Department: Visual Arts / Art Education

[v. 1-21-98]
NEW COURSE (NOT General Education)
Course Prefix/Number/Title: ARED 3308 – Special Populations in Art Education
Department: Visual Arts / Art Education
Degree Title (if applicable)________________________________
Proposed Effective Date: Spring 2007
New Course (NOT General Education)
I. Proposed Information
Course Prefix and Number: ARED 3308
Course Title: Special Populations in Art Education
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: ARED 3302
(Prerequisites are courses or requirements that non-negotiable and must be
successfully completed by any student before enrolling in the course or program
under consideration.
Corequisites are courses that can be taken before or in the same semester as
the course under consideration. Courses at the upper-division level will require
lower-division competencies or prerequisites.)
Course Description for the Catalog:
This course focuses on content knowledge and applications for art educators teaching students
with disabilities. Content includes current legal, educational, and therapeutic issues as they
relate to teaching art to special populations. Distinctions between art education and art therapy
are discussed. This course includes field experiences and proof of professional liability insurance
is required prior to receiving a school placement.
II. Justification for Course
A. Explain assessment findings which led to course development.
This course was developed as a collaboration between the Department of Art Education and the
Department of Special Education to both standardize the course content and to address the
specific needs of Art Education majors. Art Education students currently acquire basic
knowledge and experience with exceptional students through EXC 3304: Education of
Exceptional Students. Evidence from class activities, field assessments, and student teacher
surveys have indicated a need for field-specific preparation. Art education students demonstrate
a lack of field-specific knowledge and skills necessary for teaching art and making related
adaptations in working with exceptional students. Whereas the art classroom is often one of the
initial inclusive settings encountered by exceptional students, a need for field-specific training for
future art educators is critically evident.
B. Explain for Prerequisites:
1. What is the substance of content in each prerequisite that commands its
inclusion as a prerequisite to the proposed course?
The prerequisite is ARED 3302: Teaching, Learning and Development in Visual Arts. This
course develops a knowledge-base concerned with child development, learning and teaching
methodologies. ARED 3302 specifically demonstrates the relationship of these domains of
knowledge to applications of art in educational setting.
2. What is the desired sequence of prerequisites?
3. What is the rationale for requiring the above sequence of prerequisites?
4. How often are the required prerequisites offered?
At least once per academic year.
C. Give any other justification for the course.
The Department of Visual Arts feels that this course needs to be offered as a field-specific course
in order to strengthen the relevance of content knowledge and to increase field experience/
application opportunities for art educators working with special populations.
III. Additional Information
A. Where does this course fit sequentially and philosophically within the program
of study.
This course is a required professional education course for art education majors. It fulfills the
requirement for education of exceptional students within their program of study. Philosophically
the program strives to offer a strong and diverse curriculum which produces highly qualified art
educators capable of holding high expectations for all students in the P-12 classrooms of today.
B. What efforts have been made to ensure that this course does not duplicate the
content of other college courses with similar titles, purposes, or content?
There are currently no other art education courses focused on the education of students with
disabilities. Whereas content overlaps will exist with some education and psychology courses,
field-specific methods and application will vary significantly for the proposed course.
C. Where will the course be located in the program (elective, required in Area F,
required or elective for the major)? Indicate and justify its placement in the
This course will be within the professional sequence of courses required by art education majors.
A course in the education of exceptional/special populations is required for teacher certification.
D. How often will this course be offered?
Once per academic year.
E. All sections of the course will be taught with the understanding that the
following apply:
1. Purpose of the Course
This course covers current legal, educational, and therapeutic issues as they relate to teaching
art to special populations. It is designed to prepare prospective art teachers for development of
instructional materials and implementation of effective teaching methods and management
techniques for working with special populations. This course will offer art education majors the
field-specific knowledge and skills necessary to identify, develop, and utilize effective instructional
and management techniques based on the cognitive, emotional, and social needs of special
populations in the art classroom.
2. Objectives of the Course
The objectives and activities for this course are based primarily on a Disciplined Based Model for
Art Education (also known as Quality Based Model by the National Art Education Association).
Based on these standards for teacher education the goals of the course include development of
skills in the following areas: utilizing art-based materials and methods in the teaching of art
criticism, art history, and aesthetics; working with various art media and studio techniques in the
classroom; managing the art classroom for special populations.
After completing the requirements for the course the Professional Learning Facilitator in
Art Education will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of adapting methods and materials for teaching art criticism and aesthetics to
special populations.
Demonstrate knowledge of adaptive methods and materials for teaching art history to special
Display knowledge of media techniques/effects and adaptations for teaching studio production
activities to special populations.
Apply art education methods and utilize art materials to effectively enhance the learning of special
populations in the art classroom.
Describe the influence of social, economic, and cultural factors on special education in schools.
Describe historic developments in special education.
Analyze recent developments in special education.
Demonstrate an understanding of the physical, psychosocial-emotional, and intellectual characteristics
of special populations in the P-12 art room.
Delineate characteristics and approaches/methods relevant to various diagnostic categories of
10. Analyze current research in special education.
11. Describe factors that affect the learning of special populations in the art classroom (e.g. adaptations,
assistive technology, behavior management techniques).
12. Describe the legal and ethical requirements of the teacher’s role in the education of students with
disabilities and the ways those continue to evolve out of legislative, litigative, and sociological
13. Describe the issues in definition and identification procedures for individuals with exceptional learning
needs including individuals from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds.
14. Demonstrate an understanding of due process and the teacher’s role in its implementation for parents
and students.
15. Demonstrate an understanding of the teacher’s role in engaging and supporting the participation of
parents of students with disabilities in the education of their children.
16. Demonstrate an understanding of disabilities as lifelong circumstances requiring different strategies
and accommodations in various settings and stages.
17. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of cultural bias in instructional and assessment activities of
exceptional students.
18. Identify and apply principles of student assessment procedures in the context of the instructional
environment and academic materials.
19. Discuss differential characteristics of individuals with exceptionalities, including levels of severity and
multiple exceptionalities.
20. Identify principles of classroom, program and behavior management, including program extension
skills and consultation, in the context of the instructional environment and academic materials.
21. Identify intervention strategies appropriate for use in the teaching of exceptional children.
22. Discuss instructional and remedial methods, techniques, curriculum materials, and curricula for the
development of functional skills for individuals with exceptional learning needs.
23. Discuss the characteristics and effects of the cultural and environmental milieu of the child and the
family including cultural and linguistic diversity, socioeconomic level, abuse/neglect, and substance
24. Understand how to collect and share observational data, which will be useful to members of
interdisciplinary teams for decision-making.
25. Demonstrate the ability to identify community and professional resources and collect information
about their access.
26. Identify principles related to the development and implementation of the individualized education
program in the context of the instructional environment.
27. Discuss the development of individual student programs working in collaboration with team members
and the roles of individuals with exceptionalities, parents, teachers, and other school and community
personnel in planning an individualized program.
28. Describe the collaboration required with other professionals to facilitate pre-referral, screening and
assessment, placement, transitions, and instructional design.
29. Demonstrate an understanding of the role technology can play in instructional accommodation for
students with cognitive, sensory, or physical limitation or disabilities.
3. Course Content
F. What instructional methodologies will be incorporated into the course to
stimulate group process, writing skills, multiculturalism, and educational
Written course work, exams, teaching portfolios, group work, studio work, presentations and
analysis of characteristics and adaptations for special education are the basic teaching
methodologies that will be incorporated into this course, including team-based field experiences.
G. Outline the plan for continuous course assessment. What are the department,
school, college, or professional standards which will be used for the
assessment? How will it be determined that the course is current, meeting the
educational needs of students and responsive to educational standards? How
often will the course assessment be done by the department?
Department standards are derived for the National Association of Schools of Art and Design
(NASAD), National Art Education Association (NAEA), National Council for Accreditation for
Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).
The Department of Visual Arts’ programs are formally evaluated by the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools (SACS), the National Council for Accreditation for Teacher Education
(NCATE) and National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). Informally, the
Department of Visual Arts evaluates its mission, goals, and objectives as an on-going function of
a dynamic, growing unit of the newly formed College of the Arts. The KSU Art Education program
is accredited by NASAD.
H. Enclose a course syllabus (optional format attached)
[v. 1-21-98]
IV. Resources and Funding required
What resources will be redirected to accommodate this course?
Explain what items will cause additional cost to the department/school/college
Computer Technology
Library resources
[v. 1-21-98]
This form will be completed by the requesting department and will be sent to the
Office of the Registrar once the course has been approved by the Office of the
The form is required for all new courses.
DISCIPLINE: Art Education
COURSE TITLE FOR LABEL: Special Populations in Art Education
Approval, Effective Quarter: Spring 2007
Grades Allowed (Regular or S/U): Regular
If course used to satisfy CPC, what areas? N/A
Learning Support Programs courses which are
required as prerequisites: N/A
Vice President for Academic Affairs or Designee
Submitted by: _____________________________________________
Faculty Member Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Department Curriculum Committee Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Professional Teacher Education Unit: Program Area* Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Department Chair Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Teacher Education Council** Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
College or School Curriculum Committee Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
College or School Dean Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum Committee Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
Dean of Undergraduate Studies Date
___ Approved ___ Not Approved
President Date
*The PTEU Program Area Committee collaborates closely with Department
Curriculum Committees.
**Signature required for Teacher Preparation proposals (omit College or School
Curriculum Committee).
Form updated April 1, 2004.