MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON WEDNESDAY 12 TH JANUARY 2011 AT 7.00PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, SIMPSON CENTRE, STOTFOLD Committee Members: A Cooper (Chairman) B Collier S Hayes Also present: Mrs M Cooper Councillors Mrs Bundock and Mrs Clarey, 7 members of the electorate and the Clerk 6163. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Mrs Hyde, Mrs Lewin, Smith, Mrs Turner and Mrs Wilding. 6164. DISCLOSURE OF MEMBERS INTERESTS There were no disclosures of interests. Members were reminded that if at any time during the meeting they feel they have an interest in an item being discussed, they should declare it at that point. 6165. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND RESPONSES There were no questions from the members of public present. 6166. MATTERS ARISING None to report. 6167. CORRESPONDENCE None to report. 6168. DECISION NOTICES Members were previously circulated the list of Planning Decision Notices recently received, and it was: Resolved that the Planning Decision Notices as listed and forming part of these Minutes be noted. 6169. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Mr Mark Thomas was permitted to speak for three minutes against application CB/10/04593/FULL Parcel 3, Land South of Stotfold – Erection of 56 dwellings, roads, garages and ancillary works. Ms Caroline Philpot circulated and read out her objection letter to this Council against the same application (copy of letter on file). Members took note of Mr Thomas and Ms Philpot’s comments, considered the planning applications before them and it was: 13/01/11 1 Resolved that the comments made on the planning applications as listed and forming part of these minutes be forwarded to Central Bedfordshire Council Planning Department. 6170. APPEAL NOTIFICATION Members were asked to consider submitting additional comments to our objections previously submitted, to the Planning Inspectorate relating to the appeal by Mr McNeill – CB/10/03477/FULL, Site at 2 High Street, Stotfold, following Central Beds Planning refusal of the application. Resolved that no additional comments are to be made. 6171. ATTENDANCE AT CENTRAL BEDS DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT MEETING Resolved that Councillor Mrs Turner is asked to call in application CB/10/04593/FULL - Parcel 3, Land South of Stotfold – Erection of 56 dwellings, roads, garages and ancillary works, should the Planners be minded to approve it, and Councillor Cooper will attend the appropriate Development Management Committee Meeting at Central Bedfordshire Council on behalf of the Town Council. Members of the public present were reminded that they are permitted to attend and speak on any application considered at a Central Beds Development Management Committee meeting. 6172. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY Councillor Mrs Bundock asked whether a response had been received from Central Beds Planning regarding the large signs on the Co-op building which have been erected without planning permission. This will be checked. She also advised that there appeared to be a business being run from a private dwelling on the Land South of Stotfold development, which she believes has not applied for a change of use, and may also not be paying the appropriate Non Domestic Rates. The Clerk will look into this. There being no further relevant business the meeting was declared closed at 7.40pm CHAIRMAN 13/01/11 DATED 2