Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
in the
(School of Medicine)
at the
I declare that the dissertation hereby submitted to the University of Limpopo, for
the degree of MMed (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) has not previously been
submitted by me for a degree at this or any other University; that it is my work
in design and execution, and that all materials contained herein has been duly
Initials & Surname (Title)
Student Number: 8715505
The work of this study is dedicated first and foremost to the Almighty God, for
providing me the strength and fortitude to go through this study. I also dedicate
the work to the entire staff of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Dr George
Mukhari Hospital [DGMH] for their enormous support during this study. I give
special thanks and dedication to my family for their constant encouragement
during the study.
The work of this study is also dedicated to the patients who made themselves
and their babies available, from whom the entire information in this dissertation
had been compiled.
Table 1: Comparison of maternal characteristics
Page 83
between HAART-treated and Nevirapine
prophylacticaly treated group.
Table 2: Laboratory findings for the two groups of
Page 85
women in this study [HAART-treated versus
Nevirapine-treated women].
Table 3: Comparison of the obstetric outcomes between
Page 86
Pregnant women on HAART and women treated
with intra-partum nevirapine.
Table 4: Fetal outcomes for women treated with HAART
Page 87
[N = 66] compared with the nevirapine group
[N = 95].
Figure 1: The rate of vertical transmission of HIV
Infection – HAART-treated group versus
Intra-partum nevirapine-treated group.
Page 88
Alanine aminotransferase
Alkaline phosphate
Aspartate aminotransferase
Antiretroviral therapy
American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Caesarean Section
Dr George Mukhari Hospital
Full Blood Count
Lactate dehydrogenase
Liver Function Test
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Mycobacterium avium complex
Protease Inhibitors
Mother-to-child Transmission
Prevention of mother-to-child Transmission
Pneumocystic Carini
Paediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group
South African Intrapartum Nevirapine Trial
Voluntary Counseling and Testing
Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
The objectives of the study were:
To determine the pattern of toxicity/side-effects among women using
Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) in the perinatal
period in comparison with women who were treated with intrapartum prophylaxis of nevirapine at the time of delivery.
To evaluate the effects of either approach of therapy on maternal and
fetal outcomes.
The department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology has begun to administer HAART
to pregnant women identified for ARV programme. These women were
counseled and recruited prospectively for the study. The study involved
comparison of pregnancy outcomes between women identified for HAART and
those who were HIV infected but who only required intra-partum prophylaxis in
labour to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV with nevirapine.
For inclusion to the study a pregnant woman would have undergone voluntary
counseling and testing and would have been identified to be HIV positive. The
woman must have booked and accepted to attend antenatal clinic at Dr George
Mukhari hospital (DGMH). She would also have indicated willingness to deliver
her baby at this hospital. Any woman diagnosed with multiple pregnancy and
any pregnant woman who had started (ARV) prior to her first visit to DGMH,
was excluded from the study. Mothers younger than 18 years of age and those
who did not give consent to participate in the study were also excluded.
This study was conducted initially at the antenatal clinic of Dr Gorge Mukhari
hospital, where the pregnant HIV positive women were identified and
subsequently at the labour ward of the hospital when the women reported for
HIV-infected pregnant women were classified into two groups: those with CD4 +
cell counts greater than 200 cells/mm3 and who did not require ARV drugs and
women with CD4+ cell counts less than 200 cells/mm3.
Two hundred patients were enrolled for the study. Thirty-nine (39) patients were
lost to follow-up, leaving 161 patients who successfully completed the study.
Gestational age was confirmed by dates and by sonar. Laboratory evaluation
included: Full Blood Counts (FBC), Liver Function Tests (LFT), CD4 + Count,
Viral Load at the time of recruitment and at the time of delivery. Any pregnant
woman who presented with Stage IV (WHO Staging) or CD4+ cell count < 200
cells/mm3 placed on therapy of:
Stavudine (d4T) – 400 mg every 12hours (30 mg every 12 hours if 60kg).
Lamivudine (3TC) – 150 mg every 12 hours.
iii) Nevirapine (NVP) – 200 mg daily for 2 weeks followed by 200 mg every
12 hours.
Women with early stage of HIV infection and with CD4+ cell count > 200
cells/mm3 were given Nevirapine 200 mg per os, were required to take the
tablets at the onset of labour and nevirapine syrup (2 ml/kg) was given to the
baby within 72 hours after delivery.
All mothers were counseled about the risks of breastfeeding. Mothers whose
CD4+ cell counts dropped below 200 cells/mm3 after having been recruited for
the study, were counseled about starting HAART.
Out of the 200 women enrolled in the study, 39 patients were lost to follow-up
while 161 women completed the study. Ninety-five women received nevirapine
and 66 received HAART. Nine women (13.6%) on HAART developed
abnormalities in liver function test. Five patients (7.6%) of those on HAART
also tested positive for syphilis whereas all those who received nevirapine alone
tested negative for syphilis. Two patients on HAART developed puerperal sepsis
as compared with 3 patients in the nevirapine only group. There was one early
neonatal death among the group that received HAART. Four babies (6.1%) who
were delivered by mothers on HAART were HIV positive by PCR analysis. This
is in comparison with 11 babies (11.6%) who were HIV positive and who were
delivered by mothers who received prophylactic nevirapine alone [Relative Risk:
1.9; 95% CI = 1.25 – 2.72].
The obstetric outcomes were not adversely affected when women who were on
HAART treatment were compared with those who received only intra-partum
nevirapine in respect of preterm delivery, haematological indices and mode of
delivery. Liver function tests were negatively affected among pregnant women
who were being treated with HAART in contrast to women who did not receive
HAART medication. More importantly, this study demonstrates and emphasizes
the usefulness of HAART in reducing the rate of mother-to-child transmission of
HIV infection.
Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has compounded the obstetric
problems of many overstretched and under resourced health facilities such as the
situation at Dr George Mukhari hospital (DGMH). In sub-Saharan Africa many
pregnant women with unknown HIV status, present late in gestation for
antenatal care. This obstetric scenario possibly accounts for the increasing
burden of maternal as well as fetal morbidity, especially among those who could
have benefitted from perinatal prophylaxis or treatment with antiretroviral drugs.
Among those that present early in pregnancy, voluntary counseling and testing
for HIV infection have become part of the routine services at the antenatal clinic
of this hospital. Once the women have been tested and found to be positive for
HIV, they become eligible for possible use of highly active antiretroviral therapy
(HAART), depending on the level of their CD4+ cells count as well as their viral
load. Those who qualify for immediate antiretroviral therapy, often have to take
a cocktail of antiretroviral drugs over several weeks before they go into labour.
Pregnant women whose CD4+ cells count were more than 200 cells/mm3 and
with viral load less than 1000 copies were excluded from immediate
antiretroviral therapy with HAART but were given nevirapine as an intra-partum
prophylaxis for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission during delivery.
The concern of many obstetricians is the need to establish the effects of HAART
which is often taken over several weeks before delivery and nevirapine which is
given as an intra-partum prophylaxis, on the eventual outcome of pregnancy.
The low compliance rate among those women who are taking HAART during
pregnancy is an indication of adverse effects on the women. It becomes ethically
and professionally important to evaluate the effects of these drugs on both the
pregnant mothers and their babies.
It is against this background that I have decided to evaluate the use of HAART
during pregnancy, on the eventual effects on both the mothers and the fetuses.
By the end of 2003, a World Health Organization (WHO) report on the state of
the HIV pandemic around the world estimated that 40 million people worldwide, most of whom were reported to be in sub-Saharan Africa
were living
with HIV infection. In South Africa alone, more than 5 million people are
estimated to be infected with HIV and about half of this number are women of
child-bearing age (2).
The implications of this infection among pregnant women are enormous, with
higher maternal morbidity and mortality and the possibility of transmitting the
infection to the newborn baby. Observational studies have shown that HIV
infection is associated with varying rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such
as increased spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, perinatal and infant mortality,
intrauterine growth restriction, low birth weight and chorioamnionitis
infection also reduces fertility, irrespective of the stage of the infection. In
Uganda, HIV infected women have lower pregnancy rate and more pregnancy
losses than uninfected women (3).
The possibility of adverse effects associated with exposure to short term
HAART for HIV infected mother during pregnancy calls for special concern. It
has been shown that the rate of premature delivery is increased where
combination therapy with protease inhibitors was received in early pregnancy
. Protease inhibitors have also been associated with an increased risk of
maternal glucose intolerance and pre-eclampsia [6].
Enhanced toxicity of nevirapine has been noted among women with CD4+
lymphocyte counts >250 cells/l at treatment initiation and among pregnant
women on long term didanosine and stavudine. These drugs should be avoided
in such situations if alternatives are available. Efavirenz has been associated
with birth defects in monkeys and several cases of neural tube defects have been
reported in humans after first trimester exposure and should therefore, be
avoided during the first trimester [6].
Mortality among children born to HIV infected mothers in Sub-Saharan Africa is
substantially higher than among children born to HIV un-infected mothers
While adverse effects of therapy have been highlighted in many reports, the
pattern and severity of adverse effects are reported to be dependent on the class
of antiretroviral agents used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients. Neither the
use of monotherapy regimen such as nevirapine (a non-nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitor) nor the use of a cocktail (Triple regimen: Nevirapine,
Lamivudine and Stavudine) is free from adverse effects. Some of these adverse
effects can be life-threatening such as drug eruptions with Nevirapine and
Abicar, pancreatitis with Didanosine or lactic acidosis with the nucleoside
analogues –Lamivudine and Stavudine
. Other side effects often reported are
liver and haematological abnormalities.
Although antiretroviral medications have the potential to improve health and
extend the life of HIV-infected women, they may also result in unwanted
adverse effects that may also compromise successful pregnancy and delivery.
HIV replicates in most individual cells at high rates from the time of acquisition.
The virus which must transcribe its genomic RNA into DNA in order to
integrate into the host CD4+ and lymphocyte is prone to transcriptional errors.
Some mutations are deleterious, whereas others may confer advantage to the
progeny virus under certain selective conditions, such as the presence of
antiretroviral drugs. Spontaneous development of mutations in wild-type HIV
may produce a viral strain with resistance to any one or two antiretroviral agents.
Some individual acquire infection with drug-resistant HIV, which may be
overgrown over time by wild-type virus. However, these individuals may retain
a sub-population of drug-resistant virus that could rapidly reemerge under
selective drug pressure.
The concern about HIV in pregnancy is about the progression of maternal
disease and mother-to-child-transmission. Pregnancy does not adversely affect
HIV progression or survival. Dual infection with HIV and malaria has been
associated with increased risk of maternal, perinatal and early infant deaths.
Although HIV RNA levels seem to remain stable during pregnancy, some
studies have shown increased viral load in the post-partum period [3].
In developed countries, with easy access to specialist care, HIV is a rare cause of
maternal mortality. In contrast to this, HIV infection is an important contributing
cause of maternal mortality in Africa. In areas of high HIV prevalence, the
infection has become a leading cause of maternal mortality. Several reports from
Southern African countries have shown this trend, including maternal mortality
rates that are five-fold higher in HIV infected women compared with uninfected
women. In South Africa’s report on Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths
[2002 – 2004], HIV/AIDS was reported to be the leading cause of maternal
deaths and was responsible for 20.1% of all deaths – higher than any other direct
obstetric cause. In the absence of treatment 15 – 45% of HIV infected pregnant
women will pass the infection to their infants. Five to ten percent of these infants
would have been infected across the placenta, 10 – 20% infected from exposure
at or around the time of delivery and 5 – 20% being infected through breast
feeding. The later mode of transmission is thought to be responsible for up to
50% of HIV-infected children in Africa [9].
The table below shows the risk factors for increased perinatal HIV
transmission/vertical transmission.
Table 1: Risk factors for increased perinatal HIV transmission.
Type of Risk
Maternal plasma HIV-1 viral load
Maternal cervico-vaginal HIV-1 levels
HIV co-receptor mutation
Multi-Drug resistant HIV genotype
Maternal CD4+ T-Lymphocyte
Illicit drug use
Increased base-line weight
Cigarettes smoking
Vitamin A deficiency
Vaginal delivery
Prolonged membrane rupture (>4 hrs)
Fetal scalp electrode use
Vaginal laceration
Active genital ulcer disease
A report by Garcia and Co-workers
had stated that the most predictive risk
factor for vertical transmission of HIV was the plasma viral load. In their study
of 552 HIV infected pregnant women, 321 used ART. They reported that
perinatal transmission rates were 0% when HIV-1 RNA was less than 1000
copies/ml, and transmission rates increased stepwise as maternal viral load
increased: 20% rate with viral load of 1,000 – 10,000 copies/ml, 24.1% with
10,001 – 50,000 copies/ml, 31.6% with 50,001 – 100,000 copies/ml and 63.3%
with > 100,000 copies/ml.
