SKELETAL OUTLINE FOR 5 PARAGRAPH ESSAY PRE-WRITING This is a skeletal outline—it does not include all the CMs (commentary) that will be required in your essay. This should be used for pre-writing (brainstorming) only. Copy down the essay prompt and build your outline from it. Essay prompt: What is the effect of change? Using the plot and characters from Things Fall Apart and your knowledge of imperialism, evaluate the effects of change during the 19th century. Thesis: Statement of Organization (3 topics for body paragraphs): Topic sentence for 1st body paragraph: Concrete Detail #1 from TFA: Concrete Detail #2 from a historical source: Topic sentence for 2nd body paragraph: Concrete detail #1 from TFA: Concrete detail #2 from a historical source: Topic sentence for 3rd body paragraph: Concrete detail #1 from TFA: Concrete detail #2 from a historical source: Conclusion: