2014-2015 PARENT HANDBOOK Good Shepherd PRESCHOOL 4700 VANCE AVENUE FORT WAYNE, IN 46815 483-6454 www.fwgoodshepherd.org/education Updated June 2014 Parent Handbook 1 Dear Parents, Good Shepherd welcomes you to our Preschool. We feel that the school is an incredible asset to our church programming as well as a wonderful outreach to the community. We strive to offer the best possible program and are well pleased with the kind, loving, caring and qualified staff that we have and we hope that you are too. As a church we would like to invite you to attend the programs of the church such as Worship, Sunday school, or seasonal programs such as Vacation or Christmas Bible School. All of our programs are open to the public and we like to think of the Preschool parents as “family”. As you walk through the hallways or wait in the Lobby, you will see posters, flyers or brochures as they relate to these programs. Please feel free to inquire of any programs that seems of interest to you. Our church staff is more than happy to answer your questions about the programs offered. Also, on occasion when the program is of specific interest to children or their parents, you may receive a church flyer in your child’s book bag as a way of letting you know you are invited to participate. Lastly, thank you for placing your trust in us; we are honored to work with you and your children. We have a variety of unobtrusive ways that we can meet your needs as well. If you would like us to pray for you, or if you need to speak with a Pastor, please call and let us know, we’re here to help. Again, thank you for considering Good Shepherd Preschool; we are glad that you’re here. In Christ’s Service, Deb Miteff Education Coordinator Parent Handbook 2 CONTENTS Welcome School directory Relationship with Church Philosophy Preschool Session School Closings Confidentiality… Fees and Payments … Carline/walk in procedure Communication Illness and injury Required forms Supplies Clothing and Potty Training Discipline Policy Snacks Parent Volunteers Extended Care Lunch guidelines Emergencies Parent Handbook pg. 1 pg. 4 pg. 5 pg. 6 pg. 7 pg. 9 pg. 11 pg. 10 pg. 12&13 pg. 14 pg. 15 pg. 16 pg. 18 pg. 19 pg. 21 pg. 22 pg. 23 pg. 25 pg. 27 pg. 28 3 Good Shepherd Preschool 4700 Vance Avenue Fort Wayne, IN 46815 260-483-6454 260-484-7415 fax Preschool Director…...Missy Aerts maerts@fwgoodshepherd.org Assistant Director (finance and tuition)…………….….Jenni McQueen Jmcqueen@fwgoodshepherd.org Pastor Craig Duke cduke@fwgoodshepherd.org..............................483-8816 Deb Miteff Education Coordinator damiteff@fwgoodshepehrd.org.........................…… 483-8816 Financial Statements are mailed through a gmail account. Please add that account to your address book to insure your statements do not go to your junk or spam folders: Goodshepherdpreschoolfortw@gmail.com Parent Handbook 4 COOPERATING WITH THE CHURCH Good Shepherd Preschool is a ministry of Good Shepherd United Methodist Church for the benefit of the community. As a ministry of the church, the preschool is governed by a committee comprised of parents both members and non-members of the church. The committee is then under the authority of the Administrative Council of the church. Good Shepherd is a very busy facility with many members and an amazing amount of activity. As our school ministry works in harmony with other ministries of the church, there will be occasions when our schedule or procedures will need to be interrupted or amended for special events, programs or funerals at the church. You, as parents, will be given as much notice as possible when these things happen and we seek your cooperation and flexibility at those times. Preschool committee: The Preschool Committee is considered an integral part of the mission and program of the church. It is offered as both a service and responsibility to the church and community. The program and staff of the preschool is a ministry of the church and follow policies and practices prescribed in the United Methodist Book of Discipline, those required by the State to be a Registered Ministry, VCP, Paths to Quality and those adopted by the Administrative Council of the Good Shepherd United Methodist Church. Committee members are accepted through a nomination process, those who may be interested in serving on the committee may sign up on the volunteer form given out at parent orientation. The responsibilities of the preschool committee shall be, but not limited to: * Determine the Preschool’s mission and purpose. * Establish policy as needed * Act as a liaison between the Preschool program and the Administrative Council of the church. * Set policy as they relate to benefits, number of classes, student/teacher ratio, tuition rates, hiring and termination of the director (with cooperation from Staff/Parish) and approval of an annual budget prepared by the director and financial officer in cooperation with the Finance Committee. * Assist with annual registrations and special events. * Have a sub-committee responsible for fund-raising. * Support the staff. * Secure new committee members as needed by making recommendations to the Nominations Committee of the church. Parent Handbook 5 OUR PHILOSOPHY Our goal is to provide a Christian environment of loving, caring, forgiving, and accepting, and in so doing, help the child to grow in his/her attitudes about him/herself, others and the world; in independence; in self-discipline; in spirituality and in responsibility. Our staff will strive to encourage each child in his/her social, emotional, physical, spiritual and cognitive development By providing a variety of age-appropriate activities, teachers will help children grow in the skills of thinking, listening, communicating, and small and large motor movement. Throughout all activities will be the furtherance of social/emotional growth through encouragement, cooperation, experience, and enjoyment We do not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, language, socio-economic status or family structure in the administration of our educational policies, programs, activities, and employment. *Pictures taken during preschool and preschool related activities may be used in Good Shepherd publicity. Parent Handbook 6 The Preschool Session Each Preschool session is 2 1/2 hours in length. Although the schedule varies somewhat from classroom to classroom, depending on age, each session includes group time, free choice time, large and small motor play, outside time, snack and cleanup. We also offer a separate gym and music class for each group weekly. Each classroom is staffed with a well-trained caring teacher. The student/teacher ratio is kept within our regulatory requirements. Usually there will be one teacher to every 10-12 children in classrooms for ages 3 to 5 years. The staff/child ratio in the 2/3 year old room will be one teacher for each 5-6 children. Your child’s school session will begin with a special greeting from the teacher at the door, making each child feel special and welcomed. Teachers will be aware of individual needs and interests of each child throughout the school year and offer appropriate support and resources when possible. Organized group activities will include body movement games and exercises, and a time to devote to stories, songs/music, fingerplays, weather observance, and the theme for the month. Older children will be