English 101: Critical Thinking and Writing

English 101: Critical Thinking and Writing
TTH 9:30am to 10:50 am
Laurence E. Musgrove
Office Hours: 11am to noon and by appointment
Office: N416 Office Telephone: 773 298-3241
Office E-mail: musgrove@sxu.edu
General Course Description
English 101: Critical Thinking and Writing (3) Application of the principles of clear thinking and
effective writing to expository and argumentative essays. Must be passed with a grade of C or
English 101 Learning Objectives
1. Understanding the values of reading, writing, and critical thinking in the University
community Students should recognize the role reading, writing, and thinking play in the
University, as well as the significance of such intellectual virtues as humility, courage,
honesty, perseverance, hopefulness, consideration, and civility.
2. Understanding rhetoric Students should be introduced to rhetoric and understand the
dramatic and situational nature of communication. Understood as the art of discovering,
evaluating, and communicating knowledge in response to the ideas of others, rhetoric
reminds us that writing is the means, not the end of communication, the evidence of a
writer’s desire to affect a particular audience through crafted prose for a specific purpose.
3. Reading actively, critically, and responsibly Students should learn to analyze the writing of
others, noting focus, arrangement, logical development, vocabulary, and style. Students
should learn the difference between reading information and reading literary art. Students
should also learn to acknowledge how their experiences and attitudes limit, enable, and
determine their responses to texts.
4. Understanding writing as a process Students should learn writing as a process of various
problem-solving tasks, including planning, discovering, drafting, revising, and editing.
Students should also learn that this process is situational: different purposes and audiences
for writing demand distinct writing processes and presentation formats.
5. Writing clearly and effectively Students should learn to see writing as an act of
communication rather than solely an act of private expression. They should learn about the
issues and responsibilities entailed in composing concise, vivid, and coherent prose for a
general readership and specific audiences.
6. Thinking critically Students should learn critical thinking as an active, purposeful, and
organized process that we use to make sense of the world. They should learn to evaluate the
quality of their ideas as well as the ideas of others.
7. Understanding the formal conventions of various essay genres, paragraphs, sentences, and
word usage Students should learn the basic textual conventions of academic writing,
including the personal essay, expository writing, analysis, and argument, as well as
understand the need to fulfill readers’ expectations about focus, organization, development,
and voice in each. Students should learn the conventional forms and functions of paragraphs.
Students should also develop the ability to use various sentence patterns and to edit for
correctness, variety, and correct usage.
8. Developing an awareness of language Students should learn how language is a value-laden
tool for discovering and communicating ideas. Students should recognize how a languageuser is always a language-chooser who promotes or inhibits (consciously or not) further
thinking, communication, and action.
Required Texts
The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison
The Hunger of Memory, Richard Rodriguez
The Situe Stories, Frances Khirallah Noble
Siddhartha, Herman Hesse
The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player, John Maxwell
Mini-Lessons Packet for English 101, Laurence Musgrove
Poem of the Day Packet for English 101
Required Supplies
1 ½ or 2 inch three-ring presentation binder with at least 9 section dividers to separate and
organize portfolio ingredients. Other supplies should include a three-hole punch, stapler,
computer paper, and manila folders for essay submissions.
Portfolio Ingredient
Initial Learning Achievements and Goals
Learning Journal Reading Responses
Essay 1
Essay 2
Essay 3
Essay 4
Midterm Exam, Self-Evaluation, and Learning Achievements and Goals
Final Exam, Self-Evaluation, and Learning Achievements and Goals
Packets and other handouts
Conferences: Several times during the term, I will cancel class meetings and schedule
individual conferences so that we can discuss drafts of your essays. These conferences should
last no longer than 20 minutes, and they are required. A missed conference will be equivalent to
two absences. I would also encourage you to use the extra time made available by the cancelled
class meetings to catch up on your reading and writing assignments.
Student Athletes and Absences: Student athletes should provide instructor with schedule of
classes that will be missed due to University-sanctioned events.
Academic Honesty: All work composed for this class must be written exclusively for this class
and be your original work. You may of course receive assistance on your writing, but submitting
someone else’s work as your own or failing to acknowledge sources appropriately will be
grounds for plagiarism. Violations of academic honesty will result in failure. See your Student
Handbook for more on Academic Honesty.
