Accreditation for awarding of academic credit 14 Section 14 Accreditation for awarding of academic credit 14.1 Introduction and principles of accreditation at Middlesex University Accreditation is the formal mechanism for the recognition of learning that is achieved outside the University’s validated programmes of study. It uses the Middlesex University academic credit framework to evaluate and quantify such learning in terms of credit points at a particular level. This recognition is important for the personal and professional development of individuals. It also operates to quality assure the learning outcomes and assessment of education and training activities delivered by employers and other organisations. Further details of the types of accreditation are provided in section 14.2 of this policy. There are a number of main principles by which the accreditation process is managed at Middlesex University. Middlesex University is responsible for the academic standards of all academic credit awarded in its name. Middlesex University will implement appropriate and proportionate due diligence procedures to assess academic, financial, legal and reputational risks associated with proposed accreditation of external courses or other activity. All applications for credit will be assessed rigorously, with credit only awarded for demonstrable learning achievement (i.e. not for time taken). Accreditation assessment shall be subject to internal moderation and external scrutiny. The award of academic credit does not in itself constitute the award of a University qualification but rather credit that can count towards such a qualification. The award of Middlesex University qualifications is subject to Assessment Board decision. Accreditation can lead to the award of general or specific credit. Specific credit is that which relates to and can count towards the achievement of an identified Middlesex University qualification. The award of general credit can be recognised towards the achievement of qualifications within the Middlesex University Work Based Learning Framework and, subject to agreement, towards other qualifications at Middlesex or elsewhere. The University will provide advice to support the development of a proposal/claim for accreditation, and appropriate staff development for those involved in accreditation assessment. The accreditation proposal/claim remains the responsibility of the claimant/proposer. Accreditation will be monitored as part of the University’s annual monitoring process. Also included in this section is the procedure for accepting students with advanced standing. section14.doc 2013/14 Accreditation for awarding of academic credit Section 14 14.2 Types of accreditation at Middlesex University There are five types of activity, which can be accredited at Middlesex University: Accreditation of external courses or training activity This type of accreditation concerns the development, credit rating and implementation of the award of credit to successful participants on external courses, including incompany training and professional body courses. Accreditation of learning from work roles This type of accreditation concerns the development, credit rating and implementation of the award of credit to workers demonstrating learning achievement against accredited learning outcomes based upon their work/organisational competency frameworks. Accreditation of Middlesex University short courses This type of accreditation concerns the development, credit rating and implementation of the award of credit to successful participants on Middlesex University short courses which are outside of the University’s validated programmes of study. Accreditation for certain external courses leading to an articulation agreement This concerns the monitoring of the award of credit to successful participants on category B courses offered by category 2 institutions which are the subject of articulation agreements. For further information see section 10. Accreditation of prior and experiential learning (APEL) of individuals This relates to applications or claims submitted by individuals wishing to apply for credit of both previously recognised credit obtained from prior learning such as that demonstrated by qualifications or certificates, and for credit which can be applied to previous experiential and/or work-based learning. The procedure for each of the five types above is outlined in this policy. All claims for accreditation outlined in this policy are considered via the University Accreditation Board. 14.3 The University Accreditation Board Middlesex University award academic credit for learning from experience, learning achievement from a previously unaccredited course or prior certificated learning through an Accreditation Board. The University considers proposals/claims for the award of academic credit for the five forms of accreditation (listed above) at the following Accreditation Boards: The University Accreditation Board for external activity and courses The University Accreditation Board for individual APEL claims The terms of reference of the University Accreditation Boards are: section14.doc 2013/14 Accreditation for awarding of academic credit Section 14 To consider and where appropriate award credit in respect of learning outcomes from external courses/other activity. The decision will be in respect of the number and level of credits and the appropriateness of the proposed assessment. The award can be made subject to specified conditions being met. To consider and where appropriate award credit in respect of claims for accreditation put forward by individuals to decide upon the number and level of credits. To consider and where appropriate award credit in respect of individuals successfully demonstrating learning achievement in respect of previously accredited learning outcomes. To produce an annual monitoring report on the work of the Accreditation Board for consideration by the University’s Assurance Committee. To advise the University, through the University’s Assurance Committee on the quality of accreditation practice and procedures. 