exposed to letter and number recognition. Motor perception and music teachers meet with each class weekly for special emphasis in those areas. This is a time when each child begins to feel part of a group and is encouraged to share his or her feelings and ideas. All groups will have snack time, with the children participating in bringing the snack. Special visitors and in house field trips will supplement the school program. A part of each school session will be devoted to “free play”, the work of young children. Children will have access to blocks, books, housekeeping, easel painting, play dough, creative art (“open-ended” art, rather than “copy art” or crafts) and cooking, puzzles, educational games, water play, and sand play on a regular basis. Books, manipulatives, and cognitive materials will be presented daily to encourage the development of number concepts, shapes and colors, awareness of nature, and growth in language skills. Special events during the year include our Christmas program, Spring Program, Halloween Parade, Thanksgiving Feast and Art Show. Parent Orientation A parent orientation meeting will be held before school starts on a date determined by the Director. Letters will be sent to all parents of enrolled students, in late July or early August, outlining times and dates of the meeting. This meeting is strongly recommended. Parents will receive their child’s paperwork and the Director will go over procedures of the school. During the orientation you will also set a date for your meet the teacher time and parent/teacher conference times. Your meet the teacher meeting is a time for you and your preschooler to meet the teacher one on one and see the classroom without all the other students. This is the time for you to explain any allergies or medical conditions concerning your child and to learn more about the Preschool. Please understand that parent teacher meetings run on a tight schedule which we have to adhere to in order to be fair to all parties. If you feel that you need more one on one time with a teacher that can be arranged for a later date. Parent Handbook 7 THE CLASSROOM Good Shepherd offers growth for the young child based on developmental norms for each age group. All aspects of the classrooms are geared to the age of the children. Chairs, tables, and sinks are child-sized, and toys and manipulatives are arranged within easy reach of the children. Space is arranged to accommodate a variety of activities: the interest centers where children can freely explore and play alone or with a friend, the housekeeping area where small groups engage in social role playing, and the group area where there is space for whole-class participation. In order to establish bonds between teacher, student and parent, as much as possible children will stay with the same teacher throughout the entire school year Sept-May Program information will be provided to families in English. If the program becomes aware of the need for information to be in other languages every effort will be made to provide interpretation. Open-door Policy Parents are encouraged to observe and/or participate in the classroom experience if they choose to do so. We do ask that you speak with the teacher prior to the visit to learn what activities you may be observing that day. Parents visiting the classroom are considered visitors and will not be given supervisory responsibilities of any children. It is our goal to make sure families have a wonderful preschool experience so our door is always open to any and all concerns. Parents are also encouraged to bring all concerns involving the preschool, your child’s behavior, assessments, billing or financial problems, problems with a teacher, to the Preschool Director. The Director will listen, investigate the concern when necessary and try to come to a conclusion that is suitable to all parties. Please understand that although we want to meet the needs of everyone, we are not able to make decisions to benefit one family only. Any time a parent feels that a satisfactory conclusion has not been reached, we encourage them to take their concerns to the Education Coordinator of the church. If the Education Coordinator cannot come to a satisfactory conclusion, the problem will be taken to the Senior Pastor. Please call 483-6454 or e-mail Missy Aerts at maerts@fwgoodshepherd.org with any questions or concerns. New Students There are several forms and policies that must be conveyed when a new child is admitted to the program. We will require all forms to be completed and returned to the office for processing BEFORE a child can be admitted to the program. Although not often, we can require up to a 2 day processing period for us to enter the student in the computer, provide the parent with the sign in and out code and to set up the student files and notify the teachers of a new student. This time is expedited when the parents provide all necessary forms completed. If forms are completed for the school year, they will be able to be used for the summer program as well, but all new forms are needed at the beginning of each school year. Details on the appropriate paperwork and additional requirements or responsibilities are listed within this handbook. Please take the time to go over it. Parent Handbook 8 SCHOOL CLOSINGS Good Shepherd Preschool will be closed only if the weather deems necessary. This is a difficult decision to make and is always made in the best judgment for the children. You will find the most current and up to date information on the preschool website www.fwgoodshepherd.org Please listen to the radio channels or television channels between 6:00- 8:00 AM and 11:00-12:15 PM for GOOD SHEPHERD PRESCHOOL FW. If the morning session is canceled then the afternoon session is automatically canceled. Occasionally there may be a need to cancel an afternoon session even though the morning session was not canceled due to bad weather during the morning. *If classes are cancelled, then any scheduled evening programs, such as Father’s Night or Mother’s Night, are also cancelled and will be rescheduled if possible. We have added a few scheduled make up days that will be used for professional development time for the staff if we do not use them as make up days. These dates are April 6-7th. If we close more than 3 days prior to those dates we will use one or both of them as make up days. SPECIAL NOTE FOR EXTENDED CARE: Extended care will not close for weather UNLESS there is a orange (watch) travel advisory issued by Indiana department of travel Parents must make the judgment on driving conditions when bringing their child to school during inclimate weather. Again, the website is the best resource for accurate and up to date information. REGISTRATION All students must be registered and the registration fee paid to reserve the spot in the school. Registration fees are non-refundable and are not counted toward tuition or extended care fees. There is a registration fee for the school year for both Preschool and Extended Care and there is an additional registration fee for those that take advantage of the summer program. Registration occurs on an annual basis and you must re-register for each consecutive school year. Parent Handbook 9 PRESCHOOL TUITION AND FEES Preschool Tuition fees are based on an annual tuition figure and are broken down into nine monthly payments, September through May. Every