Essay Grades
Essays will be graded according to the essay evaluation criteria attached. Students may revise
essays once after receiving the first evaluation on their third drafts. An essay’s final grade will
be an average of the last two grades it receives. For example, if an essay received a C on the
third draft and an A on the fourth, the final grade for that essay would be a B.
Other Effects on Final Grade
Five absences will result in failure. If you must miss a class, contact a classmate to get the
homework assignment for you or to turn in your work. Late work will not be accepted under
any circumstances. All assignments must be submitted to receive a passing grade. No
incompletes will be given.
Extra Credit Options
During the term, I will provide you with a number of extra credit opportunities related to
attending events on and off campus that in some way relate to our course. In addition, students
may earn up to 500 extra credit points for sharing with the class a song, article, or poem that
relates to any course topic. Students may earn this second type of extra credit no more than four
times or a limit of 2000 extra credit points.
Personal Counseling: Counseling and Career Services offers individual counseling for a variety
of issues that impact on students’ motivation to remain and succeed in college. If you are having
problems keeping up with your school work because of personal issues, these free services may
be able to help you.
Self-Disclosure of Disability: Services for students with disabilities are coordinated through
Learning Assistance Services. Students seeking academic accommodations should contact that
office to self-disclose their disability, provide appropriate and current documentation, and
request accommodations. The Learning Assistance Services will forward confirmation of
disability to faculty with recommended accommodations.
Writing Tutors in Learning Assistance Center. The Learning Assistance Center offers
tutoring in writing at no cost. Tutors will not write or edit your papers, but they will help you
develop the skills you need to plan, draft, and revise your work.
Computer Labs: Verify availability of all University computer labs on campus and in the
dormitories. Schedules should be posted at each lab.
Final Portfolio: Your grade for the course will be based entirely upon the ingredients in your
portfolio. You must save all of your graded work throughout the semester and submit it in a
manila file folder at the end of the term. These ingredients and their point values are listed
X 10
Learning Goals and
Average of 15 Best
Learning Journal
Essay 1
X 10
X 50
X 50
Essay 2
X 50
Essay 3
X 80
Essay 4
X 80
Midterm Exam
X 100
Midterm Self-Evaluation
X 20
Midterm Learning
Achievements and Goals
Final Exam
X 10
X 100
Final Self-Evaluation
X 20
Final Learning Goals and
X 10
Divide Total by 590
=Final Grade
Letter Grade Numerical Equivalent
Grade Ranges
Tentative Schedule
English 101, TTH 9:30 am
Week One
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Week Two
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
Week Three
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
Week Four
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
Week Five
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
To Be of Use
Questions about the class;
Critical thinking/writing
What Happens When We Read
Basic Vocabulary of Sentences
Hesse 3-11
Academic Performance
Agreement due
Rhetoric, Rhetorical sensitivity,
Critical reading
What the Reader Brings
Simple Sentences;
Creating Titles;
Conventions for Quoting and Citing
Hesse 25-56
Maxwell, Introduction
Learning journal 1 due
Essay 1 Assigned
What the Reader Brings
Complex Sentences;
Sentence-Combining Exercise 1
Hesse 89-132
Maxwell, Collaborative
Learning journal 3 due
I Give You Back
What Happens When We Read
Eight Basic Sentence Strategies
Hesse 13-23
Resume & Learning achievements
and goals due
A Ritual to Read to Each Other
Writing as a process,
The Bundle of Sticks
What the Reader Brings
Compound Sentences;
Compound Sentences with SemiColons
Hesse 57-88
Maxwell, Adaptable
Learning journal 2 due
When Death Comes
The World of the Text
Sentence-Combining Exercises 2
and 3
Mazwell, Committed
Learning journal 4 due
Essay 1.1 Due
Conferences in N416
Distribute MBTI Surveys
Conferences in N416
Distribute MBTI Surveys
Essay 1.2 Due
Essay 1.2 Due
Week Six
Poem of the Day
The Summer Day
Class Topics
Personality Type;
The World of the Text;
Compound-Complex Sentences;
Sentence-Combining Exercise 4
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
Week Seven
