Introduction to course and first week assignment

WFSC 448 – Fish Ecophysiology
(Week 1 – 31 Aug 2015)
An upper level class in how fish perform and sustain their populations in a
complex, environmentally dynamic world—A course bigger and broader than
others so far, with learning goals that will make you a powerhouse thinker and
The anatomy and physiology of a fish (or any organism) is an adaptive
interface system for the environment. This interface sustains and
propagates genes. Fish use these organ systems, and many systems
not depicted here, to interact with their aquatic environment
composed of both physical and biotic components. This makes the
topic of fish ecophysiology sound straightforward. You will learn the
topic is vastly more complicated than you might imagine. This
complexity is important to understand, for example to manage natural
populations, but also provides intellectual joy in learning this topic.
Learning outcomes/goals for course
● Learn to think integratively (build conceptual framework with
information from different domains)
● Learn to think creatively (come up with ideas no one else has thought)
● Learn to think thoroughly (carry through logical scenarios to distant yet
probable ends)
● Learn to think about connectedness of physiological systems,
ecological systems, and physio-eco couplings
● Read a lot of scientific literature (gain facility extracting information;
gain information)
● Learn to critically evaluate experimental designs (understand
replication within treatments, time frames, dosages, interactions, and
● Learn to think quantitatively (e.g. understand statistics, modeling)
● Learn some ecology and physiology of fishes
● Practice preparing an oral presentation
● Practice giving an oral presentation
● Practice participation in scholarly oral discourse
● Spark and feed your sense of wonder about nature
Learning how to learn from Dr. DeWitt
Descriptive information is boring.
Every isolated fact I teach you will be boring.
But synthesis is sublime.
Memorizing facts is not learning in a very meaningful sense.
Learning concepts is deeply meaningful.
Learning to reflect, to twist facts and concepts into new syntheses,
and reach to new domains is the goal.
● Concept rotation (lateral thinking)
● Concept extension—carrying it through
How do we study without a text?
● Lecture notes point to concepts that should be understood
● Primary literature assigned also points to important concepts and
provides detail.
● Even my tangents if they have information content are important.
● Rely on the above points to know what detail to learn and fill in your
conceptual frameworks with additional material (e.g. Wiki’s, literature
you find, etc.).
● Pay attention to cues (literary—underlining and font color in notes;
verbal—“you need to know this”, “understand this concept”…)
● External content is important—that is why I provide links in the notes
to any external content I use—so you can review the material outside
of class.
● Take responsibility for learning the concepts well enough to do
something with them—like connect with other concepts.
Example questions:
From a tangent:
“What was the major point of our discussion of the radio-telemetric search
for extraterrestrial life via chemical signatures?”
a. chemical disequilibrium is a hallmark of the physiology of life
b. entropy always wins due to the 2nd law of thermodynamics
c. heterogeneity within organisms produces homogeneity without
d. manned missions to seek life are ludicrous
e. telepathy is the most sensible approach to find ET life
Conventional question:
“What field of study was created largely to understand evolutionary
a. calculus
b. statistics
c. trigonometry
d. biochemistry
e. biogeochemistry
A strong emphasis in the course is adaptational biology, taken both to
mean short term physiological accommodations to the environment and
long term evolution.
Why this emphasis?
● Evolving fit for the environment has produced the vast diversity of
organismal form we see on the tangled bank.
● Evolving fit for the environment has produced the vast diversity of
internal systems of control, each coevolved to maintain internal
homogeneity and maximize external synergy.
Examine syllabus & discuss class structure, grading, etc…
Week 1—Intro to topic
The linear flow of class I planned was interrupted by my invitation to a
National Institute. So….
Release time normally provided later in course will in part be up front, so
you can do an independent assignment up front. Concept rotation
suggested to me a potential win for all regarding my away time. I wish to
conduct an experiment that you all will make successful, resulting in a
personal conceptual framework going into the semester about what
ecophysiology is, which framework will be ready for expansion and filling
in by me as the semester proceeds. TTWYAGTTT,TT,TTWYJTT
● Wednesday 2 Sep – Class released. Use release time on Wednesday
for self-directed study/discovery of “ecophysiology” and preparation of
slide and brief oration for class on Friday. Slide should provide your
synthetic definition of ecophysiology, at least 3 examples of such work
from the literature, and have additional elements (perhaps a flowchart?)
that help you to convey your grand conception of ecophysiology. You
may focus on ecophysiology taken broadly or fish ecophysiology if it helps
your narrative.
● Friday—present slides and oration, in reverse alphabetical order based
on last names. Questions and comments are encouraged during
presentations. After presentations, stare at each other until discussion
breaks out regarding the definition and scope and utility of
ecophysiology. Explore the topic as fully as possible. A faculty member
from Fisheries will be there to assist with AV in the room. This faculty
member is there to assist and observe—NOT to run the discussion or
event (YOU do that). So, realize this is an experiment in self-assembly
and trying to get students at the brink of the class to take ownership and
prepare for the semester ahead.
● Labor day—Class released. Please use this time to explore topics for
your class projects.