain that these
differentiate to become any type of cell
found in the body.
Adult stem cells
Cells differentiate to become certain cell
types (p. 30 Fig. 1. 4. 11)
Students need to explain that these
differentiate to become specific types of
Students identify sources of adult stem
Stem cell line
Explain what it is
List the benefits.
Compare adult and embryonic stem cells
Venn diagram/table
Begin assessment task prep – Experimental
part in 1 lesson and the written component in
another lesson. Prepare students with the topics
that may come up in the written section.
Chapter Review pg. 34 Q1-17
Chapter Review pg. 209 Q1-15
End of topic test (12%)
Practical test
Topic test
Assessment Outline
DNA Extraction
DNA, Genetics, inheritance and gene