Chapter 14 Day 2

ICS 3M / 4M Section 14.2 An Abstract Shape Class As A Base Class
Section 14.3 Method Overloading In the Base Class
Name __________________
Section 14.2 An Abstract Shape Class As A Base Class
To improve upon the
// The "Shape" class.
programs of Section 14.1, we
// Located in: Q:\JavaExamples\Ch14\2.abstract\
create a base or parent class
// This is an abstract class from which all shapes descend. It contains that encapsulates the common
// all the methods and data that are common to all shapes. For example, behavior of the rectangle, oval
// you can call the show and hide methods of any Shape object, even
and triangle shapes, but does
// if you do not know the exact type of the object (Rectangle, Oval,
not specify how the shapes
// or Triangle).
are actually drawn. Each
shape has its own draw and
import java.awt.*;
erase method that differs
from class to class.
public abstract class Shape
Notice that this abstract class
protected Component surface; // The surface to draw on.
uses the abstract methods
protected int x, y; // The x, y location of the shape.
draw and erase, even though
protected boolean visible = false; // Is the shape currently visible.
their implementation is not
protected Color color; // The color of the shape.
yet available. Why ?
protected abstract void draw (); // The method to draw the shape.
protected abstract void erase (); // The method to erase the shape.
// Create a shape that is to be drawn on the surface (which should
// be either an Applet or a Frame).
public Shape (Component surface, int x, int y, Color color)
this.surface = surface;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.color = color;
} // Shape constructor
// If the shape is not already visible, make it visible.
public void show ()
if (!visible)
draw ();
visible = true;
} // show method
Why are they also declared as
protected ?
Which methods appear
completed in this abstract
class, and therefore MUST
have been the same among
the 3 different shape classes?
List them.
Why aren’t the above listed
methods also declared as
abstract ?
// If the shape is visible, hide it.
public void hide ()
if (visible)
Why were they public ?
ICS 3M / 4M Section 14.2 An Abstract Shape Class As A Base Class
Section 14.3 Method Overloading In the Base Class
Name __________________
What were the instance variables of this abstract class ( look
erase ();
at the top of the class on page 1 ) ? Are they the same as the
visible = false;
instance variables of the original rectangle, oval and triangle
classes ? Explain.
} // hide method
// Redraw the shape if it is visible.
public void paint ()
if (visible)
draw ();
} // paint method
// Move the shape to a new location.
public void move (int x, int y)
if (visible)
erase ();
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
draw ();
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
} // move method
} /* Shape class */
// The "Rectangle" class.
// Located in: Q:\JavaExamples\Ch14\2.abstract\
// This class handles rectangles on a graphics surface. Once created, they
// can be moved, hidden, and shown again.
import java.awt.*;
public class Rectangle extends Shape
protected int rectWidth, rectHeight; // The rectangle's width and height.
// Create a rectangle that is to be drawn on the surface (which should
// be either an Applet or a Frame).
The Rectangle class has
changed, now that it is an
extension of the Shape
What methods are left
over from the original
Rectangle class?
Why were they left over,
but others were not ?
ICS 3M / 4M Section 14.2 An Abstract Shape Class As A Base Class
Section 14.3 Method Overloading In the Base Class
Name __________________
public Rectangle (Component surface, int x, int y, int rectWidth,
int rectHeight)
Are the instance variables of the former Rectangle class
super (surface, x, y,;
found within the new Rectangle class ? If not, where has
this.rectWidth = rectWidth;
their declarations moved to ?
this.rectHeight = rectHeight;
show ();
} // Rectangle constructor
// Draw the shape.
protected void draw ()
Graphics g = surface.getGraphics ();
g.setColor (color);
g.fillRect (x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight);
} // draw method
// Erase the shape.
protected void erase ()
Graphics g = surface.getGraphics ();
g.setColor (surface.getBackground ());
g.fillRect (x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight);
} // erase method
} /* Rectangle class */
// The "ShapeTest" class.
// Located in: Q:\JavaExamples\Ch14\2.abstract\
// This applet randomly places 10 shapes on the drawing surface.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class ShapeTest extends Applet
protected final static int NUM_SHAPES = 10;
// The array containing the Shape objects.
protected Shape[] shapes = new Shape [NUM_SHAPES];
// This method is called when the Applet object is created.
public void init ()
// Get the width and height of the drawing surface.
int surfaceWidth = getSize ().width;
int surfaceHeight = getSize ().height;
Question: In what ways is this
class different than the original
ShapeTest class from Section
14.1 ?
Answer: There are some
differences – but they are not
because of the factoring of the
different shape classes.
(Factoring is the term in
object-oriented languages for
determining what methods can
be put into an abstract class to
be used by classes which are
extended from it.) The
difference lies in the way the
painting of the shapes is done
and when it is done. Explain.
(The difference was not critical
as the two ShapeTest classes
are in fact interchangeable.)
