STATEMENT OF DECISION - Westminster City Council

SUBJECT: Adoption of the Cultural Strategy
Notice is hereby given that Councillor Catherine Longworth, the
Cabinet, Member for Leisure and Lifelong Learning, has made the
following executive decisions on the above mentioned subject for the
reasons set out below and in reaching the decision also considered
and rejected any other options set out below.
Summary of Decision:
Agreed the following:
The adoption of the document ‘Culture in the City’ attached at
Appendix 3 to the report as Westminster’s Local Cultural Strategy.
(ii) That the Director of Environment and Leisure be authorised to
implement the strategy as outlined in section 8 of the report.
Reasons for Decision: Adoption of a cultural strategy is an
expectation of the DCMS and a requirement in order to comply with
Best Value Performance Indicators. The proposed strategy provides a
light touch framework for cultural development in Westminster. It will
assist the City Council and partners to maximise inward investment in
culture and to contribute to achieving benefits across the social,
economic, learning and health priorities of the City Council as outlined
in Civic Renewal Strategy and in key statutory documents.
C.T Wilson
Director of Legal and Administrative Services
Westminster City Hall
64 Victoria Street
Publication Date: 17 March 2003
Decision Ref: No. CMf/L&L/9/2003
Committees\H&C\Cabinet Member Decisions\CPO2BerwickSt28-Decision-Notice