Study Questions: Gattaca 1) Fairly early in the movie, Vincent’s parents discuss the genetic design of Vincent’s younger brother, Anton. The geneticist says that there are two healthy boy and two healthy girl possibilities, and that it remains only “to select the most compatible candidate.” What do you suppose is involved in such “selection”? 2) The geneticist also says that he has eliminated all susceptibility to disease (“negative” genetic engineering), but that what remains is “still you, just the best of you”. Does this mean that only negative engineering is being done, or does the film suggest that attributes are sometimes “added” through “positive” engineering? Is there an ethical difference between positive and negative engineering? 3) How are the swimming scenes between Vincent and Anton related to Jerome’s (Eugene’s) career in swimming? 4) What name does Jerome choose for himself? Is there any significance to this name? Do Vincent and Jerome stick to their new names consistently through the film, or are there moments when they revert to their original names? 5) As the story unfolds, observe Jerome’s behaviour and especially his remarks about himself. How would you describe his character? 6) What message does this movie give about a “life worth living”? What are some of the reasons for Jerome’s suicide attempt?