“Jerome Morrow was never meant to be one step down on the podium

“Jerome Morrow was never meant to be one step down on the podium.”
“That’s how my brother Anton came into the world – a son my father considered worthy of his name.”
“When they look at you, they don’t see you any more, they see me.”
“They've got you looking so hard for any flaw that after a while that's all you see.” (Jerome to Irene)
“It’s not too late to back out. This is the last day you’re going to be you and I’m going to be me.”
“I’m here to tell you, for what it’s worth, that it is possible.”
“Consider God's handiwork: who can straighten what he has made crooked? Ecclesiastes 7:13”
“No, no. I got the better end of the deal. I only lent you my body …you lent me your dreams.”
“I'm sorry. The insurance won't cover it. If he falls…”
Jerome: “What about the interview?” Lamar: “That was it.”
“Each day I would …limit how much of my IN-VALID self I would leave in the VALID world.”
“No one exceeds their potential. If they do it just means we didn't judge it accurately in the first place."
“Eugene, I need you to be yourself for the day.” / “I was never any good at it, remember?”
“A year is a long time.” / “Not so long. Just once around the sun.”
"Yeah, but if the glass is clean, it'll be easier for you to see me when I'm on the other side of it!"
“I was never more certain of how far away I was from my goal than when I was standing right beside it.”
“I not only think I will tamper with Mother Nature, I think Mother Nature wants me to.” William Gaylin”
“They used to say that a child conceived in love had a greater chance of happiness. They don’t say that anymore”
“Manic depression, 42% probability, attention deficit disorder 89% probability, heart disorder 99% probability.”
“You want to give your child the very best start. ….. this child is still you, simply the best of you.” (Geneticist to
Mari and Antonio)
“With all I had going for me, I was still second best. Me.”
"What about you, your majesty? You're dreaming of space? Come here. You can start by cleaning this space right
“It was the one moment in our lives that my brother was not as strong as he believed, and I was not as weak. It was
the moment that made everything else possible.”
“Ten fingers, ten toes. That's all that used to matter. Not now. Now, only seconds old, the exact time and cause of
my death was already known.”
“For the genetically superior, success is easier to attain, but it's by no means guaranteed. After all there is no gene
for fate.”
“I was now a member of a relatively new and particularly detested segment of society; one of those who refuses to
play the hand that he was dealt. I am most commonly known as a borrowed ladder, or a de-gene-erate.”
“You know I wasn't drunk …When I walked in front of that car…I stepped right out in front of it. I'd never been
more sober in my life…Couldn't even get that right could I? If at first you don't succeed, try try again.”
“By the time we were playing at being blood brothers I understood that there was something very different flowing
through my veins. And I'd need an awful lot more than a drop if I was going to get anywhere.”
“I belonged to a new underclass, no longer determined by social status or the colour of your skin. No, we now have
discrimination down to a science.”