Arab Open University Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) FACULTY OF

Arab Open University
Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)
E303A/B TMA COVER FORM (2011/2012)
Course Title:
Student Name:
Section Number::
Course Code:
Student ID:
Tutor Name:
Mark Allocated
to TMA
for content : a max of 20
marks deducted for lang. & communication
errors: a maximum of 6 marks
Notes on plagiarism:
A. According to the Arab Open University By-laws, “the following acts represent cases
of cheating and plagiarism:
 Verbatim copying of printed material and submitting them as part of TMAs
without proper academic acknowledgement and documentation.
 Verbatim copying of material from the Internet, including tables and graphics.
 Copying other students’ notes or reports.
 Using paid or unpaid material prepared for the student by individuals or firms.
B.Penalties for plagiarism ranges from failure in the TMA to expulsion from the university.
Declaration: I hereby declare that the submitted TMA is my own work and I have not copied any other
person’s work or plagiarized in any other form as specified above.
Student Signature:
TMA feedback: (PT3)
Semester 2, 2011-2012
Please return your completed assignment to your tutor to arrive by the end
of week 11.
This assignment, which is made up of five tasks, relates to your study of E303
Book 3 (Getting Inside English: Interpreting Texts,) and the readings and
activities associated with it. It represents 20% of the overall continuous
assessment score (or OCAS).
The overall objective of this TMA is to assess your skills of critical
evaluation and argument on the basis of grammatical evidence.
You are required to write no more than 1,500 words, but you will also need to
present some of your findings in graphical or tabular form. Please indicate at the
end of your essay the number of words you have used.
Before you start this assignment, refer to the general guidance on completing
and submitting your assignments on page 41 in the course guides booklet that
you have received with the package.
 Task 1 (selection of text)
Choose 2 English compositions written by Arab students in the final year of
secondary education in your country, OR by AOU students for the EL112 course
(in which students write essays). Each one should be 150 words or longer, and
the total number of words in the two compositions should be approximately 300500 words.
You should expect to spend a reasonable amount of time selecting your texts, as
your choice of text will potentially affect the quality of your answer. Do not be
afraid to reject your initial choice if you come across something better, since you
will inevitably have gained insights from the process of selection. However, you
need to remember to leave yourself enough time to spend on the analysis of your
chosen text.
In all cases, the work you decide to choose should be approved and signed
in advance by your tutor. In addition, the original, or a copy of this work
should be attached as an appendix to your TMA.
 Task 2 (initial evaluation of a text’s weaknesses)
Read the texts several times and decide whether their weaknesses lie primarily
in the way they have constructed interpersonal, textual or experiential meanings.
You need to consider here the grammatical choices in relation to the context of
the texts, in other words, to their:
Field (for example, is the choice of lexis sufficiently technical and specialised
or suitably commonplace and accessible?)
Tenor (for example, does the lexicogrammar construct appropriate social
roles and status for the writer?)
Mode (for example, do the lexical and grammatical choices construe a well
organised and structured text consistent with the mode and goal of the piece
of writing or do they, for example, make the text too formal?)
Audience, (i.e. the readers), are the texts addressed to general or specialist
At this stage of the assignment you will only be developing an impression of the
text’s overall patterns and weaknesses rather than carrying out a systematic
analysis. You do not need to submit the notes that you make at this stage.
 Task 3 (detailed analysis of text)
(You may write up to 750 words on this part of the assignment, but you will also
need to present some of your findings in graphical or tabular form.)
You now need to decide on one or two specific areas of grammar to focus on in
order to carry out a comprehensive and systematic analysis. You should select
those areas which you think will provide most insight into the text’s problems and
which account for its lack of high level of communicative effectiveness. For
example, you may think the grammar is construing an inappropriate tenor, with
the writer sounding too chatty and friendly. You would then need to carry out a
comprehensive analysis of key language features associated with tenor (e.g.
pronoun use, ellipsis, speech function, colloquial lexis, contraction, forms of
address, stance etc.). (On the issue of colloquial lexis, consult a good dictionary
which shows judgements on formal and informal usage. Do not pass this kind of
judgement without the help of a specialist grammar or dictionary.)
You may, on the other hand, decide that the main problem with each text is its
lack of overall structure and therefore decide to analyse patterns of theme
choice, including hyper- and macro- theme.