14.3.1 The University Accreditation Board is constituted as follows: Head of Academic Development IWBL or nominee (chair) External Examiner (appointed to the board) University School Deputy Dean(s) or nominee University School/Institute for Work Based Learning (IWBL) Accreditation representatives (as appropriate) Accreditation proposal/claim assessor(s) as appropriate Secretary to the board 14.3.2 The Collaborative Programme Accreditation Board Collaborative programmes may, as part of validation or subsequently as a consequence of review, apply for authority to award specific credit in respect solely of the collaborative programme. The quality assurance principles of Middlesex University apply in respect of the partner institution. The Collaborative Programme Accreditation Board is constituted as follows: Programme Leader (chair) Middlesex University Link Tutor Assessor(s) The terms of reference of the Collaborative Programme Accreditation Board are: To consider and where appropriate award credit in respect of claims for accreditation put forward by individuals and to decide upon the number and level of credits. The decisions of the Collaborative Programme Accreditation Board are reported to the assessment board of the programme concerned and are subject to scrutiny by external examiners aligned to the programme. The operation of the Accreditation Board will be included as part of the programme annual monitoring report required by the University. section14.doc 2013/14 Accreditation for awarding of academic credit Section 14 14.4 Individual right of appeal Individual claimants who are students of the University may appeal against Accreditation Board decisions on the same grounds and following the same procedure as prescribed in the University assessment regulations for appeal against assessment board decisions. 14.5 Accreditation of external courses and other activity 14.5.1 Development of the accreditation proposal Enquiries may be directed in the first instance to a University School/IWBL Accreditation Board Representative who will identify the appropriate expertise required to: Make an initial assessment of the suitability of the organisation and activity for accreditation (in consultation with the relevant University School Deputy Dean/IWBL Head of Academic Development or nominee). Complete the Accreditation Initial Approval Information form and make a recommendation to ‘approve’, ‘refer’ or ‘reject’ the initial accreditation enquiry regarding progress to accreditation proposal stage. The University School/IWBL Deputy Dean/Head of Academic Development will confirm the decision regarding approval to proceed to accreditation proposal stage by signing the Accreditation Initial Approval Information form. This approval includes confirmation of the provision of appropriate resources to support the development, assessment and quality monitoring of accredited activity. Once the relevant University School/IWBL have confirmed that the organisation and activity are suitable, this will be confirmed to the Secretary of the University Accreditation Board who will: Send out an information leaflet on the accreditation process to the client organisation including details of the requirements of an accreditation proposal. Keep a record of enquiries/information sent out and monitor progress The University School/IWBL will identify the appropriate expertise required to assess the proposal and support proposal development. The client organisation will submit the completed Accreditation Proposal form to the University Accreditation Board. 14.5.2 Credit rating the proposal The relevant School/IWBL appoint an Assessor(s) for each proposal. The secretary to the University Accreditation Board issues the Assessor(s) with the Accreditation Assessment form as well as the completed Accreditation Proposal. The role of the Accreditation Proposal Assessor is to assess a proposal and make a recommendation to the University Accreditation Board with respect to its appropriateness in relation to the volume and level of credit sought. The proposal and assessor recommendations are section14.doc 2013/14 Accreditation for awarding of academic credit Section 14 considered by the University Accreditation Board. The University Accreditation Board will consider: the number of credits the level of credits; and the appropriateness of the proposed learning outcomes and assessment requirements The University Accreditation Board decides if the proposal is approved (or otherwise) with or without conditions and recommendations and also has the authority to approve the award general or specific credit. Following the decision of the University Accreditation Board, the Secretary to the Board will: inform the client of the board’s decision, including any conditions and for accreditation; arrange for an invoice to be raised in accordance with the accreditation contract; and produce a Memorandum of Co-operation for approval by the Deputy Chief Executive and subsequent dispatch to the client. 14.5.3 Implementing the accreditation The secretary to the University Accreditation Board will produce a Memorandum of Cooperation covering arrangements for registration, monitoring, external assessment and the payment of fees. The client’s proposal must include details of a learning and assessment team, which shall be subject to approval by the University; changes to the learning and assessment team after initial approval must be notified to the University Accreditation Board for its approval. Where the credit to be awarded is at Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) Level 5 or above the University School/IWBL to which the accredited activity is aligned shall identify an appropriate External Assessor. This may be from those already appointed but it is possible to nominate an External Assessor purely for the purpose of examining accredited activity following the normal external examiner nomination process as