Sylabus: PreCalculus: College Algebra and Trig MATH – 119 – 0 1 fa2007 Instructor: Material: Javier Gomez Phone: 953-3199 Email: Office: GR 222 Office hours: M & W: 9:00 – 10:50, T: 11:00 – 12:00, or by appointment. This course covers the fundamentals of Algebra and Trigonometry as a basic and required knowledge for a Calculus 1 course, and includes: Real numbers and their properties, linear and absolute value inequalities, equations and graphs in two variables, linear equations in two variables, functions, graphs of relations and functions, families of functions, transformations, and symmetry, operations with functions, inverse functions, quadratic functions and inequalities, complex numbers, zeros of polynomial functions, the theory of equations, miscellaneous equations, graphs of polynomial functions, rational functions and inequalities, angles and their measurements, the sine and cosine functions, the graphs of the sine and cosine functions, the other trigonometric functions and their graphs, the inverse trigonometric functions, right triangle trigonometry identities, conditional trigonometric equations, the law of sines and the law of cosines, exponential functions and their applications, logarithmic functions and their applications, rules of logarithms, more equations and applications. Textbook: “Fundamentals of PRECALCULUS”, Mark Dugopolski, the latest edition, Pearson, Addison Wesley, MyMathLab will be optional, just to help you to learn more, you will be need an access key. You will be asked to provide the ID Course number: gomez37905 Calculator: Graphing calculator required, best choice: TI-83 plus/TI-84 plus, or TI-89. Grading: Homework: Friday WebCT Quizzes: 4 Tests: Final Exam: Homework: 15% 15% 45% 25% 100% Will be due next class after we have completed a textbook section, exercises will be at the end of the corresponding section in this exercise number pattern: 1, 5, 7, 11, 15, 17, 21, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, …etc until the end. WebCT Quizzes: On FRIDAYS you will be assigned to solve a WebCT Quizz or a WebCT Test at Bond Hall 252 Computer Lab. 4 WebCT Tests: On a specific tba FRIDAY you will have a WebCT test at Bond Hall 252 Computer Lab After finish every Chapter (1-4). I will drop your lowest score! WebCT Final Exam: Will be comprehensive at Bond Hall 252 Computer Lab on Monday Dec 10th at 1:00 PM. 1 Sylabus: PreCalculus: College Algebra and Trig MATH – 119 – 0 1 fa2007 MATH – 119 – 01 fa07 cover material and schedule *Note: HWK will be exercises at the end of the corresponding section in this exercise number pattern: 1, 5, 7, 11, 15, 17, 21, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, …etc until the end. week 1 Due Assigned CH. 1 Graphs and Functions HWK* week 2 week 3 1.1 Real Numbers and Their Properties 1.2 Linear and Absolute Value Inequalities 1.3 Equations and Graphs in Two Variables 1.4 Linear Equations in Two Variables 1.5 Functions 1.6 Graphs of Relations and Functions 1.7 Families of Functions, Transformations, and Symmetry 1.8 Operations with Functions 1.9 Inverse Functions 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 TEST CH. 1 tba via WebCT Friday week 4 CH. 2 Polynomial and Rational Functions week 5 week 6 2.1 Quadratic Functions and Inequalities 2.2 Complex Numbers 2.3 Zeroes of Polynomial Functions 2.4 The Theory of Equations 2.5 Miscellaneous Equations 2.6 Graphs of Polynomial Functions 2.7 Rational Functions and Inequalities 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 week 7 Friday TEST CH. 2 tba via WebCT CH. 3 Trigonometric Functions week 8 week 9 week 10 Friday week 11 3.1 Angles and Their Measurements 3.2 The Sine and Cosine Functions 3.3 The Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions 3.4 The Other Trigonometric Functions and Their Graphs 3.5 The Inverse Trigonometric Functions 3.6 Right Triangle Trigonometry 3.7: Identities 3.8 Conditional Trigonometric Equations 3.9 The Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines Catch-up 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 TEST CH. 3 tba via WebCT 2 Sylabus: PreCalculus: College Algebra and Trig MATH – 119 – 0 1 fa2007 CH. 4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions week 12 4.1 Exponential Functions and Their Applications 4.2 Logarithmic Functions and Their Applications 4.3 Rules of Logarithms 4.4 More Equations and Applications Catch-up Friday TEST CH. 4 tba via WebCT week 13 Catch-up 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Monday Dec 10th at 1:00 PM via WebCT at 252 Bond Hall Computer Lab WebCT FINAL EXAM (Comprehensive Chapters 1 to 4) 3