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
Week Eight
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
Week Nine
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Noble, Situe; Albert and Esne
Mazwell, Communicative
Learning Journal 5 due
Essay 1.3 due;
Essay 2 assigned
Washing Rice
The World of the Text
Effective Intentional Fragment;
Editing Unpunctuated Paragraph 1
Noble, The Table; The American
Maxwell, Dependable
Learning journal 7 due
Forgiving Our Fathers;
Those Winter Sundays
Personality Strengths;
The World of the Text
Sentence Unscrambling Exercises 1
and 2
Noble, Genevieve, The War
Maxwell, Competent
Learning journal 6 due
Blackberry Eating
Options for Response
Personal, Biographical, and Creative
Editing Unpunctuated Paragraph 2;
Review of Basic Sentence Strategies
Noble, The Hike to Heart Rock;
Maxwell, Disciplined
Learning journal 8 due
Essay 2.1 due
Midterm Self-Evaluation Assigned
Essay 3 Assigned
Conferences in N416
Conferences in N416
Essay 1.4 due
Essay 2.2 due
Essay 1.4 due
Essay 2.2 due
Reading Assignment
Noble, Dry Goods; Kahlil Gibran
Writing Assignment
Learning journal 9 due
Midterm Exam
Essay 2.3 due
Learning by Doing
Options for Response
Formal and Audience Analysis
Relative Clauses
Sentence-Combining Exercise 5
Noble, The Honor of Her Presennce
Maxwell, Enlarging
Learning journal 10 due
Midterm Self-Evaluation and
Learning Goals and Achievements
Week Ten
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
Week Eleven
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
Week Twelve
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
Week Thirteen
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
Week Fourteen
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
How to Like It
Options for Response
Topical, Interpretive, and Ethical
Morrison, 1-32
Maxwell, Enthusiastic
Learning journal 11 due
Early Snow
Subject and Pronoun Agreement
Morrison, 33-58
Maxwell, Intentional
Learning journal 12 due
Essay 3.1 due
Conferences in N416
Conferences in N416
Essay 2.4 due
Essay 3.2 due
Essay 2.4 due
Essay 3.2 due
Letter Home
Four Basic Modifying Phrase
Morrison, 59-93
Maxwell, Mission Conscious
Learning journal 13 due
Essay 3.3 due
Essay 4 assigned
Art; One Art
Taking Responsibility
Checking with Other Resources
Participial Phrases
Morrison, 132-183
Maxwell, Relational
Learning journal 15 due
Appositive Phrases
By Heart
Taking Responsibility
Checking with the Text
Adjectives Out-of-Order
Rodriguez, Middle Class Pastoral;
Maxwell, Selfless
Learning journal 17 due
Final Self-Evaluation Assigned
Advice to Writers
Taking Responsibility
Checking with Others
Editing Unpunctuated Paragraph 3
Rodriguez, The Achievement of
Maxwell, Solution Oriented
Essay 4.1 due
Learning journal 18 due
Morrison, 95-131
Maxwell, Prepared
Learning journal 14 due
This is Just to Say
Taking Responsibility
Checking with Ourselves
Absolute Phrases
Morrison, 184-216
Maxwell, Self-Improving
Learning journal 16 due
Week Fifteen
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
Week Sixteen
Poem of the Day
Class Topics
Reading Assignment
Writing Assignment
Week Seventeen
Conferences in N416
Conferences in N416
Essay 3.4 due
Essay 4.2 due
Essay 3.4 due
Essay 4.2 due
Review of Basic Modifying Phrase
Rodriguez, Credo
Maxwell, Tenacious
Essay 4.3 due
Learning journal 19 due
Eating Together
Review of Basic Sentence and
Phrase Strategies
Rodriguez, Complexion
Maxwell, Conclusion
Learning journal 20 due
Final Exam
Final Portfolio with Final SelfEvaluation and Learning
Achievements and Goals due
In this section, you should describe your main purpose for attending college.
I plan on receiving a college degree in a health-related field so that I can go to medical school
I plan on getting an MBA.
I am taking a range of courses that will help me eventually choose my major.
I am planning on a degree in elementary education.
In this section, you should list your most significant qualifications, relevant experiences,
accomplishments, and strengths that would contribute to your educational objective.
During high school, I served as a volunteer at a local hospital.
I was captain of our volleyball team.
I was student council president in high school.
I graduated with academic honors.
I was an active member of the speech and drama clubs in high school.
Last summer, I traveled to Europe.
In this section, you should list your employment history.
In this section, you should list the high schools and colleges you’ve previously attended
accompanied by the dates of attendance.
In this section, you should list other activities of personal interest.