detailed in the Learning and Quality Enhancement (LQE) Handbook. External Assessors will report on standards to the University Accreditation Board and to Academic Quality Service (AQS). A Middlesex University School/IWBL representative will act as Accreditation Link Tutor. The role of the Accreditation Link Tutor is to: act as moderator to the client's assessment team ; liaise as appropriate with the External Assessor; be responsible for communicating recommendations for the award of credit to the University; and contribute to and facilitate the submission of an annual monitoring report. The recommended pass list signed by the client organisation and the Middlesex University Accreditation Link Tutor will be ratified by the University Accreditation Board. In the event that there is no agreement between the Accreditation Link Tutor and the section14.doc 2013/14 Accreditation for awarding of academic credit Section 14 other members of the assessment team then the Middlesex Accreditation Link Tutor should inform the Chair of the University Accreditation Board at once. The chair may then decide to involve the External Examiner to the Accreditation Board as appropriate and withhold ratification of the pass list until the External Examiner and if necessary the full Board can be consulted. The decision to award academic credit rests entirely with the University and is exercised through the University Accreditation Board. The secretary to the University Accreditation Board will request that the client be invoiced in respect of fees relating to the issue of student certificates of credit, within 30 days of the ratification of the results of students on the pass list. The secretary to the University Accreditation Board will request the finance office to invoice the client for the annual charge for annual monitoring. 14.6 Accreditation of learning from work roles The procedure for the accreditation of learning from work roles is the same as that for accrediting external courses or other activity. Please see 14.5.1 for the procedure for developing the accreditation proposal, 14.5.2 for the procedure for credit rating the proposal and 14.5.3 for implementing the accreditation proposal. 14.7 Accreditation of Middlesex University short courses 14.7.1 Development of the accreditation proposal The proposer completes a Middlesex University Short Course Accreditation Proposal form using the notes for proposers as a guide to determining the proposed credit rating. The proposal is first submitted to the appropriate Head of Department for approval signature and then forwarded to the University Accreditation Board for consideration. 14.7.2 Implementing the accreditation The University School/IWBL/Service concerned is responsible for: planning and development; the appointment of tutors and an External Assessor if the accreditation is at FHEQ Level 5 or above; monitoring staff and student opinion and responding to issues which arise from such monitoring; ensuring that assessment decisions are reported to the University Accreditation Board; providing the University Accreditation Board/IWBL with the information required to produce and dispatch appropriate certificates of credit; and transferring to the IWBL the appropriate certification fee. section14.doc 2013/14 Accreditation for awarding of academic credit Section 14 The standard feedback questionnaires completed by all short course participants will be analysed and summarised at school/service level. University Schools/service areas should audit selected reports as part of the quality monitoring procedures and should include comments in the School/service quality monitoring report. 14.8 Accreditation of external courses leading to an articulation agreement 14.8.1 Development of the accreditation proposal Expressions of interest may be made by a potential client via a variety of routes e.g. through personal contacts in University Schools/IWBL; in response to central or University School/IWBL initiatives. All enquiries for articulation must be routed to the University School/IWBL aligned to the programme against which the articulation is sought. The School Deputy Dean/IWBL Head of Academic Development (or nominee) will make an initial assessment of the suitability of the course for articulation. 14.8.2 Approval of articulation proposals All articulation proposals are considered and approved by the University Articulation Board (see section 10) 14.8.3 Monitoring of students from articulating institutions For category B programmes (see section 10 for definition), academic standards and the quality of provision will be monitored on an annual basis through the review of anonymised samples of assessed student work from the articulating institution at the appropriate level; i.e. level 5 for articulation into level 6 and at level 4 for articulation into level 5. The review follows the University guidelines for the assessment of such work, including the involvement of External Examiners/Assessors, and will be managed through the University Accreditation Board. Articulating institutions will provide sample assessments and associated anonymised samples of assessed student work as per University assessment sampling guidelines and including pass, borderlines and fails. The Accreditation Board will confirm the continuing appropriateness of academic standards at the articulating institution to the University Articulation Board (see appendix 10c). Articulating institutions will bear the costs for such additional monitoring. 