effort must be made to keep your tuition payments current. (all fees are outlined in our brochure). Payments can be made in Cash or checks payable to: Good Shepherd Preschool. Tuition payments can be dropped in the box outside of the office, mailed or sent in your child’s book-bag. We also have electronic ability to accept credit card, ACH , debit and on line payments. If you choose these options, you will be assessed an additional fee equivalent to 3% of the bill for each transaction. This fee is charged at the time of the transaction. To insure that we are being good stewards of the resources we have and to insure the budget to properly compensate our teachers and staff, we will strictly enforce the following payment policy. Tuition payments are due on the 1st of the month. The 1st through the 15th are the grace period for tuition payment. On the 15th of the month, a late fee of $25 will be charged. If payment is not received by the 15th of the month, you must provide the Director or Finance Assistant Director a payment plan that will provide for full payment before the next month’s tuition is due. If full payment is not received by the 30th of the month, the account will be considered delinquent and the child will not be able to return to school unless the account is current or a payment plan is set up and strictly adhered to. After 60 days in delinquent status, the account will be turned into the collection agency. Should that happen, you are responsible for collections/attorney fees if incurred. Good Shepherd Preschool offers a 10% discount on tuition when paying for the entire 9 months in advance with cash or check and a 7% discount on tuition paid with credit card for the entire 9 months in advance. Payment must be received by August 22nd. Persons who are behind in tuition or extended care fees will not be allowed to: *Register in February for the next school year. *Participate in the Summer Extended care program if behind in the school year tuition *Return to school in the fall if not current with Summer Extended care fees. Extended Care has a separate fee structure outlined in the Extended Care section pg. 24. For extreme circumstances and when funds are available. A Preschool assistance fund has been established to help families currently enrolled in Good Shepherd Preschool, who are experiencing temporary, unexpected financial difficulties. The goal is to ensure that a student would not have to withdraw from the program due to short term financial hardship of the parents. There is a procedure and guidelines to use the assistance program available through the Assistant Director of Finance. Donations to the fund are accepted at any time. Parent Handbook 10 Tax Statements Tax statements will be made available upon request. We must have a minimum of 24 hours’ notice. Tax statements will have only the amount actually paid in the previous year not the amount owed. Confidentiality Policy Good Shepherd Preschool would like to assure you that all children’s records are kept confidential. Personal records, health records and financial records are kept under lock and key and available to only the Director and Asst. Directors. Conversations about children are kept confidential between the director and parent, teacher and parent or teacher and director depending on the specific circumstance. Assessments of the children are kept in a locked area and only the teacher and the director have access to these documents. Health documents and documents required by our State regulatory authorities are made available to the state as needed and upon request. The Preschool will provide information and support to only those people that are legally responsible for the care and well-being of a child. In the case of divorce all information will be given to all parents with legal rights. The Preschool will not act as an intermediary between the parents nor will it interpret legal documentation. In the case of joint custody both parents will be given the same access to the child’s records and two sets of information (such as newsletters, field trip forms, parent handbooks, picture forms etc…)will be given if requested. Situations other than joint custody will be handled on a case by case basis. If parents wish information about their child, pertaining to behavior, health, or assessments to be given to anyone other than themselves ex: grandparent, therapist, or future kindergarten teacher. Written permission must be given to the preschool before information will be released. The person assigned as emergency contact, on the emergency card, is considered to have permission by the parent to receive information about the child’s health. WITHDRAWALS If it is necessary to withdraw your child, from Preschool or Extended care, we require a written notice two weeks in advance. You will need to fill out a withdrawal form for record-keeping purposes. You will continue accruing tuition and extended care fees until we have a completed withdrawal form. Parent Handbook 11 ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL Children should arrive NO EARLIER than 5 minutes before their scheduled start time and be picked up promptly at the end of their session. ** If a child is not picked up by the end of carline, a late fee of $15.00 will be assessed to the parents! An additional fee of $5.00 will be charged for every additional 5 minutes that you are late in picking up your child. IMPORTANT: Children will not be dismissed to anyone except a parent or someone designated by the parents. Designated drivers must be written on your child’s emergency card or have the proper car-line number in order to take your child home. If it is necessary for someone else to pick up your child, the school must be notified in advance and that person will have to have a picture ID with them. The procedures for the arrival, departure, and transportation of children are: CAR LINE: Parents who would like to drop off their children at the door will use car line as outlined here. a. Follow the parking lot map and pull up to door # 6. b. Teachers or staff will put the children in their cars. c. Person’s picking up children must have the appropriate car-line number, be on the child’s emergency card as an approved escort, or a note or call from the parent or legal guardian giving permission for a specific person without above criteria. Escorts without the emergency card should be prepared with a picture id. Please be sure that you share this information with any persons that may be picking up your child. d. Persons driving to door # 6 will wait in line until we begin the car line process 5 minutes within the beginning or end of the school session. e. Please do not use door # 6 if you are walking in. f. It is the parent’s responsibility to insure their children are properly restrained. You should pull forward in carline just far enough to allow the next car to come forward to restrain your child. g. Carline will use this same procedure when dismissing school. WALKING IN We welcome you to walk your child into the building for the first two weeks of school. After that point carline must be used for drop off at the beginning of the preschool session. Due to persisting issues with unattended children in the narthex area, we have had stop allowing walk in students prior to class time. Special permission can be obtained by speaking to the director. This will only