Weston-super-Mare Town Council

Community Services Minutes 14.06.10
Meeting Commenced: 7.00 p.m.
Meeting Concluded: 8.55 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillors Canniford, Cleland, Hitchins, Mrs. Holder, Mrs. Parry, Porter,
Mrs. Priestman Mrs. Warwick, Webb and Mrs. Willis.
IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors Ley-Morgan and Darke, Malcolm Nicholson (Town
Clerk), Samantha Middlemiss (Committee Officer), Helen Morton (Finance Assistant),
Paul McEerlean (Head Groundsman) Jo Williams (Temporary Community & Leisure
Officer), Kevin Lilwall (Manager of Barcode Youth Café) and George Raines (Allotment
Election of Chairman
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
SECONDED BY: Councillor Hitchins
RESOLVED: That Councillor Porter be elected Chairman of the
Community Services Committee.
Election of Vice Chairman
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Hitchins
SECONDED BY: Councillor Webb
RESOLVED: That Councillor Mrs. Priestman be elected Vice Chairman of
the Community Services Committee.
Apologies for Absence
Received from Councillors Havill and Mrs. Howell.
Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest received.
Minutes of the previous Community
Meeting held on the 6th April 2010
An update on the Probation Service was requested.
The Committee were informed that Councillor Porter had met with a
representative of the Probation Service and that he would pass details of the
contact on to the Town Clerk to liaise further.
An update on the proposed noticeboard at Worle High Street was requested.
Community Services Minutes 14.06.10
The Community and Leisure Officer informed that she had met with the
Manager of the Co-op and that the location had been agreed. A phone call
was awaited from North Somerset Council for confirmation.
Minute number 13 of the minutes read ‘Town Councillor’ this should read
‘Town Council’.
It was noted that minute number 13.2 of the minutes ‘People Millions
application’ had been submitted.
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs. Willis
RESOLVED: That the Minutes be accepted and signed as a true record.
Notes of the Weston in Bloom Meetings:
 Notes of 30th March 2010 and 27th April 2010 (previously circulated)
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs. Willis
SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
RESOLVED: That the Notes be received.
Bournville Allotment Site
The Chairman invited the Chairman of the Allotment Management Sub
Committee to address the Committee.
The Chairman thanked Councillor Webb for his help with the actioning of
the project and advised the Committee that the site was very near
completion. It had taken just under three months to achieve, with a total
expenditure of approximately £3,000.
In clearing the site a lot of rubbish was accumulated, and after seeking quotes
for its removal, from local companies, it was deemed too expensive. After
carrying out a risk assessment with the Town Clerk, the Chairman,
accompanied by the Senior Groundsman, supervised the burning of the
Five loads of corrugated metal were removed from the site and sought
£126.50 in cash, in exchange for scrap metal.
Two water tanks and two gates had been installed on the site and Mr. George
Raines (Allotment Club) had kindly marked out 60/70 allotment plots on the
site. Bearing in mind that it had been agreed that the Healthy Living Centre
were to be allocated plots for a project.
The Town Clerk advised the Committee that this had been agreed in
principal to allocate plots to the Healthy Living Centre, however, this had
not been formalised and required confirmation.
Community Services Minutes 14.06.10
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Webb
SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
1 That the Management of the Bournville Allotment Site be devolved to the
Allotment Club.
2 That the Town Clerk and Councillor Mrs. Willis liaise to discuss the
contract between the Town Council and the Healthy Living Centre, before
her meeting on Thursday 17th June 2010.
3 That the Town Clerk, Chairman of the Allotment Management Sub
Committee and George Raines liaise and meet with the Healthy Living
Centre, to formalise a contract for leasing 5/6 plots on the Bournville
Allotment Site, stipulating that the contract would be between the Healthy
Living Centre and the Allotment Club.
The Chairman thanked the Chairman of the Allotment Management Sub
Committee, and all who were involved in preparing the site for use.
Grant Applications
The Finance Assistant’s report had been previously circulated with the
The following resolutions were agreed:
Mead Vale & Community District Community Association
Councillors considered that this application duplicated existing services.
RESOLVED: That this application refused.
The Notable Club
Councillors considered that there was no clear need for this application.
RESOLVED: That this application refused.
Weston Arts Festival
Councillor Mrs. Priestman declared a personal Interest as she sat on the panel.
RESOLVED: That this application be awarded £100.00.
Multicultural Friendship Association
RESOLVED: That this application be awarded £100.00 as a start up fee.
Weston-super-Mare Film Society
Community Services Minutes 14.06.10
Councillors considered that this society were already subsidised by the Town
Council, by receiving 20% discount for hiring the Blakehay Theatre.
RESOLVED: That this application be refused.
International Helidays
Councillors felt that as no account details had been submitted.
RESOLVED: To defer consideration of the item for further information.
Councillors requested that the Finance Assistant when writing to inform
Helidays of the Committee’s decision, ask if the Town Council could receive
some complimentary tickets to the event this year.
Community and Leisure
The Community and Leisure Officer’s report had been previously circulated
with the agenda.
