No good deed goes unpublished 1. It took a logical approach with an emotional motivation. He was wanting to tug on peoples heart strings when releasing these advertisements for fundraising. 2. To me yes, he saved the clinic and that can save many more lives. 3. It does, he risked his job for the greater good. Yes he was punished for it but in the long run he made a world of difference because of it and saved many lives. Maximizing Happiness and reducing suffering 1. He was using money to maximize peoples training, which ultimately would save peoples lives. 2. Yes he satisfied the board because he gave a solution with money, and a practical application that will help change the face of the hospital for years to come. Duty compromise patient care 1. 2. I think that in time duty should be able to be trumped by good or right things. In this case it was definitely justified. 2. 1. The long term effect could be that many employees will seek to get treated there. Bad outcomes good intentions 1. I think that the theory does apply to this case because there was no bad intentions or malicious intent behind it. It was an emergency and a mistake happened. 2. Why did no one take the time to double check everything, even a quick glance takes a second. Spouses grief 1. No, I do not agree that he kept the information from her. That is horrible and should be illegal, he had no right to keep that from her. 2. yes , daniel was not his patient, annie was. The doctor has an obligation to inform his patient of what they found and options to treat. Courage and forgiveness 1.