14.9 Accreditation of prior and experiential learning of individuals 14.9.1 General principles Claims for recognition and accreditation of prior and work based learning may be for specific credit (i.e. the number of credit points which may be credited towards a particular programme of study) or general credit (i.e. quantified in terms of credit points and level but not assigned to a particular programme of study). section14.doc 2013/14 Accreditation for awarding of academic credit Section 14 The type of credit sought (general or specific) and whether the learning has been previously credit rated, i.e. certificated learning which has a recognised credit rating or not previously credit rated, i.e. certificated (not previously accredited) or uncertificated determines the route for accreditation of the claim. The following general principles apply to all claims: Appropriate description of the learning claimed and supporting evidence must be provided by the claimant. Claimants for uncertificated learning will have access to a University Tutor (normally by taking a ‘Review of Learning’ module at the appropriate level) but retain full responsibility for the claim they submit. Assessment of previously unaccredited learning will be by (an) appropriate expert(s), will be subject to moderation and will be considered by the appropriate University Accreditation Board. General or specific credit for certificated learning for which established equivalence can be determined by reference to national or international reference points (e.g. National Academic Recognition Centres) cannot be accredited at a higher level or with a greater number of credit points. Specific credit for learning cannot be awarded at a higher level or with a greater number of credit points than the general credit rating of the same learning. All credit awarded will be certificated. In the case of general credit a Certificate of Credit will be awarded. All credit used for an award bearing programme will be recorded as part of a student diploma supplement. Claimants may appeal against the decisions of the University Accreditation Board in accordance with the University appeal regulations. Awards of specific credit will be reported to the appropriate University School/IWBL Assessment Board via entry on the MISIS. Awards of general credit will be made by the University Accreditation Board. Decisions of the University and Collaborative Partner Accreditation Boards will be subject to the scrutiny of the appropriate External Examiner. Awards of credit to candidates on a professional doctorate programme are made by an accreditation panel drawn from the Assessment Board of the Professional Doctorate. Credit counted towards a qualification is termed specific credit. Under the assessment regulations of the University the maximum amount of specific credit which can be counted towards a qualification is normally 2/3 of the total required for the qualification, e.g. 240 in the case of the 360 credit points required for an honours degree. The remaining credit gained from Middlesex University must be at or above the minimum level(s) for the award specified in the University assessment regulations. Assessment of learning not previously accredited will be subject to the University assessment charge for accreditation of prior and work based learning. The charge is reviewed annually. section14.doc 2013/14 Accreditation for awarding of academic credit Section 14 14.9.2 Claims for specific credit Requests for accreditation for specific credit from potential students will receive a standard letter from the University admissions office. The letter will inform enquirers of accreditation opportunities and advise those seeking accreditation for certificated learning to apply on the University application form, giving full details of course content and proof of successful completion including detailed diploma supplements. Normally specific credit will be awarded at the time of admission to a particular programme of study. Enquirers seeking accreditation of learning from experience will be referred to IWBL and will normally be required to register as associate students until their claim has been assessed and an offer of admission with advanced standing to a programme has been made. If the claim is based upon certificated learning which has already been credit rated the Admissions Manager (Pre-accreditation) (or nominee), in consultation as appropriate with the appropriate Programme Leader (or nominee) determines whether specific credit and/or exemption can be awarded against the programme of study the claimant wishes to pursue. Credit awarded on the basis of the University tariff should normally be determined prior to the offer of a place and details of the credit awarded should be specified in the offer letter. If the claim is based upon certificated learning which has not previously been accredited the claimant will be instructed to provide the relevant course content details and proof of successful completion. If the claim is based upon experiential learning then the claimant will be referred to the IWBL. The IWBL will contact the claimant and advise on how to develop a claim, normally following the ‘Review of Learning’ module. 14.9.3 Claims for general credit All requests for accreditation from claimants seeking general credit, including those who have not yet determined a specific programme of study for which they wish to apply should be referred to the IWBL. Claims for learning which has previously been accredited will be reported to the next meeting of the appropriate University Accreditation Board. Claims for learning which have not previously been accredited will normally be prepared using the ‘Review of Learning’ module on campus, off campus or by distance mode. Claims for accreditation based solely or partly upon learning from experience shall be developed following a University approved process (normally a ‘Review of Learning’ module at the appropriate level) of structured reflection upon experience to identify and evidence learning achievement. The claimant shall have access to information relating to the format and content of an accreditation claim. section14.doc 2013/14 Accreditation for awarding of academic credit Section 14 The claimant shall also have the opportunity to obtain guidance from a Tutor who has been trained to act as an adviser to individuals developing accreditation claims. The claimant has sole responsibility for the formulation and submission of the accreditation claim. 14.10 Entry Routes for Advanced Standing 14.10.1 Programme General Credit Where an external organisation wishes to accredit training activity a proposal must be submitted to the University Accreditation Board following the procedure outlined in section 14.5 of this policy. Subject expertise will be drawn from appropriate areas of the University to support such applications. The work of students on such programmes will be sampled by an external examiner. All those undertaking the external programme would then be awarded credit which they could either receive as a Certificate of Credit which could be used towards an award at Middlesex University or another University or use the credit towards a professional practice/work-based learning qualification within the University Work Based Learning Framework. 14.10.2 Programme Specific Credit External organisations (including other Higher Education Institutions) wishing to accredit activity to give specific credit and advanced standing towards an award of the University must enter into an Articulation Agreement with the University. The process and requirements for this is outlined in section 10. Where an institution has an award validated by the University and subsequently wishes students currently registered to be given advanced standing an Articulation Agreement would also be required. 14.10.3 Individual General Credit (certificated or from work-based learning) Individuals who wish to gain general credit would be registered on a ‘Review of Learning’ module and prepare a portfolio which would be submitted to the University Accreditation Board for consideration. The process is set out in section 14.5 above. The University Accreditation Board will award general credit if appropriate. An External Assessor looks at a sample of all individual claims. The student could then either leave with a Certificate of Credit, use the credit towards a work-based learning award within the University Work Based Learning Framework or negotiate the use of some or all of the general credit as specific credit for advanced standing against a named award at Middlesex or elsewhere. 14.10.4 Individual Specific Credit Where an individual wishes to gain specific credit and advanced standing towards a University award this falls into two categories as below. Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) Claims for Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning should be submitted to University Accreditation Board for consideration. section14.doc 2013/14 Accreditation for awarding of academic credit Section 14 Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning (APCL) To be accepted onto programmes with advanced standing in cases where articulation arrangements do not apply, or the applicant’s previous learning has not been accredited via the University’s AP(E)L procedures, then the following four conditions will apply and at least one of them has to be met to gain entry with advanced standing: the student’s qualification will be recognised by NARIC as being at an equivalent level for the advanced entry proposed, or the student’s qualification will be recognised by the University’s Articulation Board as being a category A programme, or the awarding institution as being category 1 as described in section 10 documentation will be provided to University School Deputy Deans/ IWBL Head of Academic Development (or nominated person) which provides an evidence base that the qualifications are of an appropriate standard. Valid criteria for establishing the standards of a qualification would generally be those as applied to programmes recognised, for the purposes of articulation, as category A programmes, or from category 1 awarding institutions - described in section 10, or Programme Leaders (or nominees) may arrange to test the competency of candidates to verify that students have achieved the appropriate standard for the advanced entry proposed . It is suggested that appropriate module assessments could be used for this purpose. In addition, based on the syllabus of the students qualifications, Programme Leaders (or nominees) will verify that these are of sufficient scope and content so as to be an adequate preparation for entry into the Middlesex programme and that the credit that will be given to the student to allow advanced entry is appropriate in terms of level and quantity. A simple transcript would not ordinarily be sufficient for this purpose, unless the Programme Leader (or nominee) was familiar with the syllabus of the qualification in question. Where assessment of the student’s achievement of programme learning outcomes at their highest level will not be undertaken at Middlesex University, then the Programme Leader (or nominee) will verify and confirm that at least one of the following applies: any programme outcomes not to be assessed at their highest level by the University have been achieved by the applicant as part of their prior qualification. This would involve establishing the validity of standards, and the appropriateness of the content of the prior qualification. Valid criteria for establishing the standards of a qualification would generally be those as applied to programmes recognised, for the purposes of articulation, as category A programmes, or from category 1 awarding institutions as outlined in section 10. Alternatively, programme leaders (or nominees) may arrange to test the competency of candidates to verify that students have achieved the learning outcome to the appropriate level or that achievement of programme outcomes that are assessed by Middlesex University confirms that any programme learning outcomes not assessed by the University have in effect been met. That is, if a student is to successfully achieve programme learning outcomes assessed by the University, then it can be section14.doc 2013/14 Accreditation for awarding of academic credit Section 14 expected that the student must have achieved all of the programme outcomes that are not assessed at their highest level by the University. section14.doc 2013/14