ICS 3M / 4M Section 14.2 An Abstract Shape Class As A Base Class
Section 14.3 Method Overloading In the Base Class
Name __________________
// Create the shapes and place them randomly on the drawing
// surface.
for (int count = 0 ; count < NUM_SHAPES ; count++)
int shapeKind = (int) (Math.random () * 3);
int x = (int) (Math.random () * surfaceWidth);
int y = (int) (Math.random () * surfaceHeight);
if (shapeKind == 0)
int rectWidth = (int) (Math.random () * 20) + 10;
int rectHeight = (int) (Math.random () * 20) + 10;
shapes [count] = new Rectangle (this, x, y, rectWidth,
else if (shapeKind == 1)
int xRadius = (int) (Math.random () * 10) + 10;
int yRadius = (int) (Math.random () * 10) + 10;
shapes [count] = new Oval (this, x, y, xRadius, yRadius);
else if (shapeKind == 2)
int sideLength = (int) (Math.random () * 20) + 10;
shapes [count] = new Triangle (this, x, y, sideLength);
} // init method
// This method is called whenever the applet's drawing surface is
// obscured and then revealed. We call the paint method for each
// shape to redraw that shape (if the shape is currently visible).
public void paint (Graphics g)
// For each shape, call its paint method.
for (int count = 0 ; count < NUM_SHAPES ; count++)
shapes [count].paint ();
} // paint method
} /* ShapeTest class */
ICS 3M / 4M Section 14.2 An Abstract Shape Class As A Base Class
Section 14.3 Method Overloading In the Base Class
Name __________________
Section 14.3 Method Overloading In the Base Class
Read Section 14.3 carefully and answer these questions:
1. There is a new constructor method being added to the Shape class on page 401.
What is its purpose ?
2. The move method is also overloaded in the new Shape class. What is the
difference between the two versions which are available ?
3. Here is the new Rectangle class. Note that it now has 3 constructor methods
instead of one.
// The "Rectangle" class.
// Located in: Q:\JavaExamples\Ch14\3.overloading\
// This class handles rectangles on a graphics surface. Once created, they
// can be moved, hidden, and shown again.
What is the primary
difference between the 3
constructor methods ?
import java.awt.*;
public class Rectangle extends Shape
protected int rectWidth, rectHeight; // The rectangle's width and height.
// Create a rectangle that is to be drawn on the surface (which should
// be either an Applet or a Frame).
public Rectangle (Component surface, int x, int y, int rectWidth,
int rectHeight)
super (surface, x, y,;
this.rectWidth = rectWidth;
this.rectHeight = rectHeight;
show ();
} // Rectangle constructor
// Create a rectangle that is to be drawn on the surface (which should
// be either an Applet or a Frame). Randomly place it on the
// drawing surface.
public Rectangle (Component surface, int rectWidth, int rectHeight)
The word super is used in
these methods and it was
never used in the previous
Rectangle classes – not
even in Section 14.2 when
Shapes was an abstract
ICS 3M / 4M Section 14.2 An Abstract Shape Class As A Base Class
Section 14.3 Method Overloading In the Base Class
Name __________________
super (surface,;
What is the meaning of the
this.rectWidth = rectWidth;
word super ?
this.rectHeight = rectHeight;
show ();
} // Rectangle constructor
// Create a rectangle that is to be drawn on the surface (which should
// be either an Applet or a Frame). Randomly place it on the
// drawing surface. Randomly determine the width and height
// of the rectangle.
public Rectangle (Component surface)
super (surface,;
this.rectWidth = (int) (Math.random () * 20) + 10;
this.rectHeight = (int) (Math.random () * 20) + 10;
show ();
} // Rectangle constructor
// Draw the shape.
protected void draw ()
Graphics g = surface.getGraphics ();
g.setColor (color);
g.fillRect (x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight);
} // draw method
// Erase the shape.
protected void erase ()
Graphics g = surface.getGraphics ();
g.setColor (surface.getBackground ());
g.fillRect (x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight);
} // erase method
} /* Rectangle class */
// The "ShapeTest" class.
// Located in: Q:\JavaExamples\Ch14\3.overloading\
// This applet randomly places 10 shapes on the drawing surface.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class ShapeTest extends Applet
protected final static int NUM_SHAPES = 10;
Why is super only used in
relation to the surface, and not
rectWidth and rectHeight ?
ICS 3M / 4M Section 14.2 An Abstract Shape Class As A Base Class
Section 14.3 Method Overloading In the Base Class
Name __________________
// The array containing the Shape objects.
protected Shape[] shapes = new Shape [NUM_SHAPES];
// This method is called when the Applet object is created.
public void init ()
// Get the width and height of the drawing surface.
int surfaceWidth = getSize ().width;
int surfaceHeight = getSize ().height;
How is this ShapeTest class different
from the ShapeTest class of Section
14.2. Answer carefully. Consider all
that has happened in the new
constructor methods of the individual
shapes classes. Use page 409 as a
reference, because this difficult
question is answered there. Use your
own words.
// Create the shapes and place them randomly on the drawing surface.
for (int count = 0 ; count < NUM_SHAPES ; count++)
int shapeKind = (int) (Math.random () * 3);
if (shapeKind == 0)
// The following two lines place the upper-left corner
// of the rectangle in the upper-left quadrant.
int x = (int) (Math.random () * surfaceWidth / 2);
int y = (int) (Math.random () * surfaceHeight / 2);
int rectWidth = (int) (Math.random () * 20) + 10;
int rectHeight = (int) (Math.random () * 20) + 10;
shapes [count] = new Rectangle (this, x, y, rectWidth,
else if (shapeKind == 1)
int xRadius = (int) (Math.random () * 30) + 10;
int yRadius = (int) (Math.random () * 10) + 10;
shapes [count] = new Oval (this, xRadius, yRadius);
else if (shapeKind == 2)
shapes [count] = new Triangle (this);
} // init method
// This method is called whenever the applet's drawing surface is
// obscured and then revealed. We call the paint method for each
// shape to redraw that shape (if the shape is currently visible).
public void paint (Graphics g)
// For each shape, call its paint method.
ICS 3M / 4M Section 14.2 An Abstract Shape Class As A Base Class
Section 14.3 Method Overloading In the Base Class
Name __________________
for (int count = 0 ; count < NUM_SHAPES ; count++)
shapes [count].paint ();
} // paint method
} /* ShapeTest class */