Student Name
Professor Musgrove
English 101
Learning Achievements and Goals
1. I feel confident about my writing in the following ways for the reasons given.
(a sample response: I feel confident about writing research essays because I had plenty of
practice during my senior year.)
2. I feel confident about my reading ability in the following ways for the reasons given.
3. I feel confident about my critical thinking abilities in the following ways for the reasons
4. I would like to improve my writing ability in the following ways for the reasons given.
(a sample response: I would like to learn how to use commas correctly because my last
teacher always marked my papers for commas.)
5. I would like to improve my reading ability in the following ways for the reasons given.
6. I would like to improve my critical thinking abilities in the following ways for the reasons
7. I can see how these improvements would relate to my academic work and career plans in the
following ways.
Student’s Last Name #
Student’s Name
Professor Musgrove
English 101
Version Number or Description
Standard Essay Format
Following Modern Language Association guidelines, this page demonstrates the standard
format for essays and learning journal responses. Left, right, top, and bottom margins are set at
one inch, and a header with the writer’s last name and page number is set at one-half inch from
the top of every page and right-justified.
The standard heading at the top left is left-justified and single-spaced. For the purposes
of this course, I’ve added an extra line in the heading so that a writer can more easily keep track
of the version of the essay submitted or the description of the learning journal response. After
the heading, the title of the essay is centered above the body of the essay. This title does not
require quotation marks or underlining, nor does it need to be bold.
All of the other text is left-justified, double-spaced, and set in Arial, Times New Roman,
or Courier New font no larger than size 12. The first line of each paragraph begins with a onehalf inch tab, and there should be no extra spaces between paragraphs.
For more information on formatting essays and research projects, see A Guide to MLA
Guidelines for Learning Journal Reading Responses
In this class, your learning journal reading responses are one of the main ways you will use
writing to engage, respond to, and learn from the course reading assignments. Each learning
journal entry should be at the minimum three short paragraphs, one page, and typed.
In these three paragraphs, you should complete the following.
1. Briefly summarize the assigned reading. This is not a detailed account of the events or
argument presented, but a short overview of the story or essay.
2. Describe how you might relate your experience, someone you know, or some previous
knowledge to the reading. In some cases, you may be able to easily relate some
experience or another individual or prior knowledge to the reading. In other cases, this
may be more difficult; if this is the case, challenge yourself to make the connection.
3. Ask one or two questions about what you’ve read. These questions will reveal your
interest in the characters, events, topics, and craft of the assigned reading. These
questions will also serve to guide our daily class discussions. To write “I don’t have any
questions.” would not be an appropriate response.
In addition, you should include at least one in-text citation from the reading assignment. This
should be a direct quotation and include a parenthetical page reference that corresponds to the
cited information. See “Conventions for Quoting and Citing Sources” on page 39 in your minilessons packet on how to cite and reference direct quotations correctly.
As the term progresses, I will also ask you to incorporate a variety of sentence and phrase
strategies in your learning journals.
These reading responses are a very important contribution to your learning in this class as well
because they will be the main source material for your midterm and final self-evaluation essays.
They will also serve as practice for your midterm and final exams.
In addition, you may submit up to four alternative responses that in some way creatively
represent the main concepts or arguments in the assigned reading(s). In other words, rather than
follow the guidelines above, you may submit an original poem, song lyric, PowerPoint slide, or
two-dimensional drawing, painting, or collage that represents your response to the assigned
reading(s). These alternative responses should also be submitted on regular 8 ½ X 11 paper.
These alternative responses should include the passage from the reading with corresponding page
number that relates to or inspired in some way your alternative response.
Writing Project #1
Narrative Essay
The first major essay we will work on together in class will be a narrative essay. The
other three will include an expository essay, an analysis essay, and an argumentative essay.
These are four of the most common types of essays because telling stories, explaining, analyzing,
and persuading are the most common ways we use writing to communicate with others inside
school and beyond the classroom walls.
Narrative essays are distinct from other forms of writing because they generally focus on
a dramatic situation that the writer has personally encountered and wishes to share with someone
else for a specific reason. Along the way, the writer must narrate in detail the elements of the
story, including the setting (where and when the action took place), the characters (who did what
to whom), and the action (what took place). The writer must also provide the reader with sensual
detail (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and other sensations) as well as the emotions, attitudes, and
thoughts of the main characters, including the narrator. In other words, the writer is obligated to
make the story come to life in as many ways as possible, so that the reader can see and
understand what the writer experienced.
