FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT CUTTHROAT REV. 1.0 University of Portland PAGE I School of Engineering 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland, OR 97203-5798 Phone 503 943 7314 Fax 503 943 7316 Functional Specifications Project Cutthroat: Profession Specific Translator (PST) Contributors: Ismet Ozer Kyle Johnson Approvals Name √ Dr. Rylander Date Name Dr. Lillevik Insert checkmark (√) next to name when approved. Date FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT CUTTHROAT REV. 1.0 PAGE II Revision History Rev. 0.9 1.0 Date 09/18/2003 10/2/2003 Author I. Ozer, K. Johnson I. Ozer, K. Johnson Reason for Changes Initial draft Final draft FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT CUTTHROAT REV. 1.0 PAGE III Table of Contents Summary....................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2 Background .................................................................................................................. 3 Requirements ............................................................................................................... 4 Overview ..................................................................................................................................................4 Main Functions ........................................................................................................................................5 Technological Requirements ..................................................................................................................5 Security and Safety .................................................................................................................................6 User Preferences ....................................................................................................................................6 Effectiveness ...........................................................................................................................................6 Language Selection ................................................................................................................................7 Keyword Search ......................................................................................................................................7 Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 8 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT CUTTHROAT REV. 1.0 PAGE IV List of Figures Figure 1. Overview Diagram for PST ...........................................................................................................4 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT CUTTHROAT REV. 1.0 PAGE V List of Tables Table 1 – Main Functions Specifications.......................................................................................................5 Table 2- Technological Specifications ...........................................................................................................5 Table 3 – Security and Safety Specifications................................................................................................6 Table 4 – User Preferences Specifications ...................................................................................................6 Table 5 – Effectiveness Specifications ..........................................................................................................6 Table 6 – Language Selection Specifications ...............................................................................................7 Table 7 – Keyword Search Specifications ....................................................................................................7 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT CUTTHROAT Chapter 1 REV. 1.0 PAGE 1 Summary This document sketches out the functional specifications for the Profession Specific Translator (PST), a language translator that is designed specifically for doctors and nurses in dealing with foreign patients. A language translator is a piece of software that converts vocabularies or phrases between languages. PST is different from normal language translators in that it only translates specific questions or medical terms between languages. Another key difference is that PST will have both visual and audio outputs. Questions and medical terms will be taken from doctors and nurses as input to PST’s development. The audio recordings will be done from native speakers of each language for more accurate translations and pronunciation. PST will translate between three languages (English, Turkish, and Spanish). A graphical user interface will be provided and it will include Translate From, Translate To, Select Question, and Select Medical Term lists as well as an output box and Audio Repeat button. Moreover there will be a “Help” button that will guide users working with PST. A user will select a language to translate from, a language to translate to, and a question or medical term for translation. The output will be displayed in the output box and audio file will be played immediately. Audio Repeat will repeat the audio file again if selected. For convenience, PST will provide a keyword search that will allow the user to type in a character, word, or phrase. This will help to decrease the number of questions or terms that the user must look through to find the one he/she wants. The software will be written in Java and the format of the audio files is to be determined. The software will be stored on a CD and compatible with Windows operating systems. The software will require a CD-driver and sound system and speakers installed on the computers. FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT CUTTHROAT Chapter 2 REV. 1.0 PAGE 2 Introduction This document states the functional specification of PST and is written for the developers, marketing and senior management of this project. The developers will use this document during the design process and after design for additional development and extra features. Marketing may use this information for introducing the product to potential customers. The executive managers will use this document in order to fully understand PST and its features. The purpose of this document is to explain the functions of the PST. First, a brief background of ideas and reasons for PST will be given. Second, the requirements of the project will be stated with diagrams. PST and its functions are covered in detail in this part. Finally, a conclusion will be given. FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION PROJECT CUTTHROAT Chapter 3 REV. 1.0 PAGE 3 Background There are many language translators that translate words or phrases with their literal meaning. The words are individually translated; therefore, when a long sentence or a question is translated the language translators often display a wrong output. Moreover, many translators don’t produce audio outputs. Audio output is important for accurate pronunciation and is necessary for illiterate individuals who want to use translators. Without a correct translation or audio output, users cannot use the translators for their own job purposes because language translators are not specifically designed for them. Using Java and its features we can design a translator that will only be used for a specific field. PST is specifically designed for doctors and nurses to facilitate accurate communication between them and patients. PST will help doctors and especially nurses in dealing with foreign patients directly, accurately, and easily. Not only can the doctors and nurses use PST when they try to serve patients, they can also use it as a learning tool by using it often and playing audio files repeatedly. FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION PROJECT CUTTHROAT Chapter REV. 1.0 PAGE 4 Requirements 4 Overview PST is a program that allows doctors and nurses to communicate with patients effectively. Users will need to select a language to translate from. Then, they will need to select a language to translate to. Finally, they can either select a question or medical term to translate. The output will be displayed immediately on the screen and audio file will be played. The audio file can be repeated by the Audio Repeat button. While the languages are selected, the users can continue to select questions or terms for translation with the condition of one question or a term at a time. Figure 1. Overview Diagram for PST User Translate From Select A Question Output Translate To Select A Term Sound Patient Keyword Search Audio Repeat FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION PROJECT CUTTHROAT REV. 1.0 PAGE 5 Main Functions The main functions are the features that PST should produce. The details are listed in table 1. Table 1 – Main Functions Specifications Req. Num. Main Functions 100 PST should translate from one selected language to another selected language. 101 PST should play audio files immediately after translation is displayed. 102 PST should play audio files when Audio Button is activated. 103 Help icon should be able to guide users about how to use PST and answer any questions a user might have relating to the program. 104 PST should produce output without a noticeable delay. Technological Requirements The technological requirements are the requirements that relate to the technology used or required by PST. Table 2- Technological Specifications Req. Num. 200 201 202 203 Requirement Software will be written in Java so the audio format that is being used should be supported by Java. PST should be compatible with Windows 98 and higher operating systems. PST will require a CD-driver, therefore, the computer must have a CD-ROM. In order for the audio files to play, the computer must have a sound card and a speaker. FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION PROJECT CUTTHROAT REV. 1.0 PAGE 6 Security and Safety Security is to protect user information and safety is to not cause any damage to patients or computer Since there is no user confidential input needed there should not be relevant security concerns. Table 3 – Security and Safety Specifications Req. Num. 300 301 302 Requirement There should not be any security concerns. PST should not harm computer in anyway. For security and safety purposes the questions and terms will be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). User Preferences User preferences are limited because PST provides three languages and several questions and medical terms. Table 4 – User Preferences Specifications Req. Num. 400 401 402 Requirement Users should be able to use any of the given options. Usage of PST should be easy for users to learn. The user should be able to use it for personal learning purposes. Effectiveness Effectiveness is the degree that PST is accurate. Table 5 – Effectiveness Specifications Req. Num. 500 501 502 Requirement The questions need to be specific and in the form of “Yes” or “No” question, so that doctors can have a clear understanding of them. Each medical term needs to be the often used terms such as illness names or prescriptions names. Each translation should be done by native speakers of the language. FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION PROJECT CUTTHROAT 503 REV. 1.0 PAGE 7 Each audio file should be recorded by native speakers of each language. Language Selection Translate From offers the languages that can be translated from. Translate To provides the languages that the patients speak. Table 6 – Language Selection Specifications Req. Num. 600 Requirement There should be a sufficient number of languages in Translate From to meet the purpose of this project. There should be a sufficient number of languages in Translate To to meet the purpose of this project. User should be able to translate any language that is in Translate From to any language in Translate To. 601 602 Keyword Search The keyword search allows the user to limit the amount of questions or terms to choose from, by inputting a word or phrase. It also allows the user to jump to questions or terms that start with a specific letter. Table 7 – Keyword Search Specifications Req. Num. 700 701 702 Requirement A user should be able to input a character, a word, or a phrase. When a character is inputted, the question or term list should only include questions or terms that start with that character. When a word or phrase is inputted, the question or term list should only include questions or terms that contain that word or phrase. FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION PROJECT CUTTHROAT Chapter 5 REV. 1.0 PAGE 8 Conclusion Profession Specific Translator will provide an easier, immediate, accurate, and effective way of translating for doctors and nurses in dealing with international patients. Thus, doctors and nurses will have a more direct communication with patients. PST will translate between languages providing visual and audio output for better understanding and pronunciation. At the same time, some doctors and nurses may use it as a learning tool.