April 1, 2010 - State Historical Society of Iowa

REGULAR MEETING – April 01, 2010
Records Officer:
Action Requested:
Reference Number:
Record Series Title:
Present Retention:
Dept. of Natural Resources
Environmental Services/Water Quality/
Leslie Leager
Revise existing record schedule
CON 3-4-1-2
Flood Plain Development Permits
Agency 3 years and then transfer to
State Archives
Proposed Retention:
Proposed Cut-Off:
Hard Copy: Agency 5 years;
State Records Center 95 years
Total=100 years
Electronic Copy: Agency 100 years
End of the calendar year once the project is completed.
Summary: DNR is revising CON 3-4-1-2, Flood Plain Development Permits, to
include CON 3-4-1-4 (Milldams) and CON 3-8 (Administrative Waivers) which are
both discontinued schedules. CON 3-4-1-2 will also have a proposed retention of
100 years; however prior to destruction the State Archives has been given the
right to appraise the materials to determine historical value.
Records Officer:
Action Requested:
Reference Number:
Record Series Title:
Present Retention:
Dept. of Natural Resources
Environmental Services/Water Quality/
Leslie Leager
Revise existing record schedule
CON 3-4-1-3
Flood Insurance Correspondence
While current and then transfer to
State Archives.
Proposed Retention:
Hard Copy: Agency 5 years;
State Records Center 95 years
Total=100 years
Electronic Copy: Agency 100 years
Agency 5 years; State Records Center 95 years;
total= 100 years
Proposed Cut-Off:
End of Calendar Year once a flood plain order is
established or local regulations approved by
the department.
Summary: DNR reviews cities floodplain management ordinances and offers
consultation in determining the flood plain area to be regulated, and the
Department becomes involved in the city’s Federal Emergency Management
Agency application to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. Once
approved local property owners can then purchase flood insurance from
insurance agents. DNR would like to change the retention of these records from
permanent to non-permanent, and give the State Archives the right to appraise
the contents to determine historical value before destruction.
Records Officer:
Action Requested:
Reference Number:
Record Series Title:
Present Retention:
Dept. of Natural Resources,
Environmental Services/Water Quality/
Leslie Leager
Remove a retention schedule
CON 3-4-1-4
Agency, while current and then transfer to
State Archives.
Summary: No new files are being created for this retention schedule; therefore
this record series will be discontinued and merged into CON 3-4-1-2.
Records Officer:
Action Requested:
Reference Number:
Record Series Title:
Present Retention:
Dept. of Natural Resources,
Environmental Services/Water Quality/
Leslie Leager
Remove a retention schedule
CON 3-8
Administrative Waivers
Agency 1 year and then transfer to the
State Archives
Summary: No new files are being created for this retention schedule; therefore
this record series will be discontinued and merged into CON 3-4-1-2.
Dept. of Natural Resources
Environmental Services/Air Quality/
Program Development
Records Officer:
Leslie Leager
Action Requested:
Establish a new record schedule
Reference Number: CON 10-33-2
Record Series Title: Air Quality Regional Modeling
Proposed Retention: No hard copy;
Electronic format: 2 years in office
Proposed Cut-Off:
Upon completion of data analysis
Summary: Department staff produces electronic files used to conduct regional
modeling analysis including meteorology, emission, and air quality. Specialized
software and operating systems are required to generate, read and analyze the
data. This retention schedule will pertain to raw data and unused manipulated
data. All files are held electronically, no paper files exist.
Records Officer:
Action Requested:
Reference Number:
Record Series Title:
Present Retention:
Dept. of Natural Resources
Environmental Services/Water Quality
Leslie Leager
Revise existing record schedule
CON 11-3-2-6
Manure Applicator CertificationCommercial
Agency, 1 year; State Records Center, 0 years;
Total=1 year
Proposed Retention:
Hard Copy: Agency 1 years;
State Records Center 2 years
Total= 3 years
Electronic Copy: Agency 3 years
Proposed Cut-Off:
End of calendar year when certification expires.
Summary: This record series documents commercial manure applicator
certification. The schedule is being revised by having its retention schedule
increased to 3 years.
Records Officer:
Dept. of Natural Resources,
Environmental Services/Water Quality/
Leslie Leager
Action Requested:
Reference Number:
Record Series Title:
Present Retention:
Revise existing record schedule
CON 11-4-1
Waste Water Facility Files
When no longer active then transfer to the
State Archives
Proposed Retention:
Hard Copy: Agency while active;
State Records Center 100 years
Total=100 years
Electronic Copy: Agency 100 years
Microfilm Copy: Agency 100 years
Proposed Cut-Off:
End of the calendar year once the new permit
Is issued.
Summary: This record series documents the effluent discharge permits for
waste water treatment plants (municipal & industrial) written by the National
Pollution Discharge Staff (NPDES). These materials are to be scanned so the
Department would like to change the retention from permanent to 100 years in
the office and give the State Archives the right to appraise the contents to
determine historical value before destruction. Electronic and microfilm records
will be held in the office for 100 years.
Dept. of Natural Resources
Environmental Services/Water Quality/
Records Officer:
Leslie Leager
Action Requested:
Revise existing record schedule
Reference Number: CON 11-12
Record Series Title: Pre-Treatment and Treatment Agreements
Present Retention:
Agency, 2 years and then transfer to the
State Archives
Proposed Retention:
Hard Copy: Agency 5 years;
State Records Center 45 years
Total=50 years
Electronic Copy: Agency 50 years
Proposed Cut-Off:
End of calendar year once the permitted facility closes
Summary: This record series is being revised from Treatment Agreements to
Pre-Treatment and Treatment Agreements. The series will document the waste
water pre-treatment and treatment of both large and small cities. Currently it is a
permanent schedule, but DNR is requesting it be cut back to 50 years retention
and give the State Archives the right to appraise the contents to determine
historical value before destruction.
Records Officer:
Action Requested:
Reference Number:
Record Series Title:
Present Retention:
Dept. of Natural Resources,
Environmental Services/Water Quality/
Leslie Leager
Revise existing record schedule
CON 11-12-1
Pre-treatment – Annual Reports
Agency 2 years; State Records Center 23 years;
Total=25 years
Proposed Retention:
Hard Copy: Agency 5 years;
State Records Center 0 years
Total=5 years
Electronic Copy: Agency 5 years
Proposed Cut-Off:
End of the calendar year once the annual
report is received.
Summary: The main Pre-Treatment file is maintained in CON 11-12. CON 1112-1 will only pertain to the annual reports the large cities who regulate their own
pre-treatment program must submit annually to the Department. These files will
be kept in the office and purged every 5 years.
Dept. of Natural Resources
Management Service Division/
Records Officer:
Leslie Leager
Action Requested:
Establish a new retention schedule
Reference Number: CON 14-7
Record Series Title: Construction Project Files
Proposed Retention:
Hard Copy: Agency 5 years;
State Records Center 95 years
Total=100 years
Electronic Copy: Agency 100 years
Proposed Cut-Off:
At the end of the calendar year (December 31)
Summary: DNR staff engineers create construction project files for building
activities on state owned lands. They competitively bid each project and oversee
the construction. DNR is currently using OFF 7-1 Construction Projects which is
a generic, all agency schedule and is of permanent retention. They would like to
create this new record schedule for their own use. CON 14-7 will consist of
plans, specifications, feasibility studies, survey books, site reviews, photos,
contract bids, contract awards, and change orders.