Thus, for your first assignment, compose at least a three page narrative essay in response
to one of the prompts below.
1. Purpose: Tell about an event that helped you understand your cultural identity.
Audience: A friend, a member of your family, an important person in your cultural community,
or readers of the school newspaper. What conclusions would you want your audience to draw?
What response would you want them to have to your story?
2. Purpose: Tell about an event that helped you learn how to value your parent(s) or a friend.
Audience: Your family, your friends, or the readers of the school newspaper.
3. Purpose: Tell about an event in the last two or three weeks that caused you to change your
preconceptions about college life. What did you believe about college before this time? What do
you now believe? What event and people contributed to that change?
Audience: Your friends, family, seniors in high school who are planning to come to school, or
readers of the school newspaper.
Narrative Structure
Narrative essays are similar to stories, except that the setting, characters, and events are true.
Narrative essays are also similar to stories because they follow the same structure; that is,
narrative essays have a chronological structure that
1. begins with an introduction of the setting and the main characters,
2. moves from one event to the next,
3. includes a conflict or climactic moment,
4. and then reaches a resolution of the conflict.
Traditionally, a narrative plot or story line is represented as follows:
Narrative Openings
Opening 1: Give reader detailed description of the scene where the first event in story takes
The cool autumn breeze jostled the leaves in the maple high above the dew-covered lawn.
As I walked out into the yellow dawn light, a squirrel scampered across the sidewalk and wound
himself up the maple. I bent to pick up the daily news, and he chattered his complaints at me. I
must have interrupted his morning rounds. Suddenly, I heard the telephone ring from the house.
Who could be calling so early?
Opening 2: Start in media res with dialogue. Let reader hear significant dialogue from
significant encounter in story. Then begin the story.
“I just can’t believe this is happening to me,” Dan said. He was obviously upset. His
voice sounded hoarse and strained.
“What do you want me to do? I could drive over and be there in a couple of hours,” I
offered. “Yes, why don’t I drive over. It won’t take me long.”
“Well, uh. I don’t know. ”
Then there was a long silence at his end of the line. I tried to imagine what he was
feeling, but I couldn’t. I hadn’t seen him or talked to him in three years.
“Yeah, come on. I think I’ll need your help. How soon can you be here?”
“Two hours. I’m on my way. I’ll leave here now.”
I guess it wasn’t so odd that he called me. We were the closest friends not that long ago.
Opening 3: Start in media res with description of scene. Give reader detailed description of the
scene of significant event, briefly hint at event, and then begin the story.
The traffic was snarled, and the air thickened with brown blowing dust and gray exhaust.
The blinding sun sunk just ahead, and I dropped my visor so that I could focus on the string of
red brake lights in front of me. Stop and go, stop and go. Somewhere in the distance, twisted
metal, broken glass, and snapped necks stalled this three-lane, rush hour torture. I was late to
meet Dan and wondered if he was feeling snarled, twisted, broken, snapped, stalled, and tortured
as well.
Opening 4: Relate your specific story to a familiar story.
Unfortunately, we’re all too familiar with the trouble men have with women and women
with men. Boy meets girl. Boy woos girl. Boy gets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy calls best friend.
Same with girls. Girl meets boy. Girl woos boy. And so forth. TV sitcoms are filled with such
stuff. First attractions, eventual breakups, and best friends consoling one another. Seems like
we would have learned how to get out of this mess by now. But no.
Writing Project #2
Expository Essay
The second major essay we will work on together in class will be an expository essay. The first
was a narrative essay, and the next two will include an analysis essay and an argumentative
essay. These are four of the most common types of essays because telling stories, explaining,
analyzing, and persuading are the most common ways we use writing to communicate with
others inside the University and beyond.
Expository essays are distinct from other forms of writing because they generally focus on
explaining a concept or process through definition, analysis, classification, or
comparison/contrast. In other words, expository essays are intended to clarify a concept or
process through explanation.
Thus, for your second assignment, compose a three-page, typed expository essay in response to
one of the prompts below.
1. Purpose: Think about a process or procedure that you know very well and perform
successfully. Perhaps you are an expert in this process and could teach it in detail to someone
you know. Explain this process so that someone else could perform it following your
Audience: Someone who would benefit from learning this process.
2. Purpose: Taking a humorous approach, explain in a how to successfully fail at something. For
example, you might describe the procedures for failing at friendship, or at studying, or at writing
a college essay, or at being a dorm roommate, or being a teammate, or being a son or daughter.