be granted if there is a significant reason why you cannot use car line. BUSSES Some children arrive at school by bus. Parents need to provide the bus number to the school. The school bus drivers do not leave the children until a staff member is there to take them from the bus. Once we know the bus schedules, we will be waiting at the appropriate time for your child to arrive and we will receive them from the bus. Equally, if your child is being transported from Good Shepherd to school via bus, we will help them get onto the bus at the appropriate time. It is the parent’s responsibility to work with the school transportation system to insure that a bus schedule is set up and that Good Shepherd is your child’s bus stop. Parent Handbook 12 Parent Handbook 13 Announcements and Communication Communication home and back is vitally important to the success of the program. We have several means of communication that include: Verbal: Of course, nothing replaces personal conversation and you are welcome to stop by and speak with the director and assistant directors at your convenience, or make an appointment with the Director or the teachers. We make every effort to answer the phone promptly but if we should miss you please leave a message and we will get back to you as quick as possible. If there is an emergency and you cannot reach anyone in the school please call the church office at 260-483-8816. E-mail: .At the beginning of the handbook, you will find a directory, that includes the email addresses of the director and assistant directors, Pastor and Education Coordinator. E-mail addresses of the teachers will be made available as soon as possible at the beginning of the school year. Please keep your current email on file with the office as to not miss out on any important information. Newsletter: We create a monthly newsletter containing all sorts of important information. This is sent home through the book bags and is available electronically. Website: The website: www.fwgoodshepherd.org/Preschool . On the website, you’ll find general information about the program. Church Newsletter: The church has a monthly newsletter that shares some of what’s happening at the preschool and much about the church. If you are interested in learning more about the church and the programs available, you can subscribe to the newsletter by contacting Kelley Hathaway at: khathaway@fwgoodshepherd.org. Folders: Every child should have a folder in the backpack. The teachers will use the folders to send home important papers and information for communication purposes. Please check the folder daily. Teachers check folders daily, so if you have information or tuition payments to send in with your child, you can place those in the folders as well. Community announcements. Community announcements will be posted on the bulletin board outside of the office. These could include super-shot location and times, FWCS and other school registration dates and times, classes available for children and/or their parents and community activities that would be of interest to parents of preschoolers. ATTENDANCE Please remember that good attendance is important. This will help start your child on a path of regular attendance for later years in school. Children of this young age sometimes are reluctant to come to school; there are valid reasons for this, separation anxiety, imagined fears about school, and many others. We will work with you and your child to alleviate their fears and concerns. Just let us know that the reluctance exists and we will work together to bring your child into school happily. While we do not have a mandatory call-in policy when your child misses school, we do appreciate hearing from you if your child is unable to attend. Once you have teachers e-mail addresses, you can e-mail them directly, but if you like, you can certainly call the office and we’ll convey the information to the teacher. Please let us know of any prolonged absence. Parent Handbook 14 ILLNESS/INJURY GUIDELINES Parents need to have a back-up plan for care in place, in the event of their child’s illness or the Preschool’s inability to care for children. It is not always an easy task to decide when your child is ill enough to be kept at home. For the health and well-being of the children, the Director will have final say if a child must stay home or be sent home based on guidelines as established and conveyed here and by the American Pediatrics Association. In the event that the parent disagrees with the Directors decision, a Doctor’s note will be required to admit the child to the school. These guidelines will help you make the decision: 1. Colds - This is probably the hardest illness to decide. A mild cough or occasional runny nose is not cause to withhold a child from school, unless it is obvious that the child is really not feeling up to attending. However, a non-stop runny nose, or hacky, consistent cough should keep a child home from school. The child probably would feel uncomfortable and very tired in a group of children, and pass many germs along. 2. Fever - The child should be free from fever of 100 degrees or more for 24 hours before returning to school. 3. Vomit- The child must be free from vomiting for 24 hours before returning to school. 4. Pink eye- The child should have 2 sets of drops before returning to school 5. Medication - After taking antibiotics for 48 hours, providing that your child feels fine and the Doctor agrees your child may return to school. Please note: The Staff of Good Shepherd Preschool does not give medication to students attending a 2 ½ hour preschool day. Never send any medicine or tablets to school with your child to take by him/herself. * See medication policy for extended care students below. In the case of asthma, serious allergies and diabetes the director can administer medications with detailed written instructions from the parent and /or doctor. 6. Chicken Pox - All pox must be scabbed over before returning to school. 7. If a child falls ill while at school, is feverish, vomiting, or in obvious discomfort, we will phone you to take your child home. If we are unable to reach anyone at home, and child is vomiting or quite ill, your spouse or emergency contact person will be called to pick up your child. While we are waiting for you to pick up your ill child they will be removed from the classroom and made comfortable on a cot in the office so as to not infect the other children. If your child starts to complain of a headache or stomachache after getting to school we will remove them from the classroom and give them a little time to feel better if they don’t start feeling better we will call you to discuss whether your child should go home or not. The director may decide if the child is too ill to remain at school and if that decision is made a doctor’s note is required for them to remain in attendance. Parent Handbook 15 8. Accidents and Injuries: Proper documentation will be completed anytime a child is injured or becomes ill while at school, and will be sent home with the child. If needed, children will be given first aid. If further treatment is needed, we will contact the parents or emergency contact listed on the child’s information card. If deemed necessary by the Director or Administrator on duty 911 will be called and then the parents. Children that need emergency medical treatment will be taken to the