Professional Staff Leadership Team Approved Meeting Minutes December 14, 2009, 11:00 a.m. Debi Jakubcin’s Home Present Absent Call to Order Approval of Minutes PSLT Chair Report Akos Delneky; Angela Trujillo; Debi Jakubcin; Donna Kosloski; Susan Olin; Elisha Gonzalez-Bonnewitz; Elizabeth Jusino; Heidi Shugg; Joe Nunes; Joseph Sarrubbo; Mariann Swenson; Melanie Price; Shauna Anstey; Sonja Boles; Todd Hunt Keith Mizelle Debi welcomed us all then lunch was served and enjoyed by all. The meeting was called to order (around 12:30 pm). The October 12, 2009, regular meeting minutes were approved as submitted by consensus. Debi Jakubcin reported on her meeting with Dr. Stone. The issues discussed with Dr. Stone were: 1) World Café Comments a) Dr. Shugart has not sent his comments yet. b) They have been distributed to the VPs and Debi hopes to hear back next month; 2) Performance Development is a big priority next year with Carolyn McMorran. Regarding the Performance Development Plan Pilot Program: a) HR, Security and Plan Ops are a few of the test areas and the Performance Development Plan (PDP) test is going well; b) Some modifications are expected and the Professional Staff will be involved in this process. 3) Certification of Professionals for Crucial Conversations will be offered by Valencia Enterprises in January or February of 2010. a) Carolyn and Amy Bosley will facilitate b) Cost of program is $354; c) PSLT members are encouraged to attend as a team. Debi asked the PSLT members to think of ways we can advocate for the professional staff, some ideas mentioned were: a) Think about a succession plan and SPD funds, possibly use some SPD funds for someone to pursue the M.A. or Ph.D. and have a separate SPD fund for conferences; b) PSLT to be advocates at meetings for five or ten minutes to encourage attendees to get up and move or take a brief walk during brain storming. This movement will help Valencia reach the status of becoming a “Start Friendly Company” sponsored by the American Heart Association. Debi PSLT Minutes Page 2 December 14, 2009 Council Updates will encourage others by posting it in the Bulletin. c) Debi spoke with Helen Von Dolteren-Fournier to create a scholarship for students who may have adverse conditions in the household and have a home offered, as a ‘scholarship home.’ College Planning Council (Joe Nunes/Akos Delneky): Light attendance at meeting – no report College Learning Council (Donna Kosloski): Donna will send attachments to Debi who will then forward them to us. College Operations Council (Elisha Gonzalez-Bonnewitz/Donna Kosloski) November meeting - (Elisha Gonzalez-Bonnewitz) Calendars were made until the year 2017. Question regarding closing the college for Veteran’s Day was discussed; the decision was ‘no’ because it would take away from the holiday break. The calendar will coincide with the UCF calendar. Also, Learning Day to be one day earlier so students do not lose a day. Grants – there is a US DOE Business and Education grant for the Hispanic population. Cabin Creek to increase food prices. Survey of students said prices already high. Discussion with faculty and staff to ensue. Will e-mail us if need feedback. December meeting – (Donna Kosloski) Grants Summary: 1) NSF Grant for Women in Science Careers - $40,000 per year for five years, Susan Kelley reported on this; and DOE Grant (see above). 2) Software changes to Blackboard 9 (no longer Web-CT), implementation in Spring 2011; 3) Live at EDU will replace ATLAS next year (it is an e-mail system similar to UCF) and is a lifelong account; 4) Class climate was discussed; 5) SACS accreditation discussed as well; Weave On-line College was purchased for SACS accreditation and other assessments; 6) Refund Management with Jackie Lasch to hire someone instead of printing checks; have students get financial aid through ATM machines; 7) Sustainability – pick two goals, they are already established; one is that all buildings be Gold, such as Bldgs. 8 and 11 on WC. We are in the lead on this. 8) Dr. Stone reminded everyone that December 25th pay check will be received by all with direct deposit; if do not have direct deposit, will receive check after the break. As of January 1, 2010, participation in direct deposit mandatory. 9) Health Risk Assessment must be completed including spouses and children (unless minors). Sonja Boles-Melvin and Joe Sarrubbo reported on the December 4th meeting. SPD funds were once $800 and are now $1,100. SPD Report PSLT Minutes Page 3 December 14, 2009 Miscellaneous Dr. Bommelje Leadership Seeds Adjourn An SPD Task Force has been formed because the guidelines are old; therefore, it is time to review them. Historically, SPD funds are 2% of the Operational Budget (SPD funds are $150,000 from this budget). 70% of funds allocated to Administration, Faculty and Professional Staff; 30% to Career Staff. This is broken down by the number of employees of each department according to Division. In the past, SPD funds were used liberally with supervisor’s approval, the College is moving in the direction that the use of these funds has to benefit the college, i.e. OSD employee wants to take a Finance class, but this does not help the college, so may not be able to take it. New Guidelines = Goals to guide us. Professional Evaluations to associate with the guidelines. SPD funds were designed for professional development and growth. The College is going back to this initial intent. We were asked to take this back to our colleagues. Dr. Stone wants the principle that SPD funds are equitable for everyone to be consistent in each Division. Dr. Shugart wants program development to come out of this as well, i.e. the Achieving the Dream program. In 05-06, the SPD budget was $1.5 million; in 09-10 it is $1.28 million of which only $412,000 has been used. SPD Funds is used for: first-time membership of FACC; Vision and Voices; SPD Travel for Organization Officers; AAWCC Leadership Academy (Pilot year); Faculty…. -A recommendation was made to take to the Task Force the issue of SPD funds to pay for not only conference fees, but also travel cost and hotel. It was also mentioned that the SPD funds do not pay for books on certifications nor for job certifications. -The question was asked: if a junior employee wanted to develop to move up in the college, even if the program was not in direct correlation to their job, would SPD funds be available to them? This is a goal of the PDP. -Dr. Stone restated his concern to maintain accountability in all college matters. Susan Olin, VE Rep, informed us that Valencia Enterprises is sponsoring a workshop called “Putting the Pro in Administrative Professionals” on April 20, 2010, in honor of Administrative Professionals week. Please keep on your calendar. PSLT participated in Dr. Bommelje’s Leadership Seeds phone conference, “How to Uncover the Elephant in the Room.” Dr. B invited us to listen to his podcast “‘Raising the Heat’ to serve the purpose at work” at Dr. B’s e-mail is “Leadership is: learning, growing, experimenting, and taking risk.” The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.