January 2013 Revision Dr. Walter Cunningham School for Excellence Timeline for Processing Retentions NOTE: Problem Solving is an integral and required part of the retention procedure. Although there is no specific time line for Problem Solving/Child Study, it is required for any students being considered for retention enter into problem solving no later than February/March. Sept/Oct Progress of all retentions reviewed by PSP/GEI Sept/Oct Staff begins to look at students having difficulties. Teachers given “Retention Considerations” (hard copy) September Fall Conferences Teachers develop a success plan for students who are having difficulty. This plan is shared and discussed with parents at fall conference time. Teacher, parent, and student responsibilities are listed on the plan. End of December Principal receives “Retention Considerations” list of possible retention considerations from each teacher. January The “Consideration of Retention Letter” is mailed (via US mail) to parents. (See sample letter) Teachers have made contact with parent before letter is sent or given to parent. The success plan developed in October is reviewed with parents. End of February Have those considered for retention been brought to PSP? Student progress is discussed during parent/teacher conference. If necessary, “Update on Possible Retention” letter is given to parent during conference or mailed home midway through third trimester. Have parent sign “Understanding of Retention” letter during Spring conference. May “Decision to Promote Letter” or “Decision to Retain Letter” is mailed home. Copy of letter needs to be filed in cumulative folder. June Distribute Final List of retainees to Jane Lindama and Cora Turner. A master list will be sent to building principals.