nearest hospital by ambulance. From Good Shepherd that would be Parkview Hosp. on Randallia Dr. 9. Individual emergency care plans for children with known medical or developmental problems or other conditions that might require special care in an emergency will be decided on a case by case basis in cooperation with the parent, teacher, and director. This could include but not limited to; allergy, asthma, seizures, orthopedic problems, sensory problems, and other chronic conditions; that require regular medication or technological support. FORMS DUE TO COMPLETE ENROLLMENT The following forms must be completed and signed prior to the first day of school. The blank forms will be provided at orientation and should be returned at the time of your “meet the teacher” visit. There is no exception to this rule. 1. Registration/getting to know you form 2. Parent Agreement 3. Discipline policy 4. Parent notice form 5. Volunteer form 6. Safe food transportation form (even for bringing snack) 7. Registered ministry Form. 8. Receipt of Handbook form. 9. Signed Physician’s Physical is absolutely necessary and current, up to date immunizations form* All Forms MUST be turned in prior to child’s attendance! *Available Exemptions Medical & Religious A school child may not be required to undergo any immunization when the child's parent objects on religious grounds. A religious objection must be: (1) Made in writing; (2) Signed by the child's parent; and (3) Delivered to the child's teacher or to the individual who might order an immunization. Children must have an updated immunization record each year that they attend Good Shepherd. Parents must provide evidence of an appointment if deadline date cannot be met. Shots must be current in order to attend school. An under vaccinated child will be allowed to attend school with the proper documentation on file. If the Preschool staff suspects an under vaccinated child could be exposed to a vaccine preventable disease, that child will be removed from the contaminated area and the parent will be called to pick them up to prevent further exposure. Both children the “sick” and the under vaccinated will be removed to different areas until parent can pick them up. Parent Handbook 16 SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB Approximately once a month, you will receive flyers from Scholastic Book Club in which you may order children’s books. These are very good quality and may be ordered only through schools. If you would like to order, fill out the order blank completely and return with payment to your child’s teacher by the date on the form. Checks should be made payable to: Good Shepherd Preschool. Unless we are instructed to hold the book order for the parents, it will be sent home with your child in 2-4 weeks. Books can be ordered on line through Scholastics when we send home a flier. More information will come home with the first flier PARENT VOLUNTEERS We encourage all parents to become involved at Good Shepherd Preschool. We will be scheduling parents to come to the classrooms to read stories, help with art projects, etc. We also call for volunteers as needed for special projects through our newsletters. You are always welcome to visit the classrooms. Many parents visit during their child’s special week. Please arrange the time in advance with the teacher. CONFERENCES/ASSESSMENTS We will be holding parent-teacher conferences in the fall and the winter. Written assessments will be given to parents at this time. Conferences are a time for parents to help in planning and implementation of assessments. If you have any questions at other times, feel free to talk to the teachers or set up special consultations. We welcome visits and observations by parents. Please arrange the visits ahead of time to allow for the teacher to give you the time needed. Discussion pertaining to your child progress or behavior must be in a private conference, not at the door at the start of the school session. The purpose of evaluating your child for is to follow their progress and insure they are progressing at an age appropriate level. Evaluations are done through daily observations of not only academic activities but social and emotion experiences, and formal testing of fine and gross motor skills as well as academic progress. All children’s records are locked in a cabinet to maintain confidentiality. Only the teacher and director have access to your child’s assessment information. Teachers and staff are held to high confidentiality standards, which mean your child’s progress is kept completely private. Parent Handbook 17 SUPPLY LIST Book Bag –Every child needs a book bag and we provide the cubby or hook for the bag. The bag should be large enough to hold papers and will be used each day to send the children’s papers, notes, etc., home. Bring it daily and check it daily. Please do not allow personal items and papers to accumulate in the bag. This makes it very difficult for the teachers. Please label with your child’s name in a visible area on the bag. 2 Boxes of Kleenex 2 Boxes of Dixi 5oz.cups 1 Package of Napkins 1 Package of Plastic Spoons 6 Glue sticks 2 Packages of Paper Towels DONATIONS On occasion, your classroom teacher may need various donations for projects such as cooking, science, etc. The teacher will let you know in advance. We are always in need of paper towels, flour and salt, (used for play dough), glue sticks, Crayola washable markers, and 16 color Crayola watercolor paints. Children’s clothing is another thing that we accept donations of, especially clean underwear to help with both accidents and spills. We only accept Children’s clothing and if we have more than we need, we will donate it to Charis House. If you find that you have any of these items you would like to donate, please feel free to drop them off at the preschool office at your convenience. BIRTHDAY PARTIES Although birthday parties are one of the joys of childhood, this is an activity that needs to be kept separate from school. For those reasons we will follow these guidelines: 1. No invitations will be passed out by the teacher, even if it is for the entire class. 2. No groups of children will be sent home with a birthday child. 3. No gifts should be brought to school. Thanks for cooperating with us! We are happy to provide a list of addresses if you would like to mail invitations. You will only be allowed the addresses of parents that agree to have their address shared. Parent Handbook 18 CLOTHING AND OUTDOOR PLAY Children will be going outside everyday as long as the temperature is above 35 degrees. Please dress your child accordingly. When outdoor activities are not possible similar activities will be provided in the activity center with the exception of climbing equipment. Take into consideration sharp changes in temperatures in fall and spring that children should be dressed in layers. We encourage children to arrive at Preschool dressed in play clothes. Girls who choose to wear dresses should wear tights, shorts, or pants under the dress for warmth and protection from the floor and ground. Footwear that provides safety and support in their active play are best -- all-purpose gym shoes, or other tie shoes with rubber soles. Socks are required for wear with gym shoes or any shoes other than sandals. Extra clothing is kept on hand for needed changes due to spills, accidents, etc. You may wish