Statement of Decision - Westminster City Council

Variation to the Mental Health Accommodation based Support and
Resettlement Contract delivered by London Cyrenians Housing
Notice is hereby given that Councillor Daniel Astaire, Cabinet Member for Society,
Families and Adult Services, has made the following executive decision on the above
mentioned subject for the reason set out below.
Summary of Decision
That the report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act
1972, Schedule 12A, Part 1, (as amended) paragraph 2, in that it contains
information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual and paragraph 3 in
that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any
particular person (including the authority holding that information).
That the contract for accommodation based housing related support and
resettlement service for people with mental health problems at 96 Cambridge
Street delivered by London Cyrenians Housing be varied on the terms detailed in
the report, in order to provide additional staffing hours at 96 Cambridge Street for
the first stage of the reconfiguration of the services to support services users
requiring greater levels of mental health support.
That the option to extend the contract for a period of two years from 1 April 2011
and to make an additional variation in the contract as detailed in the report be
taken, in order to provide additional staffing hours at 96 Cambridge Street for the
second stage of the reconfiguration of the services to support services users
requiring greater levels of mental health support. This extension will not include
the outreach service which is part of the current contract.
Reasons for Decision
The contract variation and extension proposed in the report will result in the
reconfiguration of a high quality supported housing project. This reconfiguration will
generate savings to the City Council of £200,000 over the next two and a half years and
will improve recovery outcomes for service users with mental health problems. These
recovery outcomes will allow service users to become more independent and reduce
reliance on City Council and NHS services.
Peter Large
Head of Legal & Democratic Services
Westminster City Hall
64 Victoria Street
Publication Date: 25 November 2010
Implementation Date: 2 December 2010, at 5.00 pm
Decision Ref: CMfSF&AS/2010/07