Table S2 Characteristics of studies examining the relationship between pre-pregnancy BMI and offspring overweight/obesity Source Country study Study design/source period population (n) of Source of prepregnancy BMI Offspring Source Categories age offspring BMI BMI at of Diagnostic criteria for Confounding factors considered offspring outcomes overweight/obesity (years) Whitaker et al. USA Retrospective cohort from Recorded from (2004) (72) 1992–1996 Women, Infants, medical records WHO 2, 3, 4 Recorded from IOTF medical records Maternal age, sex, race/ethnicity, smoking during pregnancy, GWG, and Children maternal education (n=8,494) Padez et al. (2005) (73) Portugal Retrospective Questionnaire 10/2002–6/200 cross-sectional 3 children attending public WHO 7-9.5 from Measured by IOTF trained Sex, level of education, and birth weight technicians schools in a districts (n=2,043) Li et al. (2004) US 1979–2006 (74) Retrospective cohort from Computer-assisted children personal National data of the Longitudinal WHO 2-14 Measured by CDC Breast-feeding by 3 CDC Maternal age, during interviewers interviewing Survey of Youth (NLSY79) (n=2,530) Salsberry et al. (2005) (75) US 1979–2002 Retrospective cohort from Computer-assisted children personal consecutive smoking interviewing biennial breastfeeding National data of the Longitudinal Survey of Youth WHO 2-7 Observed interviews race/ethnicity, pregnancy, (NLSY79) (n=3,022) Dubois et al. (2006) (76) Canada Prospective cohort study Face-to-face 1998–2002 from the Quebec interviews Longitudinal Study WHO 4.5 Questionnaires CDC Smoking during pregnancy, monthly weight gain from birth to 5 months of Child Development (QLSCD) (n=1450) Hernandez-Valero US Retrospective Structured et al. (2007) (77) 7/2001–1/2003 population-based interview WHO 5-18 Structured CDC interview Child’s sex, age, and level of physical activity Mexican–American cohort by University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (n=438) Hawkins et al. UK 2000–2002 nationally Interviewed in the representative cohort study home by trained trained (n=12,397) interviewers interviewers USA Retrospective data from the Questionnaire 4/2003–9/2003 nationwide (2009) (78) Gewa et al. (2010) (79) Prospective WHO WHO 3 3-5 Demographic Health Survey (n=1,443) Maddah et al. Iran Prospective Cross-sectional Self-administrated Abrams 10/2006–3/200 survey from all elementary questionnaire and Parker 7 schools in Rasht (n=6,635) Margerison Zilko USA Prospective cohort from et al. (2010) (54) 1979-2006 the National Longitudinal (2010) (80) 6-11 Measured Recorded by IOTF Birth weight, child’s sex, child’s ethnicity, breastfeeding from W/IW Maternal BMI, child’s size at birth, the child health child’s cards breastfeeding duration Measured by IOTF stunting and Age, sex, maternal educational level, television interviewers status viewing, mother’s employment, skipping breakfast Self-reported WHO 2-20 Measured by the interviewer CDC Race, poverty educational status, maternal attainment, maternal Survey of Youth 1979 age, smoking during pregnancy (NLSY79) (n=4496) Laitinen et al. (2012) (81) Finland Prospective cohort study Recorded 7/1985–6/1986 from medical records two northernmost provinces of from WHO 16 Measured trained Finland by IOTF study et (2012) (82) al. of hemoglobin in pregnancy; offspring sex; and level of education USA Retrospective data from a 12/1985–10/19 population of low-income 88 women seeking prenatal Self-reported WHO 5 Measured interviewers by CDC Child sex, gestational age, smoking during 1st trimester, maternal education, maternal age, race care through the public health system in Birmingham (n=740) BMI, body mass index; WHO, World Health Organization; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; IOTF, International Obesity Task Force; W/IW, ratio of weight (W) to ideal weight (IW); GWG, gestational weight gain. early pregnancy; smoking during early personnel (n=6,637) Janjua Level