Enjoying and achieving Date:

Enjoying and achieving
How well do you:
1. know how you promote children’s enjoyment and achievement?
2. know about the very best practice and how to plan improvements and review their
3. help children to feel secure and confident and to enjoy themselves at your setting?
4. help children develop positive relationships?
5. help children develop independence?
6. know what children are achieving and what progress they are making in their learning?
7. plan to develop children’s learning further (towards the early learning goals if you are
providing funded early education)?
8. identify and provide for children’s individual requirements, including the more able and
those who need more support?
9. involve children and their parents in planning and reviewing children’s learning and
10. ensure that adults involved are continuing to develop their understanding of how children
Annex E www.ofsted.gov.uk/gettingonwell
Making a positive contribution
How well do you:
11. know how you help children make a positive contribution?
12. know about the very best practice and how to plan improvements and review their
13. help the range of children to understand and be positive about their own ethnic, cultural
and religious identities?
14. help children to understand and appreciate similarities and differences among their peers,
the local community and the wider world?
15. support children and families whose first language is not English?
16. ensure that children with special needs are included in all your planning to promote the
outcomes for children’s well-being, learning and development?
17. help children develop an awareness of right and wrong by involving them in setting realistic
expectations and appropriate boundaries?
18. support children to manage their own feelings and to respect the feelings of others?
19. involve parents in promoting positive outcomes for their children?
20. involve the children in planning, reviewing and developing your service to improve
Annex E www.ofsted.gov.uk/gettingonwell