“Article 9 Association” Bulletin and News in Japanese (No

The English version of the “Article 9 Association” Bulletin and News in Japanese (No.164 dated
October 16th, 2012) is published by Katsuyuki NARA and Sarah BROCK of the New English Teachers
Association (or Shin-Eiken) (http://www.shin-eiken.com/). The translations are all on our own.
[Updated November 10th]
(English version No.98)
Discussion to Protect Article 9 Rises from the Grassroots
A9A held public lectures honoring late A9A cofounder Miki Mutsuko on
September 29 2012 in Hibiya Kokaido Hall: “Miki Mutsuko’s legacy: taking on
the struggle—now, when democracy is being put to the test”.
Supporters, advocates and cofounders of A9A Oe Kenzaburo, Okudaira
Yasuhiro, and Sawachi Hisae lectured on recent alarming moves over Article 9
by political groups and emphasized the importance of continuing to raise
grass-roots discussion aiming for defense of Article 9. A9A secretary-general
Komori Yoichi raised the following call for action to the 1800-strong turnout.
A9A Secretariat Call for Action
A turbulent period has begun, as groups advocate Constitutional
referendums to change the wording of the Constitution and press for the
right to collective self-defense. Now more than ever it is crucial that we
arouse public awareness about the Constitution and Article 9 at the
grassroots level, and by achieving awareness defend the Constitution.
A9A plans to
 Hold Constitution seminars and study meetings with cofounders and
advocates of A9A
 Give our first large-scale discussion meeting on the Constitution in the
fall of 2013
Local groups around the country are encouraged to open similar seminars,
study meetings and discussion forums, at the grassroots level. We hope as
many people as possible can come to the national discussion meeting in
Founders’ speeches
Oe Kenzaburo, author
Iwanami pamphlet “Constitution Article 9,
at the start of the Asia-Pacific War in 1941.
opening the future” mentions Miki Mutsuko’s
“When war broke out at last with America, I
talk at the A9A Ariake Coliseum Meeting of the
was pregnant. All I could think of was how
A9A in 2005. It states that Miki Mutsuko was 22
important it was to prevent war, for the sake of
the future when my children would take on their
health—a man who brought groups together for
adult responsibilities and carry Japan’s fate on
the purpose of revising the Constitution and
their shoulders. More than anything else I
achieving a larger self-defense force, his stated
wanted them to grow up in peace. But how could
policies are primarily revisionist.
I possibly achieve such a goal? On the other
I noticed in the newspaper on September 15
hand, how could I allow my children to be forced
that the Noda Cabinet has stated a new policy to
to take responsibility for such an enormous issue
create an Energy/Environment committee which
as war and its aftermath? This was constantly
aims for the creation of a zero-nuclear power
on my mind as I raised my children.”
paradigm with an ETA of roughly 2030. While
The pamphlet continues: “I suppose I could
some say that 2030 is rather late, I feel it is
have fled through the maelstrom of war that was
significant both around the world and here in
wrapping itself around Japan, and fled through
Japan that the government took the important
the falling incendiary bombs to safety. I could
step of even trying to set such a goal.
have put my children in a perambulator and told
I urge awareness that the Noda government
the nurse, ‘just run anywhere you can, I will
has not thus far had high expectations of such an
come and visit them later’. But it did not seem to
optimistic future goal. In fact neither the Liberal
be the right kind of action.” The pamphlet
Democratic Party nor the Noda Government
concludes: “You don’t need to have a big empire if
were able to wriggle out of making future
people decide to live in peace and join hands to
nuclear policy plain. The move was forced on the
live in mutual respect. Quiet, peaceful, fun—that
government by the strong current of public
is the kind of world I want to live in.”
opinion; thus the stated goal of making Japan
Miki Mutsuko was the wife of statesman Miki
nuclear-free by 2030.
