2.6b Special Populations Observation Tool

Teaching Special Populations Observation Record
Participating Teacher
Grade and
Inquiry #
Support Provider
Support provider will collect evidence related to the focus question(s), selected CSTP, and Induction Program Standard 6: Teaching
Special Populations
Focus Question(s):
Selected CSTP on IIP:
Academic Content Standard(s):
Time Observation
Time Observation
Observation Data: (How does the teacher implement the standards related to Equity?)
1.2 Connecting learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, and
Possible Things To Look For
During an Observation:
Conditions That Support
Special Populations
1.4 Using a variety of instructional strategies and resources to engage all students
Teacher Creates Effective
Environments by:
 Minimizing time spent on discipline
and classroom interruptions
1.5 Promoting critical thinking through inquiry, problem solving, and reflection
 Utilizing structures for frequent
student response
 Balancing direct instruction, group
work, and/or independent work
 Providing adequate wait time
2.1 Creating a learning environment that engages all students, reflects diversity, and
encourages constructive and productive interaction among students
 Providing for student choice
Teacher Utilizes Positive Behavior
Support Strategies by:
2.2 Establishing and maintaining a physically, cognitively, and emotionally safe learning
 Developing and implementing
consistent rules and procedures
 Planning for transitions
 Cueing students non-verbally
 Obtaining students’ attention before
giving directions or explanations
2.3 Promoting social development and group responsibility in a climate where each student
is treated fairly and respectfully
 Moving about room, increasing
presence where problems may occur
 Using calm, quiet voice
 Reinforcing positive behaviors
Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education
Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT)
Inquiry: Observation Record - Special Populations
July 1, 2011
Page 1 of 2
2.4 Establishing, communicating and maintaining high standards for student behavior
2.5 Developing and implementing group norms, classroom procedures, and routines to
preserve a climate in which all students learn
Teachers Differentiate the Learning
Process by:
 Using standards-aligned
instructional materials and resources
during the lesson
 Using instructional resources
(including technology-related tools)
 Facilitating student use of
2.6 Using instructional time effectively
 Making accommodations and
modifications based on assessed
student needs
Teacher’s Lesson Delivery:
3.1 Demonstrating knowledge of subject-matter, academic content standards, and state
curriculum frameworks
4.2 Establishing and articulating goals based on academic content standards for student
 Taps prior knowledge through preassessments
 Scaffolds instruction
 Uses meta-cognitive strategies
(think-alouds, graphic organizers
and study guides)
 Checks for understanding (e.g.,
thumbs up, choral response, signal
cards, whiteboards, volunteers/nonvolunteers) throughout the lesson to
monitor student progress and assess
student comprehension and learning
Focus Student: (English Learner)
Focus Student: (Special Populations)
Focus Student: (Choice)
A seating chart may provide information for additional note taking
Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education
Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT)
Inquiry: Observation Record - Special Populations
July 1, 2011
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