Unit 7, Lesson 2 Pages 430-443 in textbook 1/9(B) & 1/16(A) Musculoskeletal System Bones & Cartilage Types of connective tissue o Bone – ________________________________ o _________________________- soft and flexible Functions of Bones: 1) Serve as site for muscles to attach to move body parts 2) Give body its shape and ___________________________ 3) ________________delicate structures such as heart, lungs, spinal cord and brain 4) Serve as storage place for _____________________________________ 5) Produce red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in ______________ Bone structure 1. _______________________________- osteocytes trapped in small cavities in bone structure 2. Connective tissue fibers - made off protein- __________________ 3. Inorganic compounds- calcium and phosphorus 4. Haversian Canal- cavity in bone that contains blood vessels and nerves that ____________________________________________ 5. Periosteum- outer covering of bone that is ___________________ ______________________________________ ** muscles attach here too** Bone is constantly being broken down and rebuilt o ____________________________ build new cells by secreting collagen protein , then ____________________________________ forms on the fibers to form hard, heavy bone o Osteoclasts _________________________________________________ release calcium and phosphorus Bone tissue types 1. Compact bone- _____________________________________________ 2. Spongy Bone- very ________________ (full of holes)- marrow fills holes Bone Marrow Types 1. __________________________ Found: in spongy bones of vertebrae, ribs, cranium and tips of long bones or arms and legs Function: _______________________________________________ and some white blood cells 2. Yellow Marrow found in ________________________________________________ made of fat cells Cartilage connective tissue that bends easily gives support and ________________________________________ _____________________________ and pressure Found in: Embryos- most of skeleton begins as cartilage then becomes bone Ossification_____________________________________________ Children- more cartilage than adults therefore their bones are more elastic and not as easily broken Adults- ____________________________________________, around joints ***************************************************************************** Skeletal System Total # of bones: ___________________ 2 Main Parts: ____________ skeleton- _____________- cranium and facial and jaw bones (mandible) _________________- vertebrae with cartilage discs in between to cushion, ribs and sternum (breastbone) Appendicular Skeleton – _____________________________________ Pectoral girdle- Shoulder blades (scapula) and collar bones (clavicle) ____________________- hip bones Joints point where ______________________________________ Held together by __________________________________ (tough fibrous bands of connective tissue) Joint Types: Immovable- cranium (tightly fitted) Movable1. _________________- Back & Forth motion (knee & elbow) 2. Ball & Socket- move in all directions, ball shaped fit into a cuplike space (shoulder & hip) 3. _____________- side to side & up and down motion (base of skull) 4. Gliding- some bending and twisting movement (____________________________________) *************************************************************** MUSCLES Types: 1) _________________________ Muscle- used in locomotion and in all voluntary movement Cells fuse together to form fibers o bundles of fibers bind together to form muscles ___________________ appearance- striped with light & dark bands, shows overlapping fibers Fibers made up of thin filaments called Actin & Myosin o Filaments ____________________________________________to contract (shorten) and relax (lengthen) Connected by _______________________________to bones Muscles pull bones when they contract (shorten)** cannot push** ______________________________________________ to each other: o As one muscle contracts (shortens) the ___________________________________________ (lengthens) o Example- Biceps (flexor bends a joint) and triceps (extensor extends or straightens a joint) in the arm o Unique to Skeletal Muscle: o __________________________________________________ unlike smooth muscles 2) Smooth Muscle- ________________________________ muscle Found: in ________________________________________________, diaphragm and some other internal organs Appearance: o Long, overlapping sheets of cells o ___________________________________________ (no bands) Unique to Smooth Muscle: ___________________________________ ________________________________________ 3) _____________________________ muscle- found in heart only Appearance: __________________________________________ of muscle cells with a single nucleus in each _____________________________ muscle Unique to Cardiac Muscle: Built-in ability to contract ___________________________________ Muscles _________________________________________________ (heartbeat)different than skeletal