Takeo, and stuck by him during the prewar,
Citizen movements are continuing, and every
wartime and postwar conflicts. This is the Miki
Friday a demonstration surrounds the Prime
Takeo who broke the Lockheed scandal involving
Minister’s residence. Many hope that as long as
Tanaka Kakuei, and established Japan’s defense
these demonstrations continue, the newly stated
expenditure below one percent of the GNP. His
policy will remain in the public eye and
wife was an intelligent supporter of his policy
eventually be achieved. I will speak plainly. Look
and career. She was unforgettable to me.
at the reality: this was a nuclear power plant
I shall now speak about some issues that are
accident on so large a scale that it could not be
on my mind, one by one.
swept under the carpet. 160,000 people are
The first of these: is Japan a democracy in
unable to return to their own houses or farm the
fact? For that matter, what is democracy?
land. At government-sponsored opinion meetings
The Liberal Democratic Party scents a change
and in public comments the overwhelming
of government and expects to rule Japanese
majority of the public have come out in favor of
politics again soon. From September 15th to the
‘Nuclear Power Zero’. We and other groups
25th the leadership convention worked through a
staged a hundred-thousand plus rally to seek the
list of candidates and settled on an interesting
end of nuclear power. It is the clear and
choice. Party leader and prime minister in the
expressed opinion of the people of Japan that
past, he gave up his office for reasons of
nuclear power must go.
For a week after the September 15 policy
the homemakers would have to break into the
announcement I read all the Japanese and
American bases in a desperate move to make
English newspapers I could lay my hands on.
their feelings come home to the world.
Starting two days after the announcement of the
This is the first time that I have ever found
Noda Nuclear Policy there were explosive
such a tone of hopelessness and desperation
negative reactions in Japan and abroad. A major
expressed by everyone from intelligentsia to
reaction came from some U.S. statesmen, some
ordinary housewives in the newspapers of
of whom came to Japan and insisted with ‘one
Okinawa. The people of Okinawa are fighting
cry and one voice’ that Japan make past policies
against the deployment of the Osprey tilt rotor
on nuclear power absolutely clear, in light of this
aircraft—the first aircraft capable of behaving
like a helicopter yet able to fly longer and faster
and carry more personnel—but so prone to
Minister Noda by phone that ‘agreement is
accidents during development. In spite of the
impossible.’ The Noda government brought the
violence and the democratic rhetoric of the
policy to the vote, and it was in fact voted down.
The policy statement was disenabled—without a
rubber-stamped the American deployment. The
trace of public debate or any say by the people,
Japanese government seems to say by this that
and any future policy is going to be left to the
it is not in a position to object to American
next government. We have to acknowledge with
objectives. This is not the kind of action one
regret—this is the way things are done in Japan.
Where exactly is the democratic process in all
democratic country.
It is too easy to see the
of this? And how can we affect a government, if
Osprey issue as a problem affecting only
what moves it is not the democratic process but
Okinawa; in fact it affects all of Japan because it
something else? One way is to tear down the
is a Constitutional issue, not merely local or
current government by election, but then we face
regional but national in scope.
The Peace Constitution was created in the
period between the signing of the peace treaty
which has just elected as its leader a man who is
postwar and the return of full independence. It
determined to change the Constitution at all
did not come about because politicians felt that it
costs. Only dreamers could expect a Zero
would be good for the people. Politicians feared
Nuclear Power policy from an LDP government.
the reaction of other countries in the region that
So what can we do? I am convinced that the only
had fought Japan or been under Japanese rule,
thing we can do is to continue to express our
should Japan once again have a working military.
opinion. It is the only weapon we have at the
Then the Cold War began, and it was apparent
present time.
that Japan with no military whatsoever was also
An Okinawan writer that I greatly respect
a problem, for it meant America would have to
recently gave me a shock. He attended the
struggle to maintain military superiority over
100,000-strong rally in Okinawa, but later
the Soviets. So the ‘arm’ was cut off—Okinawa
admitted that he no longer had a clear idea of
was sacrificed, and essentially given over to
how to proceed. A woman said that it looked like
America. Extensive military bases were built,
nuclear weapons stored, and ships carrying
The Okinawa protests against the Osprey,
nuclear weapons had complete access to ports. It
and our rallies, demonstrations and meetings to
was an efficient system. Just as pre-Meiji Japan
oppose the restarting of nuclear power plants are
absorbed the independent country of Okinawa,
all connected to the Constitution. We value and
forty years ago the same thing happened
protect Article 9 of the Constitution. We defend it
again—and in all but name Okinawa was once
facing the world as a whole, we defend it facing
again a ‘colony’ of a foreign power. Japan
up to America, and we defend it to every
usurped the rights of one of its own regions,
Okinawa, and handed it over lock, stock and
barrel to America. My friends in Okinawa are all
stranger’s issue. It is personal; it is our own.
too familiar with this clear-cut process.