Another study by Sperling et al
showed that perinatal transmission, albeit at
an extremely low rate, did occur in mothers in the lowest quartile and even if
viral load was below the quantitative limit of the assay used. Because no upper
or lower threshold can be described, viral load data, although useful in assessing
the risk, it cannot definitively predict whether transmission will or will not
occur. Low maternal CD4+ cell counts at the time of delivery have been
associated with increased risk of transmission [12]. However, this association was
established before the availability of viral load measurements. A low CD4 + cell
counts may be a surrogate marker of high maternal viral burden.
Prolonged rupture of fetal membrane (≥ 4 hrs.), which increases newborn
exposure to maternal blood/body fluids, has been shown to increase the risk of
vertical transmission. Other delivery related factors such as placental abruption,
use of fetal scalp electrode, performing an episiotomy, labour induced vaginal
lacerations, chorioamnionitis and presence of ulcerative sexually transmitted
diseases in the maternal genital tract may similarly expose the newborn to
maternal blood and secretions.
High levels of HIV in the cervico-vaginal fluid have also been shown to increase
the risk of vertical HIV transmission. Elective caesarean section (C/S) performed
before rupture of membranes decreases the risk of vertical transmission of HIV.
A meta-analysis by the International Perinatal HIV Group
of 15 prospective
cohort studies examined mode of delivery and the risk of vertical HIV
transmission in approximately 8,000 HIV–infected pregnant women. The results
showed a significantly lower risk of vertical transmission after an elective C/S
compared with either vaginal delivery or C/S performed after membranes had
ruptured. ART reduced transmission rates to 7.3% in HIV-infected mothers who
did not undergo elective C/S (13).
Mothers who had an elective C/S and took ART had a rate of transmission of
only 2.0% [13]. The benefits of elective C/S may be lost if maternal viral load are
substantially suppressed at the time of delivery. HIV-infected pregnant women
have higher rates of post-operative complications and infections, especially
when such procedures are performed in resource poor countries. The usefulness
of elective C/S in countries where potent ART options are available may be
reserved for those HIV-infected pregnant women who have uncontrolled viral
loads at the time of delivery.
Breastfeeding is a major post-partum risk of HIV transmission. It is responsible
for up to 50% of HIV infections in children in Africa
. It has been found that
the risk of HIV transmission from breast feeding is 14% from mothers with
established HIV infection and 29% from mothers who acquire HIV after birth
. Viral loads in breast milk correlate with plasma viral loads and are at their
peak during and just after seroconversion. Most HIV infections of infants from
breast feeding occur during the first 6 weeks of life, with a lower risk thereafter.
Transmission of HIV by breast feeding is increased in the setting of low
maternal CD4+ cell counts, mastitis and prolonged exposure. Antibodies to HIV
in breast milk are not protective.
T-Helper cell responses to HIV-specific antigen in newborns may also play an
important role in determining whether infants exposed to HIV in all stages of
pregnancy and via breast feeding will become infected. A recent study in Africa
found no HIV transmission to infants in whom there was early development of
T-Helper cell responses to HIV envelope peptides, whereas there was 17%
transmission in those infants without such a response [16]. Vitamin A deficiency
and malnutrition can cause an immune deficiency and disruption of mucosal
integrity and are associated with increased vertical transmission of HIV.
Observational studies
(3, 5)
have shown that HIV infection is associated with
varying rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as increased spontaneous
abortions, stillbirths, perinatal and infant mortality, intrauterine growth
restriction, low birth weights and chorioamnionitis. HIV infection may also
reduce fertility at any stage of the infection.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American College of
Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) and other national organizations
recommend offering all women of child bearing age the opportunity to receive
counseling and care as a component of routine primary medical care
(17, 18)
. The
purpose of preconception care is to improve the health of the woman prior to
conception and to identify the risk factors for adverse maternal and fetal
outcomes. Preconception counseling and education should be targeted to the
patients’ individual needs and treating or stabilizing medical conditions to
optimize fetal and maternal outcomes.
It should not be a single visit but an ongoing process of care and intervention
integrated into primary health care, to address the needs of women during the
different stages of reproductive life. It is important that preconception care is
integrated into routine health visits because most of the pregnancies are not
planned. HIV healthcare professionals who routinely care for women of
reproductive age, play an important role in promoting preconception health care.
HIV infected women have specific needs over and above those of the general
reproductive age women who seek preconception care.
WOMEN (19)
a) Select effective and appropriate contraceptive methods to reduce the
likelihood of unintended pregnancy. Providers should be aware of potential
interactions of antiretroviral drugs with hormonal contraceptives that
could lower contraceptive efficacy.
b) Give counseling on safe sexual practices that prevent HIV transmission to
sexual partners and protect women from acquiring sexually transmitted
infections (STI) and the potential to acquire more virulent or resistant HIV
c) Counsel on eliminating alcohol, illicit drug use and cigarette smoking.
d) Educate and counsel women about risk factors for perinatal HIV
transmission, strategies to reduce those risks and the potential effects
HIV or its treatment on pregnancy course or outcomes.
e) When prescribing antiretroviral treatment to women of child-bearing
potential, considerations should include the regimen’s effectiveness for
treatment of HIV disease and the drug’s potential for teratogenicity
should pregnancy occur. Women who are planning to get pregnant
should strongly consider the use of antiretroviral
regimens that do not
contain efavirenz (EFV) or other drugs with teratogenic potential. In
addition, the effectiveness of a regimen in preventing mother to child
transmission should be considered.
f) Attain stable, maximally suppressed maternal viral load prior to conception
in women who are on antiretroviral therapy and want to get pregnant.
g) Evaluate and control therapy-associated side-effects that may adversely
impact maternal and fetal outcomes (e.g. hyperglycaemia, anaemia and
hepatic toxicity).
h) Evaluate for appropriate prophylaxis for opportunistic infections and
administration of medical immunizations (e.g. Influenza, pneumococci or
hepatitis-B vaccines) as indicated.
Encourage sexual partners to receive HIV testing and counseling and
appropriate HIV care if infected.
Counsel regarding available reproductive options such as intrauterine or
intra-vaginal insemination that prevent HIV exposure to an uninfected
partner, expert consultation is recommended.
k) Although the benefit of breast feeding is well recognized, this must be
balanced against risk of HIV transmission to the baby.
Medical care of an HIV-infected woman requires co-ordination and
communication between HIV-Specialists and obstetric care providers. Several
counseling sessions should include current knowledge regarding risk factors for
perinatal transmission. Cigarette smoking, illicit drug use, genital tract infections
and unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple partners during pregnancy have
been associated risk for perinatal HIV transmission
. Discontinuation of
cigarette smoking and drug use, treatment of genital tract infections and use of
with sexual intercourse during pregnancy may also reduce the risk of perinatal
transmission. HIV-infected mothers should refrain from breast-feeding as it
causes postnatal transmission of HIV. The initial assessment of an HIV-infected
pregnant woman should include the assessment of HIV disease status and
recommendations regarding antiretroviral treatment or alterations of her current
antiretroviral regimen.
1) Evaluation of the degree of existing immunodeficiency as determined by
past and current CD4+ cell counts.
2) Evaluation of the risk for disease progression and perinatal HIV
transmission as determined by current plasma HIV RNA copy number.
3) Assessment of the need for prophylaxis against opportunistic infections
such as pneumocystic carinii pneumonia (PCP) or mycobacterium avium
complex (MAC).
4) Baseline evaluation with complete blood count, as well as renal and
function testing.
5) History of prior and current antiretroviral therapy.
6) History of prior antiretroviral drug use for prevention of perinatal HIV
7) Results of prior and current HIV antiretroviral drug resistance studies.
8) Assessment of supportive care needs.
Generalized lymphadenopathy
Performance scale 1: Asymptomatic, Normal activity.
Weight loss: < 10% of body weight.
Minor mucocutaneous manifestations (Seborrhoeic dermatitis, purigo,
fungal nail manifestations, recurrent oral ulcerations and angular cheilitis).
Herpes zoster within the last 5 years.
Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections (i.e. Bacterial sinusitis).
And/or performance scale 2: Symptomatic, Normal activity.
Weight loss > 10% of body weight.
Unexplained chronic diarrhea, > 1 month.
Unexplained prolonged fever (intermittent/constant) > 1 month.
Oral candidiasis (Thrush).
Oral hairy leukoplakia.
Pulmonary tuberculosis.
Severe bacterial infections (i.e. pneumonia, pyomyositis).
And/or performance scale 3: Bedridden <50% of the day in the last month.
HIV wasting syndrome.
Pneumocystic carinii pneumonia
Toxoplasmosis of the brain.
Cryptosporidiosis with diarrhea: > 1 month.
Cryptococcosis, extrapulmonary.
Cytomegalovirus disease of an organ other than the liver, spleen or lymph
node (e.g. retinitis).
Herpes simplex virus infection, mucocutaneous (> 1 month) or visceral.
Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy.
Any disseminated endemic mycosis.
Candidiasis of oesophagus, trachea and the bronchi.
Atypical mycobacteriosis, disseminated or pulmonary.
Non-typhoid salmonella septicaemia.
Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis.
Kaposi’s sarcoma.
HIV encephalopathy.
And/or performance scale 4: Bedridden >50% of the day during the last
one month.
General guidelines for the use of antiretroviral drugs (19).
Treatment in pregnancy for the benefit of maternal health is the same as for
women who are not pregnant. There are also recommendations for the use of
antiretroviral drugs for prophylaxis to prevent perinatal HIV transmission, even
in women for whom therapy would not be indicated. If plasma HIV RNA is
detectable, antiretroviral drug resistance studies should be performed before
starting antiretroviral therapy or prophylaxis.
If HIV is diagnosed late in
pregnancy, therapy should be initiated while awaiting results of resistance
testing. Maternal toxicities and risks of therapy must be considered, together
with additional considerations of the potential impact of such therapy on the
outcome of pregnancy and on the fetus and infant.
Decisions regarding the use and choice of antiretroviral regimen should be
individualized based on the following factors:
Gestational age of the pregnancy.
Antiretroviral treatment recommendations for the health of the HIVinfected woman.
The efficacy of the antiretroviral regimens for prevention of perinatal
HIV transmission.
Known, suspected or unknown effects of particular drugs or regimens
on the fetus and the newborn, on the outcome of the pregnancy and
for the women.
HIV antiretroviral drug resistance studies.
The clinician must discuss the treatment options with the pregnant woman. The
final decision regarding the use of antiretroviral drugs is the responsibility of the
woman. Results from pre-clinical animal studies and available clinical
information about the use of various antiretroviral agents during pregnancy
should be discussed with the woman
. Risks and benefits of antiretroviral
therapy should be discussed with the pregnant woman. HIV RNA levels should
not be the determining factor when deciding whether to use antiretroviral drugs
for the prevention of perinatal transmission.
(a) Maternal risk for disease progression and the benefits and risks of
initiation of therapy for her own health.
(b) Benefit of lowering HIV viral load to reduce the risk of perinatal
(c) Benefits of antiretroviral prophylaxis, independent of the effect on viral
load as well as additive benefit of combination antiretroviral regimens
for preventing perinatal transmission.
(d) The possibility of drug resistance, including the need for strict adherence
to the prescribed drug schedule to avoid its development, as well as the
increased likelihood of development of resistance in the setting of high
viral loads with use of non-suppressive therapy.
(e) The limited long-term data for both infant with in utero antiretroviral
exposure and for women who temporarily use antiretroviral drugs for
prophylaxis against transmission.
Coordination of services among prenatal care providers, primary health care and
HIV specialty care providers, mental health services and drug abuse treatment
services and public assistance programmes, is essential to ensure adherence of
the infected woman to antiretroviral treatment regimens.
In 1994, the PACTG 076 trial demonstrated that administration of a zidovudine
regimen comprised of oral dosing initiated at 14 – 34 weeks of gestation,
continuous intravenous infusion during labour and 6 weeks oral dosing to the
newborn, reduced mother to child transmission by 67% [21].