You will need to display the findings of your analysis in a way that is meaningful
to your tutor. How precisely you do this is your decision and will, to an extent,
depend on the technology you have at your disposal. For example you may use
formatting or colour to underline or highlight certain choices within the text. You
may also present your findings in table form and give counts of each finding.
 Task 4 (re-writing of text)
Based on the findings of your analysis, rewrite each text to make it more effective
in the specific areas of grammar and lexis that you focused on.
Task 5 (evaluation of re-writing)
(You should write at least 750 words on this part of the assignment,
excluding your re-written text.)
Describe the nature of the changes you made, why you made them and how
effective you think they are in improving the communicative effect of the texts.
You must explain both the inappropriateness of the original texts and the
replacements/revisions which you introduced to each.
Using the e-library on campus:
Students are requested to visit the e-library on campus and use it to do their
TMAs properly. They are also requested to show their tutor that they used the elibrary in doing the TMA.
The following are guidelines on plagiarism:
If you submit an assignment that contains work other than yours without
acknowledging your sources, you are committing plagiarism. This might occur
Using a sentence or phrase that you have come across
Copying word-for-word directly from a text
Paraphrasing the words from the text very closely
Using text downloaded from the internet
Borrowing statistics or assembled fact from another person or source
Copying or downloading figures, photographs, pictures or diagrams without
acknowledging your sources
Copying from the notes or essays of a fellow student
(Slightly adapted from OU document on quoting versus plagiarism)
It is important to remember that plagiarism is strictly barred and would
be subject to punitive action by the Arab Open University.
Learning Outcomes of the TMA:
To be successful in doing your TMA, you are expected to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of:
1. the three aspects of functional grammar framework: field, tenor, and
mode and their relations in written English prose texts;
2. how patterns of theme may vary within a particular register;
3. how the organizung resources of theme are of particular significance in
written English and can work at the level of paragraph and whole text as
well as at clause level;
4. the difference between coherent and cohesive text;
5. how cohesive devices are deployed to build experiential and interpersonal
6. the major characteristics of English grammar, and how the language may
be described and analysed, using appropriate linguistic terminology
(based broadly on a functional grammatical model);
7. the relevance of grammar to a range of real-life contexts;
and to have descriptive, analytical, cognitive, interpretation and
communication skills to:
1. analyse and describe major grammatical structures in English, using
appropriate terminology;
2. describe how a text draws on theme, hyper-theme and macro-theme to
organize and structure information;
3. describe how atext draws on the resources og grammatical cohesion to
contribute to the texture and coherence of a text;
4. interpret cohesive patterns and patterns of theme, hyper-theme and
macro-theme in relation to the contextual variable of mode and in
terms of their role in building experiential and interpersonal meaning;
5. argue why certain uses of lexical and grammatical cohesion and
choices of theme, hyper-theme and macro-theme make a text more or
less effective;
6. apply your understanding of lexical and grammatical cohesion and of
theme, hyper-theme and macro-theme to make a text more effective;
7. interpret the meanings made by writers who package and stage their
texts in different ways;
8. interpret written linguistic data, showing an understanding of how
grammatical forms relate to meaning;
9. construct a coherent argument, clearly focussed on the topic under
10. develop good academic practice in the acknowledgement of source
material and presentation of bibliographies;
11. present written work to a high standard;
12. respond to tutor feedback about improving the effectiveness of written
13. work independently, scheduling tasks and managing time effectively;
14. make independent judgements;
15. assess the value of evidence critically (including simple statistical
16. construct coherent written arguments, supported by relevant evidence,
appropriately referenced.
E303B: Generic Marking Criteria:
Total mark is 20. It is divided as follows:
14 marks (70%) for content:
Answering the questions asked correctly and doing the required tasks properly.
6 marks (30%) for language/form:
Proper academic writing mechanics/conventions, correct grammar/structure,
organization, format, quoting/referencing and full documentation of sources, etc.
In all the E303 assignments, and in the examination, your work will be assessed
according to the following generic marking criteria, which are based on the
learning outcomes described above:
1 The relevance of your answer to the specific question set
2 The extent to which you display knowledge and understanding of the course
3 The extent to which you demonstrate the skills of linguistic analysis and
4 The extent to which you demonstrate critical interpretation and evaluation of
linguistic evidence
5 The extent to which you construct a persuasive academic argument, well
supported by evidence
6 The clarity of your expression and your use of academic conventions
7 The extent to which you demonstrate the skills of independent study
(particularly in the case of TMAs)
The feedback form (cover page), together with annotations on your script, will
supply significant information about your performance. When you get your work
back, you should read your tutor’s comments carefully, taking note (for the
benefit of future assignments and examination preparation) of what seem to be
your strengths and weaknesses. The marking criteria chart should help you with
this. You should allow yourself the time to reflect back on your work in the light of
the tutor’s comments and to consider whether some of the advice can be applied
to the next assignment. There may be comments that you do not understand, or
do not agree with. In this event, your tutor will be ready to discuss these with you.
