Environmental and Biological Assessment of Portions of the Carmel River Watershed Acknowledgements and Contact Information 5. Summary 5.4.1 Assessment of Riparian Functions and Conditions 5.5 Biological Assessment of Fish and Amphibian Populations Distribution Maps for Rearing and Spawning Habitat between Lagoon and Headwaters. Delineate Potential Rearing Habitat and Population Surveys For Juvenile Steelhead Population Counts of Adult Steelhead at Los Padres and San Clemente Dams Trend Analysis for Juvenile and Adult Steelhead Distribution of Woody Debris and Its Role In Steelhead Ecology Constraints and Limiting Factors for Steelhead Population and Potential Restoration Areas California Red-legged Frogs – Sightings Maps California Red-legged Frogs – Habitat Maps Limiting Factors for Red-legged Frog Populations 5.6 Assessment of Water Quality Conditions in the Carmel River and Lagoon 5.6.1 Main Stem 5.6.2 Lagoon 5.7 Assessment of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community, Including Drift Feeders 5.7.1 5.7.2a 5.7.2b 5.7.3 5.7.4 Review Existing Information Functional Feeding Groups Analysis of Drift Feeders Factors Limiting Benthic Invertebrate Production Constraints to Populations of Benthic Invertebrates and Functional Groups Appendices (titles in italics not available electronically) 5.4.1a Proper Functioning Condition Assessments 5.4.1b Avian Monitoring Program Data (2003 and 2004) Potential Rearing Habitat and Population Surveys in the Carmel River Basin Adult Steelhead Counts at San Clemente and Los Padres Dams Carmel River Large Woody Debris Inventory From Stonepine to Lagoon Fall 2003 (CSUMB) Final Guidelines for Vegetation Management and Removal of Deleterious Materials for the Carmel River Riparian Corridor, March 2003 5.6 Surface Water Quality Data (WY 1991-2003) 5.7.1-A CCAMP BMI Data at Esquiline Road (CMU) and Highway 1 (CML) 5.7.1-B Metrics used to describe characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages as described in the California Stream Bioassessment Procedure and proposed Central Coast Index of Biotic Integrity Table of Contents December 8, 2004 Carmel River Watershed Assessment (2004) 5.7.1-C Cumulative taxonomic list of benthic macroinvertebrates sampled from the Carmel River including California Tolerance Values (CTV) and Functional Feeding Groups (FFG) designations (2000 – 2003) 5.7.1-D Carmel River benthic macroinvertebrate taxonomic lists by year and season (2000 – 2003) 5.7.1-E Biological metric values for benthic macroinvertebrates sampled from the Carmel River 2000-2003 Table of Contents December 8, 2004 Carmel River Watershed Assessment (2004)