Shortened zidovudine regimens that start at 36-38 weeks of gestation (alone or
in combination with lamivudine), used oral rather than intravenous dosing
during labour, decreased or eliminated postnatal infant dosing have been shown
to reduce transmission by 38 – 50%. The Thailand study gave AZT 300 mg
orally twice daily starting at 36 weeks gestation. AZT 300 mg p.o. every 3 hours
was given intra-partum. No antiretroviral drugs including AZT were given to the
mother or infant postpartum. Mother-to-child transmission was reduced by 50%
at 6 months. Infants were given formula feeding. Vertical transmission rate was
9.4% with zidovudine versus 18.9% in placebo at 6 months [25].
In Ivory Coast CDC trial – AZT 300 mg p.o. twice daily starting at 36 weeks of
gestation was given to the pregnant mothers. AZT 300 mg every 3 hours was
given orally. No antiretroviral drugs were given to the infants post-natally. The
infants were breastfed and the vertical transmission rate was 15.7% with
zidovudine versus 24.9% in placebo at 3 months. The overall efficacy was 37%
[23, 24]
The Ditrame trial
which was conducted in Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso
gave AZT 300 mg p.o. twice daily starting at 36 – 38 weeks of gestation to the
pregnant mothers. AZT 600 mg orally was again given at the onset of labour and
an additional (AZT) 300 mg p.o. bd. was given during labour. Antiretroviral
drugs were given to the infant postnatally for 1 week. Infants were breastfed.
Vertical transmission rate was 22.5% in the zidovudine group versus 30.2% in
the placebo group. There was a 26% efficacy at 24 months.
In the PETRA study involving South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda – Zidovudine
+ Lamivudine were given to the mothers from 36 weeks of gestation. The same
drugs were given for 7 days post-delivery to the mother and the infant and the
antenatal/intrapartum/neonatal zidovudine + lamivudine compared with 18.1%
for intrapartum/neonatal zidovudine + lamivudine [26].
In another trial in Thailand (ZDV +3TC) – Zidovudine + Lamivudine were
given to the mothers from 34 weeks of gestation. Zidovudine was given to the
infant for 4 weeks post-delivery. The infant received formula-feeding and the
vertical transmission rate was 2.8% at 18 months [27].
HIVNET(012) trial conducted in Uganda used a single dose of nevirapine (NVP),
administered to the mother during labour and to the infant 24 hours later in one
arm. In the other arm, AZT 600 mg was given orally to the mother at the onset
of labour and then AZT 300 mg every 3 hours during labour. The mother
received no antiretroviral drugs postpartum. Postpartum, the infant received
nevirapine 2 mg/kg doses in 72 hours on the nevirapine arm versus oral AZT 4
mg/kg orally twice daily for 1 week on the zidovudine arm. The infants received
breast feeding post-delivery. Vertical transmission rate was 15.7% in the
nevirapine arm in comparison with 25.8% in the zidovudine arm. The efficacy
was 47% (for infection at 14 to 16 weeks) in the nevirapine treated group and
41% in the zidovudine treated group at 18 months [28, 29].
The SAINT trial (South African Intrapartum Nevirapine Trial) carried out at 11
maternity health institutions in South Africa. Enrollment was either to give
single dose nevirapine to the mother intrapartum or zidovudine + lamivudine
intrapartum. The infant received single nevirapine dose of 2mg/kg less than 48
hours postpartum versus zidovudine + lamivudineto both the mother and the
infant for 7 days postpartum. The infant was breastfed and others formula-fed.
Women who chose to breastfeed, were advised to exclusively breastfeed and
were informed of the dangers of mixed feeding. Vertical transmission rate was
12.3% in the nevirapine arm versus 9.3% in the zidovudine + lamivudine arm 8
weeks post-delivery [2].
Currently at our institution (Dr George Mukhari hospital) the policy for the
prevention of mother–to-child transmission has changed from when we used to
give the mother nevirapine 200 mg at the onset of labour and nevirapine syrup 2
mg/kg body weight to the infant within 72 hours post-delivery to dual therapy.
With the dual therapy protocol, the mother receives zidovudine 300 mg p.o.
twice daily from 28 weeks gestation and zidovudine 600 mg p.o. stat at the onset
of labour plus nevirapine 200 mg also at the onset of labour. The mother
continues with zidovudine orally during labour. The infant receives zidovudine
syrup twice daily for 7 days post-delivery.
In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly (Special Session) on HIV/AIDS
committed countries to reduce the proportion of infants infected with HIV by
20% by 2005 and by 50% by 2010. Achieving this target urgently requires an
increase in access to integrated and comprehensive programmes to prevent HIV
infection in infants and young children. Such a programme should include:
a) Interventions focusing on prevention of HIV infection among women and
their partners.
b) Preventing un-intended pregnancies among HIV infected women.
c) Prevention of HIV transmission from HIV infected women to their
d) The provision of treatment, care and support for women living with
HIV/AIDS, their children and families.
WHO convened a technical consultation on antiretroviral drugs and the
prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection in resource limited
settings in Geneva, Switzerland [5 – 6 February 2004]
. Information was
reviewed in the context of the rapid expansion of ARV treatment in resourceconstrained settings using standardized and simplified drug regimens. Women
may receive ARV drugs during pregnancy as part of combination regimens for
their own health or as prophylaxis to prevent mother-to-child transmission of
HIV. ARV treatment for women benefits their own health but at the same time
can prevent/reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
Therapeutic decisions relating to ARV treatment for women should be based on
their need and eligibility for such treatment. ARV regimens for women of child
bearing age should be selected considering the possibility of planned or
unplanned pregnancy and considering that ARV drugs may be taken in the first
trimester of pregnancy, particularly in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy during
which organogenesis may be taking place and hence predispose the fetus to
teratogenic effects of the ARV drugs.
Short courses of ARV drugs started late in pregnancy or during labour reduce
the risk of vertical transmission of HIV two to three-folds and in 2000, WHO
recommended that they should also be included in programmes to prevent
mother-to-child transmission
. The simplest regimen consisted of single dose
nevirapine at the onset of labour plus a single dose for the infant soon after birth.
Programmes for preventing mother-to-child transmission using this regimen
have been found to be feasible and acceptable. Other programmes used a
regimen of zidovudine alone or in combination with lamivudine.
The efficacy of zidovudine plus single dose maternal and infant nevirapine has
also been examined and is more efficacious than single drug regimens. Longer
drug regimens are more efficacious than shorter regimens. Triple combination
regimens are widely used in industrialized countries for preventing mother-tochild transmission in women who do not yet require ARV treatment for their
own health, but their safety and effectiveness have not been assessed in resource
limited settings. Treatment of this nature requires monitoring for toxicity to the
mother as the mother does not require them for her own health. Short-course
regimens are well tolerated with few mild and transient side-effects for the
woman and her infant. Additional concern has been raised about the safety of
ARV drugs taken by the pregnant women for extended periods especially when
they do not require ARV treatment for their own health (30). Among women who
require triple-combination regimens for treatment of their HIV disease, the
benefits for the woman’s health outweigh the adverse effects. Drug resistance
occurs if short regimens are used to prevent mother-to-child transmission and
they do not fully suppress the virus
. Viral resistance has been detected in
HIV infected infants exposed to short course ARV regimens. Resistance to
nevirapine develops rapidly and has been found following single doses of
nevirapine (30). Zidovudine resistance usually only emerges after several months
of suppressive therapy.
The concerns about resistance should be balanced with the simplicity of the
programme and practicality of single dose nevirapine regimen
compared with other regimens and the urgent need to expand programmes to
prevent mother-to-child transmission. The primary aim being to achieve the
WHO goal of reducing the proportion of infants infected with HIV to 50% by
ARV regimens constitute one of the components of successful programmes to
prevent mother-to-child transmission. Regimens using zidovudine plus single
dose of nevirapine are highly efficacious, but providing twice daily ARV
prophylaxis to the pregnant woman from 28 weeks of gestation increases the
burden on the programmes and on the women who participate. Single dose
maternal and infant nevirapine is a practical alternative to the above mentioned
The Technical Consultation recommended specific ARV regimens according to
different clinical situations
. These guidelines are based on those
recommendations and on expert opinion where evidence was lacking. The key
recommendations in the guidelines are as follows:
1. Women who need ARV treatment for their own health should receive it in
accordance with the WHO guidelines on ARV treatment. The use of ARV
treatment, when indicated during pregnancy substantially benefits the health
of the woman and decreases the risk of HIV transmission to the infant.
2. HIV infected pregnant women who do not have the indications for ARV
treatment, or do not have access to treatment should be offered ARV
prophylaxis to prevent mother-to-child transmission using one of several
ARV regimens known to be safe and effective:
 AZT from 28 weeks of pregnancy plus single dose nevirapine during
labour and single dose nevirapine and one week zidovudine for the infant.
This regimen is more efficacious than starting zidovudine later in
 Alternative regimens based on zidovudine alone, short-course zidovudine
+ lamivudine or single dose nevirapine alone are also recommended.
3. Although expanding access to programmes to prevent mother-to-child
transmission presents many challenges and single dose maternal and infant
nevirapine is the simplest regimen to deliver, programmes should consider
introducing more complex ARV regimens where possible. The expansion
of programmes to prevent PMTCT using single dose nevirapine should not
be hindered while necessary improvements in the health systems are taking
place to enable more complex ARV regimens to be delivered.
Treatment should be offered to women with WHO stage IV disease
regardless of their CD4+ cell counts or total lymphocyte counts
To women with WHO stage III disease who have CD4+ cell counts
<350 cells/l or all women with stage III disease if CD4+ cell counts
results are not available.
To women with stage I or II disease who have CD4+ cell counts
<200 cells/l, with consideration for treatment for women with
CD4+ cell counts between 200 and 350 cells/l, or stage II disease
with total lymphocyte count < 1200 cells/l if CD4+ cell counts
results are not available.
Of the regimens for first line treatment available using the WHO recommended
five-drug formulary, the regimens of zidovudine plus lamivudine and nevirapine
or stavudine plus lamivudine plus nevirapine should be used in pregnant women
or women of child-bearing potential
. The therapy generally consists of two
nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) plus a non-nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitor or protease inhibitor, with continuation of therapy
postpartum. For women who require immediate initiation of therapy for their
own health, treatment should be started as soon as possible, including in the first
trimester, as the potential benefit of treatment for the mother outweighs the risks.
The regimen should be chosen from those recommended for non-pregnant
adults, while trying to avoid those drugs that are teratogenic to the fetus.
There are many classes of antiretroviral drugs:
Nucleoside/Nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors
 Abicar (ABC)
 Didanosine (ddi)
 Emtricitabine (FTC)
 Lamivudine (3TC)
 Tenofovir (TFV)
 Zalcitabine (ddc)
 Zidovudine (ZDV)
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
 Nevirapine
 Efavirenz
 Delavirdine
Protease inhibitor
 Amprenavir
 Atazanavir
 Indanavir
 Lopinavir
 Nelfinavir
 Ritonavir
 Saquinavir
Viral entry inhibitors
 Enfuvirtide (T-20)
Miscellaneous products: Hydroxyurea
Pregnancy affects all four components of drug disposition; i.e. absorption
distribution, metabolism and excretion. Alteration of gastrointestinal function
during pregnancy may impair drug absorption. Increased plasma progesterone is
associated with 30 – 50% decrease in intestinal motility, resulting in increased
gastric emptying time and intestinal transit time. Gastric acid secretion is
reduced by 40% and gastric pH increases affecting the ionization and absorption
of weak acids and bases. Nausea and vomiting which occur more frequently in
early pregnancy may decrease drug absorption.
Changes in body composition and protein binding during pregnancy have
significant effect on volume of distribution. During an average pregnancy, total
body water increases by 8 liters, plasma volume enlarges by 50% and body fat
stores increase, changing the distribution of both hydrophilic and lipophilic
drugs. There is a dilutional decrease in serum albumin leading to decreased
protein binding of drugs and hence increasing the free fraction of the drug
unbound in plasma. The volume of distribution increases and Cmax decreases
during pregnancy.
The effect of pregnancy on drug elimination is variable. Hepatic drug metabolic
pathways may be induced by progesterone. There is suggestive evidence that the
activity of the CYP2c, 2D6 and 3A enzymes is increased whereas CYP 1A2 is
. Renal functions increase in pregnancy with 25 – 50% increases in
the renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate, resulting in an increased
clearance of renally excreted drugs.
The need for dosing adjustments will depend on the severity of the above
changes. Pharmacokinetic studies are difficult to perform in pregnancy and
published studies of pharmacokinetics in pregnancy are limited and often
contradictory and almost always fail to provide clinical guidelines.
