Prayer Letter 437 Week ending 23rd and 24th Jan

Street Pastors Kingston
St Peter’s Hall
London Road
Reg Charity No: 108 6608
Tel. 020 8547 0566
Text SPKN to 70070 followed by the amount to donate, £10, £20, £50
Prayer Letter No. 437
Week ending 23rd and 24th January 2015
Friday Team: David R, Cathy, Elizabeth, William, Scott; Carole
Prayer Pastors: Chris and Lorraine
Saturday team; Meryn, Mark, Mercy Howard
Prayer Pastors: Trevor (til 12) Ray (12-4am)
A brief overview
Friday: Generally a quiet evening with some nice conversations. It was a brilliant team and we
enjoyed the night.
Saturday: Very cold (but fortunately little wind) and quiet on the streets. Apart from helping several homeless
males we only helped one (female) punter. The night dragged on a bit!
Here are highlights from some of the encounters we were involved with last weekend.
10.55 Have just approached a man trying to sleep by the station and have asked him if he would like a warm drink but he
refused but we will call back later.
1.15 Bentalls - have just spotted a man, A, who is worse for wear and are giving him water and see how we get on from there.
He is struggling to get on his feet at the moment.
1.25 We managed to sober up AA, a Polish guy, after giving him water and walking him around. Then we met up with J and
his friend, both homeless chaps. We gave all three cups of tea and sandwiches and they were very appreciative. We believe
there are some sleeping bags back at base and as one of the guys asked for one will bring one out on the next round.
1.40 Tesco - have met AAA, an elderly man, who has a freedom pass and wants to get back to Berrylands so just getting him to
the bus station to find him a bus home. He looks a bit bewildered and lost so checking out which bus is suitable for him.
2.10 Have put him on the 281 to Berrylands. His local shop was closed so he came into Kingston on the bus to buy some
cigarettes and became disorientated as to where he was. He is now quite happy.
3.20 McCluskys - had a nice conversations with some guys from Saudi Arabia talking about our faith and their faith. They
respect what we do and were very appreciative. They praised God for us which was nice to hear.
3.30 Met up with A again outside Bentalls and gave him some more water. He seems fine and is appreciative of the help we
have given him. We have handed out sandwiches and water and all very happy and please with everything we do for them.
3.55 Everyday Church - just met another group of young people who are very pleased with what we do including J who wanted
to thank us for what we do and would like to become a Street Pastor at some stage so we gave him a SP card.
10.55 Spoke to a couple of fishermen (men aged 40+) in a boat moored outside Charter Quay. They gave us a few fishermen
stories about a 46lb carp caught a few weeks ago, catching seals and tales of barracudas and other exotic fish seen in the
Thames recently.
11.05 By John Lewis riverside - we spoke to a group of 8 young people who go to South Thames college, two females and a
mix of six men, all early 20s. As we walked away we were called back by one guy who sincerely thanked us for the work we do
and said it was “impressive”. He said we were very good. We said thank you but we’re not really “good” but we know one
who is - and that he died that we might live. Oh yes, he said, Jesus.
11.10 Further along the river we met five women, late teens/early 20’s. They were having a bit of the drinks party on top of
the ventilation extract tower (about 2m high) at the eastern end of John Lewis. One of the girls asked if we were religious and
wanted to know how to find out about religion (Christianity). We suggested she go to a church near her home. She wanted to
go to a Gospel church. We suggested perhaps she might try Kings Gate above Kings Tun.
11.40 We found L (homeless white male in 20’s & well known to us) sitting on the pavement begging outside the Kings Tun.
He seemed to be in a bad way. We were able to offer him sandwiches and he asked for a sleeping bag and a hot coffee. We
told him we would come back to him after our tea break with a sleeping bag and a cup of coffee with six sugars!
11.55 Outside Kingston Station we met three homeless males: C and J and R. They are well known to some of us. J and R go to
the Great Feast at St Peter’s Church on a Wednesday lunchtime. They have managed to acquire a static caravan which they
are sharing. J is in great pain waiting for an operation in two months' time. The caravan has no heating or light but it is dry and
secure. He said he was elated that it has given him a bit of a start, so we won't be seeing him on the streets. He thanked us
Street Pastors Kingston is a project coordinated by Oxygen a Kingston Based Youth Charity and is endorsed by Rt Hon Edward
Davey MP, Rt Rev Dr Richard Cheetham Bishop of Kingston and Chief Supt Glenn Tunstall, Borough Commander Kingston Police.
Street Pastors Kingston
St Peter’s Hall
London Road
Reg Charity No: 108 6608
Tel. 020 8547 0566
Text SPKN to 70070 followed by the amount to donate, £10, £20, £50
that we had prayed with him about two months back that God would help him and he saw this as an answer to that prayer.
We wished him well. They accepted several sandwiches from us.
00.15 S (homeless man in 30s) and L came up to us and said the sleeping bag L had requested was not for him, but for S who
asked us to leave it outside KCAH offices when we came out on next shift.
01.15 We delivered a sleeping bag to S outside KCAH offices. We found him in a home-made barricade of cardboard from
packing boxes found in the area behind M&S. He didn’t want the sleeping bag and said it was for his mate - a male out of sight
in the corner. S persuaded us into buying him a Subway 6. We asked what he would like in it and his mate rattled off the
specification down to the last small detail! We went to Subway and bought the 6”and a cup coffee and 8 sugars!
01.30 We returned to S with a 6” Subway, coffee and 8 sugars. He was happy and gave it all to his mate.
02.45 As we came out of URC we saw a female in early 20s crying and sitting on the steps outside BoConcept on St James
Road. Her name was Z. She had lost her friends and wanted to go home to her mother. She seemed quite drunk and fairly
incoherent. She said her mother had had a stroke today and so she had come out clubbing to try and get happy because she
was so worried about her mother. It took us about 15 minutes to get her into a cab and on her way home.
For the police service and the effective way in which Street Pastors work with them
The team leaders and their teams out this coming weekend 30th and 31st January, 2015
Friday – Alison, Isabelle,
Visitor: Richard
Prayer Pastors: Cathy Crocker
Saturday – Graham, Tony M, Sharon M, Tony G, Anne G Visitors: Joseph, Harry Prayer Pastors: Jess
For Andrew, son of team leader David Rodemeyer. Andrew has cancer and is having surgery soon.
David will be away for 4 weeks visiting Andrew in Spain.
Paul Jacobs
Street Pastors Co-ordinator
Sue Shaw
Deputy Street Pastors Co-ordinator
7th February
Kingston Street Pastor Training Day. Begins with
breakfast at 8am. Finish 12.30pm. St Peter’s Norbiton.
7th March
Charities Fair Day – Shepperton Village Hall
Volunteers needed to publicise KSP work. 10 – 2.30pm
26th April
Street Pastor Tony Maxwell will be running in the
London Marathon. Sponsors needed.
10th May
10K Sponsored Walk along River Thames.
Volunteers needed to walk and raise money for KSP
Street Pastors Kingston is a project coordinated by Oxygen a Kingston Based Youth Charity and is endorsed by Rt Hon Edward
Davey MP, Rt Rev Dr Richard Cheetham Bishop of Kingston and Chief Supt Glenn Tunstall, Borough Commander Kingston Police.