There may be other “procedures” you wish to explain.
Audience: Readers of the school newspaper.
3. Purpose: Describe someone you know who has helped you understand how to be successful in
some aspect of your life. Who is this person and what have they taught you?
Audience: Readers of the school newspaper.
4. Purpose: How would you define the characteristics of “a successful person”? In other words,
complete this sentence: “I believe a successful person demonstrates the qualities of ……..” Also
provide examples that clarify your definition. How do these examples fit the characteristics in
your definition?
Audience: Readers of the school newspaper.
5. Purpose: Contrast two definitions of success. In our culture, many definitions for success
compete for our attention. What do you take to be the best definition? Why is this the best?
What do you take to be a flawed definition for success? Why is it flawed?
Audience: Readers of the school newspaper.
Organizational Strategies for Expository Essays
In expository essays, writers bring clarity and detail to procedures and concepts. They usually
begin by introducing a general process or idea. They then proceed paragraph by paragraph by
providing specific examples and evidence to help their readers better understand the steps or
qualities of these procedures and concepts.
Explaining a Process
Identify the process, your expertise, and why audience would benefit from
learning this process
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Describing an Influential Person
Name the person, describe their relationship to you, and their general influence
Description of Person
First influential lesson
Second influential lesson
Third influential lesson
Defining a Concept
General claim about concept, and your specific definition
Characteristic 1
Characteristic 2
Characteristic 3
Contrasting Two Ideas
General claim about two ideas and the obvious differences
First idea
Second idea
First contrasting feature of two ideas
Second contrasting feature of two ideas
Third contrasting feature of two ideas
Writing Project #3
Analysis Essay
The third major essay we will work on together in class will be an analysis essay. The first essay
was a narrative essay, the second was an expository essay, and the fourth essay will be an
argumentative essay. These are four of the most common types of essays because telling stories,
explaining, analyzing, and persuading are the most common ways we use writing to
communicate with others inside the University and beyond.
Analysis essays are distinct from other forms of writing because they generally focus on
explaining the relationships between the whole and its parts. In the case of analysis, the writer of
the essay explains how another author uses his or her craft to promote his or her larger purpose,
whether it is a story, political speech, editorial, or advertisement. Instead of telling a story (as in
a narrative) or explaining a process that the writer already knows (as in an expository essay), the
writer in the case of an analysis focuses on examining something new. In other words, instead of
focusing on knowledge “inside” the writer, the writer must focus on knowledge “outside” or
beyond the writer’s previous experiences.
Thus, for your third assignment, compose a four-page, typed essay in response to one of the two
prompts below.
1. Purpose: Analyze Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha by providing your reader a brief biographical
description of Hesse, summarizing the main action of the novel, detailing some of the main
topics of the novel, describing Hesse’s use of literary form, and concluding with a discussion
of what kind of reader(s) might best appreciate the novel.
Audience: Someone who has not read the novel and would find value in it.
2. Purpose: Select and analyze two stories by Frances Khirallah Noble by providing your
reader a brief biographical description of Noble, summarizing the main action of the stories,
detailing some of the main topics of the stories, describing Nobel’s use of literary form, and
concluding with a discussion of what kind of reader(s) might best appreciate the stories.
Audience: Someone who has not read the stories and would find value in them.
In either case, you should provide evidence from the novel or stories to support your analysis.
See information on quoting and citing sources in the mini-lesson packet.
Recommended Organizational Strategy for Analysis Essay
Introduction: a creative introduction that draws reader’s attention
Brief biography of author
Summary of main action
Main topics
Literary form
Conclusion: remarks on what kind of reader(s) might best appreciate novel or stories
Writing Project #4
Argumentative or Persuasive Essay
The fourth and final major essay we will work on together in class will be an argumentative or
persuasive essay. The first essay was a narrative essay, the second was an expository essay, and
the third essay was an analysis essay. These are four of the most common types of essays
because telling stories, explaining, analyzing, and persuading are the most common ways we use
writing to communicate with others inside the University and beyond.
Argumentative or persuasive essays are distinct from other forms of writing because writers
generally focus on an issue or problem that they share with their readers and attempt to provide a
specific point-of-view or solution. We might also think of this kind of essay as a problemsolving essay.