to keep a change of clothing in your child’s bookbag so that your child would be able to change into his/her own things in the event of an accident or spill. Children in the half day preschool program are scheduled for outdoor play once everyday. Children attending the extended care program will have an opportunity to play outdoors several times per day depending on their scheduled time in the program. Playground schedules are available from the teachers or the director. During the school year September thru May parent should apply sunscreen to their child before sending them to school. Children in the summer program should have sunscreen applied before arriving at school. Teachers will apply more after lunch with written permission from a parent. Children are provided shade to play under in the form of trees and multiple portable sunshades scattered throughout the playground area. If you wish your child to be protected by bug spray you must apply it before arriving at school. Teachers will not apply bug spray. Parent Handbook 19 Good Shepherd Philosophy on Potty Training Potty Training is a critical point in a toddler’s life and usually occurs between ages 2 or 3 but can be sooner or later. It always depends on the child and their individual personalities. In our Rainbow (2/3 Yr. Olds) classes, and our PeeWee’s Extended Care classroom we are more than willing to help with this process. We will use only commercially available disposable diapers or pull-ups. We encourage any potty training that takes place at home and we will assist in continuing that at school as long as a few criteria are in place: The child must be able to communicate through words or a cue that he or she needs to use the bathroom The child must be happy to use the bathroom and not be scared or upset when entering The child shows an excitement and willingness to want to learn bathroom practices If any of these criteria are not in place then most likely the child is not ready to potty train. If that is the case we will continue to encourage and ask if the child would like to use the bathroom but we will never force a child to use the restroom that is not ready. Children that are not ready need to remain in diapers while at school until they display more enthusiasm. Please understand that some of the methods that parents use at home will not work for a daycare or school setting. We would appreciate if you would communicate with the office or teachers when preparing to potty train your child so that we are in understanding and are a helpful asset in this process. Parents must provide approved diaper and wipes for their child. Diapers will be changed for children in the 2 1/2 hour preschool program if soiled or wet. Children in the extended care wearing diapers or pull-ups will be changed every 2 hours or when soiled or wet. Diapers or pull ups will be checked after a child awakens from a nap. Diaper or soiled clothing will be changed only in approved designated areas. Potty charts will be maintained for children that are potty training. Children in our 3/4 Yr. old through 4/5 Yr. old programs, must be potty trained to attend school. We recognize that occasionally accidents happen and those will be dealt with in a kind and loving fashion. Clothing soiled by urine or feces will be immediately put into a plastic bag (without rinsing or avoidable handling) and sent home for laundering. Parent Handbook 20 DISCIPLINE POLICY It is very important a child’s development is nurtured through caring, patience and understanding. However, while caring for your children, we may have to respond to your child’s misbehavior. Hitting, kicking, spitting, hostile verbal behavior and other behaviors which will hurt another child or the teacher are not permitted. Children are disciplined in a quiet, calm manner, in the most positive way possible for the situation. In response to misbehavior, our teachers will not use: Threats or bribes Physical punishment, even if requested by the parent Deprive your child of food or other basic needs Humiliation or isolation In response to misbehavior, the teacher will: Respect your child Establish clear rules Be consistent in enforcing the rules Use positive language to explain desired behavior Speak calmly while bending down to your child’s eye level Give clear choices Redirect your child to a new activity Move your child to a time-out chair for no longer than one minute per year of your child’s age, if necessary. This is only appropriate in extreme circumstances and never for 2 year olds or younger. If your child’s behavior is very disruptive or harmful to himself or other children, it will be discussed with you privately either by the teacher, director or both. If the situation can be resolved, the child may remain enrolled. If we are unable to resolve the issue, you may be asked to make other arrangements. As a parent, you may have some concerns or wish to offer suggestions. Using the lines on the page you sign will help us and we may modify the above plan with agreed upon suggestions. Parent Handbook 21 SNACKS Parents, you will be asked to bring a snack and drink for your child’s class about once a month. A snack calendar will be sent home at the end of every month for the following month. You will also be asked to “sign –up” with your choice of snack for each month If you are unable to provide a monthly snack and would like to have your child’s name removed from the snack list please let your teacher know. Children will automatically be scheduled as close as possible to their birthdays. If your child is ill on his/her snack day, please do not feel that you must run over to school to bring the snack. However, if you have enough notice to switch with someone else in the class, you are welcome to do so. We are asking that on your child’s snack day you send in the cups, napkins, and any items necessary to serve the snack. Let your child help choose their snack. Be sure to send a snack that your child likes on his/her day! Please send NUTRITIOUS, low-sugar snacks. Send 100% fruit juice or milk. If you prefer not to send a drink, we will serve water with the snack. Snacks high in sugar or juice that is not 100% juice will be sent home. State guidelines would state that: Snacks should come from 2 different food groups. Snacks must be either whole fruits or commercially prepared packaged foods in factory sealed containers. According to state guidelines home-made foods will no longer be able to be served as snack. In accordance with state and federal guidelines we will not serve to children under 4 yrs old: hot dogs; whole or sliced into rounds, whole grapes, nuts, popcorn, raw peas, hard pretzels, spoonful’s of peanut butter, chunks of raw carrots or meat larger than can be swallowed whole. Foods should be cut into pieces no larger than 1/2” square for toddlers/twos according to each child’s swallowing capability. Please be mindful of the snack guidelines it is very upsetting to your child to have their snack sent home with their friends instead of eaten at school. If you have any questions about the right type of snack please ask your child’s teacher or stop by the office. Thank you for your help. Snack with expired dates must be discarded. Parent Handbook 22 Food Allergies Parents of children with food allergies should provide their child’s snack each day or keep a supply at the school. These snacks should be labeled