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are inactive until metabolized within
the cell to tri-phosphorylated forms. The resulting nucleotides compete with
endogenous nucleotides to inhibit HIV reverse transcriptase and viral
replication. The half-life of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor triphosphorylated forms generally exceed that of the parent drug in the plasma,
allowing once or twice daily dosing. Prolonged treatment of HIV-infected
individuals with either single agent in this class (mono-therapy) or two agents
(dual therapy) generally results in only a transient suppression of HIV
replication, as resistant mutations develop in the HIV gene that encodes for
reverse transcriptase
. It is therefore recommended that nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitors be used only as part of combination regimen of at least
three drugs – most commonly two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
with either a protease inhibitor or non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor.
The use of less intensive regimens such as monotherapy or dual therapy in
pregnant women should not be used for the pregnant woman’s own health but to
prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission.
This is the most widely used nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor to prevent
mother-to-child transmission. It is rapidly and completely absorbed after oral
administration. Its protein binding is less than 25%. Zidovudine is rapidly
metabolized by the liver via glucuronidation with lesser portion being excreted
unchanged in urine. It undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism with a
bioavailability of approximately 63% despite complete absorption. Zidovudine
is eliminated by the kidneys, primarily as zidovudine glucuronide. Zidovudine
Cmax, Tmax, bioavailability and Tmax do not appear to differ during pregnancy
when compared with historical values for non-pregnant adults. All nucleoside
reverse transcriptase inhibitors are pro-drugs that require intracellular
metabolism by cellular enzymes to their active forms of tri-phosphorylated
nucleotides. Zidovudine plasma half-life (t½) averages around 1.1 hours and
apparent clearance (Ct/f) of 1.3L/h/kg in non-pregnant adults. The current
standard adult zidovudine regimens of either 200mg (three times a day) or 300
mg (twice a day) are generally used in pregnant women. Zidovudine crosses the
placenta well with roughly equivalent concentrations in maternal plasma,
amniotic fluid and cord blood plasma. Protocols to prevent mother-to-child
transmission of HIV generally incorporate antiretroviral dose administration
during labour to ensure that suppression of HIV viral replication continues
throughout labour and that protective plasma antiretroviral concentrations are
present in the infant at the time of birth. A 2 mg/kg intravenous loading dose
followed by continuous infusion at 1 mg/kg/hour was studied during labour.
While using this regimen, the average zidovudine plasma concentration at the
time of birth was 0.82 g/ml in the mother and 0.75 g/ml in the newborn. The
median levels of zidovudine tri-phosphate following intravenous administration
were similar between maternal and cord blood in various studies and were 2 – 3
times higher than in those reported in HIV infected adults on oral therapy. Less
intensive zidovudine regimens are utilized in resource poor settings. In these
regimens, zidovudine is started later in gestation and oral rather than intravenous
administration during labour is used and short or no postpartum newborn dosing
is administered. These regimens have been shown to reduce mother-to-child
transmission, but not to the full levels seen with the full PACTG 076 study
regimen. Newborns have immature glucuronidation activity and renal function
resulting in prolonged elimination of transplacentally acquired zidovudine with
t½ averaging 13 hours. Zidovudine clearance is reduced in premature infants
compared to term infants, particularly those infants born before 30 weeks.
The recommended dose of zidovudine in infants from birth to 3 months of age is
2 mg/kg orally or 1.5 mg/kg intravenously four times a day
. In order to
facilitate adherence, 4 mg/kg orally twice a day is being used more frequently.
Infants born before 35 weeks of gestation should receive initial doses of 2 mg/kg
orally or 1.5 mg/kg iv. Every 12 hours. Zidovudine dosing frequency should
increase to every 8 hours at 2 weeks of age if gestational age at birth is 30 -35
weeks or 4 weeks of age if gestational age at birth is less than 30 weeks.
Zidovudine has the best safety profiles in pregnancy. Bone marrow depression is
a common toxicity of zidovudine and mild, transient depression of haematologic
parameters has been observed in the newborns after exposure to a full PACTG
076 regimen and to less intensive regimens [21.
Lamivudine is the second most commonly used nucleoside reverse transcriptase
inhibitor in pregnancy. In non-pregnant adults lamivudine is rapidly absorbed
with bioavailability averaging 85%. It is rapidly eliminated via renal excretion as
unchanged drug. Its protein binding is low (10 – 50%) and its volume of
distribution is large. The overall plasma CL/F is 0.3 L/hour/kg and its half-life
is around 6 hours.
The intracellular half-life of lamivudine tri-phosphate is longer than that of
zidovudine or stavudine with a median of 15 hours. Lamivudine crosses the
placenta by simple diffuision and the ratio of lamivudine concentration in
maternal plasma at the time of delivery and cord blood is around 1. Lamivudine
accumulates in amniotic fluid where the concentration at the time of delivery
averages around 5-fold more than maternal plasma concentration. Pregnant
women should receive the usual adult dose of lamivudine which is 150 mg per
os twice daily.
Lamivudine clearance is prolonged in neonates at birth, with the elimination
half-life in neonates of transplacentally acquired drug averaging around 14
hours. The recommended lamivudine dose for neonates less than 1 month old is
2 mg/kg twice a day. Lamivudine is known to depress bone marrow function
which is the most common toxicity reported with perinatal exposure. Because
lamivudine is almost always given in combination with zidovudine, its
contribution to anaemia and neutropenia is difficult to determine.
Stavudine is a deoxythymidine analog also used as an alternative nucleoside
reverse transcriptase inhibitor. Stavudine has rapid absorption and good
bioavailability, approaching 100%. It is eliminated through metabolic and renal
routes. It has a serum half-life of 1 hour and an intracellular half-life of 3.5 – 7
hours. Placental transfer of stavudine is good and in a study of 14 pregnant
women cord blood stavudine concentration was averaging 130% that of maternal
serum concentration at the time of delivery.
The combination of didanosine and stavudine should be avoided during
pregnancy as several cases of fatal lactic acidosis have been reported in pregnant
women treated with these two drugs. Standard adult dosing of 40 mg twice daily
(30 mg if weight less than 60 kg) should be used during pregnancy.
Didanosine is a deoxyadenosine analog often used as an alternative nucleoside
reverse transcriptase inhibitor in women intolerant or resistant to zidovudine
and/or lamivudine. In non-pregnant adults, didanosine bioavailability is poor,
averaging around 40 – 45%. It is degraded by stomach acid and must be
administered with antacid. Its clearance is rapid and occurs through both renal
elimination of unchanged drug and metabolism by purine nucleoside
phosphorylase and xanthine oxidase. While the plasma half-life of didanosine is
short (1.5 hours), the half-life of the intracellular phosphorylated derivative is 12
– 40 hours and once daily administration with enteric coated didanosine capsules
has been approved, bioavailability of buffered capsules averaged 50%. Primate
studies suggest that didanosine crosses the placenta by passive diffusion with
fetal plasma concentrations averaging about 50% of maternal plasma
concentrations. The enteric coated capsule provides more constant exposure and
is better tolerated, thus making it the preferred formulation.
Adult dosing of didanosine is weight based: Adults weighing > 60 kg receive
200 mg twice daily or 400 mg once daily and those weighing < 60 mg receive
125 mg twice daily or 250 mg once a day. The recommended dose for
didanosine in newborns is 50 mg/m2 twice a day.
No pharmacokinetic data are available for zalcitabine, abacavir, entricitabine or
tenofovir during human pregnancy. Animal and ex-vivo human placenta studies
suggest that zalcitabine and abacavir are transported across the placenta by
simple diffusion. There are no human perinatal safety data for abacavir,
entricitabine or zalcitabine.
Tenofovir is the first nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor for use against
HIV. It requires phosphorylation with addition of tri-phosphate for activity.
Tenofovir therapy with 1 – 2 doses has been shown to protect newborn
macaques against infection following exposure to simian immunodeficiency
virus. A previous study in primates
has demonstrated osteomalacia and renal
toxicity with prolonged high tenofovir exposure to adult animals and fetal
growth retardation and reduction in bone porosity after prolonged in utero
exposure. Although tenofovir holds promise as an agent for prevention of
mother-to-child transmission of HIV, clinical studies are needed to define its
pharmacokinetic safety and efficacy in the perinatal setting.
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors non-competitively bind to HIV
reverse transcriptase, inhibiting its activity. Unlike nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitors, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors do not
require intracellular phosphorylation for activation. They are highly potent
against wild type virus. High level resistance can develop from single point
Nevirapine is a potent non-nucleoside inhibitor of reverse transcriptase with
desirable pharmacokinetics for use in perinatal settings. Nevirapine absorption is
complete with oral bioavailability exceeding 90%. The protein-bound fraction of
nevirapine in plasma is approximately 60%. The main route of elimination of
nevirapine is hepatic metabolism by enzymes of the CyP-450 family – primarily
CyP-3A4 and 2B6. Elimination following initial doses is slow, with mean
elimination half-life of 40 hours (Ranging: 22 – 84 hours). With chronic therapy
there is auto-induction of metabolism. After 2 weeks of treatment, nevirapine
clearance increases 1.5 – 2 fold and the mean elimination half-life decreases to
20 – 30 hours. The recommended dosing schedule for nevirapine in HIVinfected adults is 200 mg once daily for the first 2 weeks followed by 200 mg
twice daily. Nevirapine pharmacokinetics in pregnant women are similar to
those of non-pregnant women. Nevirapine crosses the placenta rapidly. Cord
blood concentrations average around 1000 ng/ml after administration of single
doses to the mother during labour and the ratio of the nevirapine concentrations
in cord blood and maternal blood at the time of delivery averages approximately
80%. Average cord blood concentration doubles to over 2000 ng/ml with
chronic maternal dosing during the last trimester of pregnancy.
In newborns, washout elimination from maternal nevirapine dosing is prolonged
and variable, with a median half-life of 65 hours (Ranging: 35 – 331 hours).
Elimination accelerates during the first days of life. Taking advantage of the
good placental passage and slow elimination in the neonate, a two-dose
intrapartum – postnatal nevirapine regimen was developed. The regimen consists
of a single oral 200 mg dose to the mother during labour and a single oral 2
mg/kg dose to the infant postpartum. It was designed to maintain newborn
plasma nevirapine concentrations greater than 100 ng/ml from birth, through to
the end of the first week of life. This two-dose intra-partum-postnatal nevirapine
regimen reduced mother-to-child HIV transmission by 41% compared to an
equivalently abbreviated zidovudine regimen in randomized control trial in
Uganda, and by 49% compared to untreated population in a prospective cohort
in Zambia.
Infants delivered within 2 hours of maternal nevirapine dosing can have low
cord blood nevirapine concentrations. These infants should receive an extra dose
of nevirapine immediately after birth in addition to the standard infant dose at 48
– 72 hours. Pregnant women receiving chronic nevirapine during pregnancy
achieve maternal and cord blood nevirapine concentrations that are 2 – 5 times
those following single dose nevirapine during labour. Chronic maternal
nevirapine dosing appears to induce infant nevirapine metabolism in utero and
increases newborn nevirapine elimination. If an infant’s mother receives
prolonged nevirapine therapy prior to delivery, then an additional newborn
nevirapine dose is needed around day 5 of life to maintain infant nevirapine
concentrations above 1000 ng/ml throughout the first week of life.
The two-dose intra-partum-postnatal nevirapine regimen is well tolerated. No
adverse effects of this short course regimen were seen when compared to
placebo in Ugandan infants exposed to no other antiretroviral agents and infants
from the US, Europe, Brazil and the Bahamas exposed to standard perinatal
antiretroviral regimens.
The development of nevirapine resistance is common after maternal exposure to
single intra-partum nevirapine dose. Nevirapine-resistant viral clones were found
in 19% of women using no antiretrovirals and in 15% of women receiving
standard perinatal antiretroviral regimens. These resistant clones appear to fade
in the absence of continued nevirapine exposure.
Efavirenz and delavirdine have been found to be teratogenic in laboratory
animals. Administration of efavirenz to 20 pregnant cynomolgus monkeys
resulted in three monkeys with severe malformations, including anencephaly,
anophthalmia, microphthalmia and cleft palate. A neural tube defect has been
reported in an infant exposed to efavirenz in-utero. The use of efavirenz should
be avoided in pregnancy and no human pharmacokinetic data are available.
Administration of delavirdine to pregnant rats at doses that produced systemic
exposures, equal to or lower than typical human exposures, caused ventricular
septal defects and increased infant mortality. There are no human data
describing delavirdine pharmacokinetics during pregnancy.