The personalised advice you receive is likely to be one of your most valuable
learning resources; do use it.
Marking Grid
B to B+
C to C+
Excellent answers showing confident and wideranging knowledge of core material, good
understanding of any relevant theory, and a
capacity to address the question in a structural,
direct and effective way, thoughtfully and with
insight. Originality of thought or ideas from
outside the course are an added asset. Examples
are to the point.
Very good answers showing secure knowledge of
course materials. Adopting an analytical
approach and providing relevant discussion
covering most of the key issues. Distinguished
from A answers by being less insightful or by
showing less comprehensive knowledge of the
Competent answers reflecting adequate
knowledge of the more directly relevant course
material and concepts, with reasonable structure
and adequate coherence related to the question
Answers which omit some concepts /evidence
and/or lack coherence /structure, and/or make
minor errors while still demonstrating basic
understanding. Or Bare pass answers which show
awareness of some relevant material and
attempt to relate it to the question.
Answers which attempt to draw upon relevant
material but do not reflect sufficient knowledge
of the course and/or neglect the focus required
by the question, and/or are incomplete in some
important aspects whilst being acceptable in
- Has an introduction defining plan of essay.
- Body divided into several paragraphs
- Conclusion which directly relates arguments
to topic.
- Evidence that essay has been edited.
- Error-free grammar & register.
- Wide range of specialized terminology.
- First four criteria above maintained
- Demonstrates extensive grammar control.
- Terminology specialized but less varied.
- Introduction and/or conclusion short but still
- Evidence of editing.
- Less grammar control than above.
- Good range of specialized terminology.
- Introduction and/or conclusion short but
- no evidence of editing.
- Few grammatical errors that impede
- Above average range of specialized
- Slightly confused introduction and/or
conclusion, but body still fair.
- No evidence of editing.
- Some error types that impede
- Fair range of specialized terminology.
- No introduction and /or no conclusion.
- Body badly organized or irrelevant.
- Poor grammar control (extremely limited
range of grammar & register).
- Limited or not specialized range of
Mark-Deduction Grid
The following grid is used in deducting marks, when grading TMAs, MTAs, and
FEs, on the basis of language use and organisation
Has an introduction defining plan of essay.
Body divided into several paragraphs.
Conclusion which directly relates arguments to
Evidence that essay has been edited.
Wide range of specialized terminology.
Error-free grammar & register, mechanics, etc.
Clear organization, with good introduction and
Body divided into several paragraphs
Demonstrates extensive grammar control and
mechanics: correct spelling, proper punctuation,
correct sentences, with occasional/sporadic
grammar mistakes (e.g., phrasal verbs, relative
Evidence of editing
Terminology specialized but less varied.
Introduction and/or conclusion short but still
Some evidence of editing.
Less grammar control than above: (e.g., wrong
use of prepositions, verb tenses).
Some non-recurrent problems in mechanics of
Average range of specialized terminology.
Introduction and/or conclusion short and slightly
confused, but acceptable, with body still fair.
No evidence of editing: some grammatical and
other recurrent types of errors that impede
communication (e.g., verb forms, auxiliary
Recurrent errors of spelling and punctuation
Poor formatting
Below average range of specialized terminology.
No introduction and /or conclusion.
Body badly organized or irrelevant.
No editing whatsoever
Poor grammar control (extremely limited range
of grammar & register, very basic, recurrent,
punctuation errors of all types).
No formatting
Limited or not specialized range of terminology.
3rd level courses
1st & 2nd level
- No deduction
- No deduction
- Deduct 30% of
deduction allowed:
TMA: 2
MTA: 3
TMA: 1.5
MTA: 2
- Deduct 50% of
deduction allowed
TMA: 2
MTA: 3
- Deduct 80% of
deduction allowed
TMA: 5
MTA: 7
TMA: 3.5
MTA: 5
- Deduct 100% of
deduction allowed
TMA: 6
MTA: 9
TMA: 6
MTA: 9