Integration of Diversity in the Physical Education Program

Integration of Diversity in the Physical Education Program
The Physical Education Program emphasizes diversity throughout its curriculum and
field and clinical experiences. Specific descriptions of this integration are included in the
following matrix.
KHP 147
KHP 154
KHP 344
KHP 360
KHP 390
KHP 420G
KHP 445
KHP 579
KHP 390
KHP 396
Description of Activity
Candidates study different culture’s contributions to dance genres, learning folks,
social, and square dances from many cultures. They also analyze vides that focus
on gender, ethnic, and religious diversity.
Candidates study modern dance technique and the multicultural influences that
shaped the development of this art form. They also learn how diverse racial,
gender, ethnicity, regional, and national issues have impacted this genre.
Candidates plan physical education lessons for students based on age,
developmental characteristics, literacy level, cultures, and grade appropriateness.
Lessons include adaptations for students with special needs and include a variety of
presentation styles for different types of learners.
Candidates plan physical education lessons for students based on age,
developmental characteristics, literacy level, cultures, and grade appropriateness.
Lessons include adaptations for students with special needs and include a variety of
presentation styles for different types of learners.
Multiple intelligences are used to identify learning styles. Candidates plan and
teach a dance lesson that addresses the needs of P-5 students in diverse field
placements. Students with special needs in dance education are identified and
alternative methods, modifications, and developmentally appropriate activities are
Exercise physiology issues and concerns are presented with special consideration of
age, maturation, gender, and ethnicity similarities and differences. The role and
relationship of genetics, environment, and behaviors to health and fitness are
addressed. Similarities and differences related to the development and maintenance
of health and fitness of all students, including exceptionalities, are discussed.
Test and Measurements course emphasizes the diversity of all individuals and their
needs, both within and between groups. Discussion of students with special needs
focuses on unique requirements associated with motor and fitness.
This Adapted Physical Education course focuses on adapted and developmental
physical education for individuals with disabilities. Learning experiences include
appraisal of psychomotor functioning, design of an instructional intervention, and
program implementation and assessment.
Candidates create and teach a creative dance lesson to PreK-5 graders in a local
elementary school. Assessment of the lesson includes both what the students learned
and their personal reflection of what they learned through teaching their dance
concept. Candidates create a checklist assessment and performance assessment as
part of their written examinations.
Candidates create and teach a modern or ethnic dance lesson to middle or high
school students. Assessment of the lesson includes both what the students learned
and their personal reflection of what they learned through teaching a dance time
period (ancient lineage-based, Native American, or African, Romantic ballet,
contemporary-modern or jazz, etc.) Part of the lesson includes skill and written
assessments designed to meet the lesson’s goals and objectives.