Proposal for modification of the tolerances at WP08, summary BJ, 2nd Dec. 2003 _______________________________________________________________________ Motivation At the request of S. Fartoukh, in view of urgent dipole assignment in the tunnel to be made by the MEB, the tolerances between WP08 and the position in the tunnel after one year were re-evaluated by Stephane, J.P. Quesnel , D. Missiaen and BJ. We took into account more consistently the dynamic deformation related to transportation also the recently updated level arm effect of the survey/tunnel misalignment (X/Z differentiation, more precise values) This proposal must be endorsed by the WGA, but will be used temporarily by the MEB as is. A confirmation of the content by the MEB is required. This document applies only for aperture tolerances. Data and method ______________ We considered the following components, which apply beyond WP08 to the body and to the extremities of the dipole, all expressed as r.m.s. values and in mm. The value EX below is computed as EX x H / D, with H=0.95 the beam height and D=0.53 the transverse distance between the two feet which define the horizontality of the assembly. The data are extracted from the best guess table of contributions to geometrical errors prepared by the WGA, see Measurement error between GA and targets Cold feet deformation Cryostat ovalisation Dynamic deformation after transport Vertical displacement unit Excursion of the MB, vertical (level arm 1.2) Excursion of the MB, horizontal (no lever arm) A B C DZ DX E EZ EX 0.07 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.24 0.36 Quadratic sums Vertical A,B,C,DZ,EZ Horizontal A,B,C,DX,EX TZ TX 0.29 0.43 The value EX is a pessimistic upper limit, we therefore round TX down. Such that finally, the contributions to tolerances beyond WP08 are TZ = 0.3 mm and TX = 0.4 mm. Overall tolerance in the tunnel (always for aperture): a racetrack with parameters g_tunnel = 1.1 and r_tunnel = 1.65 for MB’s near a MQ and g_tunnel = 1.1 and r_tunnel = 4 for mid-cell locations. Results ______ We therefore deduce new tolerances at WP08 with Z_W08 = r_tunnel – 3 TZ and X_W08 = r_tunnel + g_tunnel – 3 TX, with the result Near MQ Mid-cell Z_W08 X_W08 Z_W08 Z_W08 0.75 1.55 4.0 5.1 so, r08 = 0.75 g08 = 0.8 so, r08 = 3.1 g08 = 0.8 In the dispersion suppressors, where the aperture constraints are more stringent at a few locations ( 4 x 16 = 64 MB’s ), we must use golden dipoles with a rectangular tolerance of Z_WP08_ds = 0.5 and X_WP08_ds = 0.8. ITP20 _____ By coherence with the new WP08 tolerance, we must also redefine the tolerance at ITP20. In order to be installed near a MQ, the tolerances at ITP must be (rectangular, for complying with standardized industrial tolerances ) : Z_ITP20 X_ITP20 0.85 1.3 In the best possible world, the condition Z_I20 < Z_W08 should be satisfied. This is not the case here, because of the intrinsic vertical deformation due to gravitation between the three feet. But, the aperture tolerance is severe on the extremity of the MB which is adjacent to the MQ. This can be used in the process of assignment of the location of the MB (choosing upstream or downstream locations depending on which extremity is the best). This complicates the task of the MEB, but there is presently no other easier solution. Interconnections The tolerances for the offset at the interconnections depend on local differential displacements, for which more work is needed. The tolerance at WP08 will be evaluated later.