
Cody Brotherton
Human Knowledge
Charles Darwin has been the cause of much controversy over the past 150 years.
We will first look at a summary of his book, The Origin of Species. We will take a
special emphasis on Chapter 8, Hybridism. Finally, we will look at two social responses
to Darwin and his theory.
Chapter 1 starts with Darwin observing the variations of species under
domestication. There are two major causes why domesticated animals are variable inside
of the species. The first cause is environment. We have provided domesticated animals
with a safe environment. We provide them food and shelter. The survival of the species
does not depend on their physical characteristics because we strongly aid in their
survival. This allows animals to have characteristics that do not aid in their survival. For
instance, dogs do not have to be alert so they have droopy ears. The second cause is the
inheritance of domesticated animals. We breed animals for certain characteristics. For
example, top hunting dogs are bred in order to produce better quality hunting dogs. This
is selective breeding. Unconscious breeding has been another way we have gotten many
variations. We are not breeding for any certain characteristics. The animals cross with
other variations of the species and we see new variations. Darwin then looked at
domestic pigeons. He claims that all pigeons have come from the rock pigeon. He shows
this by pointing out that all pigeons have some common traits of the rock pigeon. Since
all pigeons were first descended from the rock pigeon then they will always have some of
the same genes and characteristics. Man has made useful breeds, not nature. Man has
selected certain animals to be domesticated and through breeding has caused many
variations among the breed.
Darwin, in chapter two, talks about variations among species. Darwin shows the
importance of understanding where species differ from variations. He uses Divergence
of Character to do so. Darwin says, “of Divergence of Character we shall see how this
may be explained, and how the lesser differences between varieties will tend to increase
into the greater differences between species.” (Darwin, 112). We see that variables have
more similarities than differences where as, species tend to be able to have more wide
spread characteristics. Chapter three is over the struggle for existence. If an animal does
not survive it will be unable to pass on its traits to future generations. This has a huge
bearing on Natural Selection. The conditions of life have an effect on which animal or
plant among a species survives. This allows us to see many variations among a species.
Deer in a colder climate will tend to have longer hair then deer in a warmer climate.
Since this variation allows them to survive better in their life conditions then they will
survive to pass on their genes. All of these slight variations which produce an advantage
to animal are preserved. This allows for more animals or plants to be born which will be
able to survive.
Chapter 4 is about Natural Selection. Darwin defines Natural Selection as, “This
preservation of favorable variations and rejection of injurious variations, I call Natural
Selection.” (Darwin, 131). Natural selection can work only for the good of each being.
Also, it has to modify the structure of one species to give it an advantage for the good of
another species. This leads to the divergence of character. Individuals among species
will have different characteristics in order for better survival. Wolves that hunt deer will
be taller and faster than the shorter and stronger wolves that hunt sheep. Sexual selection
can work together with natural selection or against it. Animals that breed get to breed
because of a certain characteristic. The strongest ram gets to breed, but the peacock with
the prettiest tail is chosen. The tail has nothing to do with the survival of the species, but
this is what is used to breed. In sexual selection there is a correlation between the
healthiest animals are the ones that have the greatest tendency to reproduce.
Chapter 8 is over hybridism. We first need to understand that crosses between
distinct species are more than likely sterile. This is not a universal law, but more than
likely crosses are sterile. Many experiments have been done with varying conclusions.
The sterility may be due to close interbreeding. Most experiments are not done with a
wide number of offspring or among plants from different gardens. Animals are easier to
cross than plants, but are more widely sterile. We need to conclude that sterility in the
first crossing of animals is a general result, not a universal one. Does this sterility protect
against utter confusion among individuals do to the crossing and blending together of
species? Hybrids between two species are very difficult to cross. “No one has been able
to point out what king, or what amount of difference in any recognizable character is
sufficient to prevent two species crossing.”(Darwin, 274). Animals crosses tend to favor
one parent or the other. A male donkey and a mare produce a mule that show more favor
to the donkey. A female donkey and a stallion produce a hinny that favors the stallion.
Plants seem to have characteristics of both parents. Mongrels have greater variability
than hybrids. Their first offspring is generally fertile. This is due to natural selection use
external differences to produce variations where as human use breeding. Hybrids and
mongrels are more closely related than not. This supports the argument, “that there is no
fundamental distinction between species and varieties.”
Natural Selection is the “survival of the fittest.” Now that we have seen Darwin’s
theory we will look at some social responses to it. The first response we will look at is
at the video Unlocking the Mysteries of Life. In this video Darwin and his theories are
questioned. Michael Behe was one such scientist. His observation on bacteria flagellum
showed Behe that this organism was created not evolved. It has many complex parts and
works that a motor. The bacteria flagellum has to have all parts there in order for it to
work. It could not have borrowed parts from other organisms. It has an irreducible
complexity. Darwin says in chapter 4 of Origin of Species that the eyes, ears, and hearts
have developed over time. They have evolved due to Natural Selection and are always
being perfected. Irreducible Complexity conflicts this view of Natural Selection because
it shows that organism had to be created as they are. Since they are unable to function
without all the parts then they were not able to evolve. The theory of Intelligent Design
came from these observations. We know that when we see Mt. Rushmore it was created
by an intelligent life form. It does not fit the patterns of nature. In the same way we
should look at individuals today and see that they function like a machine. DNA is like a
computer program. It must have had Intelligent Design in order to be working the way it
is today. Many scientists refute this theory because of its religious implications, but to
me it only makes sense. The way that the world intertwines and all animals rely on each
other in the “circle of life” shows evidence of a created universe. Also we I look at the
perfect way that a body functions, I see evidence of Intelligent Design.
The next social reply we will look at is going to be over an article I summarized.
It is title A Christian Response to Darwinian theories of Evolution. I loved this article
because it worked together between Darwin and Christian theories. It did not bash
Darwin. The author, Reverend Jackson, tried to find a middle ground that we can look at.
The article shows Natural Selection as God’s agent to protect animals and give them the
ability to survive. God works not directly in creation, but He works in the rules of how
creation works. He made a point to show that Natural Selection may be the tool that God
uses to create all species. God guides creation like an artist guides a painting. He also
shows that scientist should also not be afraid to acknowledge God and His work in the
creation/evolution process. This article made many great points I thought. It showed a
Christian making an attempt to understand the creation through Natural Selection. This
open minded views show how this Reverend is not a Darwinian Simplicio.
We have looked at Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection. We took an extra
emphasis on Darwin’s view of Hybridism. We have also gone over two social reactions
to Darwin and his theory. I believe that we should all examine for ourselves what
Darwin has to say. I do not believe any one will ever be able to prove either side of the
evolution/creation argument. With this being said we should all decide for ourselves.