Table of Contents Abstract i Acknowledgements iii Table of Contents v List of Figures xi List of Tables xix Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Advantages of the Composite Steel Frame-Reinforced Concrete Infill Wall System 2 1.3 Literature Review 3 1.3.1 Experimental Research on the Seismic Behavior of Infilled Frames 4 1.3.2 Analysis of Infilled Frames 7 1.4 Research Objectives 9 1.5 Organization of Thesis 11 Analysis and Design of Prototype Structure 12 1.6 Description of the Prototype Structure 12 1.7 Design Guidelines for the Prototype Structure 13 1.8 Elastic Finite Element Analysis of the Prototype Structure 15 1.8.1 Model Description 15 1.8.2 Analytical Results of the Fully-Composite Model 16 v 1.8.3 Effect of Headed Stud Connector Stiffness 20 Determination of the Shear Strength of Headed Studs 20 Determination of the Stiffness of Headed Studs 21 Analytical Results 22 Experimental Program 27 1.9 Specimen Design 27 1.9.1 Specimen Dimensions 27 1.9.2 Beam-to-Column Connection Design 31 1.9.3 Design of the Headed Stud Connectors along the Interfaces 35 1.9.4 Design of the Wall Reinforcement 42 1.10 Material Properties 43 1.10.1 Steel Material Properties 43 1.10.2 Concrete Material Properties 44 1.10.3 Material Properties of Reinforcing Bars 46 1.10.4 Material Properties of Headed Studs 47 1.11 Test Setup 47 1.12 Instrumentation 51 1.12.1 Global Response 51 1.12.2 Steel Columns 52 1.12.3 Reinforced Concrete Infill Walls 55 1.12.4 Interfaces between Steel Members and Reinforced Concrete Infill Walls 55 1.12.5 Headed Studs 58 1.12.6 Partially-Restrained Connection Regions 59 1.13 Loading History 62 General Behavior of the Specimen 65 1.14 Summary of Specimen Performance 65 vi 1.15 Assessment of System Strength and Stiffness 66 1.16 Cracking and Crushing of Reinforced Concrete Infill Walls 72 1.17 Yielding of Steel Frame 79 1.18 Failure of Headed Stud Connectors 81 1.18.1 Post-Test Inspection of the Headed Studs 81 1.18.2 Audible Events 84 1.19 Evaluation of the Ductility 87 1.20 Energy Dissipation by Hysteretic Behavior 90 1.21 Evaluation of the R Factor 93 Local Response of the Steel Frame and the Reinforced Concrete Infill Wall 1.22 Behavior of the Steel Columns 95 95 1.22.1 Characteristics of Strain Variation in the Steel Columns 95 1.22.2 Characteristics of the Variation of Internal Forces in the Steel Columns 106 Magnitudes of the Internal Forces in the Steel Columns 106 Estimation of the Shear Forces in the Steel Columns 113 Characteristics of the Internal Force Distributions in the Steel Columns 116 1.23 Performance of the Middle Beam in the Connection Regions 1.23.1 Strain Profiles at the Ends of the Middle Beam 118 118 1.23.2 Comparison of the Internal Forces at the Two Ends of the Middle Beam 121 1.24 Behavior of the Partially-Restrained Connections 126 1.24.1 Behavior of the Top and Seat Angles of the Partially-Restrained Connections 126 1.24.2 Load-Deformation Relationship of the Partially-Restrained vii Connections 129 1.25 Deformation of the Panel Zones 135 1.26 Behavior of the Reinforced Concrete Infill Walls 138 1.26.1 Deformation of the Reinforced Concrete Infill Walls 138 1.26.2 Strain in the Reinforced Concrete Infill Walls Behavior of Interface Headed Stud Connectors 146 150 1.27 Yielding of the Gaged Headed Studs 150 1.28 Axial and Bending Strain Demands on the Headed Studs 152 1.28.1 Axial and Bending Strain Behavior of the Headed Studs 152 1.28.2 Comparison of the Axial Strain Demands for the Headed Studs 157 1.28.3 Comparison of the Bending Strain Demands for the Headed Studs 162 1.28.4 Summary of the Axial and Bending Strain Demands 165 1.29 Interface Slip and Separation 165 1.29.1 Interface Slip Demands 165 Difference in Slip Demands in Two Loading Directions 165 Comparison of Slip Demands 169 Relationship Between Interstory Drift and Interface Slip 174 Effect of the Axial Extension of the Partially-Restrained Connections 174 1.29.2 Separation Demands on the Headed Studs 1.30 Deformation Capacity of the Headed Studs 177 180 1.30.1 Failure Sequence of the Gaged Headed Studs 180 1.30.2 Deformation Capacity of the Headed Studs Force Distribution in the Structural System viii 182 188 1.31 Lateral Force Distribution 188 1.31.1 Lateral Force Transferred by the Headed Studs 188 1.31.2 Lateral Force Transferred by the Compression Strut 194 1.31.3 Lateral Force Resisted by the “Shear” Deformation of Steel Frame 195 1.32 Overturning Moment Distribution 195 Finite Element Analysis 201 1.33 Finite Element Model of the Specimen 201 1.34 Evaluation of the Finite Element Analysis 206 1.34.1 Comparison of Interface Slips 208 1.34.2 Comparison of Interstory Drifts 209 1.34.3 Comparison of Lateral Forces Resisted by the Studs 210 1.34.4 Comparison of Axial Forces in the Steel Columns 211 1.34.5 Summary 212 1.35 Modification of the Finite Element Model 213 1.36 Conclusion 216 Plastic Mechanism Analysis 218 1.37 Evaluation of Existing Plastic Mechanism Models 218 1.38 Application of Plastic Mechanism Analysis to the Test Specimen 227 Design Recommendations 236 1.39 Assessment of the Preliminary Design Recommendations 236 1.40 Design Recommendations for Future Experimental Study 239 1.40.1 Design Recommendations for the Steel Columns 239 1.40.2 Design Recommendations for the Steel Beams 241 1.40.3 Design Recommendations for the Partially-Restrained Connections 241 1.40.4 Design Recommendations for the Reinforced Concrete ix Infill Walls 243 1.40.5 Design Recommendations for the Headed Stud Connectors 244 1.41 Estimating the Strength of the Partially-Restrained Connections Conclusions 246 252 1.42 Summary of Experimental Program 252 1.43 Observations from Experimental Results 253 1.43.1 Global Behavior 253 1.43.2 Local Response of the Steel Frame and the Reinforced Concrete Infill Walls 254 1.43.3 Behavior of the Interface Headed Stud Connectors 255 1.44 Observations from Plastic Mechanism Analysis and Finite Element Analysis 256 1.45 Conclusions on the SRCW System 257 1.46 Recommendations 258 1.46.1 Design 258 1.46.2 Research 259 Appendix 260 A Design of the Partially-Restrained Connections in the Specimen 260 B Documentation of Instrument Readings 270 B.1 Column Strain Gages 271 B.2 Slip and Separation LVDTs 280 B.3 Stud Strain Gages 304 B.4 Top and Seat Angle Strain Gages 316 C Calculation of the Internal Forces in the Steel Columns References 321 325 x