with your child’s name and will be kept in a separate cupboard to avoid contact with other harmful snacks. If your child is highly allergic and even contact with a food can cause a problem your child will set at a separate table, with a teacher, away from the other children during snack. Tables and chairs will be washed and disinfected thoroughly before your child come in contact with them. All parents will be made aware of a food allergy in the classroom and we ask that you avoid sending items made with that product when possible and reasonable. The names of children with food allergies will be posted near the eating area to protect the child from contact with a problem food. The postings will act as a visual reminder to staff and substitutes that interact with the children. Parent Handbook 23 EXTENDED CARE This program is available from 7:00 to 5:30 for any child registered in the preschool’s extended care program. Fees vary per session. There are some unique things that apply only to extended care and those are listed here. Signing in: It is important that parents sign their child in and out. By signing in, you are acknowledging that your child is here and that you will pay the fees. You are also verifying the accuracy of your billing statement. You will be given a sign in code and should make sure that both parents have the code to sign in and out. We recognize that when using car line or the school busses, it’s not possible to sign in, in these cases, we will sign in for you, BUT it is absolutely imperative that the parent, guardian or person taking the child home sign out at the end of the day. Failure to do so will result in the account being billed until 5:30PM. It is equally important that you sign your child IN when dropping them off, failure to do so will result in billing starting at 7:00AM. Exemptions to this are students arriving via bus, not accompanied by a parent or guardian. 24 hour notice: For Good Shepherd to provide you with continued care and maintain appropriate staffing levels daily the Parents must inform the school by 10:00 a.m. on the business day before they wish to use the program or make a change to the already submitted schedule. If you have submitted a schedule that says you will use the program “as needed”. It will be assumed that your child is NOT attending unless you have let us know that the child is coming by 10:00 a.m. on the business day before. Failure to follow this policy will result in your need to find alternative care or being charged for time not in attendance. If you have provided a schedule you must let us know of any changes to that schedule by 10:00 a.m. the business day before. If the school is not informed via phone or e-mail to the Preschool Office, then the change will not be accommodated. PLEASE NOTE: The only acceptable forms of communication for scheduling of extended care are a phone call to the office at 483-6454 (you may leave a message) or e-mail to Missy Aerts at: maerts@fwgoodshepherd.org. Messages through the teachers at pick up and drop off are not able to be accommodated. Billing: Extended care will use a weekly billing cycle. Your bill will be sent via e-mail, weekly and will be due upon receipt. All bills will be considered late if not paid within 14 days and be assessed a late fee of $25.00. Anyone who has an account that is 30 days in arrears will not be allowed to use the program and jeopardize their spot in the program unless the account is brought current. Persons who are behind in tuition or extended care fees will not be allowed to: *Register in February for the next school year. *Participate in the Summer Extended care program if behind in the school year tuition *Return to school in the fall if not current with Summer Extended care fees. Parent Handbook 24 Fees: Extended Care requires a registration fee of $40.00 for use of Sept.-May and a $10.00 registration fee for summer use, June-August. The hourly rate is $4.00 per hour with a minimum charge of $4.00. All fees are subject to change. Late Pick-Up: Our extended care closes at 5:30PM; all children must be ready to go and picked up by 5:30. A late fee of $5.00 per min. will be charged for late pick-up past 5:30. This will be strictly enforced. NAPPING Napping arrangement will be made available for all children 2-3 and for older children upon the parent’s request. All napping children will be provided with; 1. A clean cot –a minimum of 3 feet will be between cots 2. A pillow and blanket- may be brought from home- will be washed weekly if child is well- daily if child has a cold or gets sent home sick. 3. A warm well ventilated room 4. Soft music will be played 5. Teacher within sight and sound at all times and in appropriate child/teacher ratio. Snacks Children in the extended care will be provided a snack by the preschool during the morning session and one during the afternoon session. Elementary age children will be provided an afternoon snack shortly after arrival from school. WE TRANPORT Because of the close proximity of Glenwood Park, we will escort your child from school to church or from church to school walking. We will use proper crossing guard procedures and no matter what the weather, we will walk. It is the parent’s responsibility to insure that their children are properly dressed to walk from Glenwood to Church. BUSSES Some children arrive at school by bus. Parents need to provide the bus number to the school. The school bus drivers do not leave the children until a staff member is there to take them from the bus. Once we know the bus schedules, we will be waiting at the appropriate time for your child to arrive and we will receive them from the bus. Equally, if your child is being transported from Good Shepherd to school via bus, we will help them get onto the bus at the appropriate time. It is the parent’s responsibility to work with the school transportation system to insure that a bus schedule is set up and that Good Shepherd is your child’s bus stop. If your child does not attend public school on any particular day please call us and let us know that they will not be arriving here via bus. We get concerned when a child does not make it off a bus that we are expecting them from. Parent Handbook 25 Summer Extended Care A summer fun opportunity for children age 2 (by Aug1) through 5 th grade. Children of these ages will enjoy stories, songs, crafts, and outdoor fun as well as water play. Sign up for one day or as many days as you like. The times are Mon.-Fri., 7-5:30 or any part of the day. Parents should plan to send a lunch during the summer months. This is much more than a day camp; it’s a solution to summertime boredom for children. This program is designed to give parents some free time while their children enjoy supervised age-appropriate activities in a Christian environment. Registration information is sent home in early spring. All children are welcome -- Good Shepherd students and friends. All fees from the school year must be paid in full before your child can participate in the summer program. The summer program requires a separate registration fee AND a summer schedule. You are able to take advantage of the “as needed” portion by providing notice by 10:00 a.m. the business day before of your need or intent to use the program or to let us know of schedule changes. Medications and Special Medical Procedures a. Medications must be labeled with the child’s first and last name, name of clinician, expiration date, and manufacturer’s instructions or the original prescription label and the details the name and strength of the medications as well as directions on administering and storing. b. Medications will only be administered with the written permission of the parent or legal guardian and as prescribed or as recommended in writing by a physician. A standing order from a licensed health care provider must be on file for over-the-counter medications with detailed instructions of specific circumstances and dosing information. c. Only the Director or Assistant Directors will administer medications and only if the above criteria is met. d. All medications will be kept in a locked container. e. Parents will keep on file any persons, in addition to emergency contact; the Preschool is allowed to speak with about their child’s health and/or medical conditions. The emergency contact, on the emergency card, is considered by the preschool, to have permission to speak with the staff about the child’s health and/or medical conditions in an emergency. f. In minor situations such as diaper rash, itchy spots or a rash, with parent’s permission and direction and if the director is comfortable with the situation, we would be willing to apply cream or Benadryl again with permission and verbal direction only Parent Handbook 26 Food Guidelines for Extended Care From September-May Lunches will be provided by Good Shepherd Preschool and will follow the state guidelines. Lunch costs are included in extended care fees and no discount is provided if you choose to send your child’s lunch. All lunches served from Good Shepherd will meet state guidelines. Lunches Brought from Home 1. Must be in a container labeled with the child’s name and date. 2. The temperature of lunches should be no higher than 41 degrees. Extended care staff will measure and record the temperature of each child’s lunch. If your child’s lunch is too warm it will not be served. 3. Lunches should contain 4-6 oz of 2% milk, 1 1/2 oz. lean protein, fruit, and a vegetable. 100% fruit juices will not be served until milk has been drank. Any juice that is not 100% fruit juice will not be served. Water will be served after milk has been drunk if an additional drink is needed. No pop or sugary drinks will be served if sent they will be sent home. A. Children must be provided milk at each meal. If you don’t send milk for your child the preschool will provide it. B. Children with milk allergies must provide a physician approved milk substitute. 4. Lunches from home will be stored in the preschool refrigerator. 5. Children will not be allowed to eat sugary snack foods or chips before they have eaten their healthy foods. 6. Teachers will sit and eat with the children and engage them in conversation during lunch and snack times. 7. Lunch and snack menus will be posted outside the extended care door for parents. Snacks will be provided at 9:30 AM and 2:30 PM. Lunch will be at 12:00. Children should have breakfast before arriving at school. Children arriving at 7:00 with breakfast will be allowed to eat their breakfast. Parent Handbook 27 In case of emergency: Illness, serious injury, or death of a teacher- In case of a serious illness or injury of a teacher parents will be informed at the point of drop off or through a note home. If the teacher will be out for an extended period of time parents will be informed in a letter home or an e-mail. If a teacher should die parents will be notified by a phone call as quickly as possible. Emergency evacuation- if the preschool must evacuate for any reason; fire, flood, tornado, or extended loss of power the children and staff will evacuate to Lane Middle School located on the Northwest corner of Vance and Reed. Children will walk across the street accompanied by teachers and Church staff. Parents will be notified by phone that their child has been evacuated to Lane. Carline procedures will be followed at door #8 the canopy door in Lane’s parking lot. Fire drills are conducted monthly. Every child will participate in the fire drill. Children will evacuate the building following their teacher to the designated assembly place. Teachers will carry the student emergency cards during the evacuation. Primary and secondary evacuation routes are post in each classroom. Tornado drills are conducted yearly. Locations for tornado shelters are posted in each classroom. During a tornado warning children will be escorted to the appropriate shelter area and will remain there until the national weather service has removed the warning. Tornado shelters will be used during severe weather and extreme high winds. If there is a tornado warning in effect during car-line time students will remain in the tornado shelter. Parents will be allowed to come into the school and take their child from the tornado shelter. Parents will be informed by taking their child they will be assuming the liability for the safety of their child. Parents need to have a back-up care plan in the event of their child’s illness or the Preschool’s inability to care for children. Tobacco, Alcohol, and Illegal substances policy Good Shepherd United Methodist Church is a nonsmoking facility. Smoking is not permitted at any time. The use or possession of alcohol and illegal substances and the use of toxic substances for anything other than the intended use is prohibited on Church property at all times. Weapons of any kind are not permitted on Church property. Illegal activity of any kind on Church property is prohibited. Parent Handbook 28 Good Shepherd Preschool and Extended Care 2014-15 16- Teacher Retreat AUGUST 2014 S M T W Th 19- Parent Orientation Meeting 20- Staff Meeting 5:30PM 21-22- Teacher set-up days 25-26- Meet the Teacher 5th- Lego Movie Night 25th and 26th- Fall Pictures 15th and 16th- Grandparent’s Day 17th- Fall Break 27th and 28th-Parent Teacher Conf. 31st- Halloween 25-26 Thanksgiving Feast 27-28 Thanksgiving Break F S S M T W Th F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17- Father’s Night 6:00-7:30PM 31 1st. Labor Day, Closed 2nd and 3rd- First Days of School 12-13 Valentine’s Day Celeb. FEBRUARY 2015 SEPTEMBER 2014 S MARCH 2015 M T W Th F S S M T W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 29 30 31 OCTOBER 2014 S M T APRIL 2015 W Th F S 1 2 3 4 S M T W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 S M NOVEMBER 2014 S M T W Th F 3-4 Spring Pictures 24- Mother’s Night 6:007:30PM 27 Professional Development/Make-up Day 3 5 6-7- Good Friday, Closed Easter Sunday Make-Up days 10- Professional Devlp. State Conf. 23-24 Riser Practice 26- Spring Program/Art Show MAY 2015 S T W Th 1 F S 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 F S 30 22-Jan 2 Christmas Break Spirit Month, End of the week will hold special theme days. 22 25 26 Last day of School Memorial Day Clean up Day 31 DECEMBER 2014 M T W Th F JUNE 2015 15-16 Riser Practice S S S M T W Th 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 18-19- Christmas Programs 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 28 29 30 Preschool Closed, Extended Care Open Entire School Closed Special Event Staff Event 1 New Year’s Day JANUARY 2015 S 19 M T W M.L. King Day 29-30- PT Conf. Parent Handbook 3- No Extended Care JULY 2015 Th F S 1 2 3 S M T W Th F S 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 31 29