International Business Transactions Module Monitoring Report

Annual Monitoring Report Template
See Annex E to the Code of Practice for Quality Assurance for Taught Programmes before
completing this template – available at:
To use this template, download this file and insert the text in the sections provided.
Module Code and Title:
Number of Students:
65 students
Number of evaluations questionnaires completed (response rate):
40 questionnaires
Reason(s) this report has been required (see Annex E, section 3):
i. The module is new, or has been significantly changed since previously delivered (possibly
as the result of a previous report)
v. Where otherwise requested by the Director of Studies (or Departmental Director of
Learning and Teaching).
Record of, and comments on, significant areas of good practice and concerns in the
student experience of the module
The responses were varied and included quite positive and some negative issues. The good areas
centred mostly on ability of the lecturer to convey the substance of the course and to motivate the
interest of the students. The negative issues were mostly on the need for better organisation. Issues
relating to punctuality are easily avoidable by the two changes: lecturer no longer attending to
students on the masters programme in the immediate hour before the lectures on the undergraduate
level; second, there would no longer be the need to photocopy material for the students for distribution
in class in the new year as there is a course book produced
Record of, and comments on, significant areas of good practice and concern in the
content and delivery of the module
The lecturer has been in good contact with the library and the bookshop on campus to increase the
availability of books to students. The scarcity of materials is largely due to the pre-existing and
continuing reality that this particular course runs both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels
and it is very popular at both levels. The reading lists have also been improved and updated to reflect
developments in the subject area since the course ran last in 2003.
While it would be ideal that all students of any course pass at first sitting it is regrettable that in this
course as in many others some students do not pass. Thus, 5 students had resits in the course and were
invited to resit. Two of these have resat and passed, one student did not show up and two others
returned blank script and regrettably could not be graded at all.
On the plus side of things, the pass rates for the course and the numbers of students with high grades
is quite good when considered in relation to comparable modules.
Issues surrounding examination questions being similar to seminar questions are to be avoided in the
future with reflection upon the directions now given as to good practice.
Evaluation of any changes made to the module as a result of last year’s report
There is no previous module report for this course to reflect upon
Indication of any changes to be made (or already made) to the module as a result of
this report
In realisation of the teething problems that attend the running of a newly reintroduced course under a
new course convenor the following changes have been introduced for the new session 2007/2008.
A module pack for each term of the course with significant reading materials has been
introduced. This would allow the students to have a better understanding of the types of
journal material they ought to be consulting not only for their revisions but for their essays.
This may also remove some of the pressure on library materials.
The powerpoint covering all the topics to be dealt with in the term is given in advance to the
student as part of the module pack.
An improved course outline with updated references.
A streamlined reading list with guidance as to which material to read for each topic.
The course convenor will hold bi monthly meetings with the seminar leader in order to identify areas
of difficulties in the curricula and in the student’s appreciation of the course.
Annex E Module Monitoring Template – approved by LTB on 6th June 2007