Okudaira Yasuhiro, Constitution scholar
Terashima Jitsuro writes about nuclear power
issues in the June 2012 issue of Sekai. He is
Within the movement were some who used the
himself a great advocate of ‘accumulating better
rhetoric of ‘unarmed neutrality.’ Terashima
makes a clear parallel between this concept,
engineering’, but his article concentrates on a
which he labels as a vacuous idea that occurred
different line of rhetoric: the major error of even
in an eyeblink of history, and the concept of
thinking it would be possible to give up nuclear
ending dependence on nuclear power. First
Terashima makes the terms equivalent. Then he
renouncing nuclear power generation, I have
negates the ‘sturdiness’ or ‘reality’ (as opposed to
noticed that the vacuous concept of unarmed
imagination or fantasy) of one of the terms. This
neutrality often crops up. I recognize the
means that both ‘unarmed neutrality’ and ‘zero
existence of many articulate people who felt
nuclear energy’ are disempowered and negated.
regret for the war and determination not to
What Terashima describes as a vacuous
allow war to be repeated. In the postwar period
concept conceived in an eyeblink of history—the
it was inevitable that some people would take up
‘eyeblink’ is the period of the Peace Constitution,
the empty dream of the possibility that war
which has been around for 60 years. ‘Unarmed
could be renounced and unarmed neutrality was
possible. These ideas were conceived in an eye
articulate Article 9. They have been central to
blink of history, and I feel their essential
dialog and dialectic and have a long history of
weakness now. Instead of empty concepts, what
fighting and being fought for.
is needed now is realistic, multi-leveled, strong
when Japan was still under the occupation. In
In my student days the government policy,
heavily in
The Korean Civil War broke out in the fifties
and resilient creative planning.”
which leaned
the direction of
established, and in 1954 the Self-Defense Force
rearmament, was watched with care and deep
was created. The right to self-defense was used
suspicion. As part of the reaction to the threat of
to negate the conflict with paragraph 2 of Article
a possible government move to rearm, a
9 which states that “army, navy, and air forces as
well as other war potential” shall not be
Article 9.” Hashimoto feels that statesmen
established. The current government sticks to
should discuss contents of a revised Article 9,
this policy as well. This quasi-rearmament was
and leave it to the people to make a final decision.
caused by the need for Japan to defend itself to
He goes on to remark that if the matter is put to
some extent after the end of the occupation and
a public vote, and the people actually choose not
the rise of hostile military powers within Asia.
to sacrifice themselves but to go ahead and live
From 1955 the LDP has attempted to gain
without war, “I say let them go ahead and do it,
the two-thirds majority in the Diet necessary to
be that way, have that kind of country. If that
initiate changes in the Constitution itself, as
happens I think I’ll go and live somewhere else.”
described in Article 96. Should a two-thirds
In other words, the Japanese people are
majority vote be achieved, the matter must then
forbidden to sacrifice their lives and economy for
be voted on by the people of Japan, where a
the sake of going to war—forbidden by Article 9.
simple majority would allow the Constitution to
If the people want to preserve Article 9, then
be changed. Article 96 has been a frustrating
Hashimoto and others like him feel they would
bottleneck to revisionists, and has protected the
prefer to live in a country where self-sacrifice
Constitution for a long time.
and going to war is possible.