Thus, for your fourth assignment, compose a three-page, typed essay in response to the prompt
Purpose: Select a specific problem related to your experience at Saint Xavier this year. This
problem may have to do with student life, housing, registration, parking, scheduling of classes,
course offerings, school activities, sporting events, or student resources like the library or
computer labs, but it must be a problem that you know other students have encountered as well.
Audience: Compose an editorial for the student newspaper or a letter to the President of the
University in which you describe the problem in detail and offer a specific solution.
Recommended Organizational Strategy for Persuasive Essay
Introduction: discussion of values and concerns University already promotes
Description of problem and who it affects
Real and possible consequences of problem
Possible solutions to problem
Best solution to problem and why it’s best
Conclusion: discussion of how best solution supports values and concerns University
Student Name__________________________________________________ Essay # ______ Version # ______
Evaluation Criteria
an excellent essay
a good essay
an acceptable essay
a poor essay
an unacceptable essay
No evaluation
a clear aim, a strong introduction, and a thoughtful conclusion
strong supporting details
logically developed and very well organized
a tone appropriate to the aim of the essay
stylistic maturity and confident facility with language as demonstrated by
sentence variety and appropriate word choice
 virtually free of surface and usage errors
 a clear aim and a strong introduction and conclusion
 good supporting details
 logically developed and well organized
 a tone appropriate to the aim of the essay
 lacks the stylistic maturity and facility with language of an A essay
 largely free of surface and usage errors
 a clear aim, an introduction, and a conclusion
 adequate supporting details
 competence in logical development and organization, although it may
exhibit occasional organizational and developmental weakness
 a tone appropriate to the aim of the essay
 basic competence in sentence variety and word choice
 a pattern of surface and usage errors
 lack of a clear aim, focus, or conclusion
 lack of sufficient support
 supporting details may be trivial, inappropriate, logically flawed
 flaws in organization/development
 inappropriate tone
 stylistic flaws characterized by lack of sentence variety and by evidence of
limited vocabulary
 frequent usage or surface errors
 focus may be too general or too specific
 lack of support
 lack of organization
 inappropriate tone
 serious stylistic flaws
 serious usage or surface errors
Essays receiving no grade will
 fail to address the topic or assignment,
 fail to fulfill other requirements of the assignment,
 show evidence of plagiarism,
 or fail to be accompanied by previous drafts.
Recommendations for Revision
Recommendations for Editing
Academic Performance Agreement
English 101
In order to make the requirements of this class and your responsibilities as a student as clear as possible, I’ve created
this document titled “Academic Performance Agreement.” Please read this information carefully because it outlines
the kinds of behaviors, study habits, and attitudes necessary for success in this class, as well as in the University
writing community at large. If you agree to the terms and conditions set forth below, please sign your name on one
of the two copies I’ve provided you. By signing and returning this agreement to me, you commit yourself to the
standards of conduct and academic performance listed below. If you do not accept these standards, you should see
your advisor about withdrawing from this course.
I understand that attendance is a requirement of the class and that 5 absences of any sort (excused or unexcused)
will result in automatic failure. I also understand that if I miss class that I should contact another student, rather
than the professor of the class, to discover what I’ve missed. A missed conference will be equivalent to two
I understand that arriving late to class is inappropriate because it disrupts the class agenda and interferes with
teaching and learning. I understand that the instructor will shut the door to the classroom when the class starts
and that I will not attempt to enter the class after the door has been closed.
I understand that cell phones must be turned off before entering class. I understand if my cell phone rings
during class I will be asked to leave the class.
I understand that this class has substantial reading and writing requirements. These requirements will demand
that I manage my time carefully and schedule at least 6 hours of study time per week or 2 hours of study time
for every one hour of scheduled class time.
I understand that purchasing the course texts and bringing the texts to class to support my discussion of the
assigned readings is a requirement of the course.
I understand that I should be prepared each day to share my learning journal responses to the reading
assignments in class. I will share these learning journals responses with other students in the class. I also
understand I may not turn these journals in late.
I understand that I will be required to contribute to class discussions and small group work in class. In other
words, I will be required to speak in class, share my ideas, and respect the ideas of others.
I understand that I will be composing learning journal responses, four major essays, and two self-evaluations. I
also understand that any writing I submit must be my own and written exclusively for this class.
I understand that my writing assignments should be composed and saved on a word-processor or personal
computer. I also understand that I should schedule my time and supplies carefully so that I know when I have
access to a word-processor or computer and that I have adequate paper and printing supplies.
