Name ____________ US II Date ______ 1920s Project: Creating a 1920's Magazine (50 points) Due: _________________- at the beginning of the period! Your job is to create a magazine covering aspects of culture, politics, arts, music, lifestyles and the like from the 1920's. You will create this magazine in a group of four, each person working to create a product that is reflective of the time period. Your magazine should be reflective of the 1920's as much as possible. In the course of your project, you will mimic a magazine's content and style, making a 1920's edition that is reflective of that magazine's format. Step One: Choose a Magazine- You will choose a magazine format which you will imitate. After analyzing the current magazine's format and describing the relevant style and content of the magazine's creators + the typical reader, you will create a magazine that mimics that format. The magazines you can choose from are (most of these magazines did not exist in the 1920's, but we are more concerned with their format): 1. Time (Weekly news magazine) 2. Sports Illustrated (Weekly sports news magazine) 3. Vogue (Fashion & Lifestyle magazine) 4. Rolling Stone (Politics & Popular Culture) Step Two: You will create a magazine with the following components according to the format of the magazine type you chose above: 1. Cover Page (Lead story, picture, title of magazine, editors/contributors, & date) 2. Table of Contents (this has to be created last) 3. Three-five feature or news articles (There should be as many articles as there are people in your group). Articles must be written as if they could be in your model magazine during the 1920's (e.g. in a 1920's issue of Time). Each group member is responsible for 1 article. The articles can be about any significant event, trend or development during the 1920's. - Articles should be typed in column format, like a newspaper or magazine - The page on which your article is written should be in magazine format; that is, no large expanses of blank paper. You might wrap the article around a picture or an advertisement. -Your articles must correspond to the date of your magazine and have some perspective of time. For instance, if your magazine is written in 1927, you cannot write about the stock market crash of 1929, and any articles about Babe Ruth must either be about the glorious 1927 season or retrospectives about his still vibrant career. - BIBLIOGRAPHY: Include a properly formatted bibliography at the end of your article. For each article, you must use at least two sources of information (Can include- textbook; CANNOT include wikipedia) 4. Three-Five supplementary pieces to the magazine. Each group member is responsible for one of supplementary piece. No group can produce more than two of the same type of supplementary piece. These items should be original creations – not a print out from the web or a copy of something you have seen in your research. They should combine your historical knowledge with your imagination. Each should be tailored to your magazine's audience). Supplementary piece can correspond to your article or can be completely separate. -A graphic (map, chart, etc. with contextual explanation of at least 150 words) - Advertisement (by private organizations or the government) You may copy images but you must create the text yourself. The ads must suit the audience of the magazine and be a popular product of the era. - Letter to the Editor - on a current controversial issue - Political Cartoon (must be created, not copied) 5. GRAMMAR and SENTENCE STRUCUTRE COUNT! Step Three- Turn in magazine, completely assembled at the beginning of the period. Paper clip rubrics for all group members to the back of magazine. Make sure that your name, article title, and supplementary piece title are recorded on the rubric. Expectations: 1. Accuracy in reporting. 2. Accounts that are rich in detail, factual evidence, and that are interesting to read. The person who reads your magazine should learn much about the era! 3. Each group member will fulfill his/her responsibility 4. Imagination and creativity, both in writing and presentation 5. Well-written articles including proper grammar and spelling. Use rich details in a logical order. 6. A neat, professional, aesthetically pleasing magazine that is consistent with the model magazine you have chosen. If I were from the target audience would I pick it off the shelf in the 1920's? By _________ : Ideas for articles & supplementary material must be handed in. Rubric Name ___________________ Feature Article Title _______________________ Supplementary Piece _____________________ GROUP GRADE (20 points) Cover Page (15 points) _________ Does cover page include all required elements? Does the image on the cover reflect an article in the magazine? Does the image on the cover reflect the magazine’s theme? Is cover creative? Table of Contents (5 points) _________ Does table of contents accurately represent content of magazine? Is there some type of creativity to presentation of Table of Contents? INDIVIDUAL GRADE (55 points) Feature Article (35 points) _________ Article uses all grammatical conventions Article deals with an event appropriate to your magazine and year chosen Article is well researched and contains appropriate facts Article contains MLA bibliography at the very end Article is creatively and neatly presented Article contains some type of visual Supplementary Piece (20 points) __________ Supplementary Piece corresponds accurately to magazine and year chosen Supplementary Piece is neatly and creatively presented Supplementary Piece is original but accurate Rubric Name ___________________ Feature Article Title _______________________ Supplementary Piece _____________________ GROUP GRADE (20 points) Cover Page (15 points) _________ Does cover page include all required elements? Does the image on the cover reflect an article in the magazine? Does the image on the cover reflect the magazine’s theme? Is cover creative? Table of Contents (5 points) _________ Does table of contents accurately represent content of magazine? Is there some type of creativity to presentation of Table of Contents? INDIVIDUAL GRADE (55 points) Feature Article (35 points) _________ Article uses all grammatical conventions Article deals with an event appropriate to your magazine and year chosen Article is well researched and contains appropriate facts Article contains MLA bibliography at the very end Article is creatively and neatly presented Article contains some type of visual Supplementary Piece (20 points) __________ Supplementary Piece corresponds accurately to magazine and year chosen Supplementary Piece is neatly and creatively presented Supplementary Piece is original but accurate