The Self-Defense Force was only meant to
About 15 or 16 years ago literary critic Kato
protect Japan itself. However at the time of the
Norihiro wrote the book Post-Defeat Theory. In
Gulf War, America demanded that Japan
the book he explores how Japan and Japanese
contribute to the war effort. This resulted in the
society coped with the overwhelming experience
first deployments of the Self-Defense forces
of defeat and how they accepted their fate. He
overseas for the purpose of supporting war.
argues that with the Peace Constitution forced
There was no effort to promote Constitutional
upon them as their starting point, Japanese
change at the time; the required majority vote
simply was not there. Instead the Constitutional
Constitution was, and make the conscious choice
issue was shelved in favor of debating the
to go with it. They have to re-choose it
appropriateness of allowing the Self-Defense
Re-choose: what precisely does that mean? I
Force into a war theater, where there was a real
remind you of the Sunagawa lawsuits, which not
risk that they might have to go to battle.
only brought Article 9 under fresh scrutiny, but
When the Senkaku Islands issue heated up,
also stimulated many people to come together in
Tokyo Governor Ishihara Shintaro remarked
the conscious effort to protect Article 9. To use
“They all yell ‘Constitution, Constitution’—I
Kato’s term, this is the concrete and very real
think they’re all idiots.” He further implied that
form our re-choice is taking. Through lawsuits
it would be better to scrap the Constitution
authentic action, taking each situation as it
Remarks by Osaka City Mayor Hashimoto
stands, we have continually made the conscious
Toru sound more dangerous. “Amend Article 96”
re-choice of the spirit of Article 9. This effort has
is included in his manifesto “eight-point policy to
been going on since the ‘1955 System or setup ’
restore Japan (or Ishin-Hassaku)” and says “It is
which initiated 38 years of LDP rule, until today.
high time for us to think about the ‘future’ of
And what has served to foster this conscious
re-choice? I have heard one amusing argument
that goes like this. “We have the Self Defense
contains glows with a living spirit.
Forces after all. Why bother to rewrite the
This apparently annoys the LDP, which
Constitution?” This argument implies that since
the SDF is accepted by the people of Japan, it
revision. The proposed bill deliberately avoided
would be unpopular to change the Constitution
specific mention of Article 9. Surveys and
and have a ‘proper military’. This makes even
opinion polls proved Article 9 to be extremely
the SDF an anti-revisionist argument, even a
popular. So the LDP padded their agenda to
revision-conservative one.
include the whole Constitution for revision.
Kato addressed this kind of argument in his
However it is quite evident that their real aim is
essay ‘Ten Years After the Post-Defeat Crisis’ in
to change Article 9. Article 96, which requires a
the magazine Ronza (2007 June). In the current
two-thirds majority vote in the Diet to initiate
situation of deep crisis, ten years later the stance
Constitutional change, is also a target. The LDP
does not change—still we are asked to re-choose.
proposed bill states that “this Constitutional
But other viewpoints are possible. ‘The SDF is
revision will be proposed to the lower and upper
there for us, so there is no need to revise the
houses of the Diet, and should a majority vote be
Constitution’ as some critics say, but Kato says
achieved it will become a provisional law and be
“Wait a minute. Take a look—what exactly did
put to a national vote of the people for approval.”
our Constitution give to post-defeat Japan?
The word ‘majority’ is simply slid into place of
What did it provide to the people living in
the little phrase ‘two-thirds majority’—what a
postwar society? In short, it gave them a very
display of rhetorical skill this is.
high concept, one which requires effort to
The background to these moves is the agitated
and contradictory argument running through
It takes a genuine literary great to figure out
many fields, and the LDP feels that it must force
such a subtle point. I find myself once again
some kind of change. I emphasize that this is a
deeply impressed.
very important period, and at this time we have
Some emphasize that the Constitution was in
to continue what we started with the founding of
a way forced upon Japan. Late critic Kato
A9A and the grassroots movement that is its
Shuichi puts it like this: “even though it was
continuation. We will never think of Article 9 as
forced upon us, you have to admit that the
a vacuous dream but preserve its living spirit;
contents are great, so why fuss about how it
once more, and as many times as necessary, we
came to be our Constitution?” It may well be that
will chose it for our own.