I understand that I will benefit from discussing my ideas and writing with my family, friends, and other
students. I also understand that I can get help with my ideas and writing in the Learning Center, L109B.
However, I also understand that I should never claim someone else’s ideas or writing as my own.
I understand that when I use the ideas of others in my writing that I must let my readers know whose ideas are
whose and where I found them. I understand that plagiarism (or the failure to acknowledge the ideas of others
appropriately) is a form of academic dishonesty and will result in failure.
I understand that I must adhere to the due dates for all writing assignments because late work will not be
accepted. I also understand that all writing assignments are due at the beginning of the class period.
I understand that I should think of writing as a complex process of planning, drafting, revising, editing, and
presentation. Consequently, I understand that I should schedule time to complete each of these tasks before
submitting my work.
I understand that I can make an appointment with my instructor to talk about any aspect of the class, including
course assignments, my writing, the required reading, or comments and grades on my writing.
I understand that my learning and engagement with others occurs best when the attitudes of hope, courage,
honesty, consideration, humility, persistence, caring, and respect are present.
Student Signature _______________________________________Date _________________________
Academic Performance Agreement
English 101
In order to make the requirements of this class and your responsibilities as a student as clear as possible, I’ve created
this document titled “Academic Performance Agreement.” Please read this information carefully because it outlines
the kinds of behaviors, study habits, and attitudes necessary for success in this class, as well as in the University
writing community at large. If you agree to the terms and conditions set forth below, please sign your name on one
of the two copies I’ve provided you. By signing and returning this agreement to me, you commit yourself to the
standards of conduct and academic performance listed below. If you do not accept these standards, you should see
your advisor about withdrawing from this course.
I understand that attendance is a requirement of the class and that 5 absences of any sort (excused or unexcused)
will result in automatic failure. I also understand that if I miss class that I should contact another student, rather
than the professor of the class, to discover what I’ve missed. A missed conference will be equivalent to two
I understand that arriving late to class is inappropriate because it disrupts the class agenda and interferes with
teaching and learning. I understand that the instructor will shut the door to the classroom when the class starts
and that I will not attempt to enter the class after the door has been closed.
I understand that cell phones must be turned off before entering class. I understand if my cell phone rings
during class I will be asked to leave the class.
I understand that this class has substantial reading and writing requirements. These requirements will demand
that I manage my time carefully and schedule at least 6 hours of study time per week or 2 hours of study time
for every one hour of scheduled class time.
I understand that purchasing the course texts and bringing the texts to class to support my discussion of the
assigned readings is a requirement of the course.
I understand that I should be prepared each day to share my learning journal responses to the reading
assignments in class. I will share these learning journals responses with other students in the class. I also
understand I may not turn these journals in late.
I understand that I will be required to contribute to class discussions and small group work in class. In other
words, I will be required to speak in class, share my ideas, and respect the ideas of others.
I understand that I will be composing learning journal responses, four major essays, and two self-evaluations. I
also understand that any writing I submit must be my own and written exclusively for this class.
I understand that my writing assignments should be composed and saved on a word-processor or personal
computer. I also understand that I should schedule my time and supplies carefully so that I know when I have
access to a word-processor or computer and that I have adequate paper and printing supplies.
I understand that I will benefit from discussing my ideas and writing with my family, friends, and other
students. I also understand that I can get help with my ideas and writing in the Learning Center, L109B.
However, I also understand that I should never claim someone else’s ideas or writing as my own.
I understand that when I use the ideas of others in my writing that I must let my readers know whose ideas are
whose and where I found them. I understand that plagiarism (or the failure to acknowledge the ideas of others
appropriately) is a form of academic dishonesty and will result in failure.
I understand that I must adhere to the due dates for all writing assignments because late work will not be
accepted. I also understand that all writing assignments are due at the beginning of the class period.
I understand that I should think of writing as a complex process of planning, drafting, revising, editing, and
presentation. Consequently, I understand that I should schedule time to complete each of these tasks before
submitting my work.
I understand that I can make an appointment with my instructor to talk about any aspect of the class, including
course assignments, my writing, the required reading, or comments and grades on my writing.
I understand that my learning and engagement with others occurs best when the attitudes of hope, courage,
honesty, consideration, humility, persistence, caring, and respect are present.
Student Signature _______________________________________Date _________________________