American Revolution (1775

Know the
order of major
Revolution events!!!!
American Revolution
Study Guide: Know why each
of these topics was significant to the
American Revolution and be able to
answer the who, what, when, where and
WHY of each topic: Declaration of Independence,
Common Sense, Boston Massacre, propaganda,
Lexington and Concord, Loyalists, Patriots, Trenton,
Philadelphia, Valley Forge, Saratoga, Yorktown, Treaty of
Paris, Battle at Sea, and the Articles of Confederation.
Study the 10 British policies from notes including the Stamp
Act, Quartering Act, Writs of Assistance, Quebec Act,
Currency Act, Tea Act, Boston Port Bill, Sugar Act, Declaratory
Act, Intolerable Acts, and the Proclamation of 1763.
Know the advantages and disadvantages for the Patriots
and the British during the American Revolution
Describe how the First and Second Continental Congress
governed the colonies. Be able to list and explain the
decisions made be both the First and Second CC.
What foreign countries helped the Patriots win the
American Revolution, how did each country help, and
why did they help?
Explain the significance of the Battles of
Trenton and Saratoga.
In your own words, explain the four sections and
the purpose of the Declaration of
Why did the Americans win the Revolutionary
War? Discuss at least four reasons.
Know Thomas Paine, George Rogers Clark,
Francis Marion, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin,
Phyllis Wheatley, Johnny Burgoyne, William
Howe, the Green Mountain Boys and the
Midnight Riders!!