Highly Impermeable Graphene Nanosheet for Next-Generation Barrier of Cu Interconnect Yuda Zhao and Yang Chai* Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China. *E-mail: ychai@polyu.edu.hk In the state-of-the-art Cu/low-k interconnect technology, a thin barrier is used between the Cu conductor and the surrounding dielectrics to prevent Cu from diffusing into dielectrics. According to the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors in 2011, the thickness of the barrier layer for the Cu interconnect is projected to be less than 1 nm by 2021. It has been expected that the current Cu barrier material may fail at such a small dimension. To enable the continuous downward scaling of the Cu interconnect, it requires the researchers to develop the ultra-thin layer (<2 nm) with high resistance to Cu diffusion. Graphene has ultra-thin thickness (<1 nm), single-crystal hexagonal structure, high impermeability,1-4 excellent electrical conductivity and high thermal stability. These properties make graphene-based materials promising for the barrier of the Cu interconnect. Our desnity function theory calculation suggests that Cu species can penetrate graphene nanosheets through defects that are larger than 0.25 nm2. The intrinsic defects in as-grown graphene can be avoided by layer-by-layer graphene transfer process. As a result the thickness of graphene barrier for completely blocking Cu migration can be 5 times smaller than that of conventional TaN barrier4. The graphene barrier also inhibits electrochemical reactions and reduces Cu ion density at the interface between Cu and SiO2. References (1) J. S. Bunch, S. S. Verbridge, J. S. Alden, Z. van der, J. M. Parpia, H. G. Craighead, P. L. McEuen, "Impermeable Atomic Membranes from Graphene Sheets" Nano Letters 2008, 8, 2458-2462. (2) Y. D. Zhao, Y. Z. Xie, Z. Y. Bao, Y. H. Tsang, L. M. Xie, and Y. Chai, "Enhanced SERS Stability of R6G Molecules with Monolayer Graphene" The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118, 11827-11832. (3) Y. D. Zhao, Y. Z. Xie, Y. Y. Hui, L. B. Tang, W. J. Jie, Y. F. Jiang, L. Xu, S. P. Lau, and Y. Chai, "Highly Impermeable and Transparent Graphene as Ultra-Thin Protection Barrier of Ag thin Films" Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013, 1, 4956-4961. (4) Y. D. Zhao, Y. Z. Xie, Z. K. Liu, X. S. Wang, Y. Chai, and F. Yan, "Two-Dimensional Material Membranes: An Emerging Platform for Controllable Mass Transport Applications" Small, 2014, 10, 4521-4542. (5) Y. D. Zhao, Z. J. Liu, T. Y. Liu, L. Zhang, W. J. Jie, X. S. Wang, Y. Z. Xie, Y. H. Tsang, H. Long, and Y. Chai, "Mass Transport Mechanism of Cu species at the Metal/Dielectric Interfaces with a Graphene barrier" ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 12601-12611. 1