Article 9 was forced on us. But we found in the
Constitution something that appealed to us, that
matched our sensibilities, and we confirmed and
accepted it. We chose to keep it. We have chosen
it through every single lawsuit. It has become
the chosen property of the Japanese people. With
every defense of Article 9 it takes on new
Sawachi Hisae, author
Miki Mutsuko was a woman with a wide
Association or IRAA) was a political organization
experience of life. From her youth she expressed
devoted to the one party system and supporting
strong anti-war feeling, and from the time of the
the war effort. The organization determined
founding of A9A until she passed away, she lived
which candidates would win elections by giving
her life with vitality and hope.
them open support and canvassing aggressively
A month before the end of the war, in July
for votes. Miki Takeo was one of the few
1945, the family chose to evacuate their oldest
representatives elected without the support of
the IRAA. Mutsuko’s topic in 2007 was about
Tokushima and leave her in the care of Takeo’s
mother. Mutsuko carried her baby son on her
Hiroshi. Mutsuko wanted the young people
back and led her four-year-old daughter by the
attending the 2007 session to understand this
hand, while Takeo carried whatever he could
fairly well-hidden historical fact.
manage, and they set off on foot. You have to
The war grew worse and worse, and Abe
remember that the bombing had virtually
Hiroshi lost his wife, and had nobody to cook for
destroyed the rail network, and regular trains
him. Even though he was constantly followed by
were not running, so the family walked along the
the secret police, he would shake his tail to
railroad tracks stepping from tie to tie. Now and
appear now and then at Mutsuko’s back door,
then a heavily laden train came and they
easing from the shadows, and ask her if she had
crowded on with other families and somehow
anything for him to eat.
eventually made it to the family seat in
Mutsuko knew he was really hard up for food,
Tokushima. Takeo took charge of bathing his
let alone anyone to make it for him. Though
little daughter in the barrel ‘Goemon’ style
dogged by agents still he came, ate, and talked
bathtub, and the four year old said with
with Takeo through the still hours of the night
stouthearted aplomb, “Daddy, come and pick me
about how to bring about peace and find an end
up when the war is over, OK?”
to war. Then with a brief and casual “well…” he
Her father, Miki Takeo, kept on bathing his
would fade again into the gloom of early dawn.
daughter, but as he did so he surreptitiously had
Mutsuko’s point at the meeting was the media
to wipe his face with his hand cloth to hide the
coverage of his grandson, Abe Shinzo, and how
tears he could not stop weeping. I think that it
he is constantly referred to in terms of his
was because they were to return to Tokyo the
maternal grandfather Kishi Nobusuke, a former
next day, and if things got bad they might not
Class-A war criminal and after his rehabilitation,
survive to come back to her. Mutsuko remembers
57th Prime Minister of Japan. “I wonder why this
that her anti-war feeling grew ever greater, and
is the case, and why Abe Shinzo is not mentioned
after the war was long over, for the next 67 years,
as being related to Abe Hiroshi, a man who
she never lost her conviction.
worked his fingers to the bone to promote peace
Miki Mutsuko attended a study meeting of
and a war-free society.” Her point was taken by
A9A in June 2007 with something she felt
the meeting; this is the sign of a true teller of
compelled to convey. During the war the Taisei
history, which Mutsuko certainly was.
clear-headed, bright and full of life. She was a
Before WWII, in fact from the beginning of
master raconteur. I felt that she deserved her
hostilities with China right to the end of the
reputation as an effective politician’s wife and
unconditional surrender, the military budget
she took her convictions and discipline to every
was simply rolled over unexamined every fiscal
talk she gave. She is a great loss to our cause.
year. How the funds were used—where the
money went, was not carefully watched at all.
military exercise called Valiant Shield, and as
After the February 26 Incident in 1936, when
part of the overall exercise Japanese Self-
military students attempted a coup d’etat, some
of the perpetrators created a magazine to
landings on Guam in an operation aimed to
discredit the later Tojo Government’s military
‘retake’ the island should it fall into enemy
budget. A young former officer involved in the
hands. With camouflage on their faces it was
coup d’etat plot wanted some money to finance
difficult to tell who was American and who was
the magazine. He went to the Imperial Army
Japanese. I wondered, where is the need for
Kanto Regional Command and asked for it. The
Japan to practice taking back an island from an
Command disbursed a ‘certain amount of money,’
enemy, and perform the exercise with America?