The Community and Leisure Officer reported that further sponsorship for
the Community Show had been received from Drive Vauxhall. An advert
was going into the Weston & Somerset Mercury this week and next week and
a banner would be situated on the Italian Gardens.
The Town Clerk requested support from Councillors for the event.
The Chairman thanked the Community & Leisure Officer and all other
officers who had been involved in the organising of the event so far.
Councillors asked for an update on the Worle Traders community event. The
Community and Leisure Officer advised that the event was to be held on 21st
August and that confirmation was awaited to use Worle Recreation Ground
to host the event.
1 That the Community and Leisure Officer would need to check the football
fixtures, for 21st August before Worle Recreation Ground could be
confirmed as the venue.
2 That Worle Traders needed to be reminded that they had an outstanding
invoice for £1,200.00 for the Christmas Lights.
Dog Bins
The Committee Officer’s report had been previously circulated with the
Debate ensued over the Dog Bin budgets.
It was highlighted that no more bins could be added to the maintenance
contract as this would result in the empting budget, being over budget.
Community Services Minutes 14.06.10
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Canniford
SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs. Holder
1 That two dog bins be purchased from the dog bin purchasing budget.
2 That money for the emptying of these two bins over the period of the
current financial year be vired from the Dog Bin Purchasing budget to the
Dog Bin Emptying budget.
3 That the two bins be situated along the public footpath that runs through
the Priory School playing field.
Councillor Ley-Morgan left the meeting at 8.20 p.m.
Park Place Water Play Area
The Development Officer’s report had been previously circulated with the
agenda and a supplementary report was available at the meeting.
Debate ensued over the possibilities of handling the matter of the height
difference in the wall and the wall that was in need of repair.
It was suggested that any Councillor who wanted to visit the site to see the
arising problems with the wall, consult Councillor Priestman and she would
make arrangements with the Development Officer to organise A site visit.
RESOLVED: That the matter needed to be further investigated by the
Town Clerk.
Barcode Activity and Events
a) To receive a verbal report from the Chairman of the Barcode
Management Sub Committee
In the absence of the Chairman of the Barcode Management Sub
Committee, the Manager of Barcode Youth Café gave a brief report of
the recent business of Barcode:
Monday nights with Brandon Trust were proving very popular
Barcode had set up a choir with funds received via an application to ‘Find
Your Talent’. They practiced on a Sunday and will be performing at the
Community Show.
The end of the month, themed parties were working well which the
young people were involved in organising.
Work had gone in to targeting specific age groups with events/activities
and liaisons with the YMCA had been undertaken to avoid duplication of
similar events.
Community Services Minutes 14.06.10
Letters seeking sponsorship, to 130 businesses had been sent out and the
application to Children In Need was nearly ready for submission.
Councillor Mrs. Warwick informed that the last few Barcode
Management Sub Committee meetings had, had to be cancelled, due to
being in quorate. This was disappointing and it was highlighted that
recognition was due to the Barcode Manager considering the lack of
An idea was brought to the Committee’s attention by a Councillor that
the Town Council could charge businesses to advertise on or set up a link
from the Town Council’s website to generate some income.
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs. Willis
104.1.1 1 That a Working Party be set up to look at the Town Council’s business
concerns for this current financial year e.g. Barcode and the Blakehay, to
report back to the Community Services Committee.
104.1.2 2 To explore the idea of local businesses advertising on or setting up a link
from the Town Council’s website.
b) To receive the Development Officer’s grant and sponsorship report
(previously circulated).
RESOLVED: That the Development Officer’s grant and sponsorship
report be approved.
Friends of the Milton Road Cemetery Heritage Project
The Development Officer’s report had been previously circulated with the
The Town Clerk updated the Committee and informed, that the work
needed to be started by August, otherwise the grant funding would be lost.
Councillors asked to check that the planning application for the project had
been submitted.
1 That the Town Clerk and Development Officer would endeavour to get
the work started on the project.
2 That the Town Clerk would check that the planning application had been
submitted for the project.
Armed Forces Day
The Town Mayor addressed the Committee and reported that:
Community Services Minutes 14.06.10
Councillor’s support at the Armed Forces Day event and at the Heroes
Welcome would be much appreciated.
The young lady who designed the poster for Armed Forces Day would be
presented with a framed poster and prize money at the Heroes welcome on
Saturday 19th June 2010.
The Heroes welcome had received an extra £100.00 in sponsorship, so the
event would be at no cost to the Town Council.
Confirmation had been received that all the Air assets assigned for the
National Armed Forces Day in Cardiff, including the Red Arrows, would be
flying over the beach lawns from approximately 5.05pm until 5.20pm on
Saturday 26th June.
Commissioned Officers from every branch of the armed forces would be
representing at the Armed Forces Day event.
The BBC have been contacted and would be present on the Saturday, the
overall support and enthusiasm for the event was huge.
To resolve under the Public Bodies (Admissions of Meeting) Act 1960 to exclude the
public and press for the following item by reasons of the confidential nature of the business.
Park Place – Kiosk
The Town Clerk’s report had been previously circulated with the agenda.
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
SECONDED BY: Councillor Hitchins
RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk’s report be approved.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at
8.55 p.m.