Protease inhibitors are potent antiretrovirals used as components of combination
antiretroviral regimens. Inhibition of HIV protease, the enzyme responsible for
cleavage of large polypeptides into smaller proteins needed for production of
functional HIV virions, leads to release of structurally disorganized and noninfectious viral particles. Protease inhibitors when used as part of the
combination regimens can provide a sustained suppression of HIV replication
and are considered first line therapies in HIV infected individuals. Protease
inhibitors are metabolized by the enzymes of the CyP-450 system, especially
those of the 3A family, with lesser contributions by CyP-2C9, CyP-2C19and
CyP-2D6 isoforms. The interaction of protease inhibitors with the CyP-450
system is complex and besides being substrates, PIs can induce or inhibit CyP450 activity. Ritonavir is a potent CyP-450 inhibitor and is used in combination
with other PIs to pharmacologically boost PI exposure. Currently available PIs
are substrates of P-glycoprotein an active transporter that is expressed in various
tissues including the gastrointestinal tract and the placenta. P-glycoprotein is
thought to limit the absorption of drugs and reduce fetal drug exposure.
Plasma protein binding is > 85% for the available protease inhibitors with the
exception of indinavir. Protease inhibitors are lipophilic, tend to be difficult to
formulate into convenient and palatable dosage forms and generally have poor
absorption. These factors result in variable bioavailability of these agents. PIs
cross the placenta poorly and most infants born to mothers receiving PIs have
low or undetectable PI concentrations in cord blood, suggesting that the primary
mechanism of action of protease inhibitor in preventing mother-to-child HIV
transmission is by decreasing maternal viral load rather than by direct protection
of the fetus. Limited placental transfer of protease inhibitors may protect the
fetus against potential toxic or teratogenic effects of these agents and also that
maternal protease inhibitor therapy during labour will not provide post-exposure
prophylaxis of the newborn at the time of birth, in contrast to nucleoside and nonucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Frequently encountered adverse
effects of the PIs might limit their tolerability in pregnant women.
Gastrointestinal adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are
common with all agents in this class. There are numerous PI pharmacokinetic
drug interactions with other medications used in pregnant women.
Nelfinavir pharmacokinetics in non-pregnant adults is characterized by erratic
and variable absorption, which increases 2 – 3 times when administered with a
meal of high fat content. Nelfinavir is highly protein bound (> 98%) and is
extensively metabolized by the CyP-450 system. Its active metabolite, M8 is
produced by CyP-2C19 metabolism and both nelfinavir and M8 are eliminated
via metabolism by the CyP-3A family. Nelfinavir’s half-life is 3 – 5 hours in
non-pregnant adults.
The pharmacokinetics of nelfinavir had been studied in pregnant women
receiving 750 mg three times a day and 1250 mg twice daily dosing. In a group
of 9 pregnant women receiving 750 mg three times daily, median nelfinavir
AUC during a dose interval was 8.2 g/hour/ml, about half AUC in nonpregnant adults receiving this dose. Pregnant women receiving the 1250 mg dose
had a median AUC of 28.3 g/hour/ml. Lower nelfinavir exposure with 750 mg
three times daily risks development of viral resistance and should be avoided
during pregnancy. Nelfinavir pharmacokinetics have been described in infants
during the first month of life. These studies suggest that higher doses are needed
in infants than in older paediatric populations.
Published data describing indinavir pharmacokinetic parameters in pregnant
women are limited. In a study of nine women receiving 800 mg three times/day,
Cmax and AUC were lower during pregnancy than at postpartum. The ratio of
6-hydroxy- cortisol to cortisol in urine was associated with the decrease in
indinavir exposure during pregnancy, suggesting enhanced CyP-3A activity is
responsible for lower indinavir concentrations during pregnancy. These studies
suggest “unboosted” indinavir should be avoided in pregnant women and the
pharmacokinetics of indinavir in combination with low-dose ritonavir should be
Indinavir inhibits liver glucoronidation, resulting in increased bilirubin
concentrations. This effect along with lack of a liquid formulation makes
indinavir use unsuitable in newborn infants.
Saquinavir has the lowest bioavailability of all PIs. It is available as both hard
and soft-gelatin capsule formulations but no liquid formulation for the infants.
Bioavailability averages only 4% with the hard gelatin capsules and is
approximately three times better with soft-gelatin capsules. Saquinavir use in
pregnancy should include boosting with ritonavir.
Ritonavir is the most difficult PI to tolerate in pregnancy due to its frequent and
severe gastrointestinal side-effects.
MATERNAL TOXICITY: The most common toxicity of zidovudine is bone
marrow suppression, resulting in anaemia or neutropenia. During pregnancy
there is 50% increase in plasma volume and only a 30% increase in red cell
mass. Because of this marked increase in plasma volume compared to red cell
mass, pregnancy may increase the risk of anaemia. Pregnant women receiving
zidovudine should be monitored regularly for anaemia and neutropenia. Women
with significant anaemia while receiving zidovudine may have the dose reduced
or have stavudine substituted for zidovudine.
A more serious but less frequent side-effect with the use of nucleoside agents is
the development of mitochondrial dysfunction. Nucleoside agents bind to
mitochondrial DNA polymerase and interfere with mitochondrial replication,
leading to depletion and dysfunction. In-vitro, the relative potencies of
antiretrovirals for inhibition of mitochondrial DNA polymerase are Zalcitabine
(Highest), Didanosine, Stavudine, Lamivudine, Zidovudine and Abacavir
Mitochondrial toxicity has been associated with long term use of nucleoside
agents and generally resolves when the drugs are stopped. Conditions which
have been associated with mitochondrial toxicity include neuropathy, myopathy,
cardiomyopathy, pancreatitis, hepatic steatosis and lactic acidosis
. Pregnancy
may increase the susceptibility to mitochondrial dysfunction, based on evidence
from studies in mice showing significant reductions in fatty acid oxidation in
late gestation and after exogenous administration of oestradiol and progesterone,
mimicking levels in pregnancy. Several cases of severe lactic acidosis have been
reported in pregnant women receiving stavudine with didanosine. Stavudine and
didanosine have increased affinity for mitochondrial DNA polymerase and the
combination of stavudine and didanosine should be avoided in pregnancy unless
no other alternative nucleoside agents are available. Pregnant women on
antiretrovirals should be educated about the symptoms of mitochondrial
dysfunction and should have levels of hepatic transaminases and electrolytes
assessed frequently during the third trimester. The most common toxicities of
non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are hepatotoxicity, rash and
potential for drug interaction with agents such as PIs, anti-tuberculous drugs and
other commonly used agents. These interactions lead to sub-therapeutic levels of
antiretrovirals or other agents, or to higher levels with enhanced toxicity.
Rash is common among patients initiating nevirapine or efavirenz and mild
rashes may resolve with continued treatment. Steven-Johnson syndrome has
been reported with both nevirapine and efavirenz. If rash associated with
blistering, desquamation, mucosal involvement or fever, non-nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitors should be stopped immediately and not re-instituted. The
rate of occurrence of rash may be decreased with nevirapine by starting with a
dose of 200 mg daily for 2 weeks and then increasing the dosage to 200 mg
twice daily. Significant psychiatric symptoms such as severe depression and
suicidal tendencies may occur rarely with the use of efavirenz, but other CNS
effects such as somnolence and unusual dreams occur more frequently and
usually resolve over time. Delavirdine is rarely used and not recommended for
use in pregnancy because of malformations in animal studies. The two-dose
intra-partum- postpartum nevirapine regimen is 200 mg intra-partum dose to the
mother and 2 mg/kg dose to the neonate within 48 – 72 hours post-delivery, has
not been associated with significant toxicity. There is significantly high rate of
asymptomatic hepatotoxicity among nevirapine exposed patients than among
controls. Nevirapine containing treatment regimens are associated with a higher
incidence of symptomatic hepatic events. The risk of severe hepatic toxicity and
skin rash with nevirapine based treatment varies according to the CD4 + cell
count at the time treatment is initiated. Women with CD4+ cell count greater
than 250 x 106 cells/L when nevirapine-based ARV treatment starts, including
pregnant women initiating ARV treatment, have about a 10-fold higher risk of
severe symptomatic hepatotoxicity than women with lower CD4+ cell counts [6].
Long term use of protease inhibitors can be associated with a variety of
metabolic disorders, including lipodystrophy, hyperglycaemia, onset or
exacerbation of diabetes mellitus and diabetic ketoacidosis because of
production of hormones such as human placenta lactogen, cortisol and
progesterone. Pregnancy is diabetogenic, hence using PIs during pregnancy
could increase the risk for pregnancy-associated hyperglycaemia. Because of the
diabetogenic effect of corticosteroids, pregnant women on PI therapy who
require corticosteroids (e.g. for fetal lung maturity), should be monitored
closely. Other common toxicities seen with PI drugs are nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea and increased bleeding in haemophiliacs.
Most of the toxicities, such as laboratory parameter abnormalities, seen with
the use of antiretrovirals in pregnancy are reversible upon discontinuation of
therapy. Use of short course therapy to prevent perinatal transmission can result
in development of a treatment-resistant virus which may have implications for
future treatment responses. There may be detection of resistant HIV in up to
67% of women receiving short course nevirapine for prophylaxis of perinatal
transmission, depending on the timing of testing, number of doses received,
concomitant therapy and viral load.
Concentrations of nevirapine remain detectable (above 50 ng) in up to 50% of
women at 2 weeks after a single intra-partum dose of 200 mg. These persistent
low levels allow selection of resistant mutants that occur because of error-prone
process of HIV replication. Only a single mutation is required for development
of nevirapine resistance such that among women with detectable HIV RNA,
resistance is detectable in 20% of women at 2 weeks after a delivery dose, in 15
– 67% at 4 – 6 weeks and 25 – 40% at 7 – 8 weeks. If the infant is infected
despite prophylaxis, resistance may be detected in up to 52% of such children.
Factors associated with an increased rate of detection of nevirapine resistance
include receiving more than one dose of peripartum nevirapine, higher HIV
RNA level or lower CD4+ cell count, viral grade C, time of sampling and the
assay used for detection. In the absence of continued nevirapine therapy, the
frequency of nevirapine resistance mutations using standard consensus
techniques declines over time, but using more sensitive techniques such as
polymerase chain reaction assays, mutations can be detected among 40 – 88% of
treated women.
The most important issue regarding the detection of resistant mutations after
single dose, short-course monotherapy regimens is how it will affect the
woman’s response to subsequent antiretroviral therapy, especially since such
therapy is likely to include non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor such as
nevirapine or efavirenz.
 HIV drug resistance testing is recommended for:
1. All pregnant women not currently receiving antiretrovirals, before
starting treatment or prophylaxis.
2. All pregnant women receiving antenatal antiretroviral therapy who
have virological failure with persistently detectable HIV RNA levels
or who have sub-optimal viral suppression after initiation of
antiretroviral therapy under an ideal situation.
This testing will be done at a pre-conception visit to allow receipt of results and
selection of an antiretroviral drug regimen to be used during pregnancy or
started before pregnancy if maternal therapy is indicated. There is accumulating
evidence that transmitted resistant mutants may persist for indefinite period after
initial infection that these viral variant may be detectable by standard assays
used in clinical practice, that the prevalence of resistance in antiretroviral naïve
patients is increasing and that baseline resistance may be associated with adverse
virological outcomes. Baseline HIV resistance testing is now recommended for
all patients with established infection, including pregnant women, prior to
initiating treatment. Resistance testing should be performed before initiation of
therapy or prophylaxis in pregnant women who received prophylaxis in previous
pregnancy and are now restarting antiretroviral drugs for prevention of perinatal
transmission. The identification of baseline resistant mutations may allow
selection of more effective and more durable antiretroviral regimens in women
needing treatment and greater preservation of future treatment options in women
receiving antiretroviral therapy only for perinatal prophylaxis. There is no
evidence that baseline resistance testing in pregnancy is associated with a
reduction in perinatal transmission rates.
For pregnant women who are already receiving antiretroviral therapy at the time
they are seen, resistance testing is indicated if there is sub-optimal initial viral
suppression following initiation of antiretroviral therapy or if there is
persistently detectable HIV RNA levels indicative of virologic failure on the
current regimen.
In most settings, the results of resistance testing are used to guide selection of
the initial regimen, but in some clinical situations the clinician may choose to
initiate empiric antiretroviral therapy or prophylaxis before results of resistance
testing are available, in order to maximize prevention of perinatal transmission.