and I remind myself that this was wartime when
It is constitutionally illegal for the Japan Self-
everyone was trying to be frugal—the amount
Defense Force to be deployed abroad, but if they
given to the young former officer to finance an
were sent, would they really have to perform
anti-government, anti-corruption periodical was
such operations? The news made me quite cross
astronomical. This is simply one example of the
as I watched it. I imagined the reaction of
military ethic as applied to Japan: Army people,
ordinary people if they saw those camouflaged
and former Army people, stick together and
faces in full color on the front pages of their
support each other no matter what is actually
favorite tabloids. But of course that did not
entailed. This did not change even with defeat in
happen—there seems to be no end to it.
war or the change from the label ‘army’ to the
The government created a Self-Defense
label ‘Self-Defense Force’.
Ministry, and even has a Self-Defense Minister.
When I viewed the media reports of the party
leader ballots, both of the ruling Democratic
development projects happens right alongside
Party and the LDP, I could not help but see how
the growth in budget—now five trillion yen
rotten Japan has become. The earthquake and
annually. An example is the bid for a new fighter
tsunami of March 11 2011 and the ensuing
plane. The rival parties, A and B, are supposed
nuclear power plant disasters have produced
to make bids. However A gives B an idea of their
increasingly schizophrenic politics. None of the
plans, so both sides know fairly well how much
candidates for party leader mentioned the
each will cost, what are possible losses, and at
what level to set their bids. Thus the same
candidates represented the real needs of nuclear
company always lands the bids for fighter
aircraft. Other expenses also tend to go through
evacuation area of Fukushima. Instead, the
the same hands; the running expenses of the
majority Democratic Party and the minority
SDF are very prone to corruption.
LDP cooperated to raise consumer tax rates,
without regard for the real conditions people in
making stronger connections with America, and
Japan are living under. It is unbelievable that
is preparing to someday, if needed by America, to
Japan even dares to boast the label of being a
go to war.
democracy, in my opinion.
Kato Shuichi in the Asahi Shimbun in 1996
The Self-Defense Force has become a major
that Japan is heading in the wrong direction,
player in the world, although I am not clear
and the source of this dangerous trend is based
about how this military force ranks in the world,
on the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. Established
and it is not enough to claim that it violates
in 1952 and revised in 1960, it reflects none of
Article 9. I deeply wish that the SDF be ‘zeroed’,
the wishes, hopes or desires of the Japanese
along with nuclear power. Some object that “they
people. Some say that by being placed firmly
help out during disasters”, and that is very fine,
under the US Nuclear Umbrella, Japan was able
but I point out that other Japanese people,
to achieve great economic success. But what
trained, willing and able, are going to disaster
changed in the treaty conditions when in 1990
areas and performing invaluable work, without
the end of Soviet Russia occurred, and the Cold
any swords in their belts. And they are doing
War ended? Kato and others question whether it
the work without asking for payment or a
is best that Japan simply adhere to old policies
government budget. I think this could be
towards the US and follow along like a sheep
formalized; the government could pay for it, just
following its shepherd at such a time. I see two
as they pay for the SDF. Such a ‘force’ could be
paths. The first is that we keep on as we have
sent anywhere in the world and do great works
done. The second is to think things over from the
to help all humanity.
ground up, and create an independent country of
America instead creates the drones that can
our own. The difficulty of the second choice is
be controlled from a location such as Washington,
plain. However the light at the end of such a
DC but the drone itself is in Afghanistan, where
difficult choice is very bright.
it drops its bombs while its controller goes home
The Test of Courage comes if we take the
to dinner in nice, safe Virginia or Maryland. The
second choice. At the end of the process is a
attack target is determined by satellite, and any
country that is truly democratic, and people can
gathering of human forms apparently means a
live a civilized life, and all lives are considered
terrorist group. The drone cannot distinguish
equally valid and valuable.
between a gathering of soldiers and a wedding
courage are on the line. This is what I believe.
party. All of these points are connected: Japan is
Our wills and