
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
Department of Urban Studies and Community Health
Undergraduate Program in Public Health
10:832:334 Principals of Health Administration
Monday 6:40pm – 9:30pm
Tillett Hall – Room 257
Stephen K. Jones, FACHE
President and CEO
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
Email: stephen.jones@rwjuh.edu
Syllabus – Fall 2014
Douglas A. Campbell, BS, MM, CHPRM
Jersey Shore University Medical Center
Email: dcampbell@meridianhealth.com
I Course Definition: Application of administrative theory to health care delivery, policy, and
planning. Structures and functions of management. Application of principles of management in
the field of Healthcare.
This course is a three credit, elective for Public Health students interested in expanding their
frame of reference to include the administration, management, and leadership of organizations
providing health services in a wide range of settings.
II Required Textbook:
Delivering Health Care in America
Leiyu Shi & Douglas Singh
Jones and Bartlett Publishers
2010 – Sixth Edition, copyright 2012
A number of additional readings will be assigned including
handouts in class discussing management practices and theories as
well as supplementing the related health care chapters and topics.
III Format of the course: The course will include lectures and substantial class participation.
Lectures will follow the course syllabus, which may require adjustment during the course of the
semester. Any such changes will be communicated well in advance. Lectures will review
assigned readings and highlight practical examples of healthcare administration and “real-life”
tools and techniques of management. Guest speakers and possibly a class tour of a health care
facility may be arranged and scheduled during the semester.
Students will be encouraged to develop knowledge of current events in Healthcare
Administration. Students will be required each week to bring in a healthcare article from a
current newspaper or journal with a one paragraph typed summary. The summary should
comment on the relevant healthcare administrative issue, healthcare reform, and public health
implications and highlight the management principles involved. Each week specific topics or
areas will be assigned to correspond to the readings and lectures.
Oral presentations of the current event article will be given by several students each week.
Students will be expected to learn the broad range of healthcare administration opportunities.
Students will learn management principles applied in various health services organizations.
Students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of current events and future trends in
healthcare administration. Handouts and current event topics may be included into the content of
test material.
Exams: will include materials covered in the assigned text, materials discussed during class
lectures and class discussions. The Exam format will vary and may include a combination of the
following types of questions: true and false, multiple choice, complete the answer, essay and
short essay.
IV. Grading:
25% Examination #1
25% Examination #2
25% Examination #3
15% Term paper on management application in Health Administration must include
works cited upon submission of final paper.
10% Homework, will be required each class. Submission of the assignment is required
at the beginning of class. E mail submissions will not be accepted. If submitted
late, homework material will be deducted 50% of the grade assigned for each
assignment. Additionally, No homework materials will be accepted later than 1
week after the class assignment.
The above five grades will be averaged together for the determination of the final grade.
V. Each student is expected to come to class fully prepared and actively participate in the class
VI. Academic Misconduct (Academic Integrity Policy)
The University’s Academic Integrity Policy can be found at:
Please note that penalties for misconduct range from failing an assignment/
exam to dismissal from the university.
VII. Absence from class, Missed exams. Students are expected to attend all classes; if you expect to
miss one or two classes, please use the University absence reporting website
https://sims.rutgers.edu/ssra/ to indicate the date and reason for your absence. An email is
automatically sent to me.
Please note: Arrangements for missed exams are to be made within 24 hours of the missed class.
Absences relating to extenuating circumstances will be considered.
VIII. Office hours will occur prior to and after class. Should a student require assistance,
additional meeting times can be arranged by calling Mr. Campbell or Mr. Jones.
NOTE: Please feel free to see the Instructor with any special accommodation needs.
Course Schedule:
Week 1
9.08. 2014
- Course overview, objectives, expectations, format, and examinations
-introductory discussion of health services and the healthcare delivery system
-Introductory discussion of health services administration, regulatory overview
-discussion of management functions and variations
- Review of Chapter #1
Assignment: read chapters #2 and #3, current event assignment, review and be
prepared to discuss the topic of the current status of the HCDS.
Assignment of TERM PAPER
Week 2
- review current event topic
- Review and discuss assignment - Chapter #2 & #3
-review Beliefs, Values and Health
-discuss evolution of health services in the US
Assignment: read chapter # 4 and #5, current event review - be prepared to
discuss the topics of health professionals and medical technology.
Week 3
- review and discuss current event
-review chapter #4 and chapter #5
-review health services professionals
- review Medical Technology
Assignment: review Chapter 1-5 for Exam #1, current event review, be prepared
to discuss the topic of Outpatient and Primary Care Services, Chapter #7
Week 4
- Exam #1 (Chapters 1-5, class discussions, handouts)
-review and discuss current event
- review and discussion of chapter #7, Outpatient and Primary Care services
- discuss outpatient and primary care and the management implications
-consider ambulatory care, home healthcare, and neighborhood health centers
Assignment: read chapter #6, current event review topic - be prepared to discuss
the topic of Healthcare financing Inpatient facilities.
Week 5
-review and discuss current event assignment
- Review chapter #6 – Health Services Financing
-discuss role and scope of health services financing, Insurance function
-discuss the role of government and National Health expenditures review and
discuss System Processes
Assignment: read chapter #8, current event topic –on Inpatient facilities and
Week 6
-review and discuss current event assignment
- Review Chapter #8
- review inpatient facilities and services
- Hospitals, recognitions, ethical and legal issues in patient
Assignment: read chapter #9, current event review - be prepared to discuss the
topic of managed care and integrated organizations.
Week 7
10.20. 2014
-review and discuss current event assignment
- review and discuss chapter #9
-discuss the managed care era and the current “ACA” era.
-discuss provider response strategies and implications for management
-discuss consumer and employer responses to managed care and the ACA
implications for providers
-discuss multi-provider healthcare systems, nationally and in New Jersey
-discuss investor-owned and non-profit healthcare organizations
-consider impact of these changes on public health and urban New Jersey
Assignment: read articles on Hospital Data, impact, issues on the HCDS,
Term Paper due at the beginning of class, current event on medical malpractice
Week 8
- Review of current event, pending healthcare related issues
- Review the importance of and use of Data in the HCDS
- review concepts of Hospital Data, HCAPS, Quality Assurance, reporting, public
access to and the importance of patient satisfaction information
Review and discuss current event assignment
Assignment: review for EXAM #2, Chapters 6-9 AND the Data Material.
Also, be familiar with and prepared to discuss Chapter #10, Long Term Care
Week 9
- EXAM #2 Chapters #6 - #9 and the Data Material.
- Review of current event,
- Review of Chapter #10, Long Term Care services, current needs, future needs,
- Emergency preparedness and the interaction of public and private health.
Assignment: Be prepared to discuss the topic of health care risk management,
medical errors, data and the impact on the HCDS
Week 10
-review of current event assignment
- Discussion on the recent election results and potential impact on the HCDS, and
health care reform.
- Risk Management / Medical Malpractice in today’s society
-discuss impacts on the HCDS, Physicians, Staff, Patients and the media
pending healthcare related issues
- Review of topic of Medical Errors, Regulatory requirements
-Assignment: read chapters #11, health services for special populations.
Week 11
- review and discuss current events
Burning platform review, why change
- Review chapter #11 – health services for special populations
- review management functions, styles in the different healthcare sectors
-discuss specific health administration issues, regulatory over-site
Assignment: read chapters #12 & #13, current event review - discussion on cost,
access and quality and health policy, current event topic on hospital costs.
Week 12
- review current event assignment
- discuss chapters #12, cost, access and quality and the impact on the HCDS
- discuss chapter #13 Health Policy, principal features and development of health
Assignment; read Chapter #14 and be prepared to discuss the future of the Health
Care Delivery System.
Week 13
-review the current event assignment
- Review chapter #14 – The Future of the Health Delivery System
-discuss health policy development and implications for health administrators
- Discussion on career paths with a Health Care CEO
- Discussion of assuming personal responsibility for one’s own management
- Assignment: Final Exam Review – all chapters that were reviewed in class, any
handouts, class discussions including current event topics. Article on emergency
preparedness for either public or private healthcare setting.
Week 14
12.08.2014-review current event assignment
- emergency preparedness
- Review handouts, discussion on public health and private health response
-Preparation, Mutual aid, inter-agency coordination and response, post event
return to normal operations
- Final Exam review
Final Exam
12. 15.2014 8:00pm – 11:00pm, (to be confirmed)
CHANGES / UPDATES – will be communicated to you