The antiretroviral drug regimen may be modified if necessary once resistance
test results become available. This type of approach may be applied if women
have initial resistance testing in the third trimester and test results may not be
back in time to allow effective reduction of viral load before delivery. If
resistance testing is done in the latter half of the second trimester, experts differ
as to whether the benefit of immediate initiation of antiretroviral drugs and more
rapid reduction of viral load outweighed the possible risk of initiating a regimen
that could be sub-optimal due to pre-existing resistance (19).
The development of antiretroviral drug resistance is one of the major factors
leading to therapy failure in HIV infected persons. Resistant viral variants
emerge if there is normal suppression of viral replication, because of the
mutation-prone process of reverse transcription in viral replication. The
administration of combination antiretroviral therapy with maximal suppression
of viral replication to undetectable levels limits the development of antiretroviral
resistance in both pregnant and non-pregnant persons. Over and above the
development of drug resistance in the general population, pregnancy presents
some special concerns related to the development of drug resistance.
If there is pre-existing resistance to a drug used for antiretroviral prophylaxis, it
may reduce the efficacy of such a drug or regimen in preventing perinatal
transmission. Again if drugs are used during pregnancy for prophylaxis of
perinatal transmission, development of resistance to such drugs may limit future
maternal treatment options when the woman later needs treatment with ARVs
for her own health or also decrease the effectiveness of prophylactic regimens in
the current pregnancy or in future pregnancies. Additionally, if maternal
resistance is present or develops and resistant virus is transmitted to the fetus,
the infant treatment options may be limited.
Several factors unique to pregnancy may increase the chance of development of
resistance. Antiretroviral drugs used for prophylaxis of perinatal transmission
are usually stopped post delivery in women who do not need them for their own
health. If regimens used for prophylaxis contain drugs with different half-lives,
such as nevirapine combined with two nucleoside analog drugs, discontinuation
of all regimen drugs simultaneously postpartum may result in functional
monotherapy and increase the risk of development of resistance. In early
pregnancy nausea and vomiting may compromise adherence to the regimen and
increase the risk of resistance in women receiving antiretroviral treatment.
General Population
Prevalence of antiretroviral drug resistance varies depending on several factors
such as population studied, prior to and current exposure to antiretroviral drugs
and the type of regimen (HAART versus non-HAART), geographical area and
type of resistance assay used (genotypic versus phenotypic).
More recently, studies have examined antiretroviral drug resistance in drug naïve
persons with newly diagnosed HIV infection or unknown duration, which is a
more typical picture of patients who present for initial evaluation and care, 8.3%
to 10.8% of patients had HIV with genotypic mutations associated with reduced
antiretroviral susceptibility. The highest rates of antiretroviral drug resistance
have been reported in antiretroviral treatment-experienced individuals, with
resistance rates as high as 88% reported in viraemic individuals currently
receiving therapy and in 30% in individuals with past history of treatment [33].
The rates of antiretroviral drug resistance are similar in pregnant women and in
non-pregnant individuals with antiretroviral drug resistance more frequent
among antiretroviral experienced women. Among 220 pregnant antiretroviral
experienced women in the perinatal AIDS Collaborative Transmission study, all
of whom had prior zidovudine exposure in pregnancy from 1991 to 1997, 17.3%
had zidovudine-associated mutations
. In a sub-study of the PACTG 316
protocol, an International, multi-center clinical trial comparing single dose
nevirapine with placebo in HIV-infected pregnant women receiving standard
antiretroviral therapy, 3.2% of 217 women with detectable HIV RNA had
mutations associated with nevirapine resistance at 6 weeks postpartum, despite
no history of prior exposure to non-nucleoside drugs or receipt of nevirapine at
delivery. Additionally, more than 60% of women receiving combination therapy
(either dual nucleoside or combinations containing a protease inhibitor) had the
M184V mutation conferring resistance to 3TC, and 11% of 217 women had
primary or secondary protease mutations [35].
Despite the increasing prevalence of drug resistance in treatment-naïve and
treatment experienced individuals, there is currently no evidence to indicate on a
population basis that antiretroviral drug resistance in HIV-infected pregnant
women is compromising the efficacy of perinatal HIV prevention efforts in
Europe or North America, where mother-to-child transmission rates remain less
than 2%.
The presence of mutations conferring resistance to nucleoside analogue drugs
appears to be correlated with more advanced maternal disease and duration of
prior or current exposure to these drugs. Development of zidovudine resistance
with the PACTG 076 ZDV (zidovudine) regimen alone appears to be uncommon
in women with higher CD4+ cell counts and low viral load, but is more of a
concern in women who have more advanced disease and lower CD4 + cell count
Development of resistance to 3TC (lamivudine), which requires one point
mutation for high-level resistance, was reported in 52 (39%) of 132 women with
viral RNA samples amplified using standard genotypic assays at 6 weeks
postpartum in a French cohort in which 3TC was added at 32 weeks gestation to
the PACTG 076 zidovudine regimen [36]. When women received 3TC for more
than 2 months, resistance was identified in 50%, as compared to more of 12
women receiving it for less than 1 month. In the PETRA study, 12% of women
who received 1 month ante-partum, intra-partum and 1 week post-partum
combination of zidovudine/3TC developed 3TC resistance, while none of the
women who received only intra-partum and 1 week post-partum zidovudine
(2DV)/3TC developed resistance, none of the women in the other arm developed
. Nevirapine resistance only requires 1 point mutation to develop.
The long half-life of nevirapine (NVP) with blood levels detectable up to 21
days after a single dose in labour increases selection pressure and risk of
resistance. Factors associated with increased risk of resistance following single
dose NVP exposure include high baseline viral load, low baseline CD4 + cell
count, viral sub-type and number of doses. The rate of genotypic resistance after
exposure to single dose NVP has varied in studies, ranging from 15% to 75%.
Studies using more sensitive real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
techniques suggest that up to one-half of resistance that develops is not
detectable by conventional sequence analysis.
Studies demonstrate that while resistance occurs in the first few weeks of postexposure in the majority of women exposed to single-dose NVP, the prevalence
of resistance declines rapidly over time. The proportion of resistant virus in
those with detectable resistance 12 months after exposure is reported to be low.
In a study of 67 South African women, using a sensitive allele-specific
resistance assay, K103N mutation was seen in 87% of women at 6 weeks, but in
only 11% at 12 months after single-dose NVP exposure
. Addition of single-
dose NVP to other background regimens still resulted in NVP resistance in 15%
of 95 women in the PACTG 316 study. Because PACTG 316 demonstrated that
the addition of single-dose NVP in situation where combination antiretroviral
therapy is being received did not provide any additional efficacy in preventing
mother-to-child transmission and because there is a risk of NVP resistance, this
approach is not recommended [35].
In an ideal situation, antiretroviral regimens used during pregnancy for treatment
or for prophylaxis should be chosen based on the results of antiretroviral
resistance testing. Although most of mother-to-child transmission of HIV occurs
during the intra-partum period, as much as 30% to 35% of transmission may
occur in utero, majority of in utero infection is thought to occur later in
pregnancy and may be more likely in women with advanced HIV disease and/or
high viral load. Therefore, delay in initiation of antiretroviral drug regimen to
await results of resistance testing could result in in-utero infection of the infant,
particularly in women at high risk of transmission or who are late in pregnancy
at the time the drugs are initiated. In such circumstances, empiric initiation of
antiretroviral prophylaxis may be warranted to maximize prevention of perinatal
transmission, with the regimen being modified if needed once resistance testing
results become available.
Women who have documented zidovudine resistance and are on regimens that
do not include zidovudine for their own health should receive intravenous
zidovudine during labour, along with their established antiretroviral regimens
and oral zidovudine for their infants according to the PACTG 076 protocol. For
women who are receiving stavudine (d4T)-containing regimen, d4T should be
discontinued during labour while intravenous zidovudine is being administered,
this should be restarted after delivery. Other antiretrovirals should be continued
orally during labour. Oral zidovudine should be administered to the infant for 6
weeks. Data have suggested that when mothers have mixed populations of wildtype virus and virus with low-level resistance to zidovudine, only the wild-type
virus is found in the infant. Another study has suggested that drug resistance
mutations may diminish viral fitness and possibly diminish transmissibility
Zidovudine crosses the placenta rapidly and has one of the highest maternal:
cord blood ratios among the nucleoside analogue agents. Zidovudine is
metabolized to the active triphosphate within the placenta, which may provide
additional protection against transmission. The above reasons provide the
rationale for including zidovudine intra-partum and to the infant when a woman
is known to habour virus with zidovudine resistance.
The optimal prophylactic regimen for newborns of women with ARV resistance
is unknown. Therefore, ARV prophylaxis for an infant born to a woman with
known or suspected drug resistance should be determined in consultation with a
paediatric HIV specialist, preferably before delivery.
- The use of HAART to maximally suppress viral replication during
pregnancy is the most effective strategy to prevent the development of
resistance and to minimize the risk of perinatal transmission.
All pregnant women should be counseled about the importance of
adherence to prescribed antiretroviral medications, to reduce the
potential for the development of resistance.
Early studies of women in developed countries
that included appropriate
control groups did not suggest an adverse effect of HIV infection itself on
pregnancy outcome. Although rates of complications were high due to maternal
drug use and other risk factors. Studies from resource-limited settings have been
more suggestive of a negative impact of HIV on pregnancy outcome, with rates
of low birth weight increasing with more advanced disease. Studies evaluating
the effects of zidovudine monotherapy on pregnancy outcome have found either
similar or improved pregnancy outcomes among women receiving zidovudine
compared with those not receiving antiretroviral agents. Risk factors for preterm
delivery among HIV infected women are similar to those women without HIV
The effects of HAART on pregnancy have been less clear. Several studies from
Europe such as European Collaborative study (ECS) have demonstrated an
increased risk of preterm delivery as the number of antiretroviral agents
increased, with the highest risk occurring among pregnant women receiving
combination therapy that included a PI [40]. Recently, a 4.4-fold increased risk of
preterm birth before 34 weeks was documented among women who became
pregnant while on HAART and continued treatment throughout pregnancy [5].
Contrary to the above findings, a combined analysis from several studies in the
US did not find a difference in the rate of preterm birth between HIV-infected
women who were not receiving antiretroviral, those receiving zidovudine, those
receiving combination therapy that did not include a PI and those receiving
combination regimens that included a PI. Currently, the benefits of HAART
regimens, including those with a PI component, on reduction of perinatal
transmission appear to outweigh the potential risk of preterm birth, but
continued surveillance of the effects of antiretrovirals on pregnancy outcome is
needed, and women receiving therapy should be educated about the symptoms
of preterm labour.
Another concern that has been raised regarding the use of HAART in pregnancy
is that multi-agent therapy may increase the risk of other pregnancy
complications, including pre-eclampsia and stillbirths. Any change in the risk of
pre-eclampsia associated with HIV infection or HAART has not been confirmed,
but continued evaluation is indicated. Another concern related to antiretroviral
drug exposure in pregnancy is the potential for teratogenesis, especially as an
increasing proportion of women enter pregnancy already on antiretroviral
therapy. Commonly used nucleoside agents have not been associated with an
increased risk of birth defects in animals when administered at doses similar to
those used in humans. Among non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors,
both efavirenz and delavirdine have been associated with birth defects in
animals. Exposure to efavirenz in the first trimester in cynomulgus monkeys
resulted in anencephaly, or midline facial defects including anopthalmia and
cleft palate in 3 (20%) of 15 monkeys
. Data in humans are available from
pregnancy registries, cohort studies and case reports. Currently > 5000
prospective exposures have been reported to the registry. The rate of birth
defects detected among infants born to women with first trimester exposure to
any antiretroviral agent is 54 (2.9%) of 1,835 and among those with later
exposures during pregnancy, it is 63 (2.1%) of 2,956, these rates are not
significantly different. While no signal of concern for efavirenz has been
detected among a relatively small number of prospective cases in which there
was first trimester exposure, three cases of neural tube defects and a case of
Dandy-Walker malformations have been reported after first trimester efavirenz
A retrospective review of outcomes among 195 infants found an increased rate
of birth defects among infants exposed to the combination of first trimester
antiretroviral drugs and folate antagonists.
The most well studied prophylactic regimens have been zidovudine
monotherapy and single-dose nevirapine. When comparing toxicity in infants
between zidovudine and placebo groups in several trials, with regards to
laboratory parameters, the only difference noted after maternal zidovudine
regimens of 4 – 26 weeks during pregnancy and 1 – 6 weeks in the infant, was
mild, transient anaemia. No difference occurred with regard to liver enzyme
abnormalities or toxicity requiring treatment discontinuation. In the European
Collaborative study, anaemia was noticed in infants exposed to antiretroviral
therapy but resolved once therapy was discontinued
. In a study with
zidovudine and lamivudine at 32 weeks of gestation in the mother and for 6
weeks in the newborn performed in France, higher rates of anaemia and
neutropenia were seen compared with historical controls receiving zidovudine
. In a follow-up study of 2,745 antiretroviral-exposed and 1,504
unexposed, all uninfected infants born to HIV-infected women in the French
perinatal cohort, haemoglobin levels were noted to be transiently decreased
among antiretroviral exposed infants
. Neutrophil, lymphocyte and platelet
counts were slightly but significantly lower until the age of 18 months after
antiretroviral exposure and combination therapy was associated with larger
decreases than monotherapy. In the HIVNET 012 trial, rates of adverse events
were similar among 320 infants who received nevirapine and 30% who received
[28, 29]
. Among more than 4,000 infants evaluated after receiving
single-dose nevirapine prophylaxis in the studies other than the HIVNET 012,
no significant differences in clinical or laboratory toxicities were seen compared
with those receiving placebo, zidovudine or zidovudine/lamivudine. In the short
term, haematological and hepatic toxicity in infants exposed to maternal
antiretroviral therapy and short term neonatal therapy is minimal and transient.
Infants should be monitored for anaemia if they receive neonatal therapy for
more than 1 week.
Because of known effects of nucleoside agents on mitochondrial functions and
the frequent use of these agents for treatment and prophylaxis during pregnancy
and neonatal periods, several studies have evaluated lactic acid levels in infants
exposed to nucleosides. In normal infants, mild elevations in lactate levels may
be seen after delivery but rarely exceeds 5mmol/L and decreasing to adult levels
of less than 2.0 mmol/L by 1 week of age. In a study of 127 antiretroviral
exposed infants, 63 (50%) had at least one elevated lactate level [44]. Three of the
infants with elevated levels had neurological symptoms, which resolved over
time as lactate levels decreased. Elevated lactate levels are seen commonly
among infants with antepartum and neonatal antiretroviral exposure. Most
elevations are transient and not associated with symptoms.
Routine evaluation of lactate levels is not recommended, but may be helpful to
rule out lactic acidosis in symptomatic infants.
Long-term follow-up data from cohort studies of uninfected children born to
HIV-infected women have been re-assuring. In the European Collaborative
study of 2,414 children, including 1,008 with antiretroviral exposure, there was
no difference in the rate of severe or moderate symptomatic events related to
antiretroviral exposure [42]. In another European Collaborative study focusing on
growth in HIV-exposed children, the height, weight and body mass index were
normal for children who were not infected with HIV but lagged over time among
those who were infected with HIV
. In a follow-up study of children born to
women enrolled into the PACTG 076 study, which had placebo and zidovudine
treatment arms, no differences were seen between placebo and zidovudineexposed children in growth, cognitive and motor development, and lymphocyte
sub-set results [46]. A specific concern raised for infants exposed to antiretroviral
therapy, especially combination regimens, is that of mitochondrial toxicity
which may persist after discontinuation of therapy. The symptoms and
laboratory abnormalities suggestive of mitochondrial dysfunction were first
detected in eight of 1,754 uninfected infants in the perinatal cohort study in
. Two infants had progressive neurological symptoms and died at 11
and 13 months of age respectively. Three additional infants had neurological
symptoms and one of these also had a transient cardiomyopathy. Two infants
had mild transient metabolic abnormalities but were asymptomatic.
Subsequently, four additional cases of suspected mitochondrial dysfunction were
identified among a combined cohort of 2,644 children, for an 18-month
incidence of 0.26% and an 18-month mortality rate of 0.007%
. In a separate
report from the same cohort, investigators evaluated the rate of seizures among
antiretroviral-exposed and unexposed children. The rate of neonatal or a febrile
seizure did not differ between the two groups, but the rate of febrile seizures
among those exposed to antiretrovirals was 11.0 per 1000 compared to 4.1 per
1000 among the exposed individuals.
In a study of HIV-exposed children who were exposed to zidovudine compared
with children who were not exposed to HIV, mitochondrial DNA levels were
lower among infants born to HIV-infected women even without antiretroviral
exposure and lowest among infants born to women who received zidovudine [49].
Differences in mitochondrial DNA levels persisted through to 2 years of age, but
correlations between mitochondrial DNA levels and clinical outcomes were not
provided. These findings on mitochondrial dysfunction have not been replicated
in other cohorts.
In the European Collaborative study which included follow-up of 1,008
antiretroviral-exposed children, no symptoms consistent with moderate or severe
mitochondrial dysfunction were detected among antiretroviral-exposed infants
and all seizures occurred among infants with no antiretroviral exposure
. In
another review of data from five US cohorts totaling > 16,000 children born to
HIV-infected women during 1985 – 1999, no deaths attributable to or associated
with symptoms, signs or laboratory abnormalities that indicated mitochondrial
dysfunction were detected
. In a follow-up of 1,798 children born to women
enrolled into an African trial that compared placebo with three different
durations of zidovudine and lamivudine therapy during pregnancy and in the
neonates, no difference in the rate of neurological events was observed among
children exposed to zidovudine and lamivudine compared with those exposed to
placebo [26].
The development of severe or fatal disease related to mitochondrial dysfunction
after in utero and neonatal antiretroviral exposure appears to be extremely rare
and does not outweigh the benefits of antiretroviral therapy in the prevention of
perinatal transmission of HIV infection.
Animal studies have also raised concern about the potential for carcinogenicity
of antiretrovirals after in-utero exposure. An increased risk of benign vaginal
tumours in rodents was likely related to reflux of urine containing high
concentrations of un-metabolized zidovudine onto the vaginal mucosa of rats,
conditions that are not present in humans. Studies in humans have thus far not
detected an increase in the risk of cancers in children born to women receiving
antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy. Since the lag time from exposure to
tumour development may be many years, continued surveillance of
antiretroviral-exposed children into adulthood is indicated.
The study has been designed to:
1) Determine the pattern of toxicity, side-effects among women using
HAART in the perinatal period as opposed to those who were given
single-dose intra-partum nevirapine prophylaxis.
2) Evaluate the effects of either therapy on maternal and fetal outcomes.
The study was conducted prospectively with strict adherence to inclusion and
exclusion criteria. The selection of patients for the study was random as it was
impractical to include all consecutive patients.
The study was conducted at Dr George Mukhari hospital, which is a level 3
hospital. It was conducted initially at the antenatal clinic of the same hospital
where the HIV-infected pregnant women were indentified and subsequently at
the labour ward of the hospital when the women reported for delivery.
Blood sample was taken from each patient and subjected to rapid HIV test
(ELISA), and when tested positive a confirmatory test (Western blot) was done.
HIV-infected pregnant mothers with CD4+ counts less than 200 cells/mm3) were
prospectively recruited and counseled to start HAART and those with CD4+
counts ≥ 200 cells/mm3 were informed of the need to have a single-dose intrapartum nevirapine prophylaxis and nevirapine syrup 2mg/kg given to the baby
within 72 hours post-delivery. The mothers on HAART continued with HAART
intra-partum and nevirapine syrup 2mg/kg was given to the baby within 72 hours
The study involved comparison of pregnancy outcomes between women who
were identified for HAART and those who were HIV-infected but only required
intra-partum nevirapine prophylaxis to prevent mother-to-child transmission of
HIV. Samples from the babies were examined by PCR 6 weeks post-delivery to
assess the rate of vertical transmission of HIV.
 Pregnant women who had undergone voluntary counseling and testing
(VCT) and were identified to be HIV-infected were included.
 Each woman recruited for the study would have booked, had accepted to
attend antenatal care at Dr George Mukhari hospital and indicated
willingness to deliver her baby at this hospital.
 Pregnant women with multiple pregnancies were excluded.
 Women who had started antiretroviral therapy (ARVs) and those who were
less than 18 years of age were also excluded.
 Pregnant women who had declined consent for HIV testing were also
For the purpose of this study, pregnant women who were HIV positive were
classified into two groups: those with CD4+ counts greater than 200 cells/mm3
who did not require antiretroviral drugs for their own health but needed a singledose of intra-partum nevirapine to prevent mother-to-child transmission. The
second group consisted of pregnant women with CD4+ counts less than 200
cells/mm3 who needed HAART for their own health. Two hundred women were
enrolled for the study, out of this number 39 patients were lost to follow-up
while the remaining 161 women were successfully followed up to delivery and
six weeks post-delivery assessment.
Gestational age was confirmed by dates and by sonography. Laboratory
evaluation included: FBC, LFT, CD4+ cell counts and viral load at the time of
recruitment and at the time of delivery. CD4+ count at entry was determined but
CD4+ count and viral load at delivery were not investigated because not all
patients on HAART had those samples collected at delivery. The information
that was routinely gathered from patients is reflected on the Data collection form
(a copy is attached to this thesis).
Pregnant women who presented with stage IV HIV infection (WHO Staging) or
with CD4+ counts less than 200 cells/mm3 were given:
1. Stavudine (d4T) 40 mg p.o. every 12 hours (30 mg every 12 hours if
weighing < 60 kg).
2. Lamivudine (3TC) 150 mg every 12 hours.
3. Nevirapine (NVP) 200 mg p.o. daily for 2 weeks, followed by 200 mg
every 12 hours.
Women who were diagnosed with early stage HIV infection, with CD4+ counts
≥ 200 cells/mm3 were given nevirapine 200 mg per os at the onset of labour.
Nevirapine syrup (2 mg/kg), was given to the baby within 72 hours postdelivery. All mothers were counseled about the risk of breastfeeding. Those
mothers whose CD4+ cell counts dropped below 200 cells/mm3 after having
been enrolled for the study, were counseled about starting HAART.
Data from the study were subjected to descriptive statistics with most variables
being reported as ranges as well as mean or median values. Statistically
significant differences in values between the two groups were calculated for pvalue and significant differences were noted if the p-value was ≤ 0.05 Whenever
it was necessary to demonstrate comparative level of risk for a variable an Odds
Ratio and its 95% Confidence Interval were calculated.
The study was conducted from 1st March 2007 to 31st January 2008. Two
hundred patients (200) were enrolled into the study of which 66 were on
HAART, 95 patients were on single dose intra-partum nevirapine prophylaxis
and 39 patients were lost to follow-up. Out of 39 women who were lost to
follow-up, 23 were to receive single dose intra-partum nevirapine prophylaxis
and 16 were on therapy with HAART.
Patients who were on HAART were enrolled into the study from 1st March 2007
to 31st January 2008 but those on single dose intrapartum nevirapine were
enrolled for the study from 1st March 2007 till 31st July 2007. The study
continued till 31st January 2008 to allow for sufficient patients on HAART to be
enrolled for comparison with those in the single dose intrapartum nevirapine
arm. Patients on HAART were not reclassified according to their viral load and
CD4+ count at delivery because not all the patients had those tests done at the
time of delivery (this is reflected in Table 1).
Table 1 below shows maternal characteristics such as, maternal age, parity,
gestational age at booking and gestational age at delivery. Although the range of
maternal age was similar for the two groups (20 – 38 yrs; HAART treated group
compared with 18 – 39yrs non-HAART group), there was statistically
significant (p< 0.02) older women among those who were on HAART compared
with those given intra-partum nevirapine. There were no significant differences
in the range of parity of women in the two groups and in both groups more than
Table 1: Comparison of maternal characteristics between HAARTtreated and nevirapine prophylacticly treated groups.
HAART Treated
Nevirapine Treated Patients
[N = 66]
[N = 95]
AGE (yrs): Range
Mean (± SD)
20 – 38
30.0 (± 5.8)
18 - 39
27.9 (± 5.3) [p < 0.02]
12 (18.2%)
43 (65.2%)
9 (13.6%)
2 (3.0%)
27 (28.4%)
58 (61.1%)
10 (10.5%)
8 – 28 weeks
Mean (± SD)
18.7 (± 5.0)
9 – 37 weeks
22.2 (± 5.8) [p < 0.001]
Mean (± SD)
30 - 42 weeks
38.0 (± 1.9)
33 – 44 weeks
38.6 (± 2.3
[p = NS]
9 (13.6%)
57 (86.4%)
 p = level of significant difference;
18 (18.9%)
77 (81.1%)
[p = NS]
 NS = Not statistically significant
60% of the women were of 1 – 2 parity. There were more nulliparous women
among the nevirapine treated group (28.4%) as compared with the HAART
treated women (18.2%).
The mean (± SD) of gestational age at enrollment was significantly lower [p <
0.001] among women who were on HAART therapy (18.7 wks ± 5.0) as
compared with 22.2 wks ± 5.8 for women treated with nevirapine. There were
no statistically significant differences in the gestational age at delivery with both
groups of patients having delivered between 30 – 42 weeks (HAART treated)
and 33 – 44 weeks (nevirapine treated group). Although there were more cases
of preterm delivery among women treated with nevirapine alone (18.9%) as
compared with 13.6% for women on HAART therapy, the difference was not
statistically significant.
Table 2 shows the results of the laboratory tests performed for the pregnant
women in this study. As was anticipated, the CD4+ cell counts for women on
HAART therapy (129 ± 49; mean ± SD) were significantly lower (p < 0.001)
than for women who were not treated with HAART (483 ± 220; mean ± SD).
This was a selection criterion as it provided justification for treatment with
However, FBC (Haemoglobin and Platelets) did not show any statistically
significant difference between the two groups of patients. All the women not
treated with HAART had normal LFT results but there were 9 women (13.6%)
among those on HAART therapy, who had abnormally high LFT results. Table 2
also shows that whereas no case of positive serological test for RPR was found
among women who did not receive HAART therapy, there were 5 (7.6%)
positive cases among women who were treated with HAART.
Table 2: Laboratory findings for the two groups of women in this study
[HAART treated versus Nevirapine treated women]
CD4+ Counts: Range
Mean (± SD)
[p < 0.001]
Hb (Range)
(Mean ± SD)
LFT: -
(Mean ± SD)
RPR Results: Positive
HAART therapy group
Nevirapine group
18 – 198 cells
129 (± 49)
210 – 1234 cells
483 (± 220)
8.6 – 15.4 g/dL
11.5 (± 1.3) g/dl
7.0 – 15.4 g/dL
11.7 (± 1.6)
64 – 504 x 1099
251 (± 86)
141 -440 x 109
247 (± 70)
9 elevated values for AST,
ALT, ALP & LDH (13.6%)
All results were normal
5 (7.6%)
61 (92.4%)
95 (100%)
Table 3 provides a comparison of the obstetric performance between women
treated with HAART and those who only received intra-partum prophylaxis of
nevirapine. Women on HAART treatment had duration of therapy ranging from
1 to 38 weeks (Median treatment – 10 weeks). No statistically significant
differences were found between the two groups for duration of labour (12.4
hours ± 7.0 for HAART group; 11.8 ± 5.9 nevirapine group) and mode of
delivery. The group on HAART therapy delivered vaginally (71.2%) or by C/S
(28.8%) as compared with the second group whose delivery was per vaginal
(75.8%) or by C/S (24.2%). The figures show no statistically significant
differences in the mode of delivery by both groups of women.
Table 3: Comparison of the obstetric outcomes between pregnant women
on HAART and women treated with intra-partum nevirapine
- Range
- Mean ± SD
HAART Therapy Group
Nevirapine Treated Group
3 – 30 hours
12.4 ± 7.0
3 – 29 hours
11.8 ± 5.9
[p = 0.59]
- Pueperal Sepsis
- Wound Sepsis
47 (71.2%)
19 (28.8%)
5 (7.6%)
72 (75.8%)
23 (24.2%)
6 (6.3%)
[p = 0.64]
[p = 0.72]
[p = 0.51]
2 (3.0%)
2 (3.0%)
3 (3.2%)
1 (1.1%)
[p = 0.84]
Very few complications were recorded for the two groups of pregnant women.
Pueperal sepsis occurred in 2 cases of women treated with HAART and in 3
cases among women treated with nevirapine. Similarly, 2 cases of wound sepsis
were treated among women on HAART whereas only one case of wound sepsis
was noted among women who had intra-partum nevirapine. There were no
complications encountered for vaginal deliveries among all the women in the
two groups.
Table 4 and Figure 1 illustrate the fetal outcomes for women treated with
HAART compared with those who were given intra-partum nevirapine.
Table 4: Fetal outcomes for women treated with HAART [N = 66]
compared with the Nevirapine group [N = 95].
HAART Treated Patients
Nevirapine Treated Patients
There were no recorded cases of stillbirths among both groups of patients. The
only case of early neonatal death occurred among women who were treated with
HAART and there was one case of neonatal infection in the same group of
Figure1: The rate of vertical transmission of HIV infection – HAART
treated group versus Intra-partum nevirapine treated group
Figure 1 shown above illustrates the rate of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
infection in which the group treated with HAART had lower (6.1%)
transmission rate compared with the group of women who received intra-partum
nevirapine (11.6%). The Odds Ratio between the two groups regarding
possibility of mother-to-child transmission of HIV is 1.9 (95% Confidence
Interval = 0.88 – 2.92). This means that there is approximately a two-fold
possibility of transmission of HIV infection among women who had not
received HAART during pregnancy compared with those who were on HAART
therapy during pregnancy.
This study has proved the effectiveness of a two-dose intra-partum-postnatal
nevirapine in preventing mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV in a
population where either formula feeding or breastfeeding was offered to the
infants. In the group of HIV infected mothers where the mother received
nevirapine 200 mg orally at the onset of labour and the infant received
nevirapine syrup 2 mg/kg body weight within 72 hours post delivery, the vertical
transmission rate was 11.6%. These findings were comparable to the SAINT
. The SAINT trial had two arms where in one arm the mother received
nevirapine 200 mg at the onset of labour and the infant received nevirapine
syrup 2 mg/kg body weight within 48 hours post delivery. The vertical
transmission rate on this arm was 12.3%, which was comparable to the present
study. On the other arm of the SAINT trial the mother received zidovudine and
lamivudine intra-partum and zidovudine plus lamivudine for 7 days post partum
and the infant received zidovudine plus lamivudine syrup for 7 days post
delivery. The vertical transmission rate in this arm was 9.3% at 8 weeks
compared to 12.3% in the nevirapine arm of the same study.
The findings of this study were also comparable to the findings of the HIV-NET
012 study conducted in Uganda [28, 29]. In the HIV-NET 012 study HIV infected
mothers were given nevirapine 200 mg orally at the onset of labour and the
infant was given nevirapine syrup 2 mg/kg within 72 hours post delivery in one
arm and on the other arm i.e. the zidovudine arm the mother received zidovudine
600 mg orally at the onset of labour and zidovudine 300 mg per os 3 hourly until
delivery and the infant received zidovudine syrup 4 mg/kg orally twice daily for
7 days after birth. The vertical transmission rate was 21.3% at 6 – 8 weeks for
the zidovudine arm and 11.9% at 6 – 8 weeks for the nevirapine arm. The
vertical transmission rate was 25.1% for the zidovudine arm and 13.1% for the
nevirapine arm at 14 – 16 weeks post delivery. The vertical transmission rate of
11.0% for the nevirapine arm at 6 – 8 weeks post delivery was comparable to
this study. In the HIV-NET trial, 98% of mothers were noted to have breast-fed
their babies.
In the Malawian study of 1,119 babies of HIV-infected women were given either
nevirapine syrup 2 mg/kg single dose or nevirapine plus zidovudine immediately
after birth
. Zidovudine syrup 4 mg/kg was given twice daily for one week.
The mother received no intra-partum antiretroviral drugs as the mother presented
late to the hospital i.e. within 2 hours prior to delivery. The vertical transmission
rate at 6 – 8 weeks was 15.3% in 484 babies who received nevirapine and
zidovudine and 20.9% in 468 babies who received nevirapine only.
Among the patients who received HAART, 4 (6.0%) of the babies were PCR
positive at 6 weeks post delivery which is a very high percentage considering
that the vertical transmission rate for patients on HAART should be between
1.2% and 1.5% in non-breastfeeding populations.
In the European Collaborative study done in 29 centers in 10 European
countries, 1,147 women who received HAART during pregnancy, 654 (57%)
started receiving HAART for the first time during pregnancy, 50 (4.0%) had
been receiving monotherapy or dual therapy before their pregnancies and the
remaining 443 (39.0%) were already receiving HAART when they fell pregnant
. The vertical transmission rate was 2.87% which was by far lower compared
to the present study which reported 6.0% vertical transmission rate at 6 weeks.
In another study of combination antiretroviral therapy by McGowan et al.
involving 30 patients – none of the 26 infants who were followed up for at least
4 months had HIV infection. Although these number of study patients were
lower than in my study [53].
In the Women and Infants Transmission Study by Cooper et al. the vertical
transmission rate was 1.2% for 250 mothers who were on highly active
antiretroviral therapy (HAART) which was very low compared to the rate
reported in the present study [54].
The main reason for the difference in transmission rate in my study compared to
the above cited studies is that in my study patients were not given intravenous
intra-partum zidovudine during labour and instead continued with stavudine,
lamivudine and nevirapine during labour. The other reason is that the infant only
received nevirapine syrup within 72 hours post delivery instead of zidovudine
syrup 2 mg/kg body weight 6 hourly for 6 weeks post delivery. In addition, those
other studies were conducted in non-breastfeeding populations
Nine patients (13.6%) of the mothers on HAART had liver enzyme
derangements. These findings are comparable to the findings by Martinez et al
, carried out in non-pregnant patients who received nevirapine-containing
HAART regimens. There was 12.5% incidence of hepatotoxicity in the same
report by Martinez et al. Sulkowski et al found 30% incidence of hepatotoxicity
in ritonavir containing regimens in non-pregnant patients but only found 5.9%
incidence of hepatotoxicity in nelfinavir containing regimens
. In another
study, van Schalkwyk et al found 12.5% incidence of hepatotoxicity among
pregnant mothers who received nevirapine-containing regimens
. In contrast
to all these reports Joao et al [8] found 1.5% incidence of toxicity among
pregnant mothers who received nevirapine-based regimens – an incidence which
is far lower than in my study. All these findings, both from my study and from
the literature emphasize the need for continued surveillance of mothers on
HAART in order to detect and determine the severity of the toxicities.
Among the HIV infected mothers who received a two-dose intra-partumpostnatal nevirapine who delivered infants who were PCR positive at 6 weeks
post delivery, 4 of the mothers delivered by caesarean section. These four
mothers had other risk factors for vertical transmission of HIV such as
premature rupture of membranes and prolonged labour. Three of these babies
were formula-fed and only one baby was breast-fed.
Limitations of this study were that the investigator was not blinded to the
treatment status or outcome of the study. The other limitation was that it was
difficult to compare the outcome of the nevirapine regimen with placebo and
also the outcome of those who were receiving HAART with a placebo as those
mothers needed HAART to improve their health. I also did not compare this
study with the full PACTG 076 trial where the mother received antiretroviral,
intra-partum zidovudine and the infant received zidovudine syrup for 6 weeks
The advantage of using intra-partum-postnatal nevirapine is that nevirapine has
several characteristics that distinguish it from zidovudine which may explain
why its use as an intra-partum post-partum regimen is superior in lowering
transmission risk. Unlike zidovudine, nevirapine can decrease plasma HIV RNA
concentration by at least 1.3 log after a single dose, is active immediately against
intracellular and extracellular virus and does not have to be taken up by the cell
and metabolized to its active form. Nevirapine could be more effective than
zidovudine when given close to the time of exposure and may have more
striking effect in decreasing viral load in the colostrums and early breast milk
The advantage of HAART is that it suppresses viral replication and achieves
maximal viral suppression and hence lowers viral load to undetectable level. In a
patient who receives HAART addition of intra-partum-postnatal nevirapine does
not further decrease the transmission rate. In a patient who receives intra-partum
intravenous zidovudine and zidovudine syrup given to the infant for 6 weeks
post-partum as proven by the PACTG 316 study [35].
This study highlights the effectiveness of a two-dose intra-partum-postnatal
nevirapine in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV and also the need
to give intravenous intra-partum zidovudine for patients on HAART and to give
zidovudine syrup for 6 weeks post delivery to the infant.
This study highlights the following findings:
1. A two-dose intra-partum-postnatal nevirapine is effective in preventing
mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
2. The use of HAART without adding intravenous intra-partum zidovidine
syrup to the mother and 6 weeks zidovudine syrup to the infant did not
lower the vertical transmission rate to the required level of between 1.2%
and 1.5%.
3. Emergency caesarean section was not associated with decreased vertical
transmission in patients who received a two-dose intra-partum-postnatal
I am immensely grateful and indebted to my two supervisors Dr L. Matsela and
Professor O.A. Towobola whose encouragements have led me to the proverbial
‘end-of the road’ in the pursuit of extra knowledge. I wish to express my sincere
thanks to my colleagues in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Dr
George Mukhari Hospital) for providing me the conducive environment within
which I was able to complete this study.
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