SRMA – Initial Research and Analysis (cheat sheet) Document 1. SRCC Regional Tourism Strategy 2011 – 2016 Page #/s Develop distinctive tourism products and experiences; strengthen collaborative partnerships 7 Effective working relationships, consultative structures and processes, shared commitment 8 10 Holistic approach to development and management of tourism – Destination Development, Marketing and Management. 5 key principles: sustainable tourism, good tourism governance; inclusive and shared ownership (managed, leadership, shared solutions); rigorous planning; and effective marketing and promotion. Consultation = clear planning framework – ‘Growing tourism should not be put ahead of the community’s interests”. Plan for long term financial and environmental sustainability Building the GC and Brisbane’s short break market for locals, interstate and international visitors Mentoring and sharing knowledge with other operators/stakeholders/regulators Tourism that can also be promoted to local communities 12 List of target markets 14 “Encourage the development of quality leisure events that embrace sustainable event management practices”. 9 10 10 10 SRMA – Initial Research and Analysis (cheat sheet) Version 1 Reference/quote 6 Potential Use A support for diff types of tourism; B support and encourage ongoing relationship between SRMA and SRCC support and encourage ongoing relationship between SRMA and SRCC A sustainability; B SRMA policies, planning and practices re rigour, and governance; C collaboration with SRCC and other stakeholders re inclusiveness and shared solutions Highlight SRMA’s rigorous and inclusive planning framework Sustainability SRMA’s planning process re marketing plan Collaborative approach SRMA’s planning process re marketing plan SRMA’s planning process re marketing plan Support for SRMA facility purpose 1 Document 1. SRCC Regional Tourism Strategy 2011 – 2016 Page #/s Reference/quote 15 “Leverage the development of outdoor recreation opportunities”; and “Asset management decisions should incorporate tourism considerations” Work with regional stakeholders to implement a ‘tourism industry development expo’ that showcases tourism products. QUOTE - “To increase this (expenditure) contribution we need to maintain the day tripper marketed and increase their spend; grow domestic overnight visitation and grow international visitor numbers. Increasing length of stays and repeat visitation by providing satisfying quality experiences are equally important”. QUOTE – “As the population of SEQ grows, there is pressure to accommodate a range of land uses in these hinterland areas”. Economic and social trends that may impact on consumer behaviour: - an aging population in good health, with more flexible work hours and with disposable income will influence overall levels of demand and seasonality; - QUOTE “combining work and leisure travel, serious sport travel will increase”; - Consumers will seek out ‘facilitated’ travel decision-making (eg websites that offer suggestions, bundle and have easy search and payment functionality); - Increased demand for customisation of products and experiences; - QUOTE – “Unique, meaningful and emotionally fulfilling tourism experiences will receive emphasis over products”; 17 19 20 23 SRMA – Initial Research and Analysis (cheat sheet) Version 1 Potential Use A support for this type of facility; and B facility falls within SRCC’s asset management framework Opportunity for facility to be promoted Highlight opportunity facility presents to increase tourism expenditure in the region. Supports argument for innovative use of public land to meet local needs. Supports argument for SRMA facility through: - market exists (re work patterns/discernable income) so will be ongoing/sustainable facility; - meets the needs of people looking for ‘unique and emotionally fulfilling’ tourism experiences; - provides marketing opportunities for SRMA and collaboration with other regional tourist industry providers; - supports SRCC and state government direction for tourism 2 Tourism will increasingly become an “investment in the self, purchase decisions are motivated by a need to ‘invest’ in personal growth and fulfilment; - Demand for short break leisure travel, business, event, recreation and conference travel will increase particularly for Brisbane and SEQ more generally, but travel will increasingly be for multiple purposes (eg events and leisure, business and recreation); - SEQ will continue to be an attractive location for serious recreation, leisure and sport events (eg marathons, cycling events and triathlons); and - Work patterns will become increasingly more flexible, mid-week breaks will become increasingly part of the offer and can be used to address weekly peaks and troughs in demand. QUOTE – “Taking into account behavioural trends and characteristics, the region is well placed to offer recreation and sports tourism”. QUOTE – “The Council supports a strategic cooperative approach to tourism development as part of a sustainable local economy”. - 1. SRCC Regional Tourism Strategy 2011 – 2016 42 52 Scenic Rim Tourism Advisory Committee (SRTAC) Terms of Reference SRMA – Initial Research and Analysis (cheat sheet) Version 1 QUOTE - “Importance of establishing good communication processes and collaborative relationships to foster innovation, information awareness, industry capacity building and shared vision for tourism”; and QUOTE “Encourage activities that lead the industry in an innovative manner”. in the region. Re reference to triathlons – if there was a clean/useable water course, the facility could be used for triathlons – swim in the jet boat course, ride around the race track, and run on the drag strip. Support for the concept of the SRMA facility. SRMA’s approach to developing effective and productive ongoing relationships with the SRCC and other stakeholders to ensure the sustainability of the facility. A – as above re collaborative working relationship; and B SRMA facility is an innovative approach to boosting the tourist industry and local economy in the region. 3 Document Scenic Rim Tourism Advisory Committee (SRTAC) Page #/s Reference/quote Meeting Minutes 26/5/11 QUOTE - s.4.2 “In relation to achieving outcomes relevant to this region, the TAC Operator (representatives) said there was ‘a clear message to not be afraid to be innovative or different’. QUOTE - s.7.2 “The (TAC) meeting felt that further support should be put towards promoting important drive market events which included car touring clubs, etc. It was also felt that further consideration should be given towards capacity building and logistics support for road based event markets”. QUOTE – “Tourism development/outdoor sport and recreation…outdoor sport and recreation activities are expected to be a key industry for the new local government area. Council has received feedback that additional scope is sought to provide for the establishment of such development beyond the limits imposed under the current Regional Plan…In addition to tourist-related development, an increase in flexibility is also sought to allow for outdoor sport and recreation activities in excess of the scale provided for under the Regional Plan that are required to locate within the Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area. In certain instances, Council also seeks to accommodate facilities that serve a regional significance such as motorbikes and 4WD parks, which is becoming of greater importance to the SEQ region. It is noted that facilities such as motorbike and 4WD parks, sports grounds and the like are recognised as Urban Activities for the purpose of the Regional Plan… the amenity impacts of such uses often require significant buffers to adjacent sensitive development and subsequently, are more appropriately located outside of Urban Footprints”. Meeting Minutes 14/7/11 Letter dated 5 Sept 2008 from Tony Magner SRCC to the Qld Coordinator-General re the Review of the SEQ Regional Plan 2009 – 2031 Page 5 SRMA – Initial Research and Analysis (cheat sheet) Version 1 Potential Use As above. While this may be aimed at touring type activities, this concept can be adapted to the proposed range of activities at the facility. Demonstrates SRCC’s acknowledgement of and support for the need to provide outdoor sport and recreation activities and this type of facility. Support SRMA’s application for the development of this type of facility. 4 Document Page #/s Page 13 Boonah District – Business and Industry Gap Analysis (2008) (quoted in 1 above) SEQ country Destination Management Plan 2007 – 2010 (quoted in 1 above); and Qld Government’s SEQ Regional Plan 2009 - 2031 SRCC Bromelton Outline – Structure Plan (2008) Rec 2 Provides a definition of “Outdoor Recreation” to include: - associated facilities including meeting rooms/club house, storage sheds, meal facilities, kiosk and other ancillary and incidental facilities. - The term includes but is not limited to race track, motorbike and 4WD parks, outdoors courts and sports grounds and the like. Recommendation 2 supports the development of outdoor recreation and adventure tourism. Proposed initiatives include adventure tourism. 98 101 SRMA – Initial Research and Analysis (cheat sheet) Version 1 Reference/quote s.10.1 – Distinct Sense of Place: Bromelton will contain a range of open space including a Regional Sports Park to cater for motorcycle sports (Wyralong Dam). Design Principles for Bromelton Regional Sports Park: - Land suitable for the intended purpose which may vary with the activity; - Sufficient area for club facilities above the Q100 level; - Facility area must comply with CPTED principles; - Suitable buffers are to be incorporated into the design of the park to minimise the negative impacts of noise and dust on adjacent uses; - Suitable road access is to be provided to accommodate traffic flowers during major events. Potential Use SRMA’s facility falls within the definition proposed by the SRCC. Demonstrates Boonah district’s recognition of the need for this type of facility. Supports the development of the type of tourist activity/facility the SRMA is proposing. Sets the benchmark for Council development of similar facility in terms of activities and purpose. As above – sets specific benchmarks for the SRMA/SRCC facility development. 5 Document Page #/s Reference/quote Potential Use SRCC Bromelton Outline – Structure Plan (2008) 124 Re environmental, social and economic sustainability principles for the facility. Boonah Business Retention and Expansion Survey 2008 8 CONICS – Boonah (district, including Beaudesert) Industry Gap Analysis 18 The commitment to sustainability will enhance the capacity for Bromelton to accommodate ecologically sustainable industrial development. Key sustainability principles, inter alia, water cycle management, sensitive urban design principles, targeted environmental rehabilitation, maximise integrated transport infrastructure, encourage green building techniques, and energy efficiency and water conservation measures. QUOTE – “Businesses in the Boonah township rely significantly on the tourism industry with nearly 60% reporting selling some of their products or services to the tourism industry”. Between 2001 and 2006 the number of jobs in accommodation, cafes and restaurants increased 107% and accounted for the largest increase for any industry. SR LGA Demographic Profile 12 The Scenic Rim LGA is relatively more disadvantaged than the majority of other LGAs across Australia. 24 The SR region has a higher number of technical/trades people and community personal service sector workers than elsewhere in Queensland. SRMA – Initial Research and Analysis (cheat sheet) Version 1 Supports the argument that the facility will contribute to the local economy and therefore long term sustainability of the region. Positive impact SRMA facility could have in terms of increasing expenditure in the region through direct purchasing by customers, and indirect procurement by the facility and its suppliers. SRMA facility can contribute to improving the economic situation of the SC LGA, particularly the retail, accommodation and food sectors. Capacity exists to use local specialist knowledge and skills for the construction of the SRMA facility, also boosting employment and the local economy across the region. 6 Document Business and Development Strategy and Profile document SRCC Design and Construction Manual Letter dated 30 March 2009 from Tony Magner, SRCC to Minister for Infrastructure and Planning re SRCC’s submission on the Draft SEQ Regional Plan 2009 – 2031. SRCC Beaudesert Town Outline Structure Plan (2008) Page #/s Potential Use 3 Integrated tourist destinations. 4 Bromelton is expected to be a destination for speciality industry operators and large multinational companies. All Reviewed. Opportunities for collaboration with other businesses/service providers to develop packages. Provides the SRMA facility with unique marketing opportunities, and also the opportunity to on-sell other tourist products and services across the Region (see also above re developing package deals). N/A All Reviewed. N/A All Reviewed. N/A SRMA – Initial Research and Analysis (cheat sheet) Version 1 Reference/quote 7