Modern Physics: Quantum Theory and Applied Field-Particle Physics Modern Physics is a class designed to expand on the theories introduced in both Chemistry and Physics. Starting with a more in-depth review of early particle and wave physics the class moves on to Einstein’s Relativity and the birth of Quantum Theory. The class then finishes with Fields, String Theory, the fabric of Space-Time and the most current advances (Supersymmetry and M-theory). Chemistry and Advanced Math are highly recommended as prerequisites. This course is currently constructed as a 1-credit, year-long independent study. Assignments include: reading, discussion, summative writing, evaluative writing, multi-media presentations, and model development. As work is assigned and submitted it will also need to be kept in a portfolio. All work and materials are to be contained within the portfolio at the conclusion of the year and submitted for a final grade, then the portfolio will be returned for future use and reference. 08/28/07 Unit 1: Birth of Modern Physics How did we start finding out about the behavior of phenomena we can’t directly see? To what extent did our early attempts to investigate physics provide a greater understanding for why phenomena behave as observed? Resources: Hecht (Ch27), Ohanian (Ch30-32, 35), In Search of Schroedinger’s Cat (p1-78), Video (Understanding Magnetism) Maxwell’s Equations Formulation of Atomic Theory Discovery of Atomic Structure 09/21/07 Unit 2: Special Relativity Why is the speed of light referred to as the ‘cosmic speed limit’? How can different points of view result in different observed velocities, lengths and times? Resources: Hecht (Ch26), Ohanian (Ch41), Elegant Universe (p23-52) Behavior of light Inertial Reference Frames Time dilation and Length contraction Lorenz Transformation 10/12/07 Unit 3: General Relativity How does gravity act? How does matter interact with space-time? Why is 3-d space bound with time? Resources: Hecht (Ch5), Ohanian (Ch9), Elegant Universe (p52-84), Fabric of the Cosmos (p3-77), Video (Elegant Universe) Universal Gravitation Warps in Space-time Boundless, finite space Space-time symmetry 11/02/07 Unit 4: Birth of Quantum Theory Why do particles on the Quantum/Planck scale experience quantum interactions? How do particles incorporate wave behavior according to Dual Nature? Why is there Uncertainty? Resources: Hecht (Ch28-29), Ohanian (Ch16-17), In Search of Schroedinger’s Cat (p81-154, p155-214, p215-254), Search for Superstrings, Supersymmetry and the Theory of Everything (p10-52), Elegant Universe (p85-123), Video (Understanding Uncertainty, What the Bleep!) Quantum Interactions Dual Nature Uncertainty Matter waves Planck-scale interactions and structure 12/21/07 Unit 5: Particle-Field Theory How do particles that don’t touch still able to interact? To what extent are particle interactions governed by the properties of the messengers? How can different observed forces be related and theoretically combined? Resources: Hecht (Ch30-31), Ohanian (Ch23-24, 30), Search for Superstrings, Supersymmetry and the Theory of Everything (p53-107, p108-143), Elegant Universe (p123-131), Video (Elegant Universe) Field Theory Particle Revolution Force Carriers (Messenger particles) Electroweak Force Standard Model 02/22/08 Unit 6: String Theory and Beyond To what extent is String Theory different from Quantum Theory? How are SUSY and M-Theory extending beyond String Theory and Quantum Theory? To what extent does our world/cosmological view change with the revelations according to SUSY and M-Theory? Resources: Elegant Universe (p135-229, p231-344), Search for Superstrings, Supersymmetry and the Theory of Everything (p144-184), Video (Elegant Universe) String Theory Superstring Theory\ M-Theory Supersymmetry (SUSY) 04/11/08 Unit 7: Time and it’s properties How can time be described? To what extent does SUSY and Relativity affect time? Resources: Hecht (Ch14, 26, 31), Ohanian (Ch9, 21, 41), Fabric of the Cosmos (p127-218, p219-326), Video (What the Bleep!) Common time Relative time Entropy and Thermodynamics Cosmological